Dark Secrets

Oleh Skylinger

197K 5.9K 671

When tragedy strikes Tori and Lucas are reunited once again. It isn't long and Tori quickly finds herself sur... Lebih Banyak

Such a Shame
She was lost
Always read a document
Something's missing
He fought for you
This is unexpected
Weak with Grief
Friendly Sparring
This belongs to you
Suspects emerge
Maylene's Story
Choosing Enforcers
Do Your Research
Happy to Red
A Family Secret is Revealed 16
Viktor's Arrival Part 17
I knew Part 18
Yakov's Mistake Part 19
How to Choose Part 20
Time to Speak Part 21
How Far Does This Go? Part 22
Hesitantly Wondering Part 23
Enforcers Selected Part 24
A New Twist Part 25

Burning Complications

13K 286 15
Oleh Skylinger

Chapter 3

(Burning Complications)

Warner drove Karen’s white Chevy Suburban as they headed for the accident site. While Tori had volunteered to drive, everyone had protested against it. The blonde girl might have snapped out of her shocked state but she had no business driving to a potential crime scene involving her late husband.

“What the hell?” Justin said upon seeing billowing smoke.

Police cars were everywhere and traffic was at a halt. As the car moved a few more feet they quickly realized everyone was being turned around and the road had been closed. In the distance the vehicle occupants could see flames.

“The scene is being destroyed.” Tori said knowingly.

“Yeah and until the fire is put out we can’t get to the scene.” Warner agreed.

“White Wolf.” Tori said suddenly.

“You want to go to work?” Trevor questioned.

“No, but I think after being here we can all agree it’s odd River was out here.” Tori replied. “Maybe we can find a clue as to why at the office.”

“She’s right.” Ryker agreed. “You sure you want to go?” The dark haired body guard asked looking at the new widow. It wasn’t that he wanted to discourage her from finding the truth, it was just he knew she hadn’t been there since River’s death. The high prince’s enforcer was well aware there would be memories at the company she had helped rise with late husband.

“It might not be easy but…I have to.” The blonde woman glanced at Lucas. The blonde man gave her an encouraging nod of agreement.

“Alright.” Warner turned the vehicle around when the directing officer instructed him to and the group headed for White Wolf, with any luck they’d find some clues. Unlike a public roadway White Wolf belonged to the Marks.

They drove for a little while and then arrived at White Wolf to an unexpected scene. There was new asphalt on the parking lot.

“Did you…”

“No and we know you didn’t.” Warner said pulling out his cell phone.

Tori abruptly got out of the car and walked further into the property. “Casey!” she called seeing him.

The short curly blonde man turned to face her direction. “Tori!” he said, openly surprised to see her.

“Who ordered this?” Tori said not hiding her concern.

“Is it the wrong color?” He asked and swallowed uncomfortably.

“I didn’t order this.” Tori replied gesturing to the newly paved parking lot.

“What? Donna got an order from you for it.”

“No Casey. Is everything paved over?” She asked clearly unhappy.

“No they were just about to go over the side.”

Tori’s eyes widened. “We have to stop them!” The blonde woman instantly took off to stop the workers before they destroyed the scene where River’s car would normally be parked. Casey didn’t question it and ran along side of the newly widowed woman.

“Stop!” Tori yelled and ran out in front of the construction vehicles.

Instantly all the vehicles came to a halt. Each driver looking at the other confused. It was a mere second or two and the foreman came forward. “Is there a problem?”

“I didn’t order this.” Tori replied. “Nothing can be done to this parking lot at this time.”

“Tori what is…”

“River may have been murdered.” The blonde woman informed him.

Casey’s dark brown eyes widened. “Shit! I am so sorry Tori I got the order and…”

“It’s not your fault. This is the area I need to look at.” She replied. “Can you take care of this?”sh asked i nreference to the workers.

“Yeah, I got this. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” Tori nodded and leaving the construction crew in Casey’s hands she headed for where River’s car would have been parked.

Stopping she turned to see Casey was already ending any work for the crew. “Casey.” She watched as he looked her direction. “When you’re done I’d like to see a copy of the order.”

“I got it right here.”

“I’ll take it.” Warner told him. The blonde man didn’t argue and immediately handed it to the woman’s father. The two men gave a nod to each other and Casey went back to the workers.

Tori reached River’s parking spot and began looking it over. Warner, Justin, Ryker and Lucas quickly joined her in searching the area for any possible clues.

Tori looked at the order and blinked. It did look like it had come from her. Then she noticed one tiny flaw in the r in Marks. Her name had been forged. “Forgery.” Tori announced.

“What?” Trevor said and walked over to where she stood. He looked down at the sheet. “It looks like your writing.” The blonde man commented.

“Look at the r’s.” She replied. Trevor’s eyebrows rose as he instantly noticed the difference.

“Why the hell would…”

“Someone is trying to ensure all evidence is erased.” Justin said interrupting the late River’s brother. Looking at Tori he added, “Someone doesn’t want you knowing what really happened.”

“Isn’t what happened obvious now?” The blonde woman replied.

“That it was murder yes. Who did it, no.” Warner told his daughter.

“But we just figured it out.” Lucas reminded him.

“Someone may have been alerted when things were sent to you from the police station.” Warner replied.

“Shit!” Ryker swore. Looking at Lucas and Tori he said, “I didn’t think that…”

“Not your fault, you were trying to help.” She replied. “Let’s just see what we can find here.”

The group nodded and split up searching the entire area before heading inside.


Dark eyes watched as the group searched. He picked up his phone and listened as the phone rang a few times before someone picked up.

“Yes.” A masculine voice said.

“The accident scene is being destroyed as we speak but Tori stopped us from destroying the parking lot.”

“I see. Is there much of a chance of evidence linking us to the accident being found there?”

“No. This was just a precaution.”

“Vey well. Leave the area. If she’s searching she knows it wasn’t truly an accident as we expected she would. Ensure any evidence you can find is destroyed. Search her family’s home. Take no chances.”

“If they find out?”

“Tori is not to be harmed. I will see to it the Council is reminded of the agreement made when Tori left with River.”

“Hail to the King and Queen.” The caller said, looking through the windshield at Tori and Lucas.

“Yes. Lucas and Tori will be the rulers we need. It is unfortunate River had to be killed but it is for the benefit of all.”

“Will the council move quickly to ensure that…”

“The council was ready to give Tori to Lucas before. They were not pleased to release her to River. They will not hesitate in claiming the girl.”

“I’ll take care of any evidence.” He hung up the phone and starting the engine drove away.


“What’s this?” Justin asked finding a card on the ground.

Tori looked at it. “I don’t… oh wait that’s from the gun club he joined.” She replied finally recognizing it.

Justin nodded and started to hand it to her when he stopped. Looking at the back he saw a dried red stain. “I’m going to keep this and test it. Looks like it could be blood.” Tori frowned but nodded.

After not finding anything of use in the parking lot they headed inside to search River’s office. As much as none of them wanted to admit it, they were all beginning to feel frustrated. They weren’t finding anything of real substance. Certainly not a “smoking gun” as to who had killed River.

Hearing his phone Warner pulled it out. “Hello?” Warner’s eyes widened. “What?!” All eyes fell on the enforcer.


Warner turned on to his street and pulling off to the side of the road stared at what was left of his burning house. Everyone in the vehicle got out and looked at the barely there structure.

“Mr. Rhodes?” A policeman said as the group walked up. “It’s unknown as to…”

“We know.” Tori interrupted and looked at her father. “Sorry daddy.”

“It’s not your fault honey. We’ll find out who’s responsible.” Warner was angry but he wasn’t exactly surprised either. It was obvious someone wanted their tracks covered. Whoever was responsible was doing a very good job. Finding the culprit wouldn’t be easy. He sighed. ‘Karen’s going to be pissed about her roses.’ He commented looking at the burning shrubs. The enforcer knew his wife had spent days making sure every shrub was placed in the perfect spot.


