Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

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What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 16: Devastating news
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
Chapter 33: An A rank mission
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 35 : Riddles!!
Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge

1.8K 70 11
By blackstarlove19

This is the last chapter of the land of waves arc, like i said school is tommorow so from now on slow updates sorry about that, so here it is vote if you like, comment even if you don't like tell me why, and fan if you want.

Chapter 9

Sara Pov

“I’m trembling with excitement!” Sasuke smirked, as did I this is going to be interesting.

“Go on Sasuke” Kakashi grinned.

Just as a Zabuza clone swung at him, Sasuke leapt into the air and attacked all the clones with his kunai. The clones splashed to the ground, so a little chakra control training and he already improved that much.

“Ooh so you could see they were water clones huh? The brat’s improving” Zabuza mocked stepping out of the mist with the ‘tracking nin’ from last time. “Looks like you’ve got a rival Haku”

“So it seems” the masked Nin says quietly.

“Well, well, so I had it right. It was all an act.” Kakashi says

“An act?” Tazuna asked.

“With a cute little mask” Kakashi smiled, he does remember that I was the one who pointed it out.

“HUH?” Sakura shouted looking back and forth between Kakashi and Haku.

“Big phony!” Sasuke mocked

“So I guess all that about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was just a bunch of bull” Tazuna assumed gruffly.

“Exactly, they probably have been doing this trick for some time now” I answer.

“He’s got some nerve facing us again after pulling that trick” Sakura sneered

“And hiding behind a mask, who does he think he’s fooling?” Kakashi mocked

“Ha, speak for yourself sensei” Sakura teased clearing her throat.

“That’s it” Sasuke ground out. “I’m taking him out. Who does he think he’s fooling, hiding behind that mask like some sort of clown?”

“Sasuke!” Sakura cheered “You’re so cool!”

I sweat drop, even in the middle of a battle, she finds time to fan girl over Sasuke.

“He’s impressive” Haku said to Zabuza. “Even though they were just one tenth the strength of the original water clone jutsu, he did destroy them all”

“That move still gave us the first advantage” Zabuza growled “Now use it”

“Right” Haku said before he joined the wind and spun in circles quickly, making him look like a small tornado.

Haku and Sasuke clash, Haku with a Senbon needle, Sasuke with a kunai, the tension between the two blades was obvious.

“Sakura cover Tazuna and stay close to me. Let Sasuke handle this!” Kakashi said out loud.

“Sara” he whispered loud enough for me to hear “Be ready to help Sasuke”

“Already am” I said in a calm voice

“Yes kakashi sensei!” Sakura shouted.

Sasuke and Haku broke away from each other and then swung with full force. Their blades collided again with a shrieking sound.

“We want the bridge builder not you” Haku started to say looking directly at Sasuke “If you back down I won’t have to kill you”

“Save it” Sasuke smirked putting more pressure on the blade.

“You’re making a mistake. You won’t be able to keep up with my speed. I’ve gained two key advantages”

“Yeah? What are they?” Sasuke asked mockingly.

“First we’re surrounded by water. Second I’ve blocked one of your hands; therefore, you only have one hand to defend yourself” Haku said holding up his free hand in a hand sign,

What? Hand signs with a single hand, he is more skilled than I thought, I can do it but with certain conditions, that’s I only do it when there is no other choice.

“Secret jutsu” Haku said calmly “A thousand needles of death”

“Sasuke!” Sakura cries worriedly.

Ice needles start forming in midair, aiming for Sasuke. Haku leaps away, as the needles crash into the rave haired boy, creating a small explosion of water.

Haku leaps away, as shuriken are suddenly thrown at him.

Sasuke had leapt into the air, good to see he learned something from the training.

“You’re not as fast as you think” Sasuke taunts as appears behind him “From now on; you’ll be the one defending yourself against me!”

Haku and Sasuke dash across the bridge, before Sasuke manages to land a kick on Haku’s jaw. Sending him flying backwards. He skids to a halt at Zabuza’s feet.

“You thought you were quicker than me huh? Well let’s find out what else you were wrong about” Sasuke says confidently.

“You made a big mistake by insulting my students and calling them brats” Kakashi tells Zabuza and Haku “That’s just guaranteed to bring out Sasuke’s attitude. He is the best young ninja in the hidden leaf village after all. And Sakura here has the sharpest mind” he adds making Sakura chuckle nervously.

