Making the Worst of a Good Si...

Від 14tali

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Sheilah has always been close to her family. She's working as a blackjack dealer at a casino until she can pa... Більше

Making the Worst of a Good Situation
Just to let you know
Chapter 2
Date Night
Chapter 4
Interogation Room (again)
Chapter 6
Paige's Story
Independence Day
Chapter 11
You're Killing Me
Tonight's the night
Chapter 14
After the Hurricane
I'm Late?
No Smoking
Moving in Reverse
It's a....
You Need a Shower
This Baby Shower Sucks
Here's the baby!
Chapter 27
The Mission
Chapter 29

Crash and Burn

728 31 11
Від 14tali

(A/N: This chapter will switch views at time so I'll do my best to keep it organized. Enjoy :) )

Chapter 17

Sheilah's POV

I was definitely getting bigger.

I was really thin before I got pregnant so it just looked like I was thickening up. I placed my hand on my pudge in my lower belly. I was already 3 months pregnant and all of my friends were happy for me. My mom was calling me everyday checking up on me and the baby and Chase was really riding me.

He wanted me to move in with him. ASAP. But, I was hesitant. My tiny apartment was my home and Paige was my family. I couldn't just leave all that behind. Besides, I couldn't picture a baby in Chase's completely glass house.

And Sean was still clueless to all of this. He just called me fat every time he saw me. I didn't dare correct him. I don't know what he'd do if he found out the truth.

I was headed to work listening to Beethoven. Paige forced me to listen to it almost every second. She claimed that it made the baby smart and I didn't have the strength to argue with her. She was going to prepare this baby for the world if it killed her.

When I got to work my phone started to ring. It was a number I'd never seen before.


"Sheilah! Hi!" said an all to perky voice. It seemed familiar.

"Um hi? Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Kai. How are you?" she asked still cheery.

"I'm good" I said.

"That's great. Can you do me a favor?" she got to the point immediately.

"Ok. What is it?" I asked walking into the casino.

"I need someone to watch Tallulah tonight. I have a huge client. Could you watch her for me?" I sighed. Work and pregnancy already had me exhausted and now she wanted me to babysit. But she still didn't know I was pregnant. Unless Chase told her and I doubt that.

"Oh please Sheilah?" she begged. I scanned the time card slot searching for mine which seemed to be missing.

"I'll owe you forever." she continued.

"Where's my card?" I mumbled to myself still searching.

I looked to my left and noticed one of the huge guards was staring right at me. I looked to my right and saw the other guard who's nose I made bleed a while back. They surrounded me and I knew what was coming next. I sighed annoyed.

"Kai I'm gonna have to call you back" I said into the phone

"So will you do it? Please I-"

"Sure" I said beginning to hang up.

I turned towards the guards.

"Let me guess. To the backroom?" I asked

"Not this time." one of them said. They took me to the elevator and we headed up to the top floor.

I looked over at the guard who I hit last time.

"You broke my nose you know?" he said when he saw me staring.

"Sorry about that." I said genuinely feeling bad. I didn't mean to.

"It's fine." he said simply. "I shouldn't have underestimated you." the elevator reached the top floor and we stepped out into an office area.

The receptionist quickly hit the buzzer.

"She's here" she whispered into the phone. The guards opened two giant doors and left them for me to walk in. I took a deep breath and walked in


Chase's father was sitting at his desk waiting for me. I already knew what this was about.

"So Sheilah." he looked up at me "You're looking very..." he trailed off.

"Fat." I said. He looked at me shocked.

"No no. Not that." he shook his head. "I've noticed that you're"

"Pregnant" I said he looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant?" he asked for conformation.

"Y-You didn't know?" I stuttered.

"Chase got you pregnant." he said to himself in thought. My heart was beating fast. I was afraid he'd be furious.

"This is good news." he said nodding his head. "I have an heir" he said looking at me. I immediately felt self-conscious.

"Take the day off" he said looking out of the window.

"Um are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes go. And my grandson will be born soon." I reluctantly left the room as he celebrated.

That was weird.


Later that night after I'd been watching Tallulah for a few hours. I was in my car heading to Kimi's house. When we pulled up the house was completely dark.

"Mommy's not home" Tallulah said as I stopped the car and pulled out my phone to call her.

"Hello" she sang as she answered.

"Hey Kimi. I'm at your house and-"

"Oh God look at the time I forgot." I could hear her slapping her head.

"Don't worry just tell me where you are and I'll be there in a second."

"Oh no I can't let you do that." She argued.

"Is it far?" I asked.

"No it's just a few blocks away from my house and-"

"I'll be there in a second." I said hanging up before she could argue some more.


I pulled up at the house that Kimi was at and turned off the car.

