
Από cheapthreat

140K 4.6K 895

Serenity wasn't one for much. She hated parties. She hated cocky, arrogant, assholes and Justin Bieber wasn't... Περισσότερα

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen - Serenity's POV
chapter eighteen - Justin's POV
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two

chapter four

4K 127 25
Από cheapthreat

Serenity's POV

It had been two weeks since I last seen the asshole. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think of him, but it was mostly just remembering the party. I hated the way he touched me. He could control me but I was trying to pretend like he had no control over me. At the moment, I wouldn't have minded kissing him but he was no good. He was no good and I should stay away.

Is that what attracted me to him more?

But it was true, I shouldn't see him again, and it's not like I would. But I couldn't stop thinking about him and I hated that. I didn't bother asking Korina about him and she said nothing about him. We all just pretended like that night didn't exist. It was never brought up again and to be honest, I didn't think she wanted to tell me about why she and Lucas knew him.

We were on our way back home from school and I know it isn't safe but I kept my converse kicked up on the dashboard.

"You're so lazy," she joked.

"Yeah, I barely got any sleep last night," I yawned. I was up all night working on this stupid paper. Then to add on top of that, a stressful eight hour school day. I couldn't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed. I was going to major in English anyway, I better get used to it. "I pulled an all-nighter for Mrs. Higgins."

She sent me a sympathetic look. "Sucks, I have Mr. Ace, he's the best."

"Lucky." Mrs. Higgins was a hard grader. Now that was the least of my worries. I'm more than sure I looked like shit. "How do I look?"


"Try exhausted," I groaned.

"Um, Serenity," I heard Korina squeak. "Have you noticed that car behind us following us for the last five minutes?" I could hear the worry in her voice.

I glanced back, rubbing my eyes to regain my focus. My eyes widened, it was the black Audi that I saw waiting outside our school last week.

"Korina," I swallowed. "I saw that car a few weeks ago outside of our school. I a-asked Justin if it was him and he said no."

"Oh my God," she whispered. "Go in my bag and get my phone." I did as I was told. "Call Lucas, now and put it on speaker phone."

I did as I was told yet again and he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, babe." You could hear the smile in his voice.

"Lucas, there's a car following us," she tried to remain calm but her voice shook.

"What?" He asked, getting serious.

"I'm in the car with Serenity, she said she saw this same car a few weeks ago—"

"You should have told me earlier!"

"I didn't know, she didn't tell me!"

"Yeah, it's my fault. I'm sorry, Lucas," I piped in quietly.

I heard him let out a frustrated breath.

"Okay, make a few turns, then tell me if they're still following you."

"Okay," she whispered. I was looking back and they continued. "They're still following us, oh my God what are we gonna do?"

"Speed up, make multiples turns and quick. It doesn't matter if you pass the speed limit I need you to listen to me."

"Okay, okay."

"Go to the mall parking lot of the Bradbury mall. Justin and Avery will be waiting for you, I'm sending them out now."


My eyes widened.

"Who's Avery?" I whispered to her. "What's going on, Kori?"

"I'll explain everything later," she mumbled, "but as of right now, we need to get to the Bradbury Mall and stat."

She sped up and they continued speeding up as well. I began to get sick to my stomach. Not that I would throw up from the way the car was moving, but I was scared out of my mind.

I closed my eyes, taking calming breaths.

"Relax, everything's going to be alright," she told me but I knew even she didn't believe her own words. Her voice was shaking and I could tell she was trying not to cry. "Lucas, they're still following us."

"Faster! Go faster!"

She zoomed and I felt my body depress more into the seat. She took two sharp turns as I was looking back.

"We're losing him," I said. "Make another turn speed up."

She did just that.

"Serenity, are they still behind you guys?" I heard Lucas ask from the phone.

"No, I think we lost—"

Korina let out an ear piercing scream making me look. There they were, right in front of us.

"They're in front of us!" I screamed trying not to cry. "Reverse, reverse!"

