Kiss from a Rose - Eren x fem...

By -_BreezyChan_-

10.3K 152 19


1 - those eyes....that hair...
3 - it's a date!
4 - narcolepsy
5 - don't you drown on me!!
6 - she came in like a superhero

2 - umm... Okay?

1.7K 25 2
By -_BreezyChan_-

Eren woke up when he heard his alarm clock bark at him. He opened his eyes, almost forgetting what he promised to do. He promised himself to ask the pretty lady known as Levi, out on a date.
He shot up and jumped off the bed, scaring the shit out of his roommate, Armin. "Jeez Eren....How many times do I have to tell are not a fucking ninja, so stop acting like one!" He yelled, a little disgruntled. "Sorry bud... It's just, I'm gonna ask HER on a date today and I'm really excited, but, nervous..." He slumped his shoulders down and sighed. "Don't worry Eren, you'll do fine, you're a nice guy okay?" "Thanks, that helped a lot Armin...."

~time skip~

He arrived at the university gates and gulped down the lump in his throat. He stepped through the gates, feeling a mixture of feelings. Eren heard Levi has a friend who is willing to help. He walked to where she said she'd be. He saw a girl with brown hair and glasses. "That must be Hanji...." He thought. Eren approached her and she grinned a huge grin. "You must be Eren!!!! I'm Hanji!!!! Levi's best friend!!" She squealed. "She's crazy.... God....." He thought. "I was speaking to Levi and I think she totally likes you! She thinks you're cute! But she's too tsundere to admit it!" Eren blushed. "Y-you think so?" He stuttered. "Totally!!" She replied. "When can I catch her?" He asked the fangirl. "You can meet her at the coffee shop called "Maria's Café" okay?" She asked him excitedly. "S-sure! That sounds g-great! Thanks!" He waved the girl goodbye. "Don't worry! I won't tell!" She giggled.

~time skip~

Levi heard a 'ping' noise. It was Hanji.
Hanji: Meet me a Maria's Café, okay?
Levi: okay, sweet, see you there..
She then turned off her phone and left the computer programming lecture early. The teacher was a bore anyway, he only drones on using a textbook on computer programming for dummies. What?
Anyways, she ran out and got in her car, driving away to Maria Café.
When she got there, she sat down at a table for two alone, assuming that Hanji was just late. Ten minutes passed until she got a message from Hanji.
Hanji: hey, I can't come, I'm throwing up my guts, I'm really sorry but there is someone there to take my place. His name begins with an 'E' 😏
Levi looked around and...
Levi: U lil shit.....
Hanji: 😜
It was Eren.
He caught a glimpse of her and waved. He walked over and looked at the 160cm girl. She blushed and looked into her tea. "Hey, can I sit here, I wanna ask you something." Eren asked. "S-sure..." She stuttered. She had never stuttered in her whole life! He slid into the chair across from Levi. He looked at her beautiful onyx eyes and her sleek, black hair. She was stunning. Even her almost permanent scowl didn't stop him from blushing and smiling goofily. "Hey, um, Levi?" He asked. "Hmm?" She replied nonchalantly. "WillYouGoOnADateWithMe?" He said quickly. "What?" She almost chuckled at his sillyness. "Slow down brat, I can't hear you properly." He sighed and repeated. "Will you go on a date with me?" She blushed and thought. "Yeah, okay, when?" She asked. "Tomorrow?" "Tomorrow sounds good, what time?" "Six...or seven! Which ever sounds good!" He stammered. She held back chuckles and replied with "six sounds great..." He got up and said while walking out backwards. "Six..okay that sounds- OWW!!" He yelled. He hit his head on the low hanging door. She stifled laughs and tried to keep a straight face, but let a smirk escape her lips. She shoved a pice of paper into his hand and left. He smiled, rubbing his head. "Fantastic..." He murmured.

~time skip~

Eren smiled at the piece of paper. "So....." Armin asked. "How'd it go?" "It went amazing...." He sighed. He changed into bed clothes and slipped into bed, thinking about Levi.

A/N: hey! It's miki!! What'd you think? Eren? Levi? Let me know! I got the 'computer programming for dummies' from a story my dad told me about his IT professor... Word. For. Word. Literally!! XD LOL!

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