Moving on

By LevyLily

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Levy was living a normal calm life. Gajeel was living one day at the time, doing what was needed to survive... More

Chapter 1 : Improbable
Chapter 2 : Change
Chapter 3 : Frustration
Chapter 4 : Beyond appearances
Chapter 5 : Stubborn
Chapter 6 : Amazing
Chapter 7 : Problems
Chapter 8 : Get to know each other
Chapter 9 : Questions
Chapter 10 : Two weeks
Chapter 11 : Demons
Chapter 12 : Despair
Chapter 13 : Unknown
Chapter 14 : Shelter
Chapter 15 : Impulse
Chapter 16 : Burns
Chapter 17 : Wonderful, albeit too short lull
Chapter 18 : Plan
Chapter 19 : Promise
Chapter 20 : The attack
Chapter 21 : I love you
Chapter 22 : Family
Chapter 24 : Moving on

Chapter 23 : Gunshot

239 8 4
By LevyLily

Gajeel hit his fist in his other hand while Laxus was disappearing in the shade, rushing in Mira's direction. The eyes of the man before him were expressing nothing but fear. The later had recognised him, no doubt about it. Gajeel's expression itself would be enough to terrorise the man, but knowing he had shot what was most certainly the tall brute's girlfriend, the assassin knew death could be close. He took out with his trembling hand the gun he had put away to immobilise his boss's son. Ivan had ordered them to do so, asserting that Laxus's pain would be bigger and more of a show for him that way. But at that moment, while the black haired man threw himself at him, Ivan's henchman regretted not having his gun in his hand.

Fireworks could be seen in the sky, but Gajeel didn't even notice, using all his focus in his internal struggle. If he would do as he wished, he would have already destroyed the man in front of him. He saw him putting his hand in his pocket. A split second later, his adversary let go of his weapon in a pained cry, holding with his left hand his broken wrist.

- She almost died because of you! Shouted Gajeel, more anger in his look than he ever had.

- Almost? Grinned the other. I had hopped I would at least have killed her in one shot. That would have been a good thing done, he snickered as an answer.

Despite his bravado, the assassin was in a bad position. As best as he could, he tried to put as much distance between him and Gajeel. But he had no chance against him, especially in Gajeel's actual state. The young man gave him a bid punch, making him fall at his feet. Once down, Gajeel kicked him in the ribcage. A new crack could be heard. The black haired young man clenched his teeth realising he probably just broke a couple of ribs. "You have to calm down Redfox" he told himself "you'll just end up killing that bastard". The urge of hitting him again and again was hard to ignore but he restrained himself.

- The bullet should've finish you off, he managed to said despite the pain. Things would have been easier for me that way.

- If you were a real shooter, she wouldn't be in that state, he spat, still not accepting the fact that Levy was in that state and him unhurt.

- Don't worry, it may not be by my own hand but you wont live to see tomorrow, your blue haired beauty neither.

Gajeel clenched his fists a little more. Did that asshole wanted to die this badly? He was almost at his patience's limit. Before he did something he could regret, he gave him a hard punch on the skull, however making sure not to kill him. The one that shot Levy collapsed on the ground. He was still breathing. That was the point, but even his breathing was annoying him. Without delicacy, he grabbed one of his foot and dragged him unceremoniously behind him, judging it would be wiser to entrust him to Titania, his murderous ideas still in his mind.

He finally got to Levy's apartment were the red haired girl was still guarding a series of tied up men from which the number had risen since their separation. He dropped the unconscious man before Erza. The later instantly took out more ropes, she seriously had an infinite amount of those, and tied him up. Then she put some worried eyes on Gajeel, realising what was wrong.

- Where's Levy? She asked.

Gajeel's expression darkened at the question.

- He shot her, he finally said, his fist up, almost hitting the unconscious man again.

- What? Is she... she...

Erza couldn't express her fears out loud.

- Levy told me no vital organ was damaged. Astonishing as she is, I'd not be surprised if she had red every medical book that exists so I'll trust her, said Gajeel.

