Broken | Dan and Phil Fanfict...

By seedyb

15K 408 168

Dan had lived a normal life. No good friends and no big problems but all this changes when he meets Phil. Phi... More

I can't
I'm an Idiot
Love is Confusing
99 Problems
What the hell
God Help Me
What Was I Thinking
Im coming home
Phone calls
Back at it
Livin on The High
Old habits
This is the end
Still Broken

Pool Beer

230 9 0
By seedyb

-Phil's POV-

I stormed out of the house and on to the side walk. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I actually pushed Meghan down and I shoved Dan. I don't know why I did it, I just got like waves of anger rush over me. I didn't have any place to go so I started wandering in the direction that led to home. I don't know if my parents ever got the call about me being in the hospital. I don't know if they care. It'll just be another thing for my father to tease me about.
I don't even know what I'm going to do when I get home. Lay around in bed and sulk probably. Maybe I could get drunk. My mom probably wouldn't even notice a case missing because she's always to drunk to even see how many cases there are. Or maybe I could get high. I'm pretty sure my mom has some weed laying around somewhere. I might even be lucky and find some heroine or something good like that. I've never done heroine before. The reason I've never done it is because I was scared to ruin my life and everything but now I don't even have a life and I don't care. Everything just fucking sucks right now and if I didn't think that Dan was following me right now, I'd probably just go back home and finished off what I started. I figured that they didn't trust me and I don't think that Meghan would come after me after I just pushed her down. So I'm pretty sure that Dan is following me and if I tried to kill myself again, he'd just call an ambulance and id be stuck back in the hospital for another week and then they'd trust me even less. So that's not my best option right now. I jogged back to my house, since it wasn't that far, and ran inside. My parents cars weren't in the drive way so I assumed they weren't home. I grabbed a couple beers out of the fridge and headed upstairs to get dressed. I decided that I was going to go swimming.

 I took off my shirt and threw on some trunks and looked at myself in the mirror. I had gotten visibly skinnier, which made the scars pop off of my skin more and become more visible. Great. I also had fresh blood on my bandages, probably from the scuffle in the kitchen. I hated the way I looked but there weren't any mirrors in the pool so it didn't really matter. 

I walk outside and over to the pool thermostat. We had a heated pool and it was pretty chilly today so I turned it up to 100. I walked down the stairs and into the water, the water felt really nice and it's the first time I've been swimming since last summer. I walk over to the swim-up bar and place the beers down. I grab a bottle opener and start sipping on the first one. I'm not usually the person to open up a beer and sit in a pool and just relax. But today, I was that person. I grabbed this floaty couch thing and laid out on it, secretly hoping that some sun was coming through the clouds and that it would make me darker because I'm pale. Like extremely pale. Everything was going great and I was actually enjoying myself until I heard a buzzer going off. 

It was the intercom for the front door. I was hoping that maybe it was somebody delivering a package and that they would go away but the box kept buzzing. I sighed as I rolled off the floaty and into the warm water. I grabbed a beer and a towel and quickly ran inside because it was really cold outside and I was already shivering. I tied the towel around my waist and walked to the front door. I looked out the little peep hole and surprise! It was Dan! How unpredictable. I slowly opened the door and I saw his eyes widen a bit as soon as he saw me. I kinda forgot that I was dripping wet and holding a beer and half naked. Nice one Phil. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, asking him what he wanted. He stammered a bit, I guess still surprised by my almost nakedness but then stated
"Um d-do you want to go to a party?"

This is complete shit I'm sorry. I love you guys though.

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