The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

     The last few days had been a blur, I have done everything I can to try and forget everything that happened that day. Luca has been great but things aren’t the same, I don’t feel as comfortable around him as I used to be. I would really love to have things back the way they were but I just can’t bring myself to do it. He seems to understand and has given me plenty space, which I appreciate but at the same time it’s killing. Well I say he’s given me space. He decided that after the whole rose thing, I would be better if his room was closer to mine. So he now has the room across the hall from mine. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about sneaking over there during the night but something keeps holding me back. Luckily so far I haven’t had any more unexpected gifts and I haven’t ran into Lucia either. According to Tyler and Faith, she’s still fuming about Luca rejecting her. So I know when I do finally see her again she’s going to make my life hell, which at the moment is the last thing I need. Right now I just want to have a something normal life free from dramatics. Somehow I don’t think that’s quite possible but it’s worth a try. I’ve spent most of my time, the last few days, with Faith and Tyler. We were either mucking about on the beach or just lounging about in each other’s rooms watching films. Today we had decided as it was nice and sunny that we were going to hang out on the beach. I had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around myself when I heard a faint knock at the door.

     “Come in.” I shouted from my en suite.

As I dried my hair with a towel, I heard the door open someone walking into my room. As soon as their scent had hit my nose I knew who it was, it was Luca. I stopped drying my hair and just stood there for a moment, looking at myself in the mirror.

     “I can come back later if this is a bad time.” He called out to me.

His voice still gave me tingles when I heard it. Part of me just wanted to run into the room and wrap my arms around him. The other part of me just wanted me to send him away.

     “No it’s fine, what did you want?” I asked.

I threw the small towel, which I was using to dry my hair, into the wash basket. I still wasn’t ready to face him, not until I knew what he wanted.

    “Umm I just wanted to see. I know I said I was going to give you some space but I miss you.” He said quietly.

I stood there for another moment before walking into my room, gripping onto my towel tightly. He looked breath taking; he was wearing a pair of grey jog bottoms and a blue hooded shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and all the buttons were undone. I had to admit I had missed his toned body and his dreamy brown eyes. He made it difficult for me to stay upset with him.

     “Well here I am.” I said as I turned walked over to my chest of drawers.

I could feel his eyes on me as i opened one of the draws and grabbed one of my bikinis. I closed the draw and slowly turned to face him again. I could see the hunger in his big brown eyes; he was making my heart melt. My inner wolf was begging me to touch him but I was unsure.

     “I’m sorry for disturbing you; I’ll come back when you’re not busy.” He said looking away from me.

I could see how much all of this was killing him, it was killing me too. We were meant to be together. He gave me once last glance before he turned to leave.

     “No. Stay.” I said quietly, looking down at my feet.

When I looked back up, he was just stood in the doorway.

    “I can go if you want me too.” he replied.

    “No, I want you to stay.” I said without a second thought.

The girl who cried wolf ( PG13 version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant