Chapter Five: Training and School

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As much as it killed both boys, Harry and Louis were up and in the pack kitchen the next morning, at 6:55am.

“Coffee. Please.” Louis basically begged, and Harry handed him a cup, before taking a huge gulp of his own.

“I don’t know how Zayn and Liam are doing this.” Harry muttered, face hitting the table.

“Why did I agree to this?” Louis asked no one, as Zayn came into the kitchen.

“Because you need to be trained?” Zayn tried to supply, grabbed an apple.

“Not worth it.” Louis grumbled, as a large brown wolf, Liam, showed up at the door, barking loudly. “I’m never going to get used to that.” He added, seeing Liam’s togune fall out of his mouth, panting slightly.

“Meh.” Zayn shrugged, grinning at Liam before going to open the door and run into the woods.

“So.” Louis said, turning back to Harry. “Are we doing this?”

Harry sighed, and took his head off the table. “Yes.” He groaned out, getting up.

“Geez, no need to be so excited about it.” Louis muttered sarcastically, thinking there was no way Harry could hear him.

“Sarcasm.” Harry replied. “Too early.”

“How did you…?” Louis asked, curious and surprised.

“Werewolf hearing.” He replied, opening up the door and going out, not waiting for Louis to catch up for going out into the field.

“You have enhanced sense even as a human?” Louis asked, interested.

“Yep.” Harry nodded. “Sucks if you wanna get laid in this house. Everyone can hear and smell it.”

“That’s…” Louis paused for a moment. “Really fucking weird.”

The two got up, and headed outside into the field. “First thing. Ever actually learnt anything on protecting yourself?”

Louis shrugged. “Never had a reason to.”

Harry wanted to groan again. This was going to be even harder than he thought. “Nothing? At all?”

“Nothing.” Louis confirmed.

“We’re in for a long day.”


Harry wasn’t in for just a long day. He was in for a long two weeks before Louis even got the basics of fighting.

“He’s hopeless.” Harry said to Zayn one night, after it was just the two of them, hanging out in his room.

Harry’s room was one of the biggest in the house, not that he needed all the space or stuff. It was every teenager’s dream room. Big, double bed on a raised platform (which the two boys were laying on). Dark wood throughout, a TV and couch on one side, with a couple books shelves (full of what Harry swore were werewolf lore, but was really romance novels) lining the walls, and his bed on the other. There were three wooden doors (looking the same as the walls) one leading to closet, the other to a bathroom and the last to the hallway.

“He can’t be that bad.” Zayn said from beside him on the bed. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to share a bed. It was comfort, for most wolves, to sleep with someone else, even just a friend. It offered comfort, and neither of them complained about that. Anyways, they’d been sharing a bed since they were cubs. Completely natural and platonic.

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum