You're mine, right?-Levi Acke...

By TelescopicTurtle

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My name is Mia and I have spent most of my life around a boy with black hair and grey eyes. After joining the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

18 0 0
By TelescopicTurtle

A week had gone by and I had just been instructed by my mother to go and collect firewood with Tom. I didn't argue, I just strapped the wooden frame to my back and took Tom's hand. We headed down the winding and dusty road and collected as many sticks as we could find under various old trees. After about an hour, I decided it would be a good idea to make our way back home, as our mother was probably worrying about us. I took Tom's small and tired hands and led him back to the road.

I could feel the hard gravel under my feel as I couldn't afford proper shoes. My thin, white, dress was swaying as it was an unusually windy day. It's soft fabric brushing past my legs. My long brown hair was hanging loosely at my shoulders and my back was aching from the firewood that I had collected with my brother.

I looked behind me to make sure Tom was still keeping up. All I could see was an old couple walking hand in hand and smiling at each other, and some younger children playing against a wall. There was no sight of Tom. I felt a wave of panic come over me. I had the responsibility to take care of my younger brother and now it was my fault he was lost somewhere in Shiganshina District. I stopped walking and ventured back the way I came to find him.

I searched and searched, as if mine and his life depended on it. I peeked in every ally way, and every market stall. But it was as if he had just disappeared. I sat down against a dusty wall and held my knees to my face, bringing my hands around my legs. A tear was threatening to spill from my eyes as I sat there thinking about losing my only brother when I heard a familiar voice call.

"Mia!" Tom yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Tom! I was looking for you everywhere. Where did you go? Are you hurt? Who took you? Are you okay?" I asked him frantically. I was beginning to sound like my mother.

"Yes I'm okay. I just stopped for a while at a market stall to look at the bounce balls and when I lifted my head to find you, you weren't there." He explained as tears were slipping down his face.

I pulled him into a tight embrace and patted his head. I took his shaking hand in mine and began to walk back home at much slower and calm pace. I also promised I wouldn't let go until we reached home.

After a few minutes of silence between us I was going to speak up before I heard a large crashing sound. Everyone around us including the locals turned their heads to see smoke billowing from behind the wall. Silence. I glanced at my brother with wide eyes and he mirrored my emotions.

CRASH! This time the sound was louder. It wasn't coming from behind the wall anymore. No. It was the wall. Large pieces of concrete came flying through the air, hitting houses and civilians in the process. After the smoke cleared, we could see clearly what had just occurred. A large, skinless creature had blown a hole in the outside wall. Terror broke out through the District and panic set in.

"Run. Run for your lives!" A man screamed.

"The titans are coming!" Another woman cried.

This wasn't the time to walk slowly anymore. I gripped Toms Hands tightly and sprinted with him home. He understood and ran along with me, keeping up as best he could. We turned the last three corners, but were too late. Our house was no more. It was merely a pile of shattered bricks and damaged timber.

That was it, the straw that broke the Camel's back. My house was now in ruins and for all I knew so were my parents. I fell to the ground and cried for I had nothing left in me to even try to get out of Shiganshina with the rest of the locals. Tom sat beside me gently and cried into my shoulder. His whole body was shaking as wet tears seeped through the thin collar of my dress.

We sat there in the same position for what seemed like hours before I felt a pair of long, strong arms pick me up by the waist. I opened my eyes to see a member of the Garrison Regiment, Hannes, carrying me and Tom away from my house.

I fixed on my eyes on the ground, letting a tear drop every few seconds and watching the brown, leather boots that belonged to Hannes take long and quick strides towards the boats. We were soon surrounded by many other alarmed and terrified locals. Both Tom and I were sent in a boat and off to Wall Sina.

The boat trip was long; we were surrounded sad and dull faces. Not a glimpse of happiness was shown by anybody aboard the Ferry. Many people were crying, or staring blankly into their laps for only God could imagine the things that they had just witnessed.

As the sun got lower in the sky, the ferry came to a halt and the civilians ventured off. I took Tom's hand and stepped off the boat. Looking around, I saw no familiar faces. Wall Sina was much cleaner than the Shiganshina District, the streets were swept and the people wore nicer, more expensive clothing. I began walking towards a member of the Military police for guidance.

"Excuse me?" I asked the older woman. She turned her head to me and looked me in the eye.

"Yes?" She said.

"I was wondering what I am expected to do. My brother and I are alone and we haven't eaten since breakfast." I informed her politely.

Her eyes grew wide and remorseful, as she must've felt sorry for us. She put her hand on my shoulder and took me and Tom a sparse serving table. There were about five loafs of stale and crusty bread left on the table. The woman took two pieces and handed them to us. We took them graciously and even though they didn't taste all that good, it was food and we were hungry.

I swallowed the last of the bread and surveyed the scenes while Tom finished his meal. I saw a large group of children around mine and Tom's age. I pulled Tom along behind me and towards them. They were a very glum looking bunch. There was another member of the Military Police standing beside them all calling; "All lonely children over here!" As I got closer to the children I noticed that most of them were crying, which was understandable.

Seeing all of these children here made me realise that I was in fact an orphan. I would never see my mother or father again and neither would Tom. Another wave of warm tears streamed down my face.

The Military Policeman had stopped calling after about an hour and told all of the orphans to form a line. We did and he, along with another policeman, led all of us about three blocks into wall Sina to an Orphanage. The doors opened with a creak and about one-hundred children walked in hand in hand with any siblings they had left. We were all called into a large office one by one and asked for our names.

After that, an hour had passed and most of the children were becoming tired. The caregivers of the orphanage split us into girl and boy groups and sent us to our dorm rooms for a night's rest. As I didn't know any of the girls in my room and was separated from Tom, I had nobody to talk to. I found a bed at the back corner of the room and sat down. I hadn't brought anything with me as my house had been crushed, so the only things I owned now was my dress, a pillow that smelt of dust, and an old, tattered blanket.

I climbed onto the bed, with some difficulty as my eight year old legs weren't very long, and sat against the wall. I was silently observing the other girls in the room when a girl with glasses and brown hair, who looked about the same age as me, walked towards me. She smiled a toothy grin and sat on my bed.

"Hi, my name in Hanji Zoe, but you can call me Hanji." She beamed. I found it strange as she was so happy compared to everybody else that day. It was also comforting though as I was beginning to forget what a smile was.

"My n-name is M-mia." I stuttered. I hated talking to new people. Especially other girls. They were always so mean towards me. This explains why I never had any other female friends growing up, boys were always much nicer and easy going, but I was going to have to get used to being surrounded by girls as I was in a room full of them, and probably was going to be for a very long time.

"It's nice to meet you Mia!" Hanji exclaimed.

"You too, Hanji." I said. She just smiled at me in response and took the bed beside mine, laying down a rather large looking grey jacket.

I decided to attempt to sleep as I was becoming tired. As I looked up at the ceiling, my mind wondered. I started thinking about Tom and how he was getting on, knowing him, he would've already made a friend or two. Maybe I have as well. I thought to myself as I glanced over at Hanji for the last time before I closed my eyes. This was going to be a long night.

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