The girl who cried wolf ( PG1...

By misspiggy88

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When Mia's mother is killed she discovers she's not quite human, she half Lycan. Rescued by the family she ne... More

The girl who cried wolf: Prologue
The girl cried wolf: Chapter one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter eight
The girl who cried wolf: chapter nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter ten
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eleven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Fourteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter fifteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Sixteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Seventeen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Eighteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Nineteen
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter 21
The girl who cried wolf: chapter Twenty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-six
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-Seven
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-eight
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-nine
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-one
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty-two
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty Three
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty Four
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five
The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty six
The girl who cried wolf: Epilogue
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The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twenty-four

1.1K 16 2
By misspiggy88

Chapter Twenty-four

(Mia’s POV)

      I was running through the wood, the rain hitting me hard. My heart pounding in my chest, I was panting heavily. I could hear twigs breaking as I ran, I felt free and alive. It was exhilarating. Suddenly I hear a loud howl and stop dead in my tracks; I look around trying to find the source. When his sweet scent hits my nose my heart skips a beat. I turn to see him walk out from the trees. As my eyes meet his I lower my head and lower my body to the ground, the damp earth clinging to my white fur. He walks towards me until I see his big black paws in front of me. I raise my head and meet his amber eyes once more. He lowers his head and rests his jaw against my neck, his black fur mingling with my own. I close my eyes and feel his tongue on my neck. My whole body tingles with touch, a feeling of utter bliss overpowering me. As I feel his tongue once more I begin to shake, my heart pounding in my chest and my head spinning. The trail from his tongue feeling as those I was being stabbed with thousands of needles. My stomach churning as though I am going to throw up. Suddenly I realise his scent, it’s somehow changed. It no longer had his sweet scent; it was bitter and burnt my nostril. Daring myself to open my eyes, I look up at the big amber one staring back at me. They are cold and threatening; instant I know who they belong to. There is only one person who can make me feel this way. It’s Wyatt.

(Tyler’s POV)                          

     I walked out from amongst the trees and headed towards the house, the moonlight glistened off my wet skin. I was still pissed off but I had managed to calm down a little bit. At least the thunder and lightning had stopped now. It was still raining a little but it was starting to calm down a bit. As I started to walk up the steps onto the porch I grabbed a pair shorts and put them on. I’m guessing Faith had left them out for me. As I opened the front door, a familiar scent hit my nose. The house was silent as everyone was asleep but this scent was fresh and filled the house. Mia was awake. I quickly picked up where it was coming from and ran into the kitchen. I froze in amazement as I saw her standing by the open patio door. Before I could say anything she was off like a flash, running at lightning speed towards the forest. I hurried after her as fast as I could. I had never seen her run this fast and I struggled to catch up. After about three minutes we were deep in woods, I ducked and weaved from the branches and tree roots.

    “Mia slow down, it’s me Tyler. Mia please stop.” I shouted but she didn’t stop.

She ran out into the clearing by the spring-water pool and just stood still staring at it. As I emerged from the trees I stopped and watched her. Her head was down slightly and her breath was slow and steady. I moved a little closer, managing to get right beside her without her flinching. I took another step to face her, her eyes were open but they were blank and face was expressionless. I waved my hand in front of her face, trying to snap her out of trance with no success. I was shocked when she started to pull off her baggy t-shirt and threw it down on the ground. Looked away quickly, before seeing more of my cousin then I wanted to. I felt something land on my foot; I looked to see it was her underwear. I couldn’t believe that my cousin was stood beside me completely naked. I glanced around slightly and noticed that she was no longer beside me. Hearing something close by I turned to the water to see her stood at the water’s edge. She stretched her arms above her head, her bones clicking slightly. A sound that I knew meant one thing only. My eyes grew wide as I watched in awe as she shifted into the most beautiful white wolf. She made the transformation seem effortless and fluid. It was like anything I had ever seen before, she was stunning. She was a white wolf. The only white wolf. This fact hit me like a bus, if Wyatt was to find out just how unique she really was god knows what he’d do to her. I seemed to be frozen to the spot as she drank from the lake. I had heard stories of white wolves when I was younger but they were just fairy tales. I never expected that one of these magical creatures really existed; then again I never expected to be a special myself. I lowered myself down onto the ground and crossed my legs, I was mesmerised her. She was smaller than your average Lycan but she closer to a normal wolf. Watching the way she acted in her wolf form you would think that she was just a normal wolf. She seemed so natural a peaceful. She turned around slowly and stopped dead when she saw me, she still had her amazing blue eyes. I smiled at her and took a step towards me, her tail wagging slightly. She took another tentative step before racing towards me and knocking me on my back. I chuckled slightly as she started to lick my face.

    “Eww. Gross, come on Mia stop.” I laughed. “Its tickles get of Mia.”

I noticed her body tense as I mentioned her name, suddenly her eyes started to light up. I knew that she had finally snapped out of her daze.

     “Tyler?” I heard her say in my mind.

    “Yes Mia, it’s me.” I replied.

     “Where are we?” she asked sounding a little startled.

     “We’re at the spring-water pool.” I replied stroking her fur, trying to comfort her.

     “How did we get here, it’s the middle of the night.” She asked quietly.

     “We were sleep walking or something like that, I followed you here.” I answered, looking into her big blue eyes.

I watched as her eyes grew wide and she started to pant. She was looking at me but it was clear that she couldn’t see me, her mind was elsewhere. Whatever it was that she was thinking about it was definitely scaring her.

    “Why can’t feel Luca? Where is he, why isn’t Luca here? Why can’t I talk?” she asked rushing her word.

She had forgotten everything and she clearly had no idea she was in her wolf form. I just didn’t what to say, no matter what I say she’s going to freak out.

     “He’s back at the house.” I replied.

     “Well come on lets go, I’ve got to see him.” She said starting to get up.

     “You can’t Mia.” I said stopping her from moving any further. “You can’t see him; he’s no longer part of the pack.” I continued, bracing myself for her reaction.

     “Wait! What do you mean I can’t see him, he’s my mate and what on earth do you he’s no longer part of the pack? You said he was at the house. How could he be at the house but not be part of the pack?” she growled at me angrily.

    “Well like you said you can’t feel him, he’s not your mate anymore. He is at the house he’s locked up in the basement. He challenge Wyatt and lost, he lost you Mia. You now belong to Wyatt and Luca is a rogue. You can’t be with him anymore Mia, I’m so sorry.” I said watching her heart break in front of me all over again.

She hurried away from me, heading back towards the water’s edge. She hunched herself over and started to retch, she somehow made herself look human in her wolf form. I got up from the ground and headed towards her. It was killing me to see her this hurt and upset. The sooner I could get plan in action the better but right now I have to look after Mia. She needs me; she needs someone to protect her.

    “It’s ok Mia I’m going to sort everything out; it’s going to be fine. You just need to trust me and give me some time.” I said as I stroked her back.

     “How did everything get so messed up?” she asked looking down at the ground.

     “I wish I knew but hey on the bright side we now know that you can shift.” I replied trying to change the subject.

     “What?” I asked sounding a little startled.

I slid my hand up to her neck and moved her head so she faced the water. She gasped as she took in her reflection.

     “You asked me earlier why you could speak well this is why. You’re beautiful Mia.” I said smiling at her. “Obviously you’re not as good looking as my wolf, but you’re not bad.” I continued winking at her.

She looked back at me with what I have guess was a smile on her wolf face. It was nice to see some happiness in her eyes but it last for long.

     “We have to free him Tyler, I don’t trust Wyatt he scares Me.” she said in a quiet pained voice.

     “I know Mia and we will you just need to give some time. Right now though we need to get you back and let the other know you’re awake.” I replied.

     “What about Wyatt I can’t go back there with him there?” She said quickly, her eyes wide with fear.

     “I won’t let him lay a finger on you. I promise.” I answered, trying to comfort her.

     “Thanks Tyler.” She said softly resting her head against me.  

    “Mia before we head back I need you to shift back. I think it would be in best interest, if Wyatt doesn’t know you can shift or that you’re a white wolf. Do you think you can do that for me?” I asked her, she responded with nod. “I just need you to try and relax and concentrate. I need you to picture you’re human appearance.” I continued.

I watched as she closed and with seconds she back to her human form. Like before she made it look effortless, I had never seen any Lycan shift the way she did. She made it look magical.

     “Um Tyler, don’t you mind turning around.” I heard her say.

     “Oh god yeah sorry cuz.” I said as I quickly jumped around.

I could believe I just looked at her naked, she must have thought I was checking her out. I slapped my hand on my forehead with a little more force then was necessary.

      “Ouch!” I shouted.

      “Why the hell did you do that?” She said laughing as she pushed me to the side.

     “Hey! Is that the kind of thanks I get for looking out for you?” I asked as the crossed my arms over my chest.

     “No that was checking me out sick perv.” She said hurrying off towards the trees.

     “I wasn’t checking you out! That’s disgusting Mia. God I’m not that desperate, for Christ sake. I’ve just never seen anyone shift like that before.” I said as I jogged towards her.

     “What do you mean?” she asked stopping and turning towards me.

     “Well you make it look so natural and fluid. You can still see you in your wolf, it’s like you just blend into your wolf. For us it’s like our wolf are bursting out of us.” I replied. “Anyway that’s enough talking we’d better get back before they notice you’re gone. The last thing we need is for Wyatt to be more of grouch than normal. If that’s possible.”

She looked over at me with a week smile as we started to head back.

    “Ok Ty.” She replied.

    “I’ll race ya.” I said grinning at her.

    “You’re on.” She said as she took off through the trees.

Now all I needed to do was to get my plan in motion but right now I’ll just settle on beating her back to the house. 

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