"Let's go inside." I said going in the backseat to get Tallulah. She held my hand and I rang the doorbell.

Kimi immediately appeared in her real estate suit.

"Sheilah you grew some curves." She said looking me up and down.

"Yeah." I smiled "Do you mind if I use the bathroom really quick?" I asked peering in the house.

"I-I" Kimi stuttered looking in the house nervously.

"Please?" I begged. I really had to go.

"O-ok" she reluctantly let me in. I headed straight for the bathroom.

When I came out I headed down the hallway to the door.

"Well look at you" said an all to familiar voice. I turned around mentally cursing myself.

"Sheilah." Kai said walking towards me in her skinny jeans and a tank top with her long hair in a ponytail. She looked like a model on the go and it made me want to slap her.

"You've gotten fat" Kai said looking me up and down. "Or as your people call it thick." she said adding air quotes

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"My sister-in-law Kimi was showing me a house. I'm moving in." She declared smugly.

"Your sister-in-law?" I laughed histerically. She was obviously frustrated by this.

"Well. You look pregnant!" She blurted out and I stopped laughing and my eyes grew wide. "You are pregnant!?" She screeched horrified. I smiled wickedly.

"Yes I'm carrying Chase's baby" I declared proudly.

She scoffed.

"He's just going to leave you." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh really?" I said bringing my ring finger up to her face so she could see my engagement ring. Her mouth was gapped open as terror filled her face.

I smiled to myself and turned around to leave.

"He didn't do it because he loves you!" She screamed. I turned around and looked at her perplexed.

"He's just too much of a good guy to let you walk around with a bastard child." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"T-that's not true" I stuttered. She smiled smugly.

"It is. I bet he proposed after he found out that you were knocked up. He just was trying to do the right thing." She spat.

I stood in that spot shocked and she glided into the other room. I could feel my heart beating rapidly

Was what she said true?

I ran to my car and started driving.

I didn't want Chase to propose because he felt obligated. I'd trapped him into marriage without even knowing it. He just felt sorry for me.

I held back tears that clouded my vision. I could barely see the streets anymore. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

When I looked up I saw the headlights of the car headed straight for me.


Paige's POV

I ran into the hospital frantically. I ran up to the front desk.

"I need to find my friend." I chocked out panicked. "Her name is Sheilah Anderson. She was in an accident."

"What's your name?" The receptionist asked slowly and unconcerned. She was a big woman and she looked at me with narrow eyes through her glasses.

"Paige. Paige Diaz." I said quickly. She scribbled something down.

"Have a seat ma'am. I'll call you up soon." she shooed me away.

"You don't understand. I need to see her!" I screamed. The woman didn't even flinch as if this happens everyday

"Have a seat." she said again calmly.

I sat down nervously. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I held them back.

I fel numb at the thought of Sheilah being in an accident so bad that she had to be hospitalized. I took a deep breath as I started crying. My best friend could be gone and I couldn't even see her. I could feel my world falling apart without her. She was all I had. 

And what about the baby?

The receptionist called me after what seemed like an eternity. I eagerly ran up to the desk.

"Ms. Diaz I'm sorry but we can't tell you about or let you see her." she said not looking up.

"Why not? " I asked feeling helpless.

"Family only" she said.

I knew that Sheilah was my family but she didn't want to hear from me anymore.

I walked into the waiting room calling Chase.

Fiancé counts as family right?

"Hello?" he answered confused.

"Sheilah's in the hospital. She was in an accident" I blurted out.

"Which hospital?" she asked. I could hear him moving across the phone as I told him. "I'm coming" he hung up.

I quickly called Sean.

"Yes my love." he purred as soon as he picked up.

"Sheilah was in a car accident. She's in the hospital." I said again.

"Shit. I'm on my way" he hung up.

I sat own rocking slowly trying to calm myself down. Trying to accept that whatever happened was out of my hands.


Chase's POV

I ran into the hospital and I looked around frantically. I ran towards Paige when I found saw her.

"Where is she? Is she ok?" I asked breathing heavily.

My heart was beating too quickly and I was sweating.

"They won't tell me." she chocked tears brewing in her eyes. I pushed past her and went straight to the receptionist.

"I need to see Sheilah." I told her.

"Sorry like I told your friend family only." she sorted through papers calmly

"We're engaged. She's my fiancé." I told her tapping on the table impatiently.

"I'm sorry sir. The only family listed her are her mother and brother." she said looking at a chart.

I sighed frustrated. I needed to see her. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if something was wrong with her or the baby. It'd break me to lose them both when I barely had them.

"Sir please have a seat." she said breaking me out of my trance. I reluctantly sat down and Paige sat next to me.

"How did this happen?" I said looking up hopelessly.

Paige shrugged staring blankly ahead. She looked like she'd been shaken up and rattled.

