Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So...

By RoseFarihaHarvestar

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[ COMPLETED BOOK!] (The next part to So We Meet Again?) Bianca leaves Bradford after meeting up with Zayn and... More

Author's note and Acknowlegements
Chapter 1~ Regrets, Mistakes, they're Memories Made.
Chapter 2~ Speechless.
Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.
Chapter 4~ Live While We Are Young... for Now!
Chapter 5~ Countdown.
Chapter 6~ For the Better or for the Worst.
Chapter 7~ Remembering my Summer Love.
Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.
Chapter 9~ The Warm Welcome turns Ugly.
Chapter 10~ Double Faces.
Chapter 11~ Tortured.
Chapter 12~ Scars of Pain and the Unexpected.
Chapter 13~ Wedding Woes.
Chapter 14~Surprises and Much more.
Chapter 15~ Hazel eyes.
Chapter 16~Give me Love.
Additional Chapter to Chapter 16~ Give me Love (Zayn's P.O.V)
Chapter 17~ Good News and Bad News.
Chapter18~ Missing Pieces.
Chapter 19~ Shocked!
Chapter 20~ Related.
Chapter 21~ The B-M Plan.
Chapter 22~ The B-M Plan Continues.
Chapter 23~ The Gathering.
Chapter 24~ Finding Her.
Chapter 25~ The Truth to it All.
Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.
Chapter 27~ Forget the Past, Spend the Present, and Live for the Future.
Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.
Chapter 29~ Beautiful Disaster.
Author's note!
Chapter 30~For Every Action There is a Reaction!
Chapter 31~ One Weeks Time.
Chapter 32~ London.
Author's Note!
Chapter 34~ New Lives, Recollected.
Author's Note
Chapter 35~ Rollercoaster

Chapter 33~ Bradford and Memories.

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By RoseFarihaHarvestar

I rushed out first as Zayn followed right behind me. As we arrived downstairs we heard soft sobs. 

"It's coming from the kitchen," I pointed out. 

When I went to see what all the commotion in the kitchen was, I backed up as I cupped my hand over my mouth preventing myself not to scream. There, on the middle of the kitchen, my mother laid helpless and hurt. A pool of blood sat beside her and trickled more and more; gradually becoming into a lake of blood. 

"Oh shit!" I heard Zayn whisper. I quickly approached to my mother but being mindful of not stepping on the pool of blood. I kneel close to her head and put her head on my lap. Dried tears stained her light tanned cheeks. My eyes traced to her hand were she was bleeding from. My eyes widen with horror and shock. I picked up the knife and witnessed the cuts on her wrists. I figured it all out! She was trying to kill herself by cutting a big vein. 

Zayn came over with a towel to cover the wound and to prevent her from bleeding anymore than she already was. Soon, everybody came downstairs to see what was going on. 

"What's all the com-------Oh my lord! What happened to her Zayn?" Tricia remarks frightened. 

"I don't know mom. We heard a shriek and came down immediately," Zayn explains. 

"I know," I softly replied. 

"Huh? Really? But first we have to call 911!" Mrs. Malik exclaimed. I saw her dash to the phone in the kitchen. 

"In the mean time, let's take her to the living room and lay her down on the sofa," Zayn suggested. 


Zayn and I carried her to the living room as we laid her down on the coach. In seconds, the ambulance and paramedics were treating my ill mother. 

Tricia, Zayn, and I stood by them as they were treating here and bandaging her carefully. I began to bite my finger nails. One of the paramedics came to talk to us. 

"Whose a close family member of Sharmin Akhter?" he asked. 

 Tricia says points to me. The paramedic looked directly at me. I could tell something was wrong. 

"May I speak with you privately, ms," he questions.  I nodded. 

We sat at the breakfast table. He sighed. 

"Does your mother have a mental illness of any sort?" he interrogates me. His blue eyes staring at me. Boy! He was young for a paramedic. 

I gulped uncomfortably. 

"Yes, uh... she has schizophrenia," I stuttered. There was silent moment. He folded his hands. 

" Well, if that's the case, you do know that we have to take her to rehab," he states. My eyes fired with rage. How could he say that?! Like what the fuck! 

"Um... excuse me?! You can't say that?! So what if she has a mental illness. It's not your duty to take her and also it's not your concern to tell me what's best for my mother. It's my responsibility!" I blasted at him.My cheeks were red with flesh and anger.

The paramedic smiled sheepishly. He seemed embarrassed . 

"Oh... ok. I'm sorry ma'man for bringing that up. Your mother will be fine. We bandaged her up; but just keep a close eye on her," he remarks. I scoffed. 

"Don't worry I will. Thank you."

I got up to leave until the paramedic cleared his throat. 

"Uh... miss," he begins. 

I turned my head. 


