Fake It For Me (Rewriting)

By Paranilla

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(Undergoing another rewrite [even the rewrite is. Going to try and publish this]) What would you do if someon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

330 11 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 2

“So, how was your day yesterday sweetie?” my mom asked me as I walked by her. “We are so sorry for making you rush to the airport yesterday only to leave you guys empty handed. We just thought you would want some alone time.”

“It’s okay mom,” I muttered out and I opened the refrigerator. “Do we have anything worth eating in this house that isn’t a snack?”

Lindsey laughed. “Sorry, we hardly have anything. Jake hasn’t done the shopping for us yet since he has been busy getting mom and dad settled back into their rooms. I have no idea why mom had to take a bunch of clothes with her for a short business meeting.”

“We all know I have to be dressed to fit in with the younger people of today,” mom stated. “Anyways, can someone answer my question about how you two were yesterday? I feel like I’m being left out of the loop. Someone please keep me in the loop.”

“We had a good time yesterday,” I said and I sat down. “Lindsey, can you hand me something to eat out of the bag? I don’t care what it is at this point. I’m starving.”

Lindsey handed me a bag of chips and I took it. “I think those are sour cream and onion chips,” she told me and she turned on the TV. “Okay, I’ll turn on the celebrity news station. It’s called Star Power and it’s just up and running. I know neither one of you know it so I just have to show it to you!”

Lindsey found the channel and I opened my bag of chips. Oh, I know you want me chips. You’re looking at me with you invisible chip eyes. You’re just begging for me to devour you and turn you into waste products.

“Yesterday, international pop star Jason Chae was spotted with a girl at the airport. When fans confronted him about it, Jason explained that it was his girlfriend he hasn’t seen in awhile. He says they barely see each other and he won’t give out her name or where she lives in order to provide her with privacy,” a blond haired lady said, snapping me out of my fantasy. My eyes fell on the TV monitor and I gasped.

“Lindsey!” I shouted and I smacked Lindsey’s arm. “That’s me in the picture!”

“I know,” Lindsey replied in complete shock.

“When did you start dating sweetie?” my mom asked and I groaned. “What? Why didn’t you tell me? I’m your mother and I should know these things.”

“Mom, I’m not dating anyone! I just tripped and fell into his arms,” I said and I looked over at my mom. “Besides, I didn’t even know who he was. I just knew his first name thanks to his fans shouting it out loud and asking why he was holding onto me.”

I looked at Lindsey and she turned off the TV. “Well, you’re now dating a world famous pop star. What kind of luck do you have in order to have that happen to you?”

“I didn’t do anything. We ran into him! I just thought he was just some guy but I guess he isn’t. Mom, I want you to find a lawyer so I can get ready to file a lawsuit against him. I am not going to let him destroy my life with some stupid lies about me being his girlfriend.”

“So you’re not dating him?”

“Mom!” I groaned.

“Sorry, I won’t ask again sweetheart. I will go and look for a good lawyer now. I wouldn’t want this guy causing trouble for us. I don’t care if he is some world famous idol,” my mom said and she pulled out her cell phone.

“Lindsey, I’m going to get on the iPad. I need to see what in the world has been going on after I left that airport.”

“Take me with you!”

I stood up and dropped my bag of chips. Sorry, but I’ll have to eat you soon chips. Right now I need to do research on my enemy and figure out why he is spreading rumors about me and him dating. I would never date a pop star. I prefer my single life style as it is right now.

I opened my room door and picked up my iPad. I typed in Jason Chae into the search engine and a few articles showed up about him and me at the airport. I looked myself over in the picture and I gasped. Do I seriously look like that?

“Wow, I never thought I looked like that,” I mumbled out and I clicked on one of the articles.

Jason Chae arrived in Los Angeles, California, yesterday evening at LAX airport after a plane ride all the way from South Korea after a long month of touring. Jason arrived in LA in order to start working on his new album that will be released worldwide and in his native language and to begin his international career officially. What wasn’t expected was him to be meeting up with his long time girlfriend and giving her a huge hug. Jason’s fans weren’t too thrilled about his girlfriend’s sudden appearance.

