
By askaboutkokah

56K 1.6K 329

Destiny King is a plus size girl. You would think she would be shy but, she's not. After being betrayed by th... More

Copyright ยฉ 2018
Welcome to my life
Lit Situation
Hit List
Building a bond
Stubborn Ways
Authors note
Game changer


4.7K 139 62
By askaboutkokah

March 16,2017

Tuesday, 3:49 a.m.

Destiny's house

Destiny p.o.v:

I opened my eyes as I heard my phone ringing indicating that someone was calling me. I moved out of Kahleem's embrace as I sat at the edge of the bed. I grabbed my phone unplugging it from the charger. I pressed the answer button not even looking at the caller i.d. "Hello!" I said with a attitude. I don't like when people interrupt my fucking sleep. I wonder who the hell calling me this early in the morning. "Meet me outside." the person on the other side of the phone said. I took the phone from my ear looking at the caller i.d to see that it was Timothy. "What the hell you want Timothy? It's to damn early in the morning to be playing games. Why can't it wait until I get to school?" I said yelling. "Just come outside." Timothy said. I heard the phone beep indicating that he hung up. I stood up making my way over to the light switch in my room. I flicked my light on. I made my way back over to the bed. "Babe?" I said as I tapped him trying to wake him up. He turned over moving around. I got in the bed getting on top of him. "Babe, get up!" I said as I began to become inpatient. I leaned back as I began to punch him in his arm. "Damn, what the fuck you want?" Kahleem said looking at me mad ass hell. I began to laugh because he's sexy as hell when he is mad. "You need to come with me to meet with Timothy or do you want me to go by myself?" I said as I got off him standing up on the floor at the edge of the bed. "Meet with him for what?" he said sitting up. "I don't know I asked him the same thing, after I cussed him out. He just said meet him outside and he hung up." I said sliding on my ugg boots. I walked to my bathroom turning on the hot water. I washed my face and brushed my teeth then threw my hair up in a bun. Kahleem came into the bathroom grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste trying to brush his teeth. I stood in the way not wanting to move because I knew he had a attitude and I'm petty. "Can you move?" He said looking at me. "Make me." I said as I smirked. He put the toothpaste and his toothbrush down on the counter. He walked up on me looking down at me because I'm so short. I looked up and stood up on my tippy toes trying to get in his face. Before, he could do anything my phone rung catching both our attention.

Kahleem walked past me into the room grabbing my phone off the dresser. He looked at the caller i.d his whole demeanor changed. He put the phone up against his ear. "Why the fuck you keep calling my girl phone? Matter fact ,if I ever catch you around her or talking to her, it's gone be a problem. You ain't gotta worry about her coming to meet you cause she not. The fuck you think you are trying to call the shots around here. It don't work like that. It's my way or no way." Kahleem said letting me know, he was talking to Timothy. I just shook my head and walked back into the bathroom. I sat on the counter. I turned myself around facing the mirror putting my feet up against the glass scooting up. I untied my bun letting my hair fall down my back. I really just wanted to let my hair flow today, so that's what I'm going to do.

I shook my head as I heard Kahleem on the phone still arguing with Timothy. To be honest, I really don't care anymore. I made my way off the counter hopping down. I sped walk out of the bathroom entering my room making my way towards Kahleem. I reached up snatching the phone out of his hand. I pressed the red button that indicated that I hung up. "I'm not about to sit here and listen to y'all argue all morning. You shouldn't be worried. I don't care about him. I only care for you, so stop with the threats." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. I couldn't reach his neck because I'm so short. I was standing in front of him. I smiled looking up at him. His vein on the side of his neck was popping out letting me know he's mad. I stood on my tippy toes reaching up pecking his lips. I felt Kahleem wrap his arms around my waist resting his hands on my booty. My phone rung making me break the kiss. I broke out his embrace making my way over to the bed . I grabbed my phone looking at the caller I.d. It read Bestfriend 😍😋👯. That let me know that jasmine was calling me. I sat on the bed pressing the answer button. "Hey Bestfriend!" I yelled happy because I finally get to talk to her. I hadn't talked to her in two days. "Wassup." jasmine said dryly. "You need to try that wassup again. It was so dry." I said making her laugh. Kahleem walked out the bathroom fully dress with his keys in his hand. "Where you Finna go?" I said to Kahleem taking the phone away from my ear. "I'll be back I'm Finna go handle some real quick." He said walking up to me standing over me. He bent down pecking my lips. I already knew what he meant by going to handle some. "Alright, babe don't do anything crazy." I said as he walked out. "I won't!" He said yelling back to me. He was half way down the hallway.

"My bad, I was talking to Kahleem. Like I was saying I'm going to need a better hello because the other one was dry." I said playfully. "Hey Bestfrienddddd!" Jasmine said screaming into the phone. I had to take it away from my ear. I pressed the end button hanging up on her. I went to my FaceTime icon and pressed her contact name FaceTiming her. I waited for her to answer with it saying connecting. When she answered her forehead popped up in the camera. She always does this because I always screenshot ugly pictures of her and post them. "Can you get your big ass forehead out the camera please." I said laughing because her forehead was shiny into the camera. She moved back into the camera showing her whole face. She had a mug on her face. I bust out into laughter. "You big mad or lil mad Bestfriend. I would be to if the sun was reflecting off my forehead like yours." I said laughing. I heard a beeping indicating that she hung up. I continued to laugh. I grabbed my phone unlocking it. I went back to the FaceTime icon. I pressed her contact FaceTiming her. She answer on the fifth beep. Her head popped up on the camera. She stayed quiet just staring at me with a blank expression. "You Trynna come over cause I'm bored and I miss my best friend." I said as I put her on pause because my phone dinged indicating that someone texted me. "I really don't feel like being bothered, but I'll come over anyway." She said sounding like she was irritated. "I think you and Trey should talk about the situation. I don't like the fact you just running from the situation and trying to avoid it. You also should tell him how you feel because the boy can't read your mind. Plus, he asked about you the other day after school. Would you be willing to talk to him if I invited him over?" I said hoping she wouldn't be, so difficult this time. "I understand that we weren't together at the time. I just find it funny that Diamond would do some shit like that after you told her about us. I don't want to speak to him at all period point blank." Jasmine said making me roll my eyes. "What about if I get a hotel an invite the both of them and Chad." I said looking at her through the camera.

Chad is one of Kahleem's homeboys and someone Jasmine talks to from time to time. "I think you should save that for this weekend." Jasmine said looking down at the book she was reading. "What are you reading?" I said picking up the water bottle off my counter on the side of my bed. I opened it taking a sip. "I am reading the bible." Jasmine said not even looking up from the book. "That reminds me I need to take notes in mine and study from the proverbs." I said getting up grabbing my bible bag off my door, which was hanging on the door handle.

King p.o.v:

I watched as they dragged the nigga in that shot Destiny. I sat on the couch smoking a blunt with my glock on my lap. The basement door slammed as the other niggas left out leaving me with this nigga. He was tied up to the chair with his head hung low. Blood was dripping from his forehead and his eyes were swollen. I laughed to myself shaking my head. I put the blunt out putting it into the ash tray on the counter next to the couch. I grabbed my glock of my lap gripping it in my hand. I stood walking up to the nigga slowly. I swang my glock back full force hitting him in the face with the gun barrel. "Wake the fuck up!" I yelled making him wake up alert wincing in pain from the hit. "I want to know one thing. Who the fuck sent you? You can make this easy or hard on yourself. I don't understand how you think you gone get away with shooting my sister and it not get back to me." I said shaking my head growing angry about the whole situation again. "Man, King can you please let me go. I gotta daughter that I gotta take care of. I did it just for the money." He said slurring out his words. "Now, I'm going ask you this for the last time. Who the fuck sent you?" I said holding the gun up cocking it. "David sent me." After he said that I stood back sending three bullets through his head. That's all I needed to know. I ain't got time to hear the extra shit. The nigga wasn't needed. I wasn't Finna spare lil dude after he tried to kill destiny.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Khalil King. I'm known around the streets as KK or King. I'm lightskin with curly black hair. My mother being indian came in handy blessing the first born. I'm currently twenty-four years old and 6,5 in a half. Now don't get it fucked up. Just cause a nigga got hair I'm not bitch made. You would think I would be wilding, so many hoes throw their selves at me. Im actually to my beautiful wife Amanda. I have a son who is named after me. When it come to those to I will kill anybody. I just don't give a fuck about no nigga or bitch feelings. If we not related, I don't give a fuck about you period point blank.(picture of king and his family)

