The Boys Next Door (Larry and...

By Potter_Who_1D

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Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson are cousins, who move to the small town Huntersville. Harry Styles and Zayn Ma... More

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)
Chapter Two: A New Day
Chapter Three: Holy Fuck
Chapter Four: Mate?
Chapter Five: Training and School
Chapter Six: Meet the Family
Chapter Seven: Mine
Chapter Nine: Might Be Confusing
Chapter Ten: I Know
Chapter Eleven: Maybe Not
Chapter Twelve: Surprise Pt 1
Chapter Thirteen: Surprise Part 2
Chapter Fourteen: The First in Over 100 Years
Chapter Fifteen: That's Not Possible

Chapter Eight: Wanting Harry

5.1K 166 15
By Potter_Who_1D


It was the next morning when Liam shook Louis, but he wasn’t asleep. He couldn’t get the words Harry had said to him before. My mate.

He was Harry’s, and it scared him. Louis felt something for Harry since he saw him, as much as he tried to deny it and reason with himself that Harry was just another asshole. Just someone who wanted to play with him. Knowing now, that it wasn’t that it… It scared Louis.

“Lou… I know you’re awake.” Liam said softly, sitting next to Louis, rubbing his shoulders. “Talk to me? What happened last night?”

Louis said nothing, but he could feel tears creeping up in his eyes. He tried to push them down, he’d cried enough over boys, assholes at that. “Did Harry say something?” Liam asked carefully, still rubbing at the other’s shoulders, trying to comfort his cousin.

Louis didn’t say anything, but the hitch in his heart, something he knew Liam could hear, said it all. “What did he say?” Liam all but growled out. Louis shook his head, trying to to say it wasn’t bad, that is was his fault, not Harry’s.

He was about to say something else, when Zayn barged into the room, fuming. “I don’t know what you did, Louis…” Zayn hissed, glared at him. “But Harry has locked himself in his room, ordered everyone to leave him alone and won’t come out. Not even for food.”

Louis felt this crushing fear in his chest, as if his body wanted to be beside Harry as much as his heart and head did. But he’d ruined it all. He’d ran when Harry admitted that Louis was his mate. He’d run like it was something to be ashamed of, when he wanted nothing more than to be cuddling up beside Harry, watching a cheesy romance movie. Louis let out a low whine, one that was almost wolf like.

“Zayn…” Liam said softly, “Louis… He hasn’t said a word to anyone since last night, and…” He had gotten off the bed now, and was beside Zayn and was whispering to him in low tones that Louis couldn’t hear. He caught a couple words, like “Harry”, “mates”, and “pinning, Liam, pining” from both Liam and Zayn.

But Louis didn’t care. He’d lost his chance, there’s no way Harry’d talk to him now. Even if Louis tried to explain that he’d been scared, and that he was shocked, that Harry chose him, his wolf chose Louis. “I thought Harry’s mate was supposed to be strong.” Louis said softly, unable to help it. Liam knew when he got like this, he’d be in a state of almost depression, where he never said anything good about himself.

Liam was quick to be back at Louis’ side, threading a hand through his hair. “You are strong Lou. Very strong.” He said softly, sitting back beside him. Zayn was now standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, unsure what to say or do.

“I left him standing there, Liam. Because I was scared.” Louis replied, tears stinging his eyes.

“Scared? Of what?” Liam asked carefully, eyes soft and unjudging.

“I…” Louis said, chocking softly on the words. “I want Harry.” He finally said, so quietly he could almost hear Zayn straining to hear the words. “I want my… I just want Harry.” Tears were falling down his face, staining his pillow, but Louis didn’t care. The words were as true as they came. He wanted his mate, his Harry. He wanted Harry here, to wrap Louis up in his big arms, and to tangle their legs together. He wanted Harry to put him back together, kiss away his tears, hold him. He just simply wanted Harry.

“Come on, then.” Zayn said, “I’ll take you to see him.” He looked at Louis softly, as if Louis was his little brother. Like he needed to take care of him.

Louis didn’t care how he looked, just got out of bed, grabbed a sweatshirt (one that he had cuddled with last night, because it was Harry’s and still smelt like him), and threw a beanie on. The three boys trekked downstairs, which was still quiet and empty, since everyone else in the house was still asleep on the holiday Monday. It was a short walk to the house, and it was still fairly quiet inside, the only people up and walking around were Anne and Robin, who payed no mind to the three boys. Liam and Zayn stopped at the stairs, with an apologetic look on their faces.

“We can’t go any farther.” Liam said.