The front door open and Sean stormed in. He looked at Paige and me and walked past us and went straight to the receptionist. I quickly got up and Paige and I stood behind him.

"How can I help you sir?" she looked up at us.

"My sister Sheilah. We need to see her." he said.

"Do you have ID?" she asked. Sean pulled out his license and handed it to her. She picked up the phone. "Dr. Harper a family member for the crash victim is here." she hung up and glanced at us "The doctor will be here shortly." 

We moved to the side and stood together.

"What happened?" Sean asked.

"They won't tell us." I said pacing.

"Are you here for Sheilah Anderson?" a doctor asked. We all looked up and went straight for him. "Follow me." he said walking down the white hallway.

"Sheilah was in an accident caused by a drunk driver." he looked through his charts. My heart sunk as I grinded my teeth hoping she was alright.

"When she came in she had a broken rib and internal bleeding." I drew back a breath. The doctor stopped at a door.

"Is she ok?" Paige asked holding her heart.

"She just got out of surgery and everything went as planned so only time will tell." I leaned on the wall for strength. I felt like the world was crumbling and I couldn't bare the thought of losing her. Paige was breathing heavily and Sean cursed to himself.

"She's resting now but you can go in. He said gesturing to the door." he looked through the chart again "She and the baby seem like they'll be fine." he said. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Baby? What baby?" Sean asked.

"Charts show that she's about 3 months pregnant." the doctor looked up at the confused Sean. "I'll leave you alone." he said walking away.

"Sheilah's pregnant?!" he looked at me angrily. I nodded. "Son of a bitch!" he grumbled as he tackled me to the ground.


Sean's POV 

"Sean stop!" Paige screamed when he tackled Chase to the ground.

A man pulled me off of Chase. Chase had a cut bleeding on his forehead. A nurse came up to him. 

"Come on we'll get that stitched up." she said walking away with him. I pulled away from the man and stormed into the room where Sheilah was.

I looked out of the window and I heard Paige enter behind me. 

"Can you believe that bastard?" I turned around and my anger faded away. I saw Paige on her knees at Sheilah's bedside. 

Sheilah looked beat up pretty badly. She was hooked up to so many machines and looked so fragile compared to my usually vibrant sister. I immediately realized the magnitude of the situation.

She could've died. 

I felt my heart drop with that thought. My little sister was hurt and I couldn't protect her or beat up whoever caused this. I just had to deal with it.

I felt guilty for attack Chase like that. Although he messed up getting her pregnant this wasn't his fault. I could hear Paige sniffling and I knew I had to forget about my issues and be strong for Paige and Sheilah.

I walked up behind Paige and pulled her off of the floor. I hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry. Everything will be okay" I tried to reassure her as she sobbed into my shoulder


Sheilah's POV 

I woke up and my vision was blurry.

Where am I? What happened?

I heard a constant beeping and I looked down at my wrist and saw that an IV was in my wrist.

I'm in the hospital? What happened?

My throat was dry and I felt lightheaded. I turned my head and my eyes struggled to adjust to the light. I saw Paige asleep in a chair in the corner. 

I tried to sit up but a sharp pain hit me in the ribs. I groaned and slowly laid back down.

"Thank God you're awake." I heard Chase say from my other side. I slowly turned my head.

"What happened?" I asked still in a daze.

"You were in a car accident. A drunk driver was on the wrong side of the rode." he said. 

His eyes were sad and I was suddenly filled with fear.

"Is the baby okay?" I asked afraid of the answer. He nodded and I took a deep breath.

"I'm thirsty." I told him still feeling dizzy. He quickly got up and poured me a glass of water that I gulped down quickly.

"Were you in the car?" I asked bringing my hand up to the stitches on Chase's forehead.

"No Sean and I got into an altercation." my heart sunk and I knew he knew that I was pregnant. "We're okay" he said when he saw the fear in my face.

The door opened and I heard someone rush to my side. I looked up and saw it was Sean. His eyes were wide when he looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I said when I saw him "Don't be mad at us. It's not his fault I'm pregnant" I said.

Sean put his hand on my forehead.

"It's not a bad thing. It's ok." he said soothingly. 

I tried to sit up again and the pain made me hiss and sit back.

"Are you in pain?" Chase asked holding my hand. I nodded weakly.

"I'll get a nurse." Sean said leaving the room and quickly coming back with a nurse.

"This should help." she said as she stuck a needle into my IV. 

I quickly felt sleep taking over and I fluttered my eyelids trying to stay awake.

"It's ok. Rest." I heard someone say as I fell asleep.

(A/N: Thanks for reading :) Please vote, comment, share, and fan me if you haven't already. If you've done all of this then try my other ongoing story Everything I Can't Have. If you don't mind that is.)

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