Chapter Four: Night Terror's

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  • Dedicated to Renee' (who loves being 3)

Chapter Four: Night Terror’s

My mind went blank as I found myself inside our storage garage. My hospital gown was still on me, but had several large gaps, revealing my black panties and bra. I felt like I was explored to the world.

I fell to the ground, clutching my hands around my knees, rocking myself back in forth, saying soothing words.

“There you are.” I looked up, still in my ball, seeing Frank holding a butcher knife. “Hurry! She is in here.” Nelly entered through the now opened garage door.

Nelly looked upset and instantly flew at me. She pinned me against the concrete floor, which shot cold shivers throughout my entire body. I didn’t fight because I thought Nelly wasn’t going to hurt me.

Was I ever wrong.

Frank was upon me within the second and forced the knife into my skin by my already bruised stomach. I screamed, but got slapped by Nelly across the face.

I moved wrong as the pain grew beyond painful. I was released when Frank drilled the knife into my stomach. Apparently, I did something wrong again.

Nelly and Frank kissed, nearly getting ‘down and dirty’ in front of me, but stopped as they saw me watching. My hand covered the knife wound on my stomach, that was gushing blood that dripped through my hand and down my stomach to my panties and leg.

“This is what you get for going to the hospital again!” yelled Frank, kicking me under the chin. My head flew back, hitting the wall, making me start coughing up blood.

I glanced back at Frank with blood coming the mouth as his impact reached my teeth. I bit down so hard and fast, that I hadn’t noticed my tongue was in the way. I swear I bit right through.

My tears were unrealistically warm as they trailed down my frail face and onto the already blood covered floor. I knew Frank was going to come at me again, but he stopped half way. Shaking and lifting up his knife, I turned my head to see a wolf.

This wasn’t your ordinary wilderness wolf, either. This wolf was enormous, more like the size of a black bear, having all the muscular appearances of one, but more. It stood as tall as a horse, head down, teeth out, and a growl escaped from its throat. The wolf was a glossy, gloomy black color resembling the medieval times in Europe.

Nelly and Frank were whispering for me to come to them, but I could see that the wolf heard them. I wasn’t even able to reach out my hand when the wolf sprinted in front of me. He growled loudly at Nelly and Frank, who were retreating backwards, closing the door behind them. I heard a ‘click’ as they locked me inside.

With a wolf.

I heard Frank talking to Nelly outside the storage garage, “Leave her. If she ends up dead, we can say the wolf did it. You can only imagine what that wolf will do to her.” I could hear Frank laughing as they retreating to the house.

My teeth started to chatter as I felt myself suddenly go cold. Was I dying? Is this what you feel before you see the light? Numerous questions entered my mind as I felt something shifting behind me.

Turning slightly to the right, I met the gaze of the wolf who was lying behind me. Blood gushed out as the wolf became more forceful in pushing me backwards.

I fell into its awaiting body. The wolf was extremely warm as I relaxed against it in astonishment. His long face came closer to mine as I remained silent and still. The only thing I couldn’t control was my chattering teeth as I continued to become cold. I was losing to much blood.

I closed my eyes, but forced them open as I suddenly felt weak. A soft comforting voice entered my mind as I continued to stare into the wolves dark eyes. They had a certain outline color that looked somewhat like a green.

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