Hidden Appearances

Da Annastaysia

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The world of Nenharma is hidden from the humans for a very good reason. Nenharma was meant to be a safe haven... Altro

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: New Lies Constructed
Past Life of Me (Heather)
Chapter Four: Night Terror's
Chapter Five: Pain Never Disappears
Chapter Six:The Power to Live
Chapter Seven: The Frightened Beauty
Chapter Eight: What Lies Beneath the Surface
Chapter Nine: Aisakos the Bird
Chapter Ten: Forgotten Life
Chapter Eleven: Secrets of a Family
Chapter Twelve: Killing the Only Hope
Chapter Thirteen: Death is my Home
Dissociative Behavior

Chapter Three: My Care Bear

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Da Annastaysia

Chapter Three: My Care Bear


I couldn’t with hold anymore. Mr. Noelnder might start getting worried about me. I was already ten minutes late to my full-on-week of detentions. But I had a reason.

An intense amount of pain started again in my throat. My throat started to enclose, making it semi-impossible to breathe. Panic rushed through my veins, causing me to start sweating.


I turn just in time to see Ashline enter and pin me against the wall. Her smile engulfed her entire face, lighting up as she noticed how scared I was of her. She pulled something out, holding it inches away from my face.

The shimmering object was an old fashion pocket knife.

I started to cry, but stopped when I heard another person enter the girls bathroom.

The person had short braids coming just over her shoulders and had something in her outstretched hand, holding it upwards. I finally noticed who that girl was when I saw her face. I mean how could I ever forget that face, when she had saved my life numerous of times.

“Anna?” asked Ashline, releasing me. “Isn’t it just a coincidence that you show up at a time like this?” She glanced at me again, raising her hand with the pocket knife, threatening me.

“Stop it, Ashline!” yelled Annastaysia, wiping her hand with her pocket knife back and forth violently. I wanted to cry out for her and tell her to go. To not get herself into trouble. She would already get into major trouble for having a weapon in school. Not to say that she was also threatening anyone, who just happened to be threatening me.

Ashline’s green eyes pierced inside me as she got ready to pounce on me. God, I didn’t want this. I never want these things to happen, but they always did. My first instinct should have been to duck when she came at me with all her strength.

Right when I thought that her impact was going to hit me, it didn’t. I turned my heavy head just in time to witness Anna throwing herself against Ashline. Her long wavy red hair wiped the side of my neck as she fell to the ground wrestling Anna.

Her red hair was now in large jumbled up knots as Anna fought dirty. There was a lot of hair pulling and knife lifting, but none to what I could see struck the other person.

I couldn’t, wouldn’t watch this anymore. “Help!” I screamed, feeling my head go light. Something was horribly wrong with me. Yet, I couldn’t think of myself right now. My best-friend and ex-best-friend were fighting because of me. I hoped that someone had heard my plea for help because I wasn’t able to do it again.

My throat started to burn hot, scolding my insides. Breathing became next to impossible. I tried to call Anna, yelling for her to help me, but nothing came out.

I refused to cry at that instant, trying not to show any sign of weakness. Ashline was now on Annastaysia, lifting her antique pocket knife. I didn’t dare interfere, but I had to. This was my friend here, fighting to protect me.

I swallowed hard, being able to take a small breaths. I took one step towards Ashline, but stopped when Ashline lifted her other hand, revealing Anna’s priceless pocket knife that she carried around since eighth grade. It nearly touched my skin, while her pocket knife was sturdy against Anna’s neck.

“What is going on in here?”


I couldn’t comprehend on what was happening. Mr. Noelnder appeared out of nowhere behind me, grabbing both of the pocket knives. While Mr. Noelnder was separating Anna and Ashline, I backed up gripping my throat as it became impossible to breathe. I had to release my grip because the harder I pressed the worse the pain got.

Turning myself around, I ran face first into someone’s chest. I didn’t instantly pull away because I felt the sweetness of warmth. I almost let myself fall into this man’s grasp, but stopped when I locked eyes with Sam.

Why was he here? Is he stalking me now? No! I wasn’t going to think that way anymore. People don’t do that, at least not anymore. Oh God, please not make him my personalized stalker.

I coughed a couple of times as I took a couple of steps away from Sam. He wasn’t smiling like last time, but frowning with his unbearable, unreadable sadness in his eyes. I wondered how much he saw. I really didn’t need this right now. Now Frank really had a reason to beat me till I passed out. I was really going to get it tonight.

