My Slave [Demonstuck DirkJake...

By DirkJakelover

31.5K 796 571

This story is done and I mean not completed, I mean I'm done with it. I made a remake of it so please go chec... More

Chapter One: Oh Fuck
Chapter 3:The Neverending Dance of Darkness
Chapter 4: The Hurting (dead) Heart
Chapter 5: The Hunter is Being Hunted
Chapter 6: For Those Who Seek Comfort...
Can I Get Uhh, Explanation? ((wowza, yet another author's note, who knew??))

Chapter 7:About Time (punintended)

3.5K 100 58
By DirkJakelover

A/N: Hey there guys! Sorry about the wait but here ya go you filthy animals ;) ((haha, jk, I love you all <3)) I'm honestly surprised with all the reads this has gotten like wowie!! 4k! This chapter is davejohn because I promised a few people I would add it so if you don't particularly like this pairing, dont read it! The next chapter will be dirkjake though, I promise! I'll try to make these next couple of chapters longer because I went hussie on you guys and left this for a few months. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!! Stay perfect! <3

.:Dave's POV:.
You're name is Dave Strider, a demon now currently in the hold of three hunters because apparently some shit went down with Jake. Not that you cared. You honestly found this war between the eight of you fucking retarded. It was a waste of time, and you had all the time of the world. Pitiful, right? Anyways, you didn't seem to be the only one who agreed because lately the past few days you've been chatting up a storm with a cute dark haired brunette named John Egbert. Oh boy, he was quiet the dork. When he came in here, he usually untied you now since you both had a truce. It wasn't written in stone, and no, you didn't make a blood pact with him. You honestly found those stupid unless you needed to convince the person or manipulate them into your idea.

You glanced up at the clock on the wall, mumbling the digits "eleven...errr..fifty five?" It was dark in the room, even if you were a demon. Sure, you could see in the dark but only a bit more than humans. It wasn't like fucking sunshine, not a single cloud in the sky that you can get a puppy from a lump of compressed precipitation. Not the point anyways, it was past the time John was supposed to be here. That's what worried you. He was usually here to let you free from these annoying shackles connected to this pole a couple hours ago. You did just wake up from a full day of sleep though merely less than an hour ago. You only woke up because the need for some blood awoke you.

"Egbert, what the hell is taking you so long?" You muttered under your breath, slumping against the pole with a heavy sigh. Jane was defiantly not going to let you go. She despised your kind and now hated it even more because your brother, Dirk, had Jake in his grasp. That motherfucker. You knew that plan was a bad idea but he wouldn't listen to you. He had an obsession with Jake..which you found creepy..and very unhealthy. But that asshole wasn't your concern at the moment. You're own little dork wasn't here and it was making you freak out. Not only was he the only one who cared about your health, but he was actually a pretty fun person to chat up a storm with. At first he was a bit upset, his cousin being taken away and all by your brother didn't really help, ya know? After chatting with him a bit, you two seemed to get along quite nicely to the point were he trusted you and you trusted him. No spooky stuff needed.

So here you sat, pondering on all the possibilities that happened to John. If he got taken too then Dirk was just a greedy bastard to satisfy himself. Maybe Jake wasn't as much as a pushover as the older deemed. He always nagged to you how he was going to easily win over Jake but you just knew he had to use his powers to even get a simple kiss on the cheek for him. You couldn't help but chuckle softly at imagining him trying to lay one on Jake but Jake just full on slaps him. Defiant magic was needed for that one. You considered yourself lucky getting the better one..although he was simply just a good friend so far. You did tease him quite a bit which got him into a flustered mess of awkwardness which you adored. Now you could nag to Dirk on how you actually made John fall for you. Hell fucking yes.

You were snapped out of your thoughts from the door hinges creaking loudly, even causing you to wince. Jesus, they needed to get that fixed up pronto. You were sure it would make dogs from miles away whine in pain. You looked up towards the door with a small grin, about to tease the shorty wasn't him. It was Jane. Welp, you're fucked. She looked fucking pissed too. She might be a demon in a humans body for all you know. Sneaky bastard of a woman. She was pretty hot though you must admit being a pansexual of course those thoughts crossed your mind. You had your sights set on the short boy though, not the chubby shorter woman who was also pretty freaking cute. This family got it good in the gene pool. So not fair.

Oh, hello there hard smack to the right cheek, knocking off your shades. Always glad to see you around here.

