The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirty five

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Chapter Thirty five

(Luca’s POV)

     As soon as the words had left her mouth, I was racing out of the water and towards the trees. I couldn’t let them get Mia; I couldn’t let them kill my people. Wyatt may have exiled me but they were still my pack, my family.

    “Luca slow down.” I heard someone shout from behind me.

I was too determined to get to the clearing before the hunter, that I wasn’t really paying much attention to the other. I could just about hear their footsteps behind, so I knew they were slowly catching up. I knew I was more than likely going to get myself killed by revealing myself but I had to do something.

     “How can you be so sure they’re hunters?” I heard Tyler ask Layla.

Instantly I slowed down a little. Although they knew she was a rogue, they had no idea she once belonged to hunters. Fear filled me as I couldn’t begin to imagine how they would react when they found out. Especially Lucia, since her whole pack was wiped out by hunters. It may even be possible that it was Layla and her hunters that were responsible.

     “I just know.” She replied, speeding up to reach me.

I looked over at her and gave her a sympathetic smile. Her eyes were filled with worry and sadness. Yes not so long ago she was one of them but she’s family. That means I will never turn my back on her, not like her father did. I could tell deep down that she no longer wanted to be a ruthless killer, she just wanted to belong. She wanted to be part of a family. I think that the love I’ve shown her so far has changed her for the better, hopefully this will continue. Sometimes I can still see the vicious rogue in her eyes but it’s slowly surfacing less and less. She’s beginning to be able to let go of her past and chip away her hard exterior.

     “Layla, Luca what aren’t you telling us?” Tyler asked, catching up to us.

Suddenly Layla stopped and turned to face him. Seeing sadness in her eyes, I stopped and stood beside her. If I ever wanted her to trust me fully, I had to show her I’ll always be by her side no matter what.

     “You want to know why I know they’re hunter?” she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

    “Well yeah, I do believe that is what I asked you.” Tyler answered sarcastically.

I wanted to growl at him but I held back.

     “I know they’re hunters because I recognise the voices. I recognise their voices because I was one of them. They owned me.” she spat back at him.

Tyler’s eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped as he stood in shock. Lucia on the other hand came leaping through the air catching us all off guard.

    “You bitch!” she screamed, knocking Layla onto her back punching her face continuously. “You murderous bitch, you killed my family. You killed my pack. You ripped my life away. I’m going to kill you for what did.”

I was surprised to see that Layla was just lying there taking it. She wasn’t even attempting to fit back, when I know she could beat Lucia in a heartbeat. I went to move to help Tyler pull them apart, when an uncontrollable burning sensation roared through out my body crippling me in second. I dropped to the floor and screamed out in pain. I felt as though part of me was dying or being ripped apart. I thought the pain of losing my connection with Mia was bad but it did not compare with this. Before I felt like something was missing, now it was just gone. I felt hollow, as though I would never be complete. Straight away I knew this had something to do with Mia, something had happened to Mia. As it started to fade away slightly I was aware of the others surrounding me. It would seem that the previous argument had been for forgotten. They looked down at me with fright and worry written all over their faces. I couldn’t help but notice Layla’s battered face but it didn’t seem to faze her.

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