I fell in love with my kidnap...

By tca0024

107K 2.5K 490

I went to reach for my phone out of my purse but James snatched it of me, "you won't be needing that," he tol... More

First and last night out
My new home
You're a what?!
Trust issues
All too soon
The bite
Pure blood
James' parents
Our new job
Rich men
Another new job
Life or death situation
Not the greatest job
The search
Drink driving
He's gone
Story time
A visit from the Devil
A visit back home
The castle
The plan
Back to reality
I fell in love with my kidnapper
The 'a' word
One call
The reuinon
Thank you & new book

The plan in action

1.3K 47 3
By tca0024

We stood outside the tall, prison like building. The butterflies had decided to have a party in my stomach as I stared at one of the cracked windows.

Damian rubbed his hands together, "you ready?" He asked, I could hear the nerves in his voice.

"Yep!" James and Victoria chirped.

"Sure," I mumbled, there was something intriguing about that window but I didn't know what.

I followed the other three inside the building and the same guy that attacked me the other day stopped us.

He smirked at me, "Lily, lovely to see you again," he said with venom in every word.

James grabbed my hand, "where's
Derek?" He asked deciding not to say anything about his greeting.

The creep smiled innocently, "he's in his office, why are you here?" He asked beginning to sound bored of our presence.

"I have the money I owe him," James told him he left out the attacking part.

He pointed to the room on the left, "in there, I'll take you," he said and began walking towards his office.

When we reached it Victoria spoke up, "Lily and I will wait out here," she said and leaned against the wall. I nodded and stood beside her.

The creep shook his head, "no, I'll need you to come in with us."

Victoria stood up straight, "excuse me? I'm the queen of this realm yet you are telling me what I can and cannot do. I could have you killed in an instant!" She shouted at him.

He nodded, "yes, sorry your majesty," he knocked on the office door and entered.

Derek was sitting on a spinny chair with his feet on a desk and a cigarette in his mouth, "Spencer, what's this?" he asked the creep I now knew as Spencer.

Spencer shut the door but I could still hear him, "James has your money," he told him.

I looked to Victoria, "ready?" I asked grinning with excitement. She nodded and I knocked on the office door.

Spencer answered, "what?" He asked flatly.

I smiled, "do you have a bathroom?" I asked.

He sighed and nodded, "up the stairs and first room on the left," he told me. I thanked him and he shut the door again. I grabbed Victoria and we ran up the stairs and listened into every room. We got to the last on the hallway. I could hear quiet sobs of a young girl.

Victoria looked at me with sad eyes, "it's this one," she told me. I nodded and pushed the door open, we entered and I closed it behind us.

Carrie was lying on the floor in a mess of her own dried blood, chains and small puddles of tears. Her hair was matted together and when she looked up at us her eyes were bloodshot.

She raised her eyebrows, "mummy?" She whispered. She seemed to think her eyes were tricking her.

Victoria began crying, "baby," she ran over and hugged her tightly, "don't worry, we're going to get you out of here," she told her and kissed her forehead. 

    I glanced down at the chain attached to Carries right ankle, "how do we get her out of the chain?" I asked Victoria.

   Victoria stared intently at the chain, "you will have to do it," she looked at me with pleading eyes.

   Me? How could I? Whatever strengths I have, Victoria also had.

  I furrowed my eyebrows at her, "how can I do it?" I asked.

   She sighed, "Damian and I have known this since we first saw you but we didn't want to scare you. Even before you were turned you weren't completely human."

   I raised my eyebrows, "what do you mean?" I asked quietly.

   "You're able to control the heat of objects with your mind, if you allow yourself to," she explained briefly to me.

   My eyes lit up with excitement, "seriously? How do I do it?" I asked another question.

   She smiled at my enthusiasm, "use your mind. Just concentrate, think about what you want to do with it and it will happen," she told me with another smile.

   I nodded, "alright, shall I try to melt them or something?"

   She nodded her reply and I took a few deep breaths. I stared down at the chains and then to Carries face. She looked worried, as if she didn't trust me. I gave her a reassuring smile and turned my attention back to the chains. I stared at them and thought about them melting. Nothing happened.