"Um... well.... I think..... erm.... can I get your number, please?" he stammers. He turned into 50 shades of red. WOAH! A paramedic asking for my number in my boyfriend's house. I don't know about that. 

I smirked. 

''Uh.... you have to talk to my boyfriend right there, if you could get my number," I replied slyly. He glanced over my shoulder for two whole minutes. His face turned from 50 shades of red to his normal colored fair skin. He seemed disappointed. 

"Sorry, miss. Good day," he says as he welshes out with the other paramedic and their equipment. I closed the door behind me.  I went back to see how my mother was doing. 

Zayn was on the floor talking to her. I love how Sharmin and Zayn bonded together. I wish I had that kind of bondage with her but sadly I don't. Perhaps, time will create a beautiful relationship between us. Probably create a mother-daughter bridge for us. 

I sat beside Zayn. His hand reached over my back and stoked it. 

"What was all that about?" he whispers. 

'What?" I asked confused. 

"The paramedic wanting to talk to you?"

"Oh, that. That was nothing. He just wanted my number," I respond casually. 

"Oh. What did you say?" 

"I said that you have to talk to my boyfriend first," I said smirking. He looked at me funny. 

"Well, well. You handled that wonderfully!"

I giggled. I inched closer to Zayn's chest and rested my head on it. I muzzled into it hearing his heart beat at a rhythmic pace. I closed my eyes. I was at peace. I wanted peace and nothing more than that. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Tricia bellows from the kitchen. All of a sudden, everybody came down to eat. I took my food to the living room so I can talk to my mother as to why she tried to cut herself. 

"Mom, why would you try to kill yourself?" I asked through each food chunk I would put in my mouth. 

Silence. A short momentary silence. 

"The good spirts told me too. It was their plan," she cracked. 

"Oh. I don't think the good spirits would recommend you doing that. I believe it was the bad ones who were telling you," I perusaded. I drank my orange juice. 

Nothing. A peaceful silence. 

''The spirits are telling me to tell you that they are the good ones. They want me to be happy with my husband," she mutters. 

My mother is crazy and we need to go to London pronto! She really, really, really needs help!

"Mom, are you hungry?" I tried changing the subject. She nodded. I went to get her food. I handed it to her but she wasn't able to take it. 

"I'll just feed you," I mumbled. I helped her sit up straight and I feed her. I felt so at ease with this right now. 

She ate a few bites of it and stopped. She pushed the platter of food away from her. 

"You don't want anymore?" I ask making sure. 

"Yes, did you know that I was married and had a beautiful daughter but I lost here at a park," she said. I didn't want to respond to that because I knew everything that happened. 

"Yes," I forced out a reply. 

I went into the kitchen to thrown out the remainder of the unfinished food into compose when Yaser randomly blurts out the word which he wants us to be out. 

"One week's time," he mutters. I scrunched up my nose. Steam flaring out my nose as I rolled up my fist but then I relaxed them a little. Take it easy Bianca. Yaser is just upset that he doesn't want to revisit the past. He doesn't want to be reminded of my mother being pregnant with another man's baby etc. I feel like this is all karma. What goes around eventually comes back around. 

I sighed and left in a huff without saying anything back to him. My mom was lying on the sofa, eyes closed, and hands on her chest. She looked as if she was ready for the spirits to take her away already. 

 An arm wrapped around me and tugged my body towards that person. I shifted my head towards whoever was hugging me. I knew who it was already but just to make sure. It was Zayn, as always. He grinned. I grinned back. He rocked me back and forth for while until he stopped to make a phone call. I bet he was calling Harry. I decided to go upstairs and rest because I didn't have enough sleep. I was exhausted. 

As I lazily walked up the stairs, someone called out my name.

"Bianca," the feminine voice beckons. I turn a full 360 degree rotation. It was Wahliya. A smile crept upon my face. Wahliya's eyes sparkled in the light but she didn't smile or anything. She just stared. I noticed that she was frowning.

"Yes, Wahliya," I said. 

She climbed up the stairs so that she could meet my gaze. 

"Are you leaving for good? Are you going back to Canada?" she asks as she twirls her index finger around a strand of loose hair. 

"I'm not leaving for good. Zayn and I, well we are going to London and possibly stay with Harry and his girlfriend, Jenny," I explained. 

There was solitary moment. I could tell that Wahliya was getting a little emotional. 

"I'm sorry on behalf of my father if he's the one who has been driving you away from us," she apologized through tears. Seeing Wahliya with tears kind of triggered some alarm bells in me. 

"Wahliya, hey stop crying. Don't apologize. I understand where he's coming from. So I think I should be the bigger person and make a decision," I justified. I gave her a hug as I patted her back. 

"I don't want you to leave, because you are my best friend," she mumbles into my shirt. 