“I didn’t want anyone to know about her because that would cause issues for her and her family. She isn’t a big star so I guess you can guess why I wouldn’t mention her,” Jason said to a reporter with a serious look on his face. “I haven’t even told my parents about her since I was afraid of how they would feel about me having a girlfriend while touring. However, this won’t ruin my career at all since she [his girlfriend] understands that I need to have my career and that she needs our privacy. I will be meeting up with her later though to explain how to deal with this new situation I have created for us.”

As Jason came out about his girlfriend, you could see the disappointed looks on his fan’s faces. Jason has been single ever since he started out in the industry but he is now ready to take on the world with a new outlook and with his girlfriend. The Jason Chae to come will be a surprising new side with an all new outlook on life.

“Apparently I have been dating Jason Chae for a while now. I wonder when I said yes to date him.” I placed the iPad down and looked at Lindsey. “What do I do know Lindsey? I can’t just run up to him and smack him in his face. He is rich and famous so he can have me tossed into jail within five seconds of snapping his fingers.”

“The only thing we can do is just find him and ask him to tell the truth about this. He can’t pretend you’re still with him if no one sees you. He is going to try and find you in order to tell you to walk around with him and play pretend with him. I advise you to track him down and just make him give it up.”

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably the only thing we can do right now besides sue him for trying to ruin my character. Actually, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.”

“We have a huge chance of winning since you never said you were dating him. He is the one who said he was dating you, so we can actually sue him and win. So, should we start tracking this guy down?”

“Yes, we should track him down.”

“Hey,” a voice said from behind us and I turned to see dad. “When did you start dating Jason Chae? I never heard you speak about him.”

“I’m not dating him!” I shouted and I sighed. “Dad, just go and watch some football or something. I need to do some things.”

“Okay, whatever dear,” he said and he left.

I looked at Lindsey. “Can you help me find something suitable to wear to meet up with Jason? I think we can easily figure out which hotel he is staying at because I’m his ‘girlfriend’ now and his fans will post it up on the internet so other fans of his can go and find him.”

“Sure, I can do that and I know exactly where his is at right now,” Lindsey told me with a smile. “He is at the Hotel Bel-Air Los Angeles. You can just ask what room and tell them who you are to him and they will give you the key but we can’t just go leaving you look like a no one. You have to look like someone he would date.”

“Okay, let’s just get this over with.”


“Wow, I look amazing!” I exclaimed as I looked into the bathroom mirror. “You gave me highlights and you did my hair and makeup nicely!”

“Also, you’re outfit is the one from yesterday along with all the jewelry. Now you’re ready to go and see your boyfriend Jason,” Lindsey said with a huge grin plastered onto her face. “Should I go with you so you’re not there alone with him?”

“Sure, you can go with me.”

Lindsey clapped her hands together. “Great! Here is your purse and we should go now before he leaves the hotel for something. It’s important that you talk to him now.”

I took my purse from her and slid on my shoes. I looked at Lindsey and she nodded her head with approval. Well, I am ready to take on the world and Jason.

We left the house in a hurry and I looked at my cell phone as Lindsey drove. “And we just go down here,” I told her and she did as I said. “So…”


“What am I supposed to say to him?” I asked. I have no idea what I should say to this crazy liar who probably has no actual personality when he isn’t singing.

“You just say, ‘Hey, I’m your girlfriend and I want you to tell the world that we’re not actually together like you say we are’ and then you can just slap him across his face if he says he won’t tell the truth,” Lindsey answered. “You have to be brave when you do this Amy. It’s a big milestone in your life now.”

“I don’t know if I can. He has tons of money.”

“Yeah but tons of money doesn’t mean he should get away with tricking people with his pathetic lies!”

“I know, you’re right,” I muttered out. “I am just second guessing things. I don’t know why I am but it’s probably because I never really dated you know?”

“No, I don’t know and we’re here so let’s get out and get into the hotel,” Lindsey said unbuckling her seatbelt. “Are you just going to sit in here all day?”

I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car slowly. I looked around the parking lot and hundreds of cars were in it. Great! He just had to pick a very expensive hotel with a huge parking lot.

I closed the door and winced in pain as I moved my feet. Okay, I need to remember not to get some huge high heels. They hurt like heck and they make my feet feel like they are being torture by a demon.

Lindsey handed me a pair of sunglasses. “You might want to put those on so the paparazzi over there don’t really notice you,” she suggested and I gently took them from her and put them on. “Now we can probably head in there without them causing a ruckus over you. You should really see yourself right now. You really look like some big shot from Hollywood.”

“I doubt it,” I mumbled out. “I actually lack the beauty factor.”

“No one in Hollywood is very beautiful. Most of them just wear layers and layers of makeup. You don’t have to wear five billion layers of makeup to look good. You have a natural beauty that they don’t have,” Lindsey told me and we began walking towards the hotel.

“So, do you want to stay in the lobby or go in to his room with me?”

“I’ll go to the room with you. It’ll make things go a lot smoother.”


We got inside the hotel without the paparazzi noticing me and I walked up to the lady at the receptionist table. I placed my hands on it and looked at the lady softly. She looked up at me and I pulled off my sunglasses so she could see my face better.

“Can I help you?” she asked me in a cheerless tone.

“I am here to see my boyfriend Jason Chae,” I whispered to her and she looked at me as if I’m so crazy person. “I was the one at the airport and I can prove that I am if you like.”

“Hold on,” she told me and she picked up the phone and dialed a number. “Hello, Mr. Chae? I’m calling because a lady is claiming that she is your girlfriend.” She looked at me and pulled the phone away from her ear. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Amy Chambers,” I stated and she went back to the phone.

“Her name is Amy Chambers. Is she wearing a heart shaped ring? Let me see. Yes, she is wearing a heart shaped ring,” the lady told Jason. “Okay, I will send her up now.” She placed down the phone and looked at me. “You can go up. His room is room is number twenty-four and it will be on the second floor. He will open the door for you once you arrive. Please enjoy your time here at the Bel-Air Los Angeles Hotel.”

I nodded and thanked her. I turned to Lindsey and motioned over to the elevators. I hate elevators but sometimes I have to get on them because the universe wants me to get on them.

“That lady seemed like a dead zombie,” Lindsey told me as we got on the elevator. “What kind of receptionist has to speak like a dead person? Come on, I know you hate your job but can’t you just fake some happiness for crying out loud!”

“It’s okay Lindsey. I would be speaking like that too if I had to deal with having Jason Chae at a hotel. Anyways, we’re going to floor two and to room twenty-four.”

Lindsey pressed the second floor button and the elevator door closed. I felt a slight movement and I touched my head. Elevators make me feel lightheaded and dizzy.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out first. “Which way do we want to walk?”

“Let’s take a right first.”

We turned right and walked down a few doors until we noticed Jason’s room door. I knocked on it and it opened within seconds. I saw Jason standing there with a shocked expression on his face.

“You actually came here to find me?” he asked in a hushed voice and I nodded. “Okay, come in but keep it down. I don’t want anyone listening in on our conversation. It’s quite common for people to listen in on them when I’m in a hotel since some people book rooms to be right by me. I am one step ahead of them though because I book the other rooms around me just to make sure I don’t have any problems when I’m here.”

“I’m not here to talk about hotel rooms.” I entered the room and looked around. “This is an impressive room. Now I don’t mind talking about them.”

“You change your mind easily,” he told me and he closed the door once Lindsey walked in. “Who are you?”

Lindsey pointed to herself and he nodded. “My name is Lindsey Chamber’s and I’m the sister of your ‘girlfriend’, Jason.”

“Oh, well…” He looked over at me. “I’m really sorry about claiming that about you. I just freaked out a little bit and I had a bunch of things in my mind because of personal issues so I just went with that little lie. I hope that you’re not mad about it.”

“You don’t hope that? I am upset about it because we’re not dating and now most of you fans want me dead!” I shouted and he looked down. I took a deep breath and looked away from him. “I’m sorry for shouting at you. That was rude of me and I promise not to shout at you as long as you give me a few reasons why I shouldn’t have to sue your butt over this.”

“You want to sue me?” Jason asked in slight shock. “No, please don’t sue me! I will try to sway you and maybe you’ll think about wanting to stay in this fake relationship with me.” He ran a hand through is dark hair and licked his lips. “Just hear me out, please.”