"Y'all go clean that shit up in the basement." I said as I walked past the conference room. I walked into my office slamming the door behind me. I can't believe this nigga David would even pull some shit like that. After I then put this lil nigga on and helped him out, when he ain't have shit. I paced back in forth thinking about how I wanted to take this nigga down. I stepped out my office only peeking my head out. "Sheka!" I yelled calling one of my assistants at the front of the bando. I closed my office door making my way over to my chair behind my desk sitting down. I kicked my feet up on the desk waiting on Sheka to come.

A minute later, she came into my office. She walked into the office closing the door behind her. She stood in the middle of the room waiting on me to tell her what I needed for her to do. I don't allow any one of the bando workers to sit down. I don't like for them to get comfortable thinking that we friends in shit. "I want you to call or send a message to all the bando boys telling them it's a meeting tonight at 9pm. Everyone's required to be here and if a person doesn't show up its going to be consequences. Matter fact have Shanti in the front with the security guards checking off each bando boy name on the list that you gone make and tell her to check each person name off that shows up." I said typing on my personal phone. "Yes sir. I'll have it together." Sheka said standing their waiting on me to dismiss her. "You dismissed now." I said motioning for her to leave.

I pressed my little sister contact name pressing the phone icon calling her. I need to see if these rumors true about her and this Kahleem nigga fucking around. She know I don't play that shit. She answered on the third ring. "Wassup lil sis. I ain't heard from you in a while." I said. "Hey King! When you coming over again, Diamond been asking for you." She said sounding happy that I called her. "I'll come over the next time momma cook, but listen that ain't the reason I called. What's this I been hearing about you and one of the bando boys fucking around? You know I don't play that shit." I said becoming angry. I'm trying to keep calm because Destiny hates when I yell at her. "I was going to let you meet him. His name is Kahleem. You know we've known him since we were little. You would rather me fuck with Timothy instead." She said getting smart with me. "Aye, you better calm down with all that attitude in yo voice. I personally don't want you fucking with no nigga until you thirty." I said laughing. "It's not funny, but I just hope Jay don't find out. You know how he is." Destiny said sounding worried. "Ain't nobody gone do nothing to yo lil boyfriend or whatever you want to call him. It's just going to be a few words exchanged." I said frowning.

This is Destiny's first boyfriend. Niggas be scared to talk to her because of me and Jay. That's why I'm surprised this nigga making a bold move. "Just let him come back to me in one piece." She said. "I ain't gone make no promises, but I'll try." I said smirking because I was ready to meet this nigga. "I will have to call you back later. I'm Finna go pick up Jasmine. I'm serious don't hurt him King!" She said making me shake my head. "Alright, I hear you." I said before hearing a beep indicating that she hung up. I put my phone down standing up. I still have other shit to do like find this bitch Ashley.

Greg p.o.v:

"Do you not understand that I don't want you? Just abort the fucking baby, Diamond." I said standing in the door way trying to make sure she didn't come into my condo. "How you just gone tell me to abort our child? What happened to you telling me you love me?" Diamond said on the verge of tears. I laughed shaking my head. "You so fucking stupid. It's all apart of the game. I got what I wanted and now your not needed. Ion even say the L word to my girlfriend, so what makes you any different. You was just a fuck and duck. A nigga like me don't catch feelings. That baby probably ain't mine. You a fucking hoe. You gave it up to me on the first night. You either gone get the abortion that I will pay for or you will get handled. You won't like for me to have to do it the hard way, so just take my offer on the abortion. Here I'll give you the money now." I said digging in my pocket pulling out a big ass bankroll. I took five hundreds out the stack and handed it to her. After, I gave her the money I slammed the door in her face. I'm not Finna waste my time trying to convince this hoe. Either she gone do it the easy was or the hard way. I locked the door walking off to my bedroom.

My name is Greg King. The last name tells it all. Around these streets the King family isn't to be played with. The reputation that my real father had tells it all. He left his career to my two older brothers King and Jay. I'm currently eighteen years old. I'm a young nigga, but ya boy got bands and hoes. I don't want to be tied down right now. I'm young I need to experience some things, before I'm ready to settle down. I'm about 6,2 ft. I'm lightskin with curly hair, which drives the ladies crazy. (Picture of Greg)

"Destiny!" I yelled as I walked into my parents house closing the door behind me. I ain't to happy with the information I was just told. I walked down the hallway to her room. I knocked on the door waiting on her to answer. "Come in!" Destiny yelled letting me know I could enter her room. I opened the door to her and jasmine sitting on the bed on their phones. I stood in front of her bed. "What's this I hear about you fucking with some nigga?" I said pacing back in forth. "Y'all making a big deal out of nothing. I swear y'all so fucking over protective. I have a boyfriend okay!" Destiny said standing up storming past me making her way down the hall way. I walked behind her and followed her into the kitchen. She approached the refrigerator grabbing the handle opening it. I stood at the counter. "What's the nigga name?" I said waiting on her to give me his name. "Kahleem!" Destiny said making me walk off towards the front door. That's all I needed to know. Let me go find out who the fuck this nigga is.

Kahleem p.o.v:

I knocked on the door waiting on Destiny to answer the door. A minute later, I heard the door unlock and a dude with curly hair stormed out the house looking mad ass fuck. I just walked in letting myself in. I made my way past the kitchen until I heard Destiny call my name from the kitchen. "Where you been hun?" Destiny said as I walked in making my way over to the kitchen table sitting down. "I went to handle some business. Why?" I said looking up from my phone. She looked kinda worried like she had something on her mind. I pulled her into my lap making her sit down. "What's wrong? Don't lie to me and try to give me one of them lame ass excuses either." I said putting my phone on the kitchen table and wrapping my right arm around her waist. "I don't want you to be worried. I think it's best I don't tell you." She said playing with her fingers. "Just tell me because it must be important if it got you all nervous and shit shaking." I said. My phone dinged indicating that I had a text message. I looked at the contact that texted me and it read Bando messenger😈🍃.

Text conversation:

Bando Messenger😈🍃: King called a meeting tonight at 9pm. You should be here no later than 9pm. It's also required for everyone to come. Their will be consequences if you don't show up😈

"I'm coming!" Destiny said almost making me drop my phone. "No, you ain't that shit ain't happening." I said becoming angry that she would say some shit like that. "I'm coming for your safety babe." She said catching me off guard. What the fuck she mean my safety? "What the fuck you mean my safety?" I said getting loud. She stood getting off my lap. "Somehow my brothers found out that I go with you. Their making a big deal out of nothing. I'm not sure Jay knows yet." She said making me confused. "What's the big deal with us being together?" I said wondering why the fuck it's a big deal. "The problem is your my first boyfriend. Every other nigga that I talk to scared to ask me out because of them. They take it as though your being bold. Plus I didn't tell them about you. They had to hear it out in the streets and plus you work for my brothers. You don't understand other than Diamond I'm their little sister." She said making me think. I pulled her on my lap. "Well, you ain't gotta worry. I'm not scared. I'm not about to let what we got end because of them. I'll just talk to them or whatever they want I'll deal with it." I said grabbing her hand. I pecked her lips. This should be interesting.

Authors note~ I will be updating more, but y'all need to comment more also. I appreciate the votes😘😘. Chris is played as King in this story. Trill Sammy is played as Greg. Cuban doll is played as Jasmine. Sorry for any errors.




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