Chapter Thirteen: Death is my Home

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Chapter Thirteen: Death is my Home

The world I lived in for my past eleven years were nothing but hell on earth. My aunt and uncle might still be alive; I never saw their dead, mutilated bodies, just their shrieks. Kevin must have escaped too because he wasn’t among the bloody body of his younger brother, Damien.

“She’s still not breathing.”

They were trying to bring me back, but I was already gone, or at least that was what I thought. The pain of the episodes were still punishing me and my body looked nothing like before. The most noticeable difference in me was my paleness. White dust like powder sprinkled my exposed skin and wisped away to reveal a whiteness to my pale self, the one that will never turn back.

Elm, oak, and spruce trees sprang to life around me, separating to a simple path straight ahead. Dandelions and tulips flowered as I stepped past their domain, never once closing as I peaked behind my once self. I was getting a feeling that I belonged here. I had never felt so safe and loved as I did in this forest, one that was reminding me of Fogthorn Forest, just off by the slightest millimeter. It’s like identical twins, they are usually examined and revealed as a difference, either their personality or how they part their hair. Nothing is ever perfectly a match, not even the supposed clone.

As my steps shortened and stopped completely on the closing path, seeing nothing but the once upon a time walking path made by the magical trees and mystical flowers. The forest was what was hiding a whole other world filled with what myself wasn’t able to believe. Not only was everything old fashion and beautiful, but right in the middle was my parent’s and Aisakos, my half-brother.

They were in deep conversation, having stern faces and body posture of offensive matters. But I didn’t care that they could be speaking about something that was life or death. They were there, really there, my parent’s. My hidden tears burst and wrapped my eyes into a whirlpool of whimpers. Oh how I missed them and now I was going to see, touch them once again.

My old memories of my young childhood would bring warmth and comfort for all the years of abuse and neglect caused by Nelly and Frank, even Mr. Noelnder, Sam, and possibly Anna, who betrayed me for Sam. I will never trust them again, ever. Once they betrayed me, my trust in them vanished.

I ran towards them, forgetting to stop at where several armed guards and a woman stood, watching for any trouble. She saw me way before I noticed her and made me halt before I could step a single foot in the holy world of my parent’s.

“Stop! You can’t just come through. You must be registered first, “ spit out the woman who I still hadn’t glanced at. My parent’s were the only thing I could focus on. I will never be taken from them again.

“State your purpose, now!”

Her demanding voice made me jump back just enough to hit one of the sudden guards behind me. The guard didn’t look down at me, but forward and utter no sound. If I had to fight these people I would. They can’t keep me from someone that is part of me, I deserve to at least hug them.

I searched the ground and noticed that I wore a simple black gown barefoot and hair flowing freely for the first time to my bruised shoulders.

“Name?!” demanded the woman again, for what must have been her fifth time asking.

When I didn’t respond the woman grabbed my scarred chin and forced me to look at her hateful eyes. My world froze as I looked at the spitting image of my mother. I tried uselessly to see if my mother was still talking with my father and Aisakos, but this imposter wouldn’t allow me.

I couldn’t take it anymore and blew up, “Let me go!”

The woman chuckled and winked at someone. “Name?!” snarled the doppelganger. “Don’t make me force you, child.”

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