“Harry’s ordered everyone to leave him alone. The only people who can go up there are people not in the pack, his parents and my parents.” Zayn said. “And humans.”

Louis nodded, and started up the stairs. “His room is the 4th door, on the left.” Zayn called out, as Louis reached the hallway. He walked to the 4th door on the left, just as Zayn said, and knocked lightly on it, knowing Harry could hear him. He didn’t say anything, just wait.

There was a noise on the other side, like someone growling and the door was ripped open, Harry’s eyes blazing as they landed on Louis. The eyes softened slightly, and allowed Louis to see the redness in them, seeing that Harry had been crying. Hard.

“What are you doing here?” Harry said, trying to be emotionless and closed off, as if that would protect him.

“I… I want to explain.” Louis said softly, looking at him, drinking the sight in.

Harry scuffed. “You rejected me, Louis, you don’t need to explain. I got the message, loud and clear.” He grumbled the last bit, but Louis could see tears welling up in his eyes again.

“I-… I didn’t mean to.” Louis said, “Reject you. I didn’t want to, I was just… Scared.” He admitted softly, stepping into the room.

It had been destroyed, the room. Tables had been flipped, chairs broken and the window smashed through. The bed was the only thing in one piece, but the sheets were another story. The bathroom, from what Louis could see, had a broken mirror.

“Why?” Harry asked. The question could have different means, but Louis decided to take it his own way.

“Why was I scared?” He asked, as if confirming. “Because you sprung something on me, something big and… I was scared you were joking, that this was your idea of a sick joke and were twisting with my feelings.”

Harry looked at him with a pained look in his eyes. “Louis… I wouldn’t…”

Louis nodded, and crowded into Harry’s space, wanting to feel him. “I know…” He placed a hand on Harry’s cheek, looking up into his green eyes.

Harry leant down, lips brushing over Louis’, before placing them down firmly, and kissing him. Louis moved his arms around Harry’s neck, clinging onto him and going up onto his tippy toes, so Harry didn’t have to bend down as far to kiss him. Harry’s arms went around his waist, pulling Louis flesh against him, as his tongue brushed over Louis’ bottom lip. The human let out a soft moan of want, opening his mouth for Harry, who let his tongue slide in with practiced ease. His hands moved to Louis’ waist, lifting him up. Louis let his legs wrap around Harry, letting out a small squeak of surprise when Harry’s hands moved to his bum, supporting the light human.

They continued kissing for a few moments longer, until Harry set Louis back down, softly, on his feet. He put his face into Louis’ neck, breathing his scent in deeply. “Please tell me Zayn or Liam didn’t guilt you into coming here or something.” He said softly, as if Louis could easily rip his heart out with a single word.

Louis hit him lightly, as if the idea offended him. It did. “No.” He said, “I came here because I want you, Harry.” He paused. “For some godforsaken reason.” Louis teased, but there was no heat behind the words. If anything, they were fond.

Harry laughed, “I want you too, boobear.”

Louis let out a low groan. Harry knew he found the nickname annoying. It was bad enough that his mother called him that still, but Harry finding out and calling him it? Unbearable. (He was lying. He loved Harry calling him that, but like hell Louis was going to admit that) “I’ll find an annoying name for you soon.” Louis pretended to threaten.

Harry made a soft noise, one that Louis didn’t know exactly what it meant, but there was soon a knock on the door, and Zayn’s voice filtered through the wood. “Are you guys done in there yet?”

Louis pulled away, going to open the door (the one that he hadn’t even realised Harry shut), when Harry made a soft whine and reached for Louis. He rolled his eyes fondly, and intertwined their fingers. So maybe Harry wasn’t the only one who wanted contact all of the time.

Louis opened the door with his free hand, and Zayn had a mixed look on his face, while Liam had a look of triumph on his face. “20 pounds, please.” He grinned, putting his hand out to Zayn, who reached for his wallet.

“What’d you two bet on?” Harry asked, a bit too casually, as if he was asking for Louis. Probably was. Damn werewolves and their super-hearing. Louis though to himself as Liam answered. “Zayn thought the two of you would get to the dirty right away. I, on the other hand, know Louis way too well.” He pocketed the money from Zayn, still with a smug look on his face, but an underlining happiness.

“You thought I’d put out?” Louis asked, turning onto Zayn and letting go of Harry’s hand to cross his arms, raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously I overestimated Harry’s abilities.” Zayn corrected, smirking at his friend, before getting a good look at his bed room. “Bloody hell, Harry, your mum’s gonna have a fit.” He looked at the room, eyes wide.

An actual blush came over Harry, a small one, but one nonetheless. “D’you think I can sneak out of here?”

There was a shout from downstairs, that even Louis heard. “Not a chance Harold Edward Styles!”

Harry blushed, but looked over at the room with a groan. “I didn’t even realise it was that bad.”


Seeing as most of the werewolves around were working on Harry’s room, including Zayn, Liam and Harry, Niall and Louis were down in the basement, talking.

Louis hadn’t spoken much to Niall, other than at school, since at the pack house, he was usually around Harry.

“So he finally told you then?” Niall said, as some random movie played in the background. Neither of them were paying attention.

“You knew?” Louis asked, surprised.

Niall shook his head. “No, but I took a couple guesses, and seeing as you two are buddy-buddy and-” he cut himself off, seeing Louis’ disbelieving look. “What? Ok, I had my guesses that you two were something, but Liam actually told me, when I came today.”

Louis laughed, trying to change the subject, “So, I saw you talking- no, flirting- with one of the girls today, what’s her name again?”

Niall blushed, and took the bait. “Megan. And I wasn’t flirting…” He paused. “Was it really that obvious?”

Louis snorted. “You were flirting up a storm, like, the whole 9 yards.”

Niall tried to shrug and play it off cool. “She’s nice.”

It was true. As well as her being nice, and smart, she was also very nice to look at. Tall, ginger and lean. “And you like her.” Louis said, in a sing-song voice, before Niall hit him- rather hard, too.

“Shut up. She could hear you!” Niall hissed as Louis rubbed his shoulder, the spot that Niall hit.

“I am not above getting Harry to beat you up.” Louis muttered back, without heat.

Niall waved him off, turning back to the movie, but only for a few seconds. “Do you think she likes me back?”

Louis let out sigh. “I refuse to play the ‘do you think she likes me’ game, but, yes. She looked very interested.”

“Like very interested, as in dating interested, or very interested, as in friendly interested?” Niall tried.

“I don’t know.” Louis tried, but Niall kept bugging him.

“C’mon, tell me something.” Niall pouted, looking like a puppy. Damn him.

“I did.” Louis said, trying to resist the other’s puppy dog eyes.

Niall huffed, and at back. “Tease.” He muttered, only sounding partly annoyed.

Louis shrugged, and grinned almost wickedly. “I’m sure Harry’ll enjoy it in the bedroom.”

Niall knocked shoulders with him, and made a disgusted noise. “Ugh, mate! I did not need to know that!”

“Who didn’t need to know what?” Liam said flopping down beside Louis.

“Like you didn’t hear.” Louis said, thinking about werewolves and their damn super-hearing.

Liam shrugged. “Wasn’t paying attention. My hearing’s normal most of the time, I block out anything that’s out of human hearing range unless I want to.”

Louis paused. “Wait. Could you hear people disgusting food?”

Niall made a disgusted look on his face. “Ugh. Don’t remind me. Horrid times.”

Liam made a face, one similar to Niall’s. “I couldn’t be around people for over a week. I just wanted to puke.”

It was Louis’ turn to make a face. “New conversation. Liam and Zayn.”

Liam blushed, very faintly, but Louis knew better. “What about us? We’re just friends.”

“Liar.” Louis grinned.

Niall nodded in agreement. “I didn’t even need to listen to your heartbeat on that. S’obvious mate.”

“I don’t like him, really.” Liam said, trying to convince the other two. “Honestly.”

“The truth is singular, lies are just words, words, words.” Louis smirked.

“Let’s remember who has the super strength here Louis.” Liam said, pretending to be threatening.

“Let’s remember who has a super possessive and strong-than-you boyfriend here Liam.” He mocked, grinning. Him and Harry were boyfriends… Right? They didn’t have to talk about that. They were mates, shouldn’t that just automatically make them boyfriends too?

Liam looked down. “Look, it’s really nothing. Zayn’s probably straight or whatever. Even if he isn’t, he doesn’t seem like the type to like me.”

“You’re pretty awesome.” Niall said, trying cheer him up. “I mean, if I like dudes, you’d be my number one choice.”

Liam laughed. “Thanks Niall. What about you? Any ladies?”

Niall shrugged. “Uh there’s one…” He blushed faintly.

“Megan.” Louis supplied, unable to keep the secret.

“The tall ginger?” Liam asked. Niall nodded.

“I have no idea how to talk to her though, I get nervous and I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing.” Niall said softly, blushing more.

“I’ll help you.” Liam offered with a smile. 

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