She reversed quickly as Lucas was shouting into the phone. I couldn't speak, I felt myself in shock. What was going on? I was terrified, I started shaking.

She drove through the red lights. "I'm getting us to the mall." She swerved and weaved, trying not to hit any cars or pedestrians in the process. I was too scared to look back.

"We're almost there," she said to both Lucas and I. "I can see the mall in the distance."

I didn't even realize that I was gripping the seat so tightly.

"You have to leave your car at the mall, I'll pick it up in the morning, okay?"

She groaned but nodded, "Okay."

"In the morning? How will we get to school tomorrow?" I asked but they both ignored me.

"Look behind us, Serenity."

I turned back, looking slowly. My heart was pounding in my chest. I let a breath of relief out. "We lost them."

"Good." I heard Lucas let out a breath as well.

"Where in the parking lot?" I heard her ask him as we pulled in.

"Second floor, section B."

We drove up and I spotted the familiar boy with someone unknown and an unfamiliar car. It wasn't the one he drove me home in. Justin was leaned against the car, smoking a cigarette. Was this kid trying to kill himself?

When Korina parked, we both grabbed our bags and she put the phone to her ear.

"We're here and we're about to be on our way." She let out a breath. "See you soon."

When I left the car, I was face to face with Justin. He dropped the cigarette, crushing it with his Vans.

"It's you again," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Justin, man, leave the poor girl alone," the other guy said. He sent me a smile. "I'm Avery."

"It's nice to meet you and I'm—"

"Serenity, yeah I know." He sent Justin a look before climbing into the passengers seat.

"Come on," Korina told me, pulling me into the back seat. I sat down, seating my bag on my lap.

"Did you miss me?" I knew he was talking to me.

"Does it look like I missed you?" I bit back.

"Whoa, fiesty," Avery said. "I'm sure her and Blue will get along just fine."

"Who's Blue?"

"My girlfriend," he said vaguely.

"We'll explain everything back at the house," Korina told me to easer curious mind.

"What suddenly makes this girl trust worthy?" I heard Justin ask. "She tried to jump out the window because I said I would shoot her. Do you really think she can handle this?"

"Yes, beause we're not threatening to kill her," Korina glared at the back of his head as he drives.

"I'm just saying, now if she decides to rat us out—"

"She won't, she's not stupid."

"Coulda fooled me," he mumbled. She did what I so desperately wanted to do, slapping the back of his head. "Fuck, Korina, chill out."

"Stop insulting her, she's right here."

"Yeah, asshole I can hear you. I'm sure I can handle it."

"You couldn't even handle me touching you," he chuckled making Korina look at me.

"When did this happen?"

"It was nothing!" I groaned. "He got mad beause I wouldn't say thank you and basically violated me until I said it."

"It's not called violating if you liked it," he sang.

"I didn't!" I blushed despite my angry exterior. "I told you to stop touching me." Korina was still looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Stop looking at me like that," I whined.

She shook her head, leaning back in her seat.

"Where are we going, I kinda need to be home before eight, it's a school night." I heard both boys in the front chuckle. "What?" I asked angrily. "Can you guys just take me home?"

"Korina, shut your friend up," Justin demanded.

"I told you, I'll explain everything later," she whispered. "Once we get to the guys' house, I'll tell you."

"The guys' house?" I repeated making her slowly nod.

They all lived together?

"Fine, I'll shut up," I mumbled.

"Finally!" Justin exclaimed dramatically from the front seat.

"Shut up, Bieber," I growled.

We pulled up to the house and I grabbed my bag exiting the car. I couldnt help but think: Whoa, they live here? How could teenagers afford this? And where were their parents?

The guys went ahead and I stuck with Korina. It wasn't soon until she ran into Lucas' arms and he rubbed her back, kissing her head. I walked inside, not really knowing where to go. I was hoping to trail behind Justin and Avery.