As if Sam could read my mind, he gripped my wrist just like before. I pulled against his grasp right away, getting ready to yell at him, but suddenly couldn’t breathe. I panicked and clutched my neck. Sam must have noticed something was wrong because he released my wrist and closed the gap between us in one step.

I could feel his warmth radiating off of him as his body was just centimeters away. Why did I feel as if I should just fall into him? Oh and the wanting to kiss him. I don’t kiss people. Especially older men; that is just wrong. Teenage pregnancy here I come.


I positioned myself over to one of the sinks, keeping my head down. Suddenly I felt something move in the inside of my throat. My dainty long finger went inside my mouth, reaching for the object. A sharp pick made me pull back and pull out my finger to see bright red blood dripping off it.


Just to my left stood Sam who was now kneeling down to my eye level. He stared at the blood on my finger and gripped my shoulders. His warm hands made me feel tired. I fought against the feeling and ignored him.

Reaching down in my throat again I reached the sharp abject and picked it out. I had to wiggle it three times to get it to come loose. I bit back a cry as I pulled it out, putting it in front of the mirror.

I rubbed it, wiping away my blood. I didn’t even need to wash it off to know what it was.

No way! This can’t he happening. Not today. How was I going to explain this one?

I dropped the piece of glass as I felt Sam’s warm hands around my waist. Mr. Noelnder was the first one to pick up the piece of glass with a paper toweling. His expression scared me. I pushed against Sam, to only be pulled closer to him.

My first instinct was to scream for help, but when I tried to yell, I started coughing and chocking on my own blood. This time I couldn’t get any oxygen in and started to squirm in Sam’s grasp in fright.

I was just about to pass out when I started coughing uncontrollably. I leaned my head down towards the sink and started coughing up blood.

It was Annastaysia I heard speak first, “Jesus! They forced her to swallow glass. She’s chocking.” Thanks for stating the obvious, Anna.

Mr. Noelnder was lifting my chin as I stopped coughing up blood. My face was beat red and sweat was dripping down my forehead in bundles of drops. I started to cry as the pain in my throat got worse. I tried to clutch my throat again, but got stopped by Mr. Noelnder.

“Ginger? They did this, didn’t they?”

I knew who he was referring to. Nelly and Frank’s secret beating sessions weren’t going to stay hidden forever. At least these people thought so. How was I going to get out this this time?

I shook my head as I started getting extremely dizzy. Why wasn’t he getting help? I’m like dying here.

Mr. Noelnder glanced up at Sam, nodding. I had no idea what that meant, but I would in a second. He pressed hard against my abdomen, strangling me without chocking me. I let out a blood curdling cry as I fell into the familiar darkness.

I knew that when I woke up that I would be in the hospital. Just outside my room were two police officers talking to Mr. Noelnder. He looked really upset as he always did when the police told him that they couldn’t do anything until I admit it. Even though, this one would be extremely hard to explain.

There was a bandage around my neck when I woke up. I guess they were able to extract the glass from my throat. A nurse came in with her usual white uniform and helped me to my feet.

She was leading me to an office that said ‘Dr. Burrow’. the room was dim lighted and only had one window the size of two dell desktop computers. I sighed as I recognized Dr. Burrow from last month when I was here for a head trauma and bruised ribs.

His smile was warm and inviting, comforting, yet I willed myself to remain docile. The nurse left without saying a word and closed the door behind her. Dr. Burrow got straight to the point making my confidence plummet. I had no time to make up a story; I was totally screwed.

My dyed black hair fell in clumps as I got ready to start bawling my eyes out. I don’t want to go to foster care. My shoulder length hair swirled at the ends, making me cry without being able to stop. It took hours everyday to get my hair to stay straight.

“You may come in,” said Dr. Burrow. I kept my head down, staring at the grey colored tile, not even thinking about looking up at the person that he was addressing.

I could see a shadow of a person sitting down in the seat next to me.

“I like your curly hair, Ginger.”

I shot my head upwards, recognizing that man’s voice, to see Sam. I couldn’t get myself to look away from Sam’s eyes as I was hypnotized by how green they were. My instincts wouldn’t deny something like this. Sam was down right beautiful-- hot.

Sam showed a boyish smile making him look about my age, but there was something about him that made him look at least twenty. I wiped away my tears and turned away from Sam.

