Follow me and see into my world Social media links

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Hi guys I know I haven't really been on here for a while, but I haven't stopped writing. In fact I have been writing more. I have been writing books for publication. I still want to keep you guys in the loop, so to do that I am sharing all my social media links. This way you will be able to get an insight to my world and be able to see what I am currently working on. It's your chance to get up close and personal with me and see the crazy world that is my life. So here we go.
Twitter: @K_A_Cross
Instagram: k.a.cross
Facebook pages: Life on the rocks
K. A. Cross
YouTube channel: Kaylea Cross
You can also find me on goodreads
I want really want is to let into my world and interact with my readers. So please, please, please follow me and really get to know the author behind the books.

Cheerio for now my lovelies

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