Once the fire was finally out everyone began to leave. Trevor offered for the Rhodes to stay with them which Warner accepted. They were about to head to the Marks mansion when they saw a limo come driving down the road and stop next to them. The doors opened and four men got out of the vehicle.

The wolves instantly knew they were from the council. All eyes fell on Lucas but from the look on the prince’s face it was obvious he was as baffled as Warner and Trevor.

“Can I help you?” Warner inquired.

“We are here for Miss Tori Marks.” A man with dark brown hair announced.

“On what grounds?” Trevor demanded.

“The agreement River, Prince Lucas and Miss Marks agreed to before she married River.” He replied. “As per your agreement you are to be returned to the council and given to High Prince Lucas.”

Lucas stood there for a moment before he realized what they were referring to. Silently he did a math calculation and realized they were right. By the agreement they’d made Tori did in fact belong to him.

“It isn’t necessary for you to take Tori into custody.” Lucas assured the group of men.

“Per the agreement made…”

“I know what the agreement was but I’m here anyway. It isn’t necessary for the council to take her into custody.” Lucas said firmly.

“With all due respect highness the dispute was handled by the tribunal. We have no choice but to follow court protocol and return Miss Marks to the custody of the Tribunal.”

“He’s right.” Warner sighed. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, his daughter had to be turned back over to the tribunal. Looking at the blonde woman he said, “Go with them. I’ll get Athena to you when we join you.”

Tori frowned as she looked at the limo.

“It’s not over Tori.” Lucas assured her. He watched as her green eyes turned his way. “We may have to follow some court etiquette rules but…we’ll find out.”

The blonde woman gave him a half smile. “Thank you.” Lucas nodded and Tori entered the limo. The council guards entered the limo as well and within seconds it pulled away.

“I want to know who told them!” Lucas said once she was gone. “How did they find out?!”

“You didn’t tell them?” Trevor questioned.

“Lucas came out of concern for Tori. The agreement never crossed his mind.” Warner replied. Unlike Trevor, the enforcer had noticed the high prince’s surprise and knew he hadn’t come to force his daughter into anything.

Lucas looked at Ryker. “See if you can find out how the council was notified. The last thing Tori needs is them forcing her to follow a court ruling this fast.”

“Will you?” Trevor said bordering on demanding.

“He doesn’t have to. His highness agreed to the stipulations as well.” Justin informed the deceased man’s brother. “Whether Lucas and Tori want to wed is irrelevant. They agreed and judging by the fact the council just seized Tori I’d say they will see a wedding happens.”

Lucas sighed rubbing a hand through his short blonde hair. Looking at Warner he said, “I can’t tell you I don’t still love Tori but I’m not a complete ass. I wouldn’t force her to marry me now. She just lost River. I don’t know what the council's plans are but I will try and delay it for her as long as I can.” Looking at Trevor he added, “I meant what I said. I will help her find River’s murderer. We may have been in dispute over her but that’s because we both wanted her. Your brother wasn’t a bad guy and neither of them deserved this kind of an ending. What happened to your brother is horrible and he deserves justice.”

“Thank you.” Trevor would have loved nothing more than to hate the high prince but he couldn’t. It was obvious Lucas loved Tori and truly wanted to help her find River’s killer.


As the limo headed down the road Tori couldn’t help but sigh. ‘Here we go again.’ She thought to herself. There was no telling on what kind of demands the council might make. This time however they had the right. She, River and Lucas had agreed to the council’s stipulations when they agreed to allow her and River to marry. If Tori and River’s marriage ended for any reason within three years she would be returned to Lucas. It had been less than two. River was dead and by law that made her Lucas’s.

Thoughts began to fill her head. If he was murdered it was possible that wolves were involved. She knew from the council themselves they would have given her to Lucas. If it was a wolf than who ordered it? On the other hand it could be coincidence. There were a few companies that were not pleased with White Wolf’s success. Plus wolves from another area would have been noticed as trespassers. Questions were building. Unfortunately answers were not so quickly found.

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