The Lieutenant Hisagi's Love

By TBSNewtTheCrank

259 16 0

I'm late. Man if I'm late again to training I'm done for Captain Kuchiki told me if I'm late again he was goi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

42 3 0
By TBSNewtTheCrank

Renji's POV

Wow. I have never seen Shuhei so upset with himself. He start talking to himself ever since Kiki told him to never talk to her again.

"Well maybe you should say sorry." I say not really sure what to say.

"Your right, I should I am after all the one that started this mess." He says.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel. I'm sure she likes you to."

The truth is she does like him. Out of us four, Izuru was told first then I found out. Which wasn't that hard to tell you the truth. What really sets me off is I know that they both like each other but yet fail to see it.

"I would but I don't think it's worth it now. Not after what I did to her." He says looking away and into the water.

"go--" I stopped talking when I heard a Stwig snap. I turn my head to the side to see Kiki standing there. The way she had her body, It seemed like she was scared and happy at the same time. I then look over at Shuhei and saw that he didn't even notice her standing there. Time to make him mad.

"Look who's here." I say trying not to laugh at what I'm about to do.

I then stand up and walk toward Kiki. Once I reached her Picked her up and spun her around in a circle.

"Ha-Ha, Hi Renji. I've missed seeing you." she said so soft like she was on the same plan as me.

"I've missed you too." I say. Sitting he back down on the ground and pulling her into a hug.

"Gross. Get a room." Shuhei said in a hurtful voice like it hurt to see me hold her in my arms and hug her. Good the plan is working.

I turn around to look at him.

"Come on Shuhei don't be so mean. I'm just messing with you. Trust me, She's all yours."

I look back over to Kiki who seems to be thinking about something. I wonder what she's thinking about.

"Lieutenant Hisagi....Can I talk to you." Kiki says in a scared voice.

She must be afraid of what he will say. Ha-Ha classic her always scared of what peaple are going to say.

"sure." Shuhei replays.

Did he just say that. That dumb idoit.

"Well I'm Going to go. Bye Kiki." I say turning around to face her. Bending down I plant a small kiss on her check. Then took a run for it.

I heard Kiki giggle which made my day.

"RENJI, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT." I heard Shuhei yell.

Ha-Ha. Then plan worked perfectly.


Shuhei's POV

I'm really upset with myself. I hurt Kiki and she told me never to talk to her again.

"Well maybe you should say sorry." Renji says looking over at me. Hes right I should. If it wasn't for me I would be holding her in my arms right now.

"Your right, I should I am after all the one that started this mess." I say.

As much as it kills me to say this Renji has good advice for things like this. He's smart I'll give him that. I'm just shoked that he knows some much stuff like this.

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel. I'm sure she likes you to." Renji says out of no where

"I would but I don't think it's worth it now. Not after what I did to her."

"go--" he started stopped. Then turnned his head to see what was behind him.

I did't bother to look, the truth was I didn't care.

"Look who's here" I hear Renji say. Yet I still don't turn around to see who he was talking about.

"Ha-Ha, Hi Renji. I've missed seeing you." I heard a soft voice say.

Wait I know that vocie it's Kiki. Why is she here. I thought she hated me, So why would she be here. I turn around to see what's going on and I see Renji holding her in his arms hurt me. I wanted to be the one holding her and loving her.

"Gross. Get a room." I snapped at the two.

Right now I don't want to them doing that stuff. I know Renji doesn't like her the way I do, but it still hurts to watch.

"Come on Shuhei don't be so mean. I'm just messing with you. Trust me, She's all yours." Renji says in a funny voice.

"Lieutenant Hisagi....Can I talk to you." Kiki says.

I turn around to face her.

"Sure." I said standing up, and walking over to a tree. That I leaned my back on.

"Well I'm Going to go. Bye Kiki." Renji says. Facing Kiki. Bending down to give her a kiss on the check.

I'm going to kill him.


I just know he's laughing at my out burst. Why do I think he planned it. Ugh...I'm so going to get him back for that.

You start Renji, now I'm finishing it.

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