“And of course there’s our number one, hyper-active, knuckle head ninja, Naruto Uzumaki, and our very own prodigy, Sara Hiroshi”

I smirk at that.

Zabuza broke into a laugh, “Hmm, Haku if we keep going like this we’ll be the victims instead of the. Get on with it!”

“Right!” Haku replied standing up, chakra radiating from his body.

“What’s that?” Sasuke asks rhetorically.

“I’m sorry that it had to come to this” Haku apologies lowly. He brings his hands together and do strange hand sign, as icy rectangles begin forming all around him and Sasuke, trapping them inside.

“Secret jutsu: Crystal ice mirrors!” Haku shouted as the mirrors began to glow.

“What is that?” Kakashi wondered “How does it work?”

“It’s a Kekkei Genkai” I inform him “I read about it, it belonged to the Yuki clan, let’s just say from what I read that this isn’t good, not good at all”

His eyes turn to watch what’s happening, Haku walks forwards, stepping inside one of the ice mirrors. His image suddenly appears in every one of them. I have to do something.

When I try and dash forward to interfere, when Zabuza steps in front of me.

“If either you or the copycat try and enter the fight, you will fight me” He informs us darkly “Your boy has no chance against Haku’s jutsu. He’s finished”

From inside the dome, we can hear Sasuke groaning, as he is hit by hundreds of Senbon needles.

“Sasuke!” Kakashi calls urgently, while I grit my teeth trying to figure out what to do.

“Just try to help him” Zabuza sneers “And I’ll kill the other two behind you in a heartbeat!”

“Sakura” I call she looks at me I can see the distressed look in her eyes “Go help Sasuke leave the bridge builder to me.”

She nods pulling out a kunai, and rushing towards the dome.

She leaps up and throws the kunai into the dome.

“Take that!” She cries, grinning determinedly. I suddenly sense Naruto’s chakra coming towards us.

Haku’s hand shoots out from one of the mirrors, easily catching the kunai in midair. He watches Sasuke collapses to the ground, as Sakura gasps.

“No!” she cries, hands balled into fists “He caught it!”

I glance up, just as a shuriken hits Haku’s mirror, knocking him out of it. He sits up with a slight moan, as a large dome of smoke appears. Naruto!

“Number one, hyper-active, knuckle head ninja….” Haku mumbles, raising his head.

As the smoke clears, we all see the blonde ninja standing in some sort of weird karate pose.

“Naruto Uzumaki” He looks at all of us grinning “Is here!”

Everyone stares at him, as the smoke clears, he suddenly grins, throwing an arm in the air.

“Now that I’m here, everything will be alright!”

“Naruto!” Sakura exclaims happily, hands clasped together under her chin.

“Ya know how in the movies the hero always shows up at the last second and kicks butt?” Naruto asks everybody rhetorically “Well, that’s what I’m gonna do here!”

He should have stuck with a sneak attack.

“You’re history! Shadow clone jutsu!” he cries, looking towards Haku and performing a hand sign.

As Naruto is about to perform his jutsu, Zabuza suddenly flings a handful of shuriken at him making Kakashi’s eye widen.

I get Senbon needless from my weapon pouch and throw them at the shuriken with strength, they intercept them, but what surprised us that my Senbon needless weren’t the only ones thrown at the shuriken.

Haku had thrown some himself even if they didn’t do anything, but why was he saving Naruto?

“Naruto, this is a real battle!” Kakashi admonishes “Not a talent show. Don’t just use your Jutsu without some sort of plan!”

“Uhhh…” Naruto replies dumbly.

“Naruto, Shinobis have to be master of deception” I inform him “Always keep you enemy guessing. Even when using one jutsu, distract your opponent to catch them off balance”

“You are basically a sitting duck with that entrance of yours” I inform him refocusing on Haku. Trying to figure out why he would try to save Naruto.

“Aaargghh!” Naruto yells, running his fingers back and forth through his hair “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I just wanted to swoop in and save everyone!”

“There’s another mystery here though…” Kakashi mutters to himself, referring to Haku’s attempt to intercept Zabuza’s shuriken.

“Haku!” Zabuza barks in an irritated voice “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“….Please Zabuza, I’d like to fight this boy in my own way, if you don’t mind” Haku replies calmly, as Naruto clenches his fists.

“Bring it on!” Naruto exclaims, looking determined to kick Haku’s ass.

