Together Forever (a Superman...

By shelbylynn9921

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I thought that my best friend and boyfriend was just an ordinary guy from the day we started dating in 8th gr... More

Together Forever (a Superman love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9 Part 1
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Last Authors Note

Chapter 14

1.7K 36 2
By shelbylynn9921


Clark's P.O.V.

   "Autumn?" My voice is shaky, my eyes are burning. For some reason, I'm not blinking and I'm hardly breathing. I can't believe it worked. She lifts her head, a concerned look on her face. That quickly fades when she sees me. She exhales heavily and a smile appears on her face. My heart skips a beat. I find myself practically skipping towards her. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hug her. She hugs me back, wrapping her arms around my waist. I sit down on her bed, so I can hug more of her. I feel myself start to cry tears of joy. She is alive! She is actually alive! My sobs start to get louder, and she notices.

   "Clark?" God, I missed the sound of her voice. I can tell she is smiling by the way she said my name. I don't want to let go of her, put she tries to push me away little so she can see my face. "Clark?" She says again. I pull away just enough to plant my lips on hers. She seems a little off guard, but soon starts to kiss back. I notice that my hands are holding her face a little too hard, so I loosen my grip and run my fingers through her hair. She puts her small hands on my face, and pulls me closer. I can feel my heartbeat in my fingers and I can't even speak I'm so happy. Happy is not the right word to use right now. The right word to use was blissful. So many things I want to say, but all I wanted to do is kiss her.

   "Thank you." She says, after we pull away. I look at her with a confused look.

   "My nurse told me everything."

   "Everything?" I ask. She smiles

   "Everything." She says. I pull the chair over and sit down next to her.

   "So.... You aren't mad?" I ask.

   "Of course not. I mean, I have to get used to it. But I'd rather be... This instead of dead. I didn't even know all of this was possible. You basically transferred your powers into me. That's absolutely amazing." She gushes. I am speechless. I have spent all this time worrying about the possibility of her hating me because I turned her into me. I was worrying for nothing.

   "Well that makes me happy. Listen, I will help you through it. I will help you control your powers, and your emotions. I won't leave. Not now, not ever. I just want you to know that." I say. She puts her hand on mine that rests on her knee.

   "I know." Before I can say anything else, the nurse, Kirana, and her doctor comes in.

   "So Ms. Jacobson, you seem to be perfectly healthy now. I have no idea what happened to make that possible, but I'm glad that you are better." The doctor says.

   "Some people would call it a miracle, Dr. Todd." Kirana mumbles, she looks to me and winks. I lower my head and smile to myself.

   "So, with that being said, we want you to stay one more night here. Just to make sure everything goes well after being in a coma for almost a week. Then tomorrow afternoon you are free to go home." Dr. Todd explains.

   "Thank you." Autumn and I say. The doctor and Kirana nod their heads and walk out of the room. I turn to Autumn and she turns to me.

   "So... Did the nurse thoroughly  explain everything to you?" I ask. She takes a deep breath then answers.

   "Yes. I will have super human strength... If that's what you call it. I will be able to hear better. I will be practically immortal, except for kryptonite. Which I knew. I will be able to fly. I also knew that. I will be able to... Shoot laser beams out of my eyes?" She laughs.

   "Yes, heat vision. And some more abilities that you'll figure out on your own. You will still have a little human in you, but you'll mostly be like me." I laugh. Then there is silence.

   "How did you know how to save me?" She asks, after the few moments of silence. I bite the inside of my cheek and think of the answer.

   "Actually, I don't really know. It just came to me in a time of desperation. It was actually just an idea and I didn't know what would come of it. Your nurse.... well she knew that I could do it. But you already knew that." I say. She nods her head and looks down to her hands. I don't know what else to say to her, and I don't think anything will make her situation better.

   "Look, so things may be different with you." I start. She looks to me with worried eyes.

   "What do you mean?" She asks.

   "Well....  I've spent my entire life like this. It only started to develop when I was in school. You... you were not born with this nor have you had time to tradition. I don't know if things, transitioning, will be the same with you since my blood has only been in your system for a couple of days. It may take longer, it may happen tomorrow, but I'm warning you. It is the worst pain you will ever endure." She breathes in deeply. Someone needs to tell her this, and I hate that it's me, but who else would tell her?

