Demon's Tale.

By purescent_

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#674 in FANFICTION #128 in FANTASY #4 in BAEKHYUN #240 in EXO Dark secrets are meant to be kept till death. B... More

Special Chapter I
Special Chapter II
Special Chapter III
Special Chapter IV
044 - FINAL
Special Chapter V
Special Chapter VI
Broken Hearts Club


4.7K 241 141
By purescent_

This chapter is dedicated to my bae, lovethaoxoxo
because she dedicated a wonderful chapter to me in her book, Adversity High. Read the book if you want a mysterious story ahead! :D

"You're only mine" Prince Alexander said to me as he hold my hands. My mind couldn't think anything that I practically let him holding my hands.

My eyes turns around and I saw all my 12 guardians laying on the pool of blood.
But ones catch my eyes who is Baekhyun, who had his hands chained, so he was practically hanging in the air.

"What had you done.." My voice turns into whisper. All my confidence disappeared from me the moment I saw all of them laying lifelessly in front of me.
Nobody can save me now, not even Baekhyun.

"It's wonderful isn't it? It's my gift for you" Prince Alexander smirked.
"So now, no one would take what's mine" Prince Alexander said and caressed my cheek.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hand!" I slapped his hand away and stepped away.
"Remember that my royal blood flows in your body, Chan Neul" He chuckled.

"Remember that one day, I'll come back to you" He smirked and suddenly I felt sudden pain throughout my body especially my abdomen.
I fell on the ground and my eyes landed on my guardians for these 19 years.

"B-baekhyun" I broke into tears and try to reach his hand when the pain become more unbearable.

"You need to be strong for me, Chan Neul"

Hearing the voice of Baekhyun, I felt as I been pulled into dark hole and suddenly my eyes shot open as my body jerked upwards.

I screamed in pain when I could still felt the pain in my abdomen.

"P-please.. Please h-help me" I breathed out and accidentally fell down from the bed when I felt my lungs burned.
I couldn't breathe properly.
A single tear escaped from my eyes when my knee in contact with the floor, I felt the bone in my knee cracked.

It's hurts.
Everything hurts.

"Calm down, Chan Neul" I heard Baekhyun's voice from my back.

"It's okay, Chan Neul. It's okay. You need to be strong for me" Baekhyun added and I could felt that he put me on his lap.

I couldn't look straight at anything as my eyes wonders around without I know.

I saw a figure formed in front of me.
I believe everyone didn't see him because if they do, they'll kill him instantly.

I saw Prince Alexander do some hand gestures to me while holding a doll in his hand, blood tainted on the doll.
When he squeeze the doll, I could felt myself being crushed.

My body thrashed against Baekhyun and his grip on me tighter.

"You're bound to me by my blood"

"You're here to listen and obey my words"

"I let the half of me inside you"

I covered my ears with my hand and close my eyes but tears still managed to escaped from my eyes.
Please let this pain ends.

The moment I open my eyes, I could felt all my senses heightened.
I could saw the distant object clearly and I could hear the sounds and voices from outside the house.

What did he do to me?

Baekhyun realized that my muscles relaxed and my breathing become more stable as he loosened his grip on me a bit.

He kissed on top of my head and soothing my back.
My cheeks heartened up when I realized that I was sitting on his lap but I remains froze.

"Don't leave me like that again" Baekhyun put his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. He was holding my hands by the position.

"I-I..I'm s-sorry" My voice becomes hoarse because of the lack of water and after my screaming part just now.

"I was so scared of losing you" Baekhyun said, I felt overwhelmed with emotions, by Baekhyun's emotions? I could felt the sadness and longing in his voice.

Baekhyun break the hug as his warmth leaves my body. Maybe my body was colder than him, consider that he had a cold body.

Baekhyun turns my face gently to faced him and cupped my cheeks.
Without a warning, his soft lips meets mine.

I close my eyes willingly as I let him kissing me. I could felt his single tear escaped from his eyes and fell on my cheek.
The kiss is gentle and soft not the passionate kiss he was giving to me when the first time he marked me.
My arms unconsciously wrapped around his neck.

It's funny thinking that my lungs felt as it was going to explode because of the lack of oxygen and now I am kissing him.
Everything seems right when I was with Baekhyun.

I believe in faith.
I believe faith had arranged us together.
I meant who would know the ones you hate will be the same person you love and you'll kissed with.

He broke the kiss after awhile but let his forehead against mine.
Our eyes meets each other.

"I'm sorry.." He said, his eyes were red and swollen.
"I love you" He added.

"I love you too, Baekhyun" I said as my lips cracked a smile.