"How DARE you?! You god damned monsters only know how to take not give!! Now it's two of us against five of you, maybe even six if y'all turned Jake into one of you freaks as well!!" Oh shit. Is that why John didn't come in? God dammit Dirk, gotta ruin all your fun.

"Okay, first of all, not even my fault here. Kinda can't do anything with my hands tied to the fucking pole. Second of all, ouch. You're not any better-" Que in another smack. You gave her a slight scowl in response, glaring straight up at her. "Rude. Now, I can get Jake and John back for you if you want-" Annnddd another one. Pe r f e ct. Thanks for that!

"It's not John!! He's upstairs balling his eyes out because they turned Jade into one of you!! We have no fucking clue if you bastards changed Jake either!!" Oh. Well, at least John was okay? Right?? Well..her face said otherwise. Maybe you could go escape and try to save them but Jane will defiantly not let you go.

"Let me see John." Is all you said which earned a glare and not a slap, but a harsh kick to your gut. Jesus fucking Christ. "P-please" You coughed out. You just needed to see him...if he even trusted you anymore that is.

"Why would I do that?! So you could only make him more upset?! Try to change him as well for your own perverted enjoyment?! No I will not allow such a thing to happen! Not again..and I can promise you that. You aren't ever allowed to see him again, ya here-" She was cut off by the door opening again by a puffy-eyed John, tears still streaming down his cheeks. You tried to go hug him but you were yanked back down by the chains, which caused you to hiss in pain.

"J-John? What are you doing here-" He gave her a small glare which caused her to shut up right away. She shot you a glare before walking out of there, slamming the door behind her a bit.

Well, hello awkward silence. You sat there, looking up at him as he stood there for a bit. He seemed hesitant to go over and unlock you but as soon as you did, you pulled him into a tight hug. He right away hugged you back, sobbing into your shoulder. If only you could laugh in Jane's face saying, I told you so, but you would hold on for that. Plus, you would rather not ruin the moment or earn another smack at the moment. Your right cheek was already on fire anyways.

"They took her Dave...Roxy and Rose..they took-" You put a simple index finger to his lips to silence him before kissing his forehead.

"I know..dude, I know. I can go get them for you. I am the closest one to Dirk I could probably convince him. I just need you to trust me. You know how stupid I find this whole thing so of course I would help out in any way possible." He tensed up a bit from your words, you knew he was scared. You could practically feel it radiating it off of him at this point.

"Will you leave me too?" Oh that was a heartache of a question. You know he's lost so much..of course you didn't want to leave him, but you didn't know how Dirk was going to react when you show up then want to leave again.

"No John, of course not." Lies. Empty lies.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Empty lies. All of it. You had no idea for sure if you were ever going to see John again. No fucking clue but you didn't want to break his heart even more. Good thing you didn't have a heart because it would be beating out of your chest and he would know you were lying to him. The one plus about being a demon. He nodded and relaxed a bit, allowing you to pull him onto your lap now as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. Just for now, you could enjoy this peacefulness in your fucked up lives. Well, if you count peaceful as holding your crus-bro while he sobs about his missing family members, then yes, that is peaceful. Kinda weird how that's "peaceful". Wow, your life is really fucked up. Isn't it?

Indeed it is.

.:John's POV:.
~we're going back in time for a little bit ;)~
((Also I randomly switched point of views by accident here whoops))

I was out on a mission when I heard a blood curdling scream from far off. It sounded all so familiar that it sent a shiver up my spine. Most people would run away from the noise, not wanting to be the next target. This is why being a hunter can be good and bad. You don't run from the noise, you go after it. So, here I was, sprinting off towards the direction of the noise. I just had a gut feeling something was wrong.

I turned down into an alleyway, panting softly for air until I saw two girls picking up...Jade?? Wait, no. That can't be Jade. She appeared different, her skin lost it's tan pigment and was now grey. She also had white dog ears and a tail to match. Shit, either those two chicks had some weird fetish or those two girls weren't human. I would go with the second guess, especially since I was hunter. I mean, it could also be a mix of both, but ya know, you never know? Right??

Oh dammit, I'm getting off track. I apparently was just standing there as those thoughts swarmed my head, not being undercover very well. They spotted me in a heart beat which caused one with bright neon pink eyes to grin.

"So you must be that Johnny boy Dave always talked about, hmm??" She let go of Jade, leaving the smaller one who looked similar to her, but had more of a bobbed hair cut that curved around her face. That one also had purple eyes as she huffed in irritation, obviously having a tough time keeping the taller Jade up.

