Code Lyoko: The Archer Return...

By Destiny_Bound

8.4K 292 17

Dallas Dunbar is back, and with her hidden memories of Franz Hopper still locked up in her mind, XANA is stop... More

Chapter 1: Returned.
Chapter 2: First Day Back.
Chapter 3: Again with the XANA Attacks
Chapter 4: Kidnapped...Again
Chapter 5: Silence is Golden...but not Always
Chapter 6: Strengths and Weaknesses
Chapter 7: Choices
Chapter 8: The Fight Isn't Over Yet
Chapter 9: Anger
Chapter 10: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 11: Lunchtime
Chapter 12: Sector Five
Chapter 13: Saved
Chapter 14: Yet Another XANA Attack
Chapter 15: We Can (Sort of) Relate
Chapter 16: The Trouble with XANA
Chapter 17: The Skidbladnir (Part One)

Chapter 17: The Skidbladnir (Part Two)

432 11 4
By Destiny_Bound

"Go on, Yumi, you've done it before." Ulrich said once they made it to the supercomputer room.

"Yeah, but...what if I mess up or something?" Yumi asked. Dallas yawned.

"Its a risk we've gotta take. But don't worry about it, Yumi, I'm sure you'll do fine." She said. They headed for the scanners. Odd started talking as they were getting in the scanners.

"Just try not to mess up, okay? I don't want to find my arms where my legs are supposed to be and my nose in my navel. Can you imagine that?"

"No." Ulrich and Dallas said in unison.

"Okay, um...t-transfer, Odd. Transfer, Dallas. Transfer, Ulrich." Yumi was saying. The scanners closed around the three. "Scanner, Odd. Scanner, Dallas. Scanner, Ulrich...Virtualization."

Ah yes. The lovely feeling of being brought into Lyoko again.

Dallas landed on her feet. She could hear Odd talking behind her.

"Two arms, two legs, one head, one tail...all present and accounted for!"

"You did it Yumi, we're in the Arena." Dallas said.

"Hurry up! Melanie's shields aren't going to hold up for much longer." Yumi said. The trio started running towards the elevator, which was just outside of the Arena this time. No winding paths, no twists and turns, nothing. Just the elevator. It came down and slowed to a stop. They all stepped onto it, and it went up to the hangar.

"William's not interested in me right now. Ulrich, you handle him, Odd and I will take care of the Creepers." Dallas said as they were going up. Ulrich nodded. Once they were at the hangar, Odd disappeared underneath the platform. Dallas went over to the Creepers, while Ulrich started fighting William.

"Hey, uglies! Bet you can't get me!" Odd said, flipping onto the platform. He shot a Laser Arrow at one of them and hit it, making it explode.

Dallas huffed and rolled her eyes. She was still paying attention, though, and dodged the attack from one of the other three Creepers.

"You think you're going to get me while I'm 'distracted?' Yeah, right!" Dallas laughed, notched an arrow, and let go. Another explosion. Two Creepers left. Meanwhile, Odd was swinging around one of the platform supports as one of the Creepers was shooting at him. "Odd, stop messing around!" Dallas said, shooting the Creeper with another arrow. It exploded.

"Jeez, Dallas, I know what I'm doing." Odd said.


Odd shot the last Creeper, and that was when the Mantas showed up.

"Well, that's great." Dallas said. This time she wasn't paying attention, and got shot in the chest by one of the three Mantas.
Then Odd somehow got devirturalized after blowing up one of the Mantas.

"Yumi, we aren't going to be able to do this on our own!" Dallas said. No answer. Well, Dallas did manage to shoot the other two Mantas. After getting hit twice. She didn't have time to think before she felt herself being devirturalized, looking down to see William's sword go right through her. William had used Supersmoke to quickly get over to Dallas and devirtualize her.

"Aw, no..." Dallas said as she felt herself get pulled out of the virtual world and back into the scanner. She had a good grip on the left side of the scanner, gasping for air before she fell to her knees. Then she got up, went to the supercomputer room, only to find Jeremy sitting there, with Odd standing beside him.

"About time. Three and a half minutes to four, Einstein." She said.

"I know, I know, but Melanie's shields are almost completely gone! Ladies, one more hit and it's goodbye Melanie." He said into his mic as he typed. Ulrich showed up after Jeremy spoke. After a few minutes, it was over. William was gone, and construction on the sub was complete.

Later, they were at the Hermitage, sitting in a sort of circle.

"We can't keep the name Melanie. We all know that. Well, except maybe Odd." Dallas said.

"Why? I think it's a great name!" Odd complained.

"Yeah, it's a great name for a girl, but not a submarine." Yumi said.

"Hey, Aelita, you coming?" Ulrich called out.

"Be right there!" Aelita said, walking into the room with a book. "My father used to read these Viking stories to me when I was little. Take a look at this." She showed the book to Jeremy.

"The Skidbladnir?"

"Its a legendary ship that was said to always reach it's destination." Aelita said.

"Then its settled. The submarine's name will be the Skidbladnir!" Jeremy said.

"The Skid. How about the Skid for short?" Odd said

"Hey, how'd Jim react when he found out you two weren't there?" Yumi said.

"Well, we haven't seen him since, so maybe he forgot about us." Jeremy replied.

"I haven't even seen him on campus, he must have other things on his mind." Aelita added. Everyone laughed. Meanwhile, Jim was chasing Kiwi around the campus.

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