   "The first thing your body has to get used to is Earths atmosphere. All your powers will start to form, and you may lose control. That brings me to the next thing, control. Your powers can appear out of no where. They could all appear at once or in fragments. While you're at the store, driving down the freeway, and even sometimes while you're going to the bathroom." I laugh. She doesn't. I clear my throat after I realize that she is most definitely not laughing. "You have to be in control. If you feel yourself losing it, you need to channel your emotions, find your anchor. You need an anchor. It can be someone or something. But it is the thing you go to when you need to calm down. Someone or something that can bring you back. You look to that anchor for guidance. And before you know it, you've got control of your emotions and powers. It's hard at first, but soon you'll get the hang of it." I finish, but there's still a lot more that needs to be said. I don't want to overwhelm her. She looks to her hands that are in her lap, then takes a deep breath and speaks.

   "Who's your anchor?" She asks, looking me in the eyes. I hesitate, but answer. I've never told anyone this before, so telling her this is kind of difficult for me.

   "My mom." I answer. Her shoulders slump.

   "Oh." She mumbles. I grab her hand and rub soft circles across her palm.

   After a couple minutes of silence, she huffs then lifts the blankets off of her legs.

   "What are you doing?" I  inquire, standing up and stopping her.

   "I have to go to the bathroom." She says. I look at her with worried eyes. She could get dizzy and fall. She's been in that bed for I don't know how long, her legs are going to be weak. "And I just want to get out of this damn bed." She adds.

   "Well then at least let me help you get there." I say. She puts her hand up in protest.

   "No, no. I will do this on my own." She says. She slowly lifts one leg up at a time and places her feet on the floor. She lifts her body up and stumbles a bit. I go to grab her, but she regains her balance before I can reach her. She shakes her legs a little bit before taking a few steps forward. She smiles, then straightens her back and continues to walk to the bathroom across the room. I go to sit down in the chair, and I feel my pocket buzz. I pull my phone out and look to see who's name is on the screen. My mom is calling, I quickly answer it and put my phone to my ear.

   "Hey, what's up?" I ask into the phone.

   "Nothing, just wanted to call and see how you and Autumn are doing?" She asks.

   I told her everything, how she is feeling, her transition, her new powers. 

   Right before I am finished, I hear something in the bathroom. My heart skips a beat and my breath hitches.

   "Hold on a second Ma." I say. I put my phone on the bed and I stand up slowly and walk towards the door. I breathing is heavier than usual. I'm just over-reacting right? She's fine.

   "Autumn?" I call out. Nothing. I swallow hard.

   All of a sudden, my ears are filled with a piercing sound. A scream. A very high pitched scream.

   "Autumn!!" I scream, running towards the door. I go to open it, but it is locked. I slam my fist into the door and the whole thing pops off. Autumn is on the floor, holding her head between her legs, just screaming. I get to her in one stride.

   "Autumn!" She doesn't look to me. She continues to scream and I realize what's going on. She has finished her transition and her body is trying to get used to Earths atmosphere. And let me tell you, it hurts like hell. You feel like your head is going to explode, you can't help but scream.

   "Hey, hey, hey! You're body is trying to get used to the atmosphere. Try to calm down. Look for an anchor." I tell her over and over, but her screams just get louder. I see doctors and nurses running towards the bathroom door to my left, but I stop them.

   "No wait. Just give her a minute. Just wait!" I plead. Autumn is rocking back and forth next to me. Her body twitching, her skin hot.

   "Autumn, baby, it's okay." I try to calm her down, but soon her screams turn into sounds of rage. What happens next, takes me by surprise. She finally comes down from her high in the worst way possible. Her head twitches to the side, towards the doctors. Eyes filled with fire, beams of fire shooting out of her eyes, making a brown line appear just above the doorway, barely missing the doctors standing in the door. She closes her eyes right before she looks to me. The beams disappear and the room is now filled with heavy breathing by Autumn and a kind of relief move across the room. Autumn is now crying. Holding her head in her hands.

   Then, if things couldn't get any worse, they did.

   "What are you doing?" I yell. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask looking to the doctors that are still standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Three policeman come in and grab Autumn by the arms. She slumps against them as they take her out of the room. Her face sweaty, dark circles around her eyes. My body fills with anger.