"Are you still in pain?" Baekhyun asked as he help me sit on the bed back and I shook my head.
He should ask that question even before he kissed me..

But there's something itching on my knee.
I tugged on Baekhyun's sleeves and he look at me in confusion.
"I felt discomfort on my knee" I said and Baekhyun frowned.

His lips immediately curls into a force smile.
"It'll be fine by time" He said.

"Do you want to eat?" Baekhyun asked.
"No" I said.
My hands snaked around his waist and hugged him lightly as he stands in between my legs.

Baekhyun chuckled as he ruffled my hair.
"Seems like someone is missing me so much" Baekhyun said and I snorted.

Baekhyun's phone inside his pocket buzzed and I look into his eyes.
He smiled at me before answering the call.

"Yes?" He asked.
"Baekhyun, this is Daehyun, I know the location of Prince Alexander" Daehyun said.

I don't know how.. But I could hear the phone call conversation without Baekhyun turn on the speaker. I stare at the floor in confusion but my ears still listening to the conversation.

"Where is it?" Baekhyun asked as his jaw clenched.
"He's in the castle. It had been a few days since he's in castle. I think he might stay here for awhile" Daehyun said.

"Does anyone listen to your conversation?" Baekhyun asked.
"Nope" Daehyun replied.
"If that's all, I'm going to hung the phone" Baekhyun said and hung the phone.

"Who's Daehyun?" I blurted.
"How do you know I'm talking to Daehyun?" Baekhyun asked as his eyes widened.

"You said his name when you answer the call just now" I lied. I mentally slapped my mouth because I accidentally said that name.

"Oh really?" Baekhyun asked and chuckled.
"He's just a best friend of mine" Baekhyun said and I nodded.

"I'll tell the others that you're awake" Baekhyun said.
"Rest until I come back" Baekhyun added then left.

"Guys, Chan Neul is awake"
I startled when I heard Baekhyun's voice ringing inside my ears.
I could hear him. It felt as if he's mind link other people.

"Really?! Did she know about it?" D.O's voice rings inside my head.

"No, don't tell her yet" Baekhyun answered.

Tell me what?

"I'll go to the castle within this week. I'll unfold the truth. I'll find why Chan Neul is so popular amongst King Brooke and Prince Alexander" Baekhyun said to them.
"Leeteuk hyung will be there and welcomed you" Suho said.

Right after that, Baekhyun get into the room with others.

"Chan Neul!" D.O squeeze me though his tight hug.
"Oh my God, I couldn't believe seeing you alive like this. You had died for a few seconds, you know" Kris said and join the hug then later all of them hugging me tightly.

"I missed all of you" I flashed a grin after all of they broke the hug. I totally forgot how I'm in pain awhile ago.

"Can we go out? I want to walk around" I said. I really want to get out. I felt trapped inside this room.

All of them frowned at my statement making me confuse.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why don't you stay at home for this mean time?" Luhan asked.

"But I want to walk and I capable to walk around" I said and moved to the edge of the bed.

Just when I try to stand up, I immediately fell down because my knee won't work at all.
Thanks to Baekhyun who caught me before I fell down on the floor.
Now, I got the message.

"Ohh, my knee isn't strong now, isn't it? How long will it takes? 1 week before my knee get stronger?" I asked while Baekhyun put me on the bed.

Baekhyun sighed as he crouched down in front of me. He was holding my hands and give a light squeeze as his eyes stare at me.

"You couldn't walk again, Chan Neul"

"Your knee was damaged before we could heal you"


10 facts of me. Thank you NissiaManyie for tagging me :)

1. Instead of telling my nickname, I'll tell how my friends describe me, they described me as a crazy person and a baby (who acts childish).
2. My eye colour is dark brown.
3. My hair colour is black.
4. I am left-handed person. Any left-handed here comment xD
5. My Favorite colour is Pink! x)
6. My Favorite place is Malaysia! :)
7. My Favorite celebrity is Leonardo Di Caprio ♥.♥
9. My Favorite song is Fight song by Rachael Platten
10. My Favorite book in Wattpad is Take Me Away by UnknownSushiPizza. Oh my god, you must read this fanfic! I cried even though it's already 3rd time I read it x)

So guys!
What'll happen to her? Ahhhh!!
What is exactly going on with all her senses and she suddenly could hear the mind-link message between her guardians?
Share your thoughts!

Thank you for all of you who had wish me good luck before, alhamdullilah, I manage to be ranked as 14th place from 172 people who took the exam in March before :)

And congratulations to the Khairul Idham Pawi, the first Malaysian rider who won the Grand Pix in MotoGP. Malaysia Boleh! :D

purescent_ loves all her readers :*

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