Ohhellotheretallercreepierblondeonewhowaskindahot. I didn't ask for you to be right in my face but thanks anyways. Always nice to have a demon breathing in my face with a nasty grin.

"Sadly, I can't hurt ya like I did to yer cousin Jadey back there. I have orders from Dirky not to hurt anyone else without permission. Now, I also have orders to bring the new, transformed, Jadey back to the base. I hope I get to talk to you soon ya slightly taller Janey-look-alike." With that, she kissed my cheek and escaped with Jade. It took me a moment to process everything before I felt my heart shatter. I tried to chase after them, but they already took it to the skies. Dammit! How was I going to tell this to Jane?? Well fuck.

~Time skip again (sonotsorryIamheckalazyIknow)~

I bursted through our cabin's doors, tears trickling down my cheeks as I did so. Jane seemed to be alert from that, quickly running over to me and hugging me tightly. I hugged her back, sobbing as I tried to form words to tell her about Jade. Whenever I did though, pathetic whines and other noises of distress came spilling out of my mouth as I did so. She simple held me close, rubbing my back in concern.

"John, what happened? Where's Jade??" Oh god, I broke down more, my knees trembling as the threatened to buckle. She noticed luckily, bringing me over to the couch and setting me down. She held my hands, giving me a small smile. Her smile always could light up a room, making others smile all around her. This time..I couldn't bring myself to smile back which caught her attention. "They have her...don't they?" She said, barely a whisper. I simply nodded, looking down at my feet. I felt horrible that I didn't stick with her. Jade told me it would be best to split up to cover more ground...dammit. I should've stuck with her!

"They turned her..." I muttered under my breath as I felt her tense up, her grip on my hands tightening.

"...I see. Why don't you go up to your room and I'll be right there. I just need a moment to process this, alright?" I nodded as we hugged once more before I quickly went to my room, closing the door behind me and locking it. There, I slouched against the door and let it all out, grabbing a near by pillow and burying my face into it. I was just muffling the noise, not wanting Dave to hear. I knew he was all the way in he basement..but demons had hella good hearing. He called me a chainsaw last night when you walked in. Apparently I snore loudly at night time.

Speaking of Dave, I heard shouting from down stairs and loud smacking noises. Shit! I should've known that Jane would try to harm him!! Quickly, I throw my pillow back onto my bed and go downstairs. I don't want to have another extremely harmed person on my hands at the moment. I opened the door as she looked back at me, about to hit Dave again. His right cheek seemed to be extremely red at the moment too. Jane seemed to try and act innocent by asking why I was here, but I gave her a small glare to shush her up. She took the sign and quickly left me and Dave alone.

He seemed quiet for once..huh, odd. It seemed like he was awaiting for me to unlock his chains around his wrists and I did so. He pulled me into a tight hug afterwards that I quickly returned, letting it all out again as I sobbed into his shoulder. It was embarrassing felt really nice so I couldn't find a care to give about that. Right now, you just enjoyed the moment with him.
Damn, for being a cold hearted demon he actually felt pretty warm and very comfortable.

We talked here and there but after that, we just kinda stayed in each others arms. It was nice and Jane hasn't come back down yet luckily. It meant more time with him. I do love Jane, but Dave wasn't like the rest. Or at least, in my eyes. He was, different, in a good way though. Jane just thought all demons were evil and all acted the same which isn't true at all.

With a small sigh, I begin to feel my eyelids begin to droop closed. Why?? Well, crying this much really does make one tired. He seemed to notice because he gently rubbed my back, holding my head close to his chest. I noted that there was no heart beat to listen to.

"You can go ahead and go to sleep, John." He murmured softly, resting his chin on top of my head. I nuzzled more into his chest, laying out a bit as he lied down, still holding me close.

"Sounds like a plan.." With that followed by a small yawn, I started dozing off instantly. I swore I heard the words "I love you" from Dave right before I fell into a complete sleep. If he did well...

I love you too.

((Ahhhh sorry about the long wait you guys!! I was gone all weekend and finally got back. I looked this over and fixed it up for you guys! There was still probably spelling mistakes which I am so sorry about! Anyways, for those who I talked to I am so sorry for not responding! I left as soon as I got home from school Friday and I was exhausted by Sunday. I'll make sure to respond to you guys tomorrow or asap! Remember, requests, ideas and questions are available! Just leave a comment or message me! Have a nice day/night/morning!))

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