Dr. Burrow was watching Sam and I intensively. It made me feel even more nervous. I took the silence as a perfect opportunity to make up a story. I must’ve been obvious because Dr. Burrow broke my concentration.

“Gingerale,” I glanced upwards, combing through my hair with my fingers, but stopped to see stitches on my cut. “Would you like to explain to me why you are here?”

I forced myself to sit up in my seat and stared straight into his eyes.

“My injuries?” I made it sound as a question to make myself look innocent and unknowing of what was really going on.

Dr. Burrow looked at Sam, whispering, “You said that you already knew of her cut wrist. Am I correct?” Sam searched my face with concern and nodded. I swear he would’ve started hugging me if we were alone. My body could sense his sadness when he saw my injuries.

I jumped as Dr. Burrow’s door slammed open to reveal the nurse from before, who rushed over to him. My head stared to pound to hard for me to understand what they were saying. They were most likely talking about me.

“I could take her now, “ suggested Sam. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I started feeling dizzy.

The nurse frowned at Sam as she spoke, “Are you sure? The girl barely knows you.” Her eyes were on me now, reaching inside me.

“She doesn’t need to know me!” yelled Sam. “Eventually I will have to. So why not now?”

I froze in my sitting position. Sam is going to kidnap me. I need to run now! Sam’s hand brushed against my arm. He waited as I cringed against his touch. His grasp on my arm tightened. I didn’t want this.

A soft comforting voice entered my mind. “Relax. Trust me. You’re hurting, let me take the pain away. Sleep now. Relax.” The voice was male and soothed my pain.

My body suddenly went numb. I wasn’t able to move and the nurse was still talking to Dr. Burrow.

“What?!” replied Dr. Burrow to the nurse.

“They’re here.”

They? Who are they? Then, I heard two familiar voices.

Nelly and Frank.

They didn’t sound happy. The nurse left Dr, Burrow’s office, obviously trying to stall my aunt and uncle.

“Ginger!” he sounded serious, “How did you get seven pieces of glass in your throat?” Sam tightened his grip on my arm making me answer randomly.

“I don’t know.” Well, now my story won’t work, but that was the truth. I had no idea on how I got glass in my throat.

Dr. Burrow pulled out a folder with my name on it. I have seen that folder several times. The hospital started keeping a record of everything that happened to me since I was twelve. That was when I started coming in with life threatening injuries repeatively.

He opened the folder showing the seven pieces of glass taken from my throat. At least they didn’t get in my stomach. Getting my stomach pumped wasn’t very much fun.

Looking back at the glass, I noticed they had some weird ridges. Parts of the glass were higher than others and vis-versa. Then, it just hit me. This wasn’t just any kind of glass, but glass from a shot glass from back home.


That feeling I felt on Sunday night was the broken pieces of the shot glass Frank shattered. He forced me to swallow glass.

I was sobbing into myself again, but felt the strong arms of Sam comforting me. He pulled me into him. Somehow his shirt was opened, leaving his bear chest. He had muscles on every inch of him, making him even more appealing.

Plus, I didn’t have much of a choice, but to fall into Sam’s stiff grasp. He was like Kevin, but when he held me close he I felt safe and didn’t feel scared. I felt Sam’s warmth through the hospital gown, making me feel tired.

I loved the feeling. I was always cold, this made me feel alive. As if Sam could sense my defeatism, his body temperature rose. I almost lost myself the, almost lost my soul, body, and life to Sam. The warmth was so amazing, but not human. That was when I planted my hands against his chest, pulling away and out of his arms.

Another voice entered the room, startling Sam. “Get off Ginger.” He pulled me away from Sam. Forcing me to stand was the dumbest thing he could have done because I almost instantly fell to the ground.

“Frank. We were talking to Ginger. You are going to have to wait till we are done.” Dr. Burrow sounded calm, like what just happened between Sam and I didn’t happen. I knew if I was left alone with Sam again, I wouldn’t come back.

Frank lifted me to my feet, yelling, “Get a fucking lawyer! Till then, don’t talk to my niece.” Frank forcefully pulled me from the room and to his car, where Nelly was already waiting.

I felt foolish for leaving the hospital still wearing the gown. I was forced in the back of the car and hit my backpack. Nelly must’ve grabbed it while Frank got me. It almost felt good, knowing Frank nearly saved me from the soon-to-be kidnapping. But my victory of fleeing Sam’s grasp was short lived.


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