“Okay, I’ll hear you out but make this some good stuff.”

“It better be really good,” Lindsey added.

Jason nodded and he looked me in the eyes. “I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend because I don’t want to ruin my career by telling my fans I lied to them. They would see me as a huge liar and that I shouldn’t be trusted at all. I have an offer to make you if you’re ready to make a deal. If you’re not ready to make a deal, please just think about it for a few days.”


“Okay, the first thing I’m offering is that you play along with me and pretend to be my girlfriend until I have everything settle and the second thing is that you can sue me and take your chances in court,” Jason told me. “If you take me to court, I will just hire the best lawyers and they will dig up something about you in order to make you lose. I don’t like playing dirty but I will do anything to save my reputation. It’s pretty much all I have right now besides my fans and career.”

“You’re really serious about this aren’t you?” I crossed my arms and laughed. “I didn’t think you would be so serious about having me as your ‘girlfriend’ but I can see why you sort of do. You seem like you’re really desperate for this Jason Chae, you really do.”

“That’s because I actually am very desperate for this. I can’t tell you why I am because it’s just very personal but maybe I’ll tell you eventually but for now just understand I need you to do this. I will give you whatever you want.”

“There is nothing I want more than having you tell the truth about all of this.”

“That’s a lie.”

“Amy actually has something she really wants but no one ever got it for her,” Lindsey told him. “I’m sorry Amy but we have to at least think about what he can offer you.”

I sighed. “Fine, tell him what I want.”

“Okay, so when Amy was little she saw this doll at some store my parents went to. It was some sort of princess doll or maybe it wasn’t a princess doll. The doll had silky clothes, long dark hair, and a cute outfit but our parents couldn’t afford it at the time. Now it’s not sold anymore and no one knows where to get it unless they track it down to some sellers who sell it for big bucks.”

Jason nodded his head. “I can give you that doll once I find it. I swear I will find it and give it to you as long as you go along with what I want you to do.”

“I don’t want that stupid doll,” I laughed out. Of course I want that stupid doll!

“Please just consider it,” he said. “It’s not like I’m asking you to die for me. I’m just asking for a little game of pretend for now. I’ll take you on some dates to make it look real, buy you some gifts, and maybe sing you and song or two.”

“You really will do that?”

“I’ll do anything just for you to pretend along with this. I did drag you into this mess.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. What do I do about this? Should I go along with his plan and just ‘date’ him?

“I don’t know yet,” I told him. “Can I have a few days to think about it.”

He nodded. “Absolutely! I don’t want to rush you into this but please know that I’m offering you what you want. I can afford that doll and I will get it for you. I promise you that.”

“Well, can I have your number? You know, just in case I want to call you maybe.”

He pulled out a piece of tissue from his pocket. “I haven’t used this yet so I will just write it on here,” he told me as he pulled out a sharpie from his other pocket and he wrote down his number. “I hope to hear from you soon.”

“You might hear from me and you might not. Don’t assume that I’ll say yes just because you’re offering something I don’t really want anymore.” I grabbed the piece of tissue from him gently so it wouldn’t rip. Wait. Why do I care about a stupid piece of tissue with his number on it?

“I won’t.”


I looked at Lindsey. “Well, we got what we need so we should go.”

“Wait!” Jason shouted and he pulled out something. “Have this.”

He handed me a charm bracelet and I looked down at it. “Why?” I asked in confusion.

“Just so you start having gifts from me. Even if you don’t pick ‘dating’ me, I will still give you gifts to make up for it all,” he answered with a smile.

I nodded. “Thanks…”

A/n: Well, this is the second chapter! What will she say? Well, we all know what the answer will be. Do you think Jason will find her dream doll? Or will he fail? Feel free to follow me, message me, add this to your library, and comment on it. If you want to leave feedback, ask first so I know about it just in case you’re really harsh. I’m trying to branch out with my writing so if anyone is good at romantic humor stories, feel free to help me. Thanks and I hope you are enjoying this so far. I know two chapters aren’t enough to make a judgment off of unless they’re really bad but I am hoping this story improves as I write it. Thanks again! <3

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