"You can sit in here," Avery told me. It looked like a living room. "Blue, baby I'm home!"

A beautiful blonde made her way into the room. "I told you that whenever you're home just call me, don't yell."

"Sorry, baby." She kissed his pouty lips.

She looked at me and smiled before turning back to him. "Who's this?"

"Justin's girl," he said.

"I'm not Justin's girl," I blurted out. I grew irritated. "I'm Serenity."

Her eyes widened and she slapped the back of Avery's head before making her way over to me.

"Sorry about him, he just talks without thinking." She glared back at him.

"It's okay."

Korina and Lucas came back in, sitting on the couch across from me. Avery sat on the single couch, adjacent to me, pulling Blue on his lap. Justin came back downstairs, his jeans replaced with low riding sweats. He sat next to me.

"Where's Daniel?" He asked.

"He's not here yet, he said to start without him," Avery said.

"Okay, so where should we start?" Korina asked.

"Maybe stating the fact that both you and Serenity here are in grave danger," Justin shrugged.

"What do you mean we're in danger?" I asked, suddenly on high alert.

"We're not sure who was following you guys but it's quite obvious that they were after you guys. That doesn't subject Blue from this," Lucas said.

I fumbled with my fingers. "Well, why are we in danger? What did we do?"

"You were seen with us," Justin said. "People must have seen us together, word must have spread and now people are after you."

I blinked. "Why does us being seen together have to do with that earlier..." I wasn't understanding.

"Man, you really are clueless aren't you?" He questioned, my head turning to look at him.

"Remeber this, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you;" Korina said quietly. "But the reason why I know Justin is because of Lucas. They do business together. In fact, Blue, Avery, Daniel, Lucas and Justin all do business together."

My eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by business?"

No one said anything.

"Is no one gonna say it?" Justin asked, looking around. "We're in a fucking gang. "

My eyes widened and I felt my throat run dry.

"A-A gang?" I asked slowly.

Korina nodded. "I didn't know at first and I didn't want to tell you to put you in any danger. Then you met Justin and started asking questions. I didn't want to lie to you," she whispered.

"So you thought it would be safer not telling me the truth, instead of actually telling me?"

Whoever said the truth would set you free is wrong. The truth is much more dangerous, if anything. I rather not know anything and be completely oblivious as I was a few weeks ago. In fact, I wish I never left my room and I wish I never met Justin.

I knew he was danger and brought about nothing but trouble. Now I am in danger.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring you into any of this."

"Why were you and Justin at Marissa's party?" I asked, looking at Lucas directly.

"Your sister gives good head," Justin said making Lucas—and everyone glare at him.

"We were there for business as well," Lucas said.

I turned to Justin. "My sister—"

"No, she didn't," Korina said. "He's just being a douche."

"Yeah, plus she's a total slut. She's banging my boy Johnny anyway." She was in this too? "Don't worry he's just a harmless college boy."

"Don't talk about her like that," I hissed at him.

He smirked. "What are you gonna do about it, princess?"

"I really hate you," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat.

Before Justin could retaliate, Lucas was cutting him off. "Anyways, you guys have to stay here for the night. We have to make sure it's safe."

"I can't stay here I have to go home," I started to panic. "My mom and dad will freak if I'm not home. Plus, I have school in the morning. We both do, Korina."

"If you're trying to get yourself killed by all means, walk through that door," Justin gestured with his hand, his tone carefree.

"Tell Marissa that you're at my house, make up something."

"Korina, do you really think my parents would let me sleep out on a school night?" I raised an eyebrow. We both knew I could barely do anything in general.

"That's your only option you can't tell her the truth," Justin said from beside me. "Unless you want to get not only yourself, but her killed as well."

"Why is it that I can't spend not even fifteen minutes with you without you threatening to kill me?"

"I was just saying," he shrugged.

I scoffed, looking away.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." Avery said, slapping his palms on his thighs. "I'm ordering pizza."

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled. "Where do I sleep?" I was still exhausted from earlier and this just doubled onto my stress.

