Chapter Two: A New Day

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Friday was spent unpacking, and helping Aunt Jay carry heavy things. Though everything was crazy and chaotic, the meeting to bring him into the pack kept popping into his head. It was finally 11, and Louis was asleep, probably the only time this would ever happen, since he actually helped unpack today. Liam snuck out the window, and jumped down off the three story. If he wasn’t werewolf, he probably would’ve broken something, but he stuck the landing quietly and took off in a jog towards the pack house.

                He arrived at the house, completely unfazed by the jog. Ever since he changed, it took a lot of exercise to wear him out, but he needed a lot to eat. Not that Jay ever complained about cooking for him, as long as he did the dishes.

                Liam went to knock on the door, only to have it pulled open by Zayn. If the meeting had been popping up in his head during the day, Zayn was stuck in the front. With his tan skin, long, inked body and chocolate-honey eyes, Liam couldn’t forget him.

                “Ah! Liam. The man of the hour.” He grinned, and Liam’s eyebrows furled as he smelt something on Zayn.

                “Are you… Are you drunk?” Liam asked.

                “Maybe a little. All in good sprit though! Everyone gets drunk before these things. They’re so boring sober.” Zayn said, grinning and pulling Liam inside, only to pull him through the house and to the backyard.

                The back yard was huge. There was forest surrounding it, and a huge patch of green that could probably fit fifty people in it, along with the shed and the bonfire off to the side. About 40 people were hanging out around the campfire, all looking older than 15.

                “The age of coming for a werewolf is 15. It’s when we start training them, and it’s when they’re allowed to join in our pack things like this.” Zayn said, sound surprisingly sober. It was almost like Liam had imagined the drunk-Zayn, but there was still the giddy look in his eyes when he had first open the door to Liam.

                Liam nodded, looking at all the people for a moment before Zayn continued pulling him along to the bonfire. Harry’s father, his soon-to-be alpha stood in the middle, right by the fire. “Ah, Liam!” He boomed, the same glint in his eye that Zayn had. Maybe it was some tradition to be drunk during these things, Liam thought absentmindedly as Zayn pushed him towards Robin. “Our newest addition!”

                The pack clapped loudly, and someone handed Robin a cup- more like an old fashioned goblet- and he thanked the boy. Liam was pulled to stand on the other side of the fire, facing Robin, as he held the cup over the fire. “To our ancestors, and the wolves.” He started off, command strong in his tone. “We wish for your permission to join Liam Payne, son of-“

                “Karen and Geoff Payne.” Liam said quietly, as Robin cracked a very small smile and continued.

                “Karen and Geoff Payne,” Robin repeated, face back into a hard stone. “Into the pack of Huntersville, and under my order.” The fire roared up around the cup and Robin’s arm, but it didn’t do any harm to them. After a few moments, the flames died back down, and Robin motioned for Liam to take the cup. “Drink this and live, join the pack.” He said simple, and Liam could feel the blood drain from his face. Drink this and live? There was a chance he’d die? That wasn’t what he signed up for.

                Still. He knew he’d have to drink from the cup, so he brought it up to his lips, and took a swing of it. It tasted the same as when Louis and he had taken some red wine on New Year’s Eve a few years back, nothing like poison.

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