When the night comes (Thorin...

By InsanityWrights

656 21 18

"When the darkness calls for me, I have no choice but to answer. While you can control how and when you chang... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two: The Beginning marks the End
Chapter Three - The Contract
Chapter Four - Four More Days
Chapter Five - The Rain

Chapter One: The Prancing Pony

172 4 0
By InsanityWrights

Sometimes during a journey, you have to stop and wonder "why am I here?".

 When I awoke in the night, the brisk air and the uncomfortable position I had fallen asleep in had not fazed me. I felt my horse was gently nudging me, pulling me from the depths of sleep. Feeling quite startled and on edge, I looked up and listened. A freezing chill spread up my spine as I heard howling not so far away from my current residence. I quickly began to pack all my stuff up, all the while keeping my horse calm. Once we were fully packed, I climbed onto her, thus beginning the cat and mouse chase.


 The drumming of my horse galloping against the forest floor was like a hurricane pounding in my ears. Mithel's fast intakes of breath made me aware of how long we had been escaping from the unseen force.

 I knew nothing of my pursuers; who they were, what they were, nor where they were. Judging by the howls they were either wolves or drunk wood elves. Both were rather unlikely in these parts of Bree. But what else could they be? Could they? No, they couldn't be... My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I wondered profusely about the howls. I decided on those hunting me being of Gundabad, wargs. They certainly didn't need a reason for food. Unless, with them, orcs pursued me as well.

 The whole time we escaped, I was hoping safety was finally in my grasp. As much as I wanted to stop so that my horse may rest, I knew that once we stopped, they would find us once more.

 I didn't exactly know what they wanted from me, but all I knew was that here we were, in a forest, being chased by a creature of the night.

 We kept at this pace for a while, until I heard the howling in the distance, striking fear into the hearts of those who traveled alone. That moment then, I wished I had just stayed a couple more nights in Bree so that maybe local authority could have helped. Though, I wasn't so sure that the power of Rangers or any other authorities could save me now. Not even myself then nor now could have expected an uninvited guest to tag along on my extensive travel.

"I am begging you, I know you can keep this pace up, we will be safe soon enough, I promise.." I whispered assuring words to my horse, which seemed to make her run faster and keep up the pace. "Thank you, Mithel."

 We heard no more howls as we hurried along, but I knew they were not far off from us, especially if they knew my scent by now, not that my scent was any different than a wolf's.

 I saw the familiar bank of water and hoped that maybe water wasn't something wargs would cross.

"Across the water, hurry Mithel."

 I didn't stop as we began running across the rocky current, the water flow wasn't rough, and allowed us easy passage to the other side. As the land was on our fingertips, we continued without delay, further into the lightening forest, towards Bree. It was the closest place to me, for I had nowhere else to go.

 If we kept this speed, we could make it to the small barge in no time. The howls became more distant, but it was no longer the wargs that scared me, but the riders. While we cut across a field, the outskirts of the forest were coming into our view, I didn't feel relief just yet, though I couldn't help the joy that filled me when I saw the barge.

 What happened next made me feel as if the gods above were laughing at me.

"By the Valar!" I exclaimed in shock.

 When I heard a horse's scream I felt the ground within my reach before I toppled over and onto the floor, a giant weight on top of me. I struggled to push it off of me before I realized who it was.

"Mithel.." My eyes blurred and I struggled out from under her. "No..." She was no longer breathing, her white coat tarnished by blood, I looked to her side and saw an orc arrow. Grabbing my stuff, and struggling to stand, I pet her one last time before I ran to the small wooden float.

 I quickly stood on the wooden planks, and they began moving. When I looked back I saw the glowing eyes, and quickly pulled out my bow. None of them shot at me, they just watched before trotting back into the forest.


 I hoped that when I set foot on the land of Bree, that my appearance wasn't as bad as my feelings, which were worse for wear. Strapping my bow back on, I made my way through the crowd, straight to The Prancing Pony Inn. The whole walk to the Inn was spent keeping my hood up to cover my face, which wasn't much of a hassle.

 No one stared too much when I walked into the Inn, avoiding all the people in my path, a corner booth catching my attention.

"Aye, never in my short years have I seen a woman like that.." A man slurred from the bar, glancing over at one of the prettier waitresses.

"S-Short ears? What are they, vampiric wood elves?" Another man stuttered out with an ale in one hand.

 I kept my laughing as quiet as I could as I made my way to the booth, overlooking the entire room. Sitting down at the table, I kept my hood up, keeping my face from view.

 The waitress barely noticed me until I flagged her over. Slowly she made her way over to me, avoiding any of the men trying to court her.

"Sorry sir, I did not notice you." She said sheepishly, bringing out her notepad.

"That's quite alright." I smiled softly. "Bread, cheese, and ale will do. Any special desserts tonight?" I questioned. She nodded after her shock faded away when she knew now that I was no man.

"Yes. Honey-nut pie, ma'am." She mumbled shyly.

"A slice of that, thank you." I gave another cheerful smile, which she returned before she set off for my order.

 Leaning back against my seat, I took in my surroundings. Men, men, men, with a few female waitresses fluttering about. Everything seemed normal until I set my eyes upon two peculiar and unhappy men. They seemed to be staring rather intently at a handsome fellow. Well, handsome dwarf.

 When I saw them beginning to stand, my eyes met with their targets. Beginning to pull out my sword, an idea came to mind. Making my way over to his table, I sat in front of him.

"Evening, sir." I greeted with a soft and quiet voice, my hood obscuring my face from sight. The other men quickly made their getaway.

"Ah, glad to see you here, Thorin Oakenshield." A rather old but healthy looking man said, before casting me a glance. Standing quickly, I went back for my booth, a swift goodbye leaving my lips. I had recognized that face, just as he had recognized mine.

 When I sat down, I ate my food in silence, slowly, distracting myself from meeting the intense gaze set on me. The waitress came back to check on me before I paid my bill, making my way towards the door. The dwarf's image was forever burnt into my head.

 As soon as I had stepped outside the inn, I was shoved into a nearby alleyway.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" A gruff, timber voice asked. As soon as my back hit the alleyway wall, my hood fell down, allowing my face to show.

"None of your business, I want nothing to do with you, dwarf." I growled lowly, staring 'Thorin' in the face.

"Thorin, I suggest letting the lady go, she has more to her than she would seem." The same aged man from earlier said, allowing me a chance to escape the dwarf's grasp.

"She seems to be one of those assassins." Thorin huffed aloud.

"Assassins? Certainly not! I saw those men about to attack you and I took action." I mumbled.

"Hm.." The old man stared at me with wonder. "No matter, we must go, sorry to have inconvenienced you, milady."

"You know extremely well that I am no ordinary lady, Gandalf the Grey." I huffed out in annoyance as he glanced back to me. 

"My apologies Morgana, where are my manners. This is Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin, this is Morgana Delisle, she comes from further North."

"I can tell him about me myself, thank you very much, Gandalf." I gave him a look and he sighed before wishing me farewell. 

 He nodded to Thorin before stepping out of the alleyway, looking around, then leaving. Thorin stared at me for what seemed like the longest time. The silence was a bit awkward as his eyes studied me. Seeming to have made up his mind, he muttered out an apology before he too left me alone in the alleyway. I heaved a sigh before movement in the darkness caught my eye. A rather familiar and ugly orc stepped a bit into the light, sword drawn. Slowly, as I drew closer to the street, the orc backed down a bit.

 It took a moment for the silence to break.

"Ashdautas Vrasubatlat(1)..." The orc hissed at me.

"Nar Udautas(2)." I spat out as it took a step closer. As he lunged, I ran back out onto the street, throwing myself into the inn. Before anyone could notice me, I pulled my hood back up. Making my way over to the bar, I checked into a room. This was going to be a long night.


1: Someday I will kill you.

2: Not today.

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