- Gajeel... started Erza, but was interrupted again by Gray arrival, Juvia not far behind.

The young Fullbuster dropped another man before the others.

- I think that was the last one around.

- But Gray and Juvia couldn't find Ivan, said Juvia with a sad voice.

- Where are the other? Asked Gray.

- I'm pretty sure Laxus and Mira are with Ivan, said Gajeel, the facts from before his meeting with the shooter coming back to his mind.

- Lucy and Natsu? Questioned Erza.

- At the hospital with her, he said in a heavy tone.

- What? Exclaimed Gray and Juvia.

Gajeel clenched his teeth once more. Erza understood and, placing a hand on his shoulder said:

- Go to her. I'll explain the situation.

The young man didn't answer, but he knew Titania could feel his gratitude. He didn't have to be told twice and ran to the hospital. As for Erza, she turned to the others, knocking out one of the man that was regaining consciousness. Then she transmitted the information she knew.

- I'll go and check on Laxus and Mira, let out Gray.

- Juvia is coming with y...

- No! He cut her off.

- But...

- No way he's threatening you again! Barked Gray. Stay with Erza.

They looked at each other for a moment then Juvia nodded.

- Be careful, she whispered.

Gray nodded before rushing to the place Ivan could possibly be. He had seen Gajeel's pained look at the mention of Levy being hurt. It was clearly worst than the wounds he himself had... No way one of those monsters do the same with Juvia he thought.


Every one of Laxus's body parts was painful. He wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. But he had to do it, he had to vanquish his father. His life wasn't the only one on the line. If Ivan managed to make him take his last breath, Mira would be the next one to die. Shivers of disgust took over him at that last thought. And that was not counting all the others that were dragged in that mess without asking for it. Laxus didn't know since when he was worrying for their safety, but the idea of Ivan letting his rage all out on them for no valid reason revolted him. Where would be the limit of the most horrid man that ever lived?

- Still standing, I can see? It's such a shame you were too corrupted by my father to be of any use.

Laxus hit him. As expected, the impact was diffused in his arm to every cell he had. But he continued, hitting again and again. Sometimes, he suffered hits himself, but he was on autopilot. He would deal with pain later.

- Enough with those games, snickered Ivan.

- The gun! Cried Mira the louder she could with her weak voice seeing Ivan's hand slowly going to his pocket.

Laxus understood right away. Thanks to the young woman's intervention, he managed to make the gun fly, landing many feet further, and dodged the shot that was blindly fired in a desperate attempt. Encouraged by Ivan's expression, he hit him with a left hook on the face, triggering once more a flow of blood from his broken nose. He then added a knee hit in his ribcage. He didn't stop to his father's coughing and ended it with an elbow hit on his forehead. The man he had once admire collapsed at his feet.


Despite the pain that maintained her paralysed on the ground, Mira couldn't stop looking at the fight that was opposing father and son. Her heart was tightening every time her Dreyar was taking the hits, a wave of encouragement invading her every time he made a comeback. She tried to chase from her mind the image of such a solid man collapsing on the ground, braking her heart at the same time. Then he had stood back up, having the upper hand with an energy that seemed to be out of nowhere. How could he possibly be still standing? Thought Mira. When she saw Ivan falling on his back, Mira couldn't believe it. Could it really be possible that her worst nightmare was vanquished?

Barely walking, the blond man was coming in her direction. She could see in her eyes the sadness he wasn't hiding anymore. She also saw in them relief. The relief of having defeated his father, the relief of seeing her smile despite the tears that were streaming down her face.

But it was too good to be true. A movement attracted her attention behind Laxus. She saw Ivan's hand aiming at his boot, despite his laying position. Blood freezing in her veins, Mira stretched in a painful movement towards the gun Ivan had dropped while disarmed by Laxus. He was about to press the trigger; to take the life of the man she was slowly starting to love. Maybe had ha even already shot him? Mira simply had lost every notion of reality. A gunshot could be heard in the night.

Please don't kill me for that cliff-hanger! Next chapter will be the conclusion of that fanfiction!

I hope you liked it and please tell me your comments!

Lily xx

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