   "Ki- Nurse Abri... What are they doing with her?" I demand. Kirana put a hand on my shoulder.

   "They are... Uh." She is fumbling with her words.

   "Kirana, just tell me!" I whisper, watching as the policemen take Autumn out of the room.

   "They are taking her to a secret room underneath the hospital. A place where she can't get out and no one can get in. The hospital found out about her... new ways. And someone called the pentagon. The government knows, Clark. I'm sorry, I can't do anything to prevent it."

   "What?! How can you let this happen? In a matter of 24 hours, the whole world will know that there's another one of me running around! Where are they taking her, show me?!" I half-ask, half-demand. Kirana tries to protest, but soon agrees to take me to Autumn.


   "What are you going to do to her?" I look to one of the doctors on the other side of glass that's looking into Autumns new room. It looks more like a prison than a room.

   "We are going to keep her down here, away from all of the other patients." He says. I tap my foot on the floor impatiently.

   "So you're just going to keep her down here and wait for the whole world to have a conniption fit?" I spit.

   "Sir, we are keeping her down here until she's stable." The doctor looks to me with still, but fierce eyes. His lips are perked, and his eyebrows are pulled together in irritation. I exhale deeply, crossing my arms. At that moment, a detective and his partner come into the room that all the doctors and myself are in. A guy- the detective- dark skinned, grey hair, walks in with a short, fair-skinned woman. Both wearing button down shirts and slacks. They wear their badges around their neck, like every detective does.

   "Well, isn't it Mr. Clark Kent. Superman. A God from the sky. I see that your girlfriend is in a bit of a pickle." I clench my jaw in frustration. 

   "I guess so. And what are you going to do about it?" I ask, knowing that what I said was not the right thing to say, but all he does is smirk. He takes two long strides toward me, inching closer and closer.

   "Mr. Kent, we were told that Ms. Jacobson here-" He points to Autumn, looking in her direction, but I don't move. I keep my eyes focused on him. "Has supernatural powers. Just like you. Now how does something like that happen? Huh? I was most certainly positive that you, my friend, were the only alien on this planet." I ball my hands into fists. 

   "Well Sir, she was dying. And we found a way to save her. I heal can heal myself and others. I can heal others with my eyes basically. But I was not able to heal her like that, seeing that her sickness was deep inside of her immune system and not just a wound. So I used my blood. It was an idea thought of on a whim. I wasn't sure if it would work, but I needed to believe that it would. All that's happening right now is her body getting used to the Earths atmosphere. How many times do I have to say that for you people to understand me?" I ask looking around.

   "We understand every word that you are saying Mr. Kent. We are just afraid that she will be dangerous, how much damage could this hybrid of a human do? Will her powers be stronger or weaker than yours? Will she be exactly like you?  Or different? We are not so much as concerned for her, but for this planet." As he talks, he gets closer and closer to me. His breath smells like mints and cigarettes. As much as the smell sickens me, I stand my ground, not moving at all. At that moment, Autumn starts to scream again, her eyes filling with fire, and the beams return. Turning the room into a candy cane, swirls of red marks across the white walls. Her screams are faint on the other side of the glass, but for some reason, I can feel her pain. It is like I am linked to her, and my heart yearns for her. The detective looks to me after we all watch Autumn destroy the walls of the cell.

   "You have 24 hours Mr. Kent. And when those 24 hours are up, the news about Autumn will be sent to every news station, every radio station, every magazine all across the world. The people have the right to know. 24 hours." He whispers, one last time. He spins on his heels and walks out, with his sidekick trailing right behind him.

   I put my hands to my face, covering my eyes. My head is spinning and my ears hurt from hearing Autumn scream. Being able to hear everything as if it's right next to you has its downsides. I have 24 hours to help her. To make her control herself. To help her find her anchor. What really sucks is that it took me over a year to finally find my anchor. I only have 24 hours, not 365 days.

   The only thing I can think about, at this very moment is What the hell am I going to do?

Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter. Please please please comment what you thought of this chapter, tell me what you think is going to happen next, or whatever you want to say. Add and please vote!! And remember to go to my profile and click that follow button, because that would make me really really happy. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/night/morning! Love you!!

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