My Prisoner // LokixReader

By Ms_SkyeClark

372K 13.7K 7.6K

You're Clint's and Natasha's daughter. You work for SHIELD as well, but they don't let you do any of the dan... More

Authers Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 11

15.1K 598 246
By Ms_SkyeClark

Loki laid on the ground for a minute, trying desperately to get the world around him to stop spinning like crazy.  What the heck was wrong with Midgardians?  This is just a sick thing to do to someone!

The didn't have drugs like this on Asgard. If they wanted you to sleep they'd put a spell on you, if they wanted to torture you they'd do so, if they wanted you to talk, well all it took was a good truth spell. 

But this, this was just twisted.  He didn't want to display vulnerability, but this was not giving him much room to act fine.  He didn't like this one bit and wondered helplessly when, or if, the affects would wear off of him.

"Loki? Are you ok?" You ask timidly.  He nodded his head yes and put his hands under him to lift himself to his feat.  As soon as he lifted himself slightly he felt a wave of nausea and fell back to the ground.

"Oh boy..." you murmur under your breath. He was breathing heavily and you knew you couldnt go on anymore.  You took a look around you and thought about what to do next.

You had good cover, but if SHIELD searched the woods, and they would, they would likely find you.  You tapped your foot thoughtfully and heard a soft groaning sound for the ground.

You turned your attention back to the problem at hand and kneeled down next to Loki on the forest floor.  You put your hand to his forhead and felt the fever getting worse.

You where starting to feel quite helpless yourself.  "Loki I'm so sorry but we have to keep moving." You mumbled gently. He nodded weakly and you heaved him to his feat.

He was leaning on you heavily and you starting walking in a random direction. Something was strange about these woods. Its like the trees where watching you, whispering under their breath. 

The leaves russled when there was no wind to speak of.  It felt like the forest was slowly closing in on you. You felt dizzy and intoxicated. You couldn't feel your legs carrying you. It seemed like the sun was slowly slipping away.

As you kept walking for some time, you started to feel slightly numb. After a while, the only sound you heard was heavy breathing.  It took you a long time to realize that you where the one breathing heavily.

There was something off.  Something was oh so very wrong.  The feeling of closeness starting growing and you felt light headed and weak.  A bad bad bad feeling started growing in your stumach.

Eventually, your knees gave out involuntarily and you fell to the floor of the woods, coated in a thin layer of leaves.  You felt Loki fall beside you, and the last thing you saw was a hooded figure in the distance before darkness took over you.

Your vision was foggy and your head felt heavy.  What happened to me? You blinked your eyes in an attempt to get your vision working properly.

A slight groan met your ears and you flinched, only to realize that you are the one who made the noise.

As your vision slowly returned to you the first thing you noticed was a wooden roof.  Where you in a house?  A cabin would be more like it.

You moved your arms slightly and felt something soft underneath your fingertips. You where on a bed of some sort.  How on earth did you get here? 

You searched your memory desperately and remembered the dizziness and bad feelings that you had felt in the forest. You remembered the dark cloaked figure and your stumach flipped a little.

Then you remembered Loki. He was not in good shape. You didnt know where he was, and with that thought, you snapped straight up in the bed you had been placed in.

Your eyes scanned the room desperately and you took in what you saw.  It was a small wooden cabin.  Herbs hung from the roof and it smelled like herbs and spices. There was a tiny sink and a stove, where your eyes landed on a small figure of a woman.

She turned around and looked at you.  As she saw you where awake, she starting walking towards you. You creased your brows and said, "Where is he?  Where am I?  Why did you bring me here?"

As she neared you, you saw it was an elderly woman. "Calm yourself child.  You have nothing to fear." She said in a brisk voice and firm tone. 

You relaxed a little bit unconsciously and asked, "Is he okay?"  She knew to whom you referred and nodded, gesturing over to another bed in the corner you hadn't noticed.

"Its a dangerous and stupid thing to walk those woods alone." She said seriously, almost snappishly.  "Well you were." You pointed out stubbornly. 

She responded, "Yes child i was.  And you should be greatful.  There is a dark spell on those woods, had i not found you," she paused for dramatic affect, "You would be dead."

"I..I don't understand. A curse?" You stuttered. "Yes.  You were in better condition than your friend over there."  She replied, looking over to Loki's bed.

"Thank you.  For helping us.  But why did you?" You asked the witch-like old woman politely. "I'm not fond of letting children perish in my woods. What where you doing in that forest child?" She asked you. 

You sighed. "Its complicated. I'm trying to keep Loki out of trouble and the hands of people who want to hurt him." You tried to explain. She nodded like this sort of thing happened everyday.

"Is he going to be okay?" You ask her.  She nods and gestures for you to go over to him. You stepped up lightly from your bed and made your way across the room to his. 

When you make it to his bedside, you sit in the small chair that's next to it.  He looked a little bit better, he had some color in his face and he wasn't so clamy anymore.

The witch went back over to her little stove where she was brewing some herbs to give to him.  After a few more minutes he started stirring.

He couldn't see straight, the world around him was blurred and spinning ever so slightly.  He let out a soft groan and threw his head back, shutting his eyes tightly.

His body was tense and he wasn't sure where he was.  He felt a warm little hesitant hand wrap over his and he let out a sigh and let himself relax. 

Somehow he always found you comforting, which was strange. He had never found this sort of comfort from anyone. Even his mother.

He felt something warm and damp pressed to his forhead and the world slowly stopped spining and he reopened his eyes slowly.

"Were are we?" He whispered. It wasn't meant to be a whisper.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  "Were are w-" he was cut off by your soft musical laughter.

"We're somewhere inside the woods.  In a cabin, no dont ask questions, i don't know.  But we're safe. For now at least.  How do you feel?" You asked him, absently rubbing the back his hand with your thumb.

He considered the question for a second before replying, "I'm fine." And trying to sit up.  You let go of his hand and gently pushed him back down on the bed.

"Better wait for her to tell you you can get up." You told him seriously. He looked at you confused. "She?" He questioned. It was then the old woman came to his bedside and said, "Ah good, you're awake. Take this."

He looked suprised and ever so slightly alarmed as the witch shoved some sort of tea into his hand and gestured for him to drink. 

He sat up and did so, and grimaced at the tast. "All of it." The woman ordered sternly. He made a snarky face and did as he was told. 

He hadn't much choice and he looked like a five year old being told to take his medicine like a good boy. You giggled.

"And what do you find so amusing if i may ask?" He snapped playfully at you.  You bit your lip and your stumach gave a little fluttered of butterflys as his piecing green eyes looked at you with a glint of mischief in them.

He suddenly lost his playful look and attitude and got a look of confusion and horror as his breathing picked up.  "Wha....what was in.....what did you give.....wha...." he sank down slowly in his bed and you jumped up and said frantically, "Loki?? Loki whats wrong?"

A calm voice from behind you said, "Don't worry about him child. When he wakes he will be good as new."  You turned around to face her and said, "What did you do to him?!"

"Gave him a little push." She replied. You gave her a confused look and questioned farther, "A push to what?"

She looked at you unamused and said, "To recovery. Didn't want him in a trance for days now did we? When he wakes he will be back to his usual self.  What his usual self is like i do not know, but i will soon enough. Rest child, you will need your strength."

And with that, you curled up next to Loki, not wanting to leave his side and drifted into peaceful sleep.

Pewf!  Good thing the witch saved you.........right?  Lol just kidding. Or am i?  To the reader who asked for Loki's POV, i hope i did a little better with his thoughts and feelings in this chapter. Tell me what you think guys!

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