Korina laughed nervously. "Well, you see about that..."

"About what?" I asked skeptically.

"The only other free bedroom is with Daniel and you don't really know him so..."

"You have to sleep with me," Justin proclaimed, smirking.

"You're kidding me right?" I looked at all of the faces that couldn't look at me. "This is just ridiculous."

"Or you can sleep in Blue's old room where I fuck girls when I bring them home but I don't change the sheets."

My lips parted. "You are disgusting."

"Hey, I don't want you sleeping in my bed either, to be fair. Actually, you can sleep on the floor."

Korina rolled her eyes. "Justin, you have a king size bed. I'm sure that it's big enough for the both of you."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Whatever. Just show me to your room." Justin got up, shoving his hands in his pockets and walked away. "Wish me luck," I mumbled I Korina.

"Well, aren't they cute," I heard Blue say but I ignored her, following behind Justin. I was even more irritated since I was tired.

"Here's my room," he said, pushing open the door.

It was relatively neat for a guy's room. I looked around, his bed looking like heaven at the moment. I nearly moaned at the sight.

I kicked off my shoes, jumping on the bed. I stand corrected, this actually was heaven. I moaned in bliss, cuddling into the sheets.

"Careful, sweetheart before they get ideas about what we're really doing up here," he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off, Bieber."

"This is my room, I believe."

"Yeah, and you're welcome to either lay down and shut up or go annoy someone somewhere else. I've had a long day and I'm tired."

"Fine, I'll be back to annoy you later."

I said nothing, allowing myself to fall into a much needed slumber.

Justin Bieber's POV

I walked back down the step, thinking about the girl laying in my bed. Seriously, that girl needs to watch the way she talked to me. I meant it when I said it would get her killed. In my world, the world that she's now in, she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut. She surely does have a big mouth that I'm sure she can put to better use; ie: sucking my dick.

It's just really fun to piss her off, she get's extremely pissed really easily. Especially when it's me, I know exactly how to get under her skin.

I made my way back downstairs and it was just the guys this time. I sent Lucas a questioning look.

"Blue and Korina went upstairs to go watch a movie while we wait for the pizza," he said.

"Mhm," I hummed, not really caring. I sat back on the couch that Serenity and I were sitting on earlier. "Serious question."

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Are these girls really worth it?"

In my eyes, girls weren't worth all of this trouble. They attracted trouble. When you're me, you know girls are only good for two things: when they're on their knees and when they're on their backs. Girls were nothing more than big mouthed complainers who didn't know when to keep their mouth shut. They always wanted a relationship, always thought they actually meant something to you and always got into my business. Serenity meant nothing to me. I didn't need some girl throwing me off my game.

"Yes, they're fucking worth it you jackass. I love Korina." He got pissed every time I asked this question. I rolled my eyes. "And Serenity's her best friend, if anything happens to her she'll kill me and then I'll kill you."

I raised my hands. "I'm just saying."

"You're gonna be the one watching Serenity, anyhow, the rest of us have our own girls to worry about."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Are you fucking insane, does it look like I have the time or patience?"

"You're the reason why she's a target, you're the one who's gonna make sure she isn't killed."

"And you're the one who fucking told me to take her home, dumbass."

"Yes, not make a big scene about it."

"It's not my fault. Have you met that girl? She so overdramatic," I rolled my eyes. "It would be harder to not attract attention with her."

"Yes, but you also followed her up the steps and locked her in the room with you. She wouldn't have been so reluctant to go with you if you hadn't."

"She's just a drama queen."

"Or you're just an asshole. Look, you have to keep your eyes on her."

"I am not giving up my life for some stupid girl."

"Your idea of girls is so fucked up, bro," Avery said. "Just because girls may have fucked you over, doesn't mean all girls are like that."

"It isn't just me it's everyone around me. I watched everyone get fucked over. Lucas, that girl you had before Korina and Jada, Daniel's ex. My own fucking father fucked my mother over. Love is pointless and stupid, I am not wasting my time on that shit."