   Victoria stared up at me, "try to hurry," she said adding to the pressure.

   I nodded and thought about the chains melting once again. Still nothing happened.

   I groaned, "for fuck sake," I mumbled to myself. I was getting frustrated but that was helping. The more angry I got the hotter the chains began. I saw the metal begin to slowly melt until it was nothing more. I smiled proudly to myself and watched as Victoria lifted Carrie off the ground, she was still hugging her but not as tightly.

    Victoria smiled, "well done, now come on we need to hide before they get here," she said and ushered us beside the door so that when it opened the men wouldn't be able to see us. It being dark in here also helped.

We waited in an anxious silence and five minutes later the door opened and we could see the back of Derek's body.

He stared into the empty room, "where is she," he gritted out. I saw James and Damian walk into the room and they gave me a quick nod. In a flash, Victoria, Carrie and I were out the door, slamming it shut behind us. We heard a grunt and smashing from inside the room.

Victoria smirked, "let the games begin," she said but her smirk vanished when she saw Spencer coming towards us.

Spencer knitted his eyebrows together, "what's she doing out of her room?" He pointed to Carrie and sped up his walking.

Victoria's lips lifted into another smirk, "burn him," she whispered to me.

  I spun to face her, "what? I can't melt  a person!" I half whispered half shouted. Melting him would be like... like murder.

   Victoria frowned slightly, "no, just burn him a little," she informed me. I nodded and turned to Spencer who was now right in front of us.

   He looked at the door behind us, "who's in there?" He asked slowly, his eyes narrowing.

   We chose to ignore him and I used my power to raise his body heat. I was beginning to find it easier to do and soon enough he was passed out on the floor.

   I turned to smiled at Victoria and Carrie, "well, alls well that ends well," I recited the saying and began walking down the hallway by myself when I heard a deep half groan, half scream. James' deep half groan, half scream. I turned and ran towards the door, I opened it just in time to see Damian ripping out Derek's liver. I gagged silently.

    Carries timid voice came from behind me, "James!" She screamed and ran over to him. I looked towards him to see a knife protruding from his chest. I let out a shrill scream and ran to his side.

   Carrie was sobbing beside him, "James... He stabbed you!"

   He laughed weakly, "I know that," he winced as he moved slightly.

   I began crying too, "what are we going to do?"

   "Nothing," he said bluntly.

   He's going to die! What does he mean 'nothing'.

   I furrowed my eyebrows, "James, you'll die if we don't do anything!" I cried. Then I heard sirens. I turned and noticed we had all heard them because we were all staring down the corridor. The sirens came closer and I heard someone knock on the door of the building.

   "It's the police! Open up!" A deep, rough voice shouted from the front door.

   James tried to sit up but collapsed back down, "get out of here," he tried to shoo us off but I couldn't leave him.

    "No, I won't leave you here!" I told him. He was everything to me and I couldn't throw him away now.

   Victoria placed her hand on my shoulder, "we really should go, Lily," she said in a surprisingly calm tone.

  I pulled away from her, "no! I can't leave him," I began crying again.

   The front door came crashing down and I heard people running through the building.

   James placed a hand on my lap, "just go, I'll be fine," he told me with a sad smile.

   I stood up and the others ran out of the room, "I love you James," I bit my tongue and began sprinting out of the room.

   "I love you too, babe!" He shouted weakly. I stopped running and looked back at the room, the tingling feeling in my stomach came back and I smiled stupidly to myself. Someone roughly grabbed my arms and sent me tumbling to the ground.

   They landed on top of me, "stay down!" They shouted right in my ear and I watched as three more officers ran into the room James was dying in and Derek's dead body was lying in.

   I squirmed underneath him, "you need to help my husband!" I shouted at the officers. They took no notice of me and I watched one of them call for the paramedics on his radio.

   I dropped my head to the floor and stopped struggling. What had my life become? Everything that I thought was making my life better was just making it worse.

   I lifted my head back up, "you're going to kill my baby," I said flatly.

  The officer loosened, "sorry?"

   "I'm pregnant, get off me," I said through gritted teeth.

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