"It's for the best. I will be back after things cool down. You can visit us sometimes," I whisper. She lets goes and smiles. We start to laugh. I proceeded back to climbing the stairs. I was extremely exhausted. 

I crashed on my bed and laid there still. I was minding my own business, Zayn barged in. 

"Hey Bianca. Harry says, it's cool with him if we stay at his place. At least his girlfriend has a companion," he says while he sat beside me. 

"Mhmmm..... That's great but how are we going to get to London?" I muttered. 

"The train, silly! I'm going to buy tickets," he replies as he tousles my hair. 

"Ok, that's good. The sooner the better," I mumbled and fell asleep fast. 

 That evening I found out that we were leaving tomorrow morning, I didn't hesitate to pack up my things. My mother's stuff were already packed because she hasn't opened anything.  I helped Zayn with packing Ayesha's things, too. 

The next day we were all packed to go. I felt a dark cloud hover over me. It was so sad. I was about to cry. Doniya and her husband came by to help us lug our bags into the minivan taxi's trunk. Ms. Malik had tears and Yaser was nowhere in site. I already took my mother into the car in case she ran away to go something dangerous. I was all ready to leave. I dressed Ayesha up in my room. 

"Boot," Ayesha randomly points out. I chuckled.

"Yes Ayesha, I'm putting on your boots." 

"Mommy," she says. That struck me which prevented me to put her boot on. She called me mommy. I was so blessed to hear that twice. The first time she said it, I nearly cried. 

"No, I'm Bianca," I correct her. She looks at me confused. 


"No, it's Bianca."

"MOMMY!" she bellows. I sighed in frustration. 

"Fine, say what you want," I  mumbled and continued to put her shoe on. As I was putting her jacket on. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I smirked.

''Oh Zayn, I'll be in a minute," I say without realizing it could be anyone who could be resting their hand on my shoulder.  

"I'm not Zayn. It's Mona," She said. 

I turned around and looked up to see her round face looking down on me. I got up as I placed Bianca on my hips. 

"Mona, I'm so sorr------" she placed her finger on my lips. 

"No, don't say sorry. Sorry do not help. I tell you why I got mad  when I saw her," she interrupts me. It's like she was reading my mind. I smiled sheepishly.  She glared at me. 

"My reason was I knew what your mother did but I didn't tell anybody that I knew about you or the fact that you were never Zayn's cousin," she explains. 

'Wait... so you lied to me/" I questioned. She nodded. I got furious. 

"Why? Why did you lie?" my voice was shaky. Ayesha froze as she clutched onto my jacket and burrowed into my chest for comfort. 

''Sorry, baby," I whispered to her. 

"Becuase the truth would have ruined you," she replies. I was shocked and left the room  running downstairs and out the door where Zayn stood there. 

"Let's get into the car," I ordered Zayn as I handed him Ayesha. Zayn seemed a little frazzled. 

"What's wrong?" he whispers. 

"Nothing... just get into the car!" i demanded a little cheesed off. 

"Bianca," Wahliya approaches towards me. My facial expression soften when I saw her. I went for a hug. I gripped her hard. I began to cry. 

"Visit us sometimes, ok?" I mutter to her. 

She nods. I hugged Safa. 

"Stay beautiful," I advised her. 

She giggled. 

"I promise. Take care of my niece," Safa says. 

"I promise to do so."  

Doniya was next. 

"Even though I haven't known you that well, but I want you to know that I considered you as a distant sister I never had," I remarked. 

"AW! Thank you," she replies and dives in for a hug. 

Last but not least, Mrs. Malik. Tears rushed down her face. 

"Come here," I told her; my arms stretched out. We hugged for a longtime. 

"I'm sorry for everything. You did so much for me and I don't know how to thank you for it," I whisper. 

"There's no need. Just take care of my precious sunshine. My only son, Zayn and her daughter; but most of all take care of yourself," she explains. She rests her hand on my cheeks and gives me a kiss on my forehead. My tears dried up from the cold freezing air. I sniffled. 

"I will and promise to do so," I reassure her. I squeezed her hand. 

I climbed into the taxi. Zayn sat beside me. I hear the car reeve. Everybody were waving and I waved from the window. I sat back and closed my eyes. Bradford; a place that I made memories from. Memories; a mental impression retained  that I will forever carry with my life. If I put these two words together, a place where I made mental impressions retained that I will forever carry throughout my life. I sighed and smiled. 


HI guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoped you enjoyed this! Took me a long time to make. I have to go back to school  tomorrow :( WAH! But it's a good thing that I have an assistant. Her name is Fiza Zafar! She'll be helping me :) I'm glad that she's helping me cuz this is my senior year! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Anyways, vote, comment and read. 

Love you all! 

Love~ The author!

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