"And if you fall in love with someone—"

"Which I won't."

"I didn't think I'd fall in love with Korina and I did."

"Yeah, and I didn't know Blue and I would still be dating after two years yet here we are."

"You two are acting like little bitches right now," I laughed. "Pussy whipped bitches."

"Being whipped is better than being alone all of the time. Seriously, bro, I don't think that's healthy. You've been single for too long," Avery said.

"It's been three years, that's not that long." They both sent me a look. "I'm fine the way I am, don't get in my business."

"We're just saying," Lucas mumbled. "I mean, you are showing an interest in Serenity."

I snorted. "No, I'm fucking not. I just like to get under her skin."

"I've known you since I was 15 and you were 13, wanna try that again?" Avery raised an eyebrow.

He always thought he knew shit.

I didn't like Serenity, hell I didn't even care about her. She could have died today along with Korina and I still would have been able to sleep tonight, peacefully and completely unaffected.

I barely knew this girl, so why did they assume that I cared?

"You may have known me for a while, but you seem to have forgotten who I am."

The doorbell rang and Avery got up to get it. Lucas left, probably off to the girls while I sat there.

"The pizza's here!" I heard Avery yell and at that exact moment, I felt my stomach grumble.

I got up, making my way into the kitchen.

"Should I wake Serenity up?" Blue asked Korina and she shook her head.

"No, she'll kill you if you wake her up right now," she let out a small laugh.

I ate my pizza as they chatted. Yet again, me being the odd one out. I would admit that yes, sometimes I do feel left out being the only one that's single. It's not my fault that I haven't found a girl that's worth my time. People say that guys are bad, but girls are just as bad. Most girls just want guys for their dick and if not, they want a long term commited relationship. Girls aren't open to the idea that I don't want a relationship, I'm focused on my work. The last thing I need is someone throwing me off my game and always wanting my attention. The attention that I couldn't give to them.

"This pizza should have been fucking free," Avery mumbled with a mouthful. "Took them long enough; almost an hour and thirty minutes?"

"That's what your fat ass gets for wanting pizza." Blue nudged his side after poking his stomach.

"Babe, I'm not fat. You wouldn't call this fat, would you?"

He lifted his shirt making her gag while Korina laughed.

"Put your shirt down, fatty," she teased.

Later, it had been past twelve in the morning and Serenity still didn't wake up. Jesus Christ, how long does this girl sleep?

After a long shower, I was back in my room changing my clothes. I heard a groan, followed by groggy noises come out of her mouth. I turned around, pulling up my boxers.

"Well look who's finally up."

"W-Why are you half naked?" She asked in a tired voice, sitting up. She yawned, ruffling her already messy hair.

"Just came out the shower," I mumbled, pointing towards the door.

"What time is it?" She bit back another yawn.


Her eyes nearly bugged out her head. "12:30?" She repeated in disbelief. "I'm so fucking dead when I go home, in fact, I need to go home." She hopped out of the bed, stumbling a little, holding her hand to her head.

"You're not thinking this clearly. If you go home, you could get not only yourself but your family killed."

As she allowed for what I said to sink in, she sat back on the bed with her head in her hands. As her shoulders started to shake my eyes widened.

"Stop, don't start crying."

She looked up, wiping her eyes. "Sorry."

I didn't know why she was apologizing but I didn't question her.

I rounded the side of the bed, sitting for a moment.

"There's pizza left in the fridge if you're hungry," I told her.

"I'm not hungry," she mumbled. She laid back on the bed, turning on her side.

I didn't reply, just laid down as well and switched off the lamp.

I had a hard time sleeping. She probably thought I was sleeping or that I didn't hear, but I knew she was crying. I can't exactly blame her, I understand why she is scared. I said nothing, allowing her to let the pain out before she slowly fell asleep. And eventually, so did I. 

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