Suddenly the pain hits me, no not now, I fall to my knees.

“Sara” Sensei calls “What’s wrong?”

“I-I C-can’t fight” I say between clenching teeth, I have on hand on my hand, while the other I reach into my weapons pouch, pulling out a small medicine bottle, opening the lid, and swallowing two pills dry.

“I won’t be able to fight” I say panting, the pain decreased, but I still can’t fight.

He gives me a nod; I lose focus for the rest of the fight, waiting for the pain to seize, I can’t tell what’s happening, when the pain seizes to a small headache, I hear birds chirping, I look up to see Kakashi sensei going at Zabuza with his chidori, when Haku throws himself in front of Zabuza taking the hit.

If Haku is here then where is…., I look towards where the dome used to be to see Sakura holding Sasuke and crying with Tazuna standing beside her, I stand up slowly, making my way to them.

“Sakura” I say kneeling on the other side of Sasuke, “I can still save him. put him on the ground and pull the needles one by one slowly while I heal him, got it?” She nods before doing what she was told.

I put my hands over his chests, and a green aura envelops them, I slowly start healing his injuries, there was no heartbeat, for a few minutes there was still no heartbeat, There was some commotion behind me, but I didn’t have the strength to focus on more than one thing at a the same time, so I stayed focused on Sasuke.

With still no heartbeat, and I remove my hands from Sasuke putting them in my lab looking down, I was no expert medical Nin, I just knew some basics. It had started to snow then.

Sakura was now holding Sasuke again and crying, when we saw his eyes open slowly.

“Sakura” he said slowly “You’re hurting me” she had her hands around his neck holding him close while crying, soon enough it was snowing I look behind me to see Zabuza beside Haku both on the ground dead, I just missed the entire fight because of the stupid episode.

Soon Naruto comes running towards, looking at the now alive Sasuke, I get out of the way, and make my way to where Zabuza and Haku is.

I get what Haku did, giving your life to protect the person you care about, I wish I understood it back then, my sense were all back now, there wasn’t even a small headache.

“So is that really it Kakashi sensei?” Sakura asks dully, leaning down and looking at Haku and Zabuza’s grave, I didn’t ask anyone what happened in the fight, I didn’t want to remind them of what happened to me in the middle of battle. “Is it really the shinobi way to use and be used, like tools?”

“All shinobi are tool in the hands of destiny” Kakashi explains “There’s no point trying to figure out if it’s wrong or right. It just is”

“Well if that’s what being a ninja is all about, then something must be out of whack” Naruto says stubbornly “Is that why we go through all this training, just to end up like them?”

“What’s the reason for that?” Sasuke asks, causing Kakashi to sigh.

“Well, that’s really a question without an answer, and we ninja have to deal with that every day of our lives”

“Okay!” Naruto cries, making us look at him curiously “I’ve decided on something! I’m finding my own ninja way from now on. A way that’s straight and true and that has no regrets! From now on, I follow the way of Naruto!”

Kakashi chuckles softly, as a genuine smile makes its way to my face.

“We could never have finished the bridge without you!” Tazuna exclaims “I can’t tell you how much we’re going to miss you”

“You guys be careful now” Tsunami smiles.

“Thank you very much” Kakashi replies, waving over his shoulder as we turn to leave.

As we walk away leaving Naruto to say his goodbyes, and he and Inari look like they are the verge of tears, Kakashi takes my attention away; I have been avoiding him since that battle, so he wouldn’t ask questions.

“So are you going to tell me what happened exactly during the battle?” he asks

“Am I obliged to answer that?” I ask him with an innocent smile.

“Well you can tell me or I can simply tell the other three that you fell during battle, and you know they won’t stop annoying you until you tell them what happened” he told me with a closed eye smile.

“Fine” I tell him irritated, knowing he will probably go on with his threat.

“A year ago, I was doing a standard checkup, when the doctor found out that I have a…” I take a deep breath “…a brain tumor, this pain episodes didn’t start till about two month ago” I look at him to see the worried look in his eye.

“So why don’t you have surgery?”

“Due to its location, my chance of surviving the surgery is less than 20%, for now all I can do is take two pills of my medicine when I have an episode, it eases the pain” I stop walking, and look at him straight “You can’t tell anyone about this, Only the Hokage, and some doctors know about this, got it?” He nods

And I run catching up to the others who were now ahead of us. We continue our journey back to the leaf in peace.

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