I will be loved! (BWWM)

By Storylover2016

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Sequel to I will never be loved! Danielle's life has changes dramatically in less then a year. She found the... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Please read!
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Seventeen

2K 130 24
By Storylover2016

Danielle's Prov:

The definition of bitter - Angry, Hurt, or resentful of one's bad experiences, or a sense of unjust treatment. Bitter would be the world I would describe myself for the past few days. I am I would say I am someone who is usually really fun and happy most of the time. But lately I have been the complete opposite. I guess it has to do with the fact that it seems like no one seems to remember that my birthday is today. I mean I don't want something over the top or anything, just the people who I care about to even say happy birthday to me.

But no not one, not even my grandmother or aunt had said happy birthday to me, not even a phone call. The there was my best friends who I woke up and expected to be here with me, but weren't. When I woke up I noticed that neither one of them was here. All I saw was a note that said, 'Gone to the mall, be back later'. Then you would think that my boyfriend, the one who is suppose to love me would be here for me. But no, when I texted him to see if he would like to go to a movie with me, he responded with a txt that said he had a football practice and couldn't get out of it.

So now here I am in a I don't care kind of mood. I have been in my room most of the day pouting. I just felt like I did when I was in New York when it was my Birthday. Like I was alone, and no one cared about me. But when I thought about how I was spending my birthday I got mad. If everyone I knew didn't want to be there for me, then who cares. I was a young eighteen year old woman and I deserved to have a good rest of my day. So I might as well go and treat myself, considering no one else seemed to.

I showered up and drove myself to the mall. I walked into one of my favorite stores and smiled when I saw Kristyn my favorite cashier here.

"Hey girl you look like a girl on a mission." She said to me with a smile.

"Yeah I am. Today is my birthday and I thought I would treat myself." I explained to her.

"Good for you girl, and happy birthday. But where is your two sidekicks?" She questioned me. Her words made me suddenly sad. All I could think was I wanted my best friends here. We always do things like this with one another.

"They couldn't make it." I said to her as I looked around.

"What do you mean they couldn't make it? It's your birthday, they should be with you all day. What kind of friends are they?" I sighed at her words.

"I don't know, which is why I am here. I need some cheering up, I thought I would get myself a new outfit, get my hair done, then go dancing." I said to her with a smile, she smiled back at my.

"And your best friends couldn't be here with you to do those things?" She asked me.

'Well I mean they don't technically know that today is my birthday. I mean I dropped some hints to them but I don't think they got them. So now I have to go and have fun by myself." I explained to her.

"Well Jenny is here to take over for me, because my shift is over. I would love to tag along with you and then go dancing." I smiled brightly at her words, this is what I needed. I needed someone to spend the day with, and to have fun.

"I would love for you to come with me, it's nice to know that I will have a partner in crime tonight."

"Of course you do. Let me go get Jenny up here and then I am ready to go."

"Okay sounds good." I watched as she waked away from the desk and away from my sight. I looked around at all the girls getting their nails done, it's funny how much you can tell about a person my their nails.

"Danielle it is nice to see you again." I turned around and smiled at Jenny.

"It's nice to see you to, how have you been?" I questioned her as I turned to look at her completely.

"I have been good. Oh and Happy Birthday by the way. I would ask you how your doing but Kristyn already filled me in." I frowned at her words.

"Yeah it definitely wasn't the kind of birthday I imagined myself having, but at least Kristyn over here has offered to step in and make it a better day." I explained as I linked arms with Kristyn, she smiled at my words.

"Well you know I am amazing. Now lets go and get our nails done. Jenny who's free right now?"

"Melissa, Sarah, and Jackie." She replied.

"Oh I call Jackie." I said as I started to make my way over to her station.

"No fair she is the best nail artist." I heard Kristyn said with a fake whine. I turned around and walked backwards so I was looking at her.

"And that is why I the birthday girl get to have her." She shock her head at my words and smiled.

I turned back around and walked up to where Jackie was, she smiled when she was me. "Hey girl how are you, I haven't seen you here in a while." She said to me as I sat down.

"I know, school and all the drama I have been dealing with has kept me away from getting my nails done." I explained to her as I showed her my poor neglected nails, she laughed as I did so.

"Well girl stop gabbing and give me your nails, so I can fix this mess." I laughed at her words and passed her my hand. She immediately got to work on my nails.

"So girl tell me where are the other two amigos today?" I sighed at her words for more then one reason. The first reason being the obvious one, that I was upset that my friends weren't here with me. And secondly I realized how much time I spend with Penelope and Tabby. Maybe it is a good thing that I spend some time getting to know and be around other people. Or to be by myself and branch out more.

"They are out doing their own thing." I said to her with a sigh.

"What, I thought you guys did everything together."

"Yeah well we usually do, but today they were really busy. And they didn't know that it was my birthday, technically." I said to her, her face immediately showed shock.

"What kind of friends are they? If I was your best friend I would definitely know when your birthday is, let alone be with you." I smiled at her words.

"Thanks Jackie."

"No problem girl, us girls have to stick together."

"I wish my two best friends thought like we do." I said to her, she gave me a small smile at my words.

"Well your nails are on me today, call it my birthday gift to you." She explained to me with a smile.

"Awe thank you Jackie, your the best."

"It's the least I could do for you on your birthday." I smiled at her words. At least some people I knew were wiling to make my birthday a good one. Today seemed to be getting better by the minute. I just wished that I had all the people I loved around me today.


Kristyn has literally been a god send today. She did everything I wanted to do today, and wouldn't let me pay for anything. She made me laugh and showed me a really good time. We got our nails done, went to get our hair done, and we both got new dresses to wear out tonight. It was truly and amazing few hours out.

We decided to go to my house to get ready. When we got there I was surprised to see that neither Penelope or Tabby were home. I mean what could they really being doing today? And why in the world would they not want to include me. I acted like it didn't bother me, but deep down it hurt me that they didn't want to hang out with me as well. We we're all always together.

"We can get ready in my room." I told her. She followed me to my room.

"You guys have a really nice house here." She said to me with a smile as she entered my room.

"It is a nice home, Ben's father is the one who helped us get it. It's perfect for the three of us." I responded to her as I started to get undressed. She continued to look around my room and stopped at my picture frames that were in the shape of a heart. She smiled as she looked at them.

"I love all of these pictures, and the way that you did it." She said to me as she turned to look at me.

" I love pictures, and when I saw that idea I just couldn't help but do it." She nodded her head at my words.

"Yeah this is an adorable idea. I definitely am going to do this at my apartment. " She said to me with a smile.

"Yeah I bet it would look great. Now come on lets get ready so we can get our dance on." I said to her as I bumped her hip with mine. She laughed at my actions and nodded her head.

"Okay. Okay lets get going. "

It only took a few minutes to get ready. Especially since we had already gotten our hair and nails done. All we needed to do was get dressed and do some light makeup. I smiled as I looked at my reflection. I had went back to my old natural curls and I loved it. Kristyn was wearing a dark purple dress that was one shouldered, and had her hair pinned up. I was wearing a light blue dress, with my curls down and on display. I felt beyond good and I was ready to go.

"Danielle are you ready?" Kristyn asked me as she entered my room. I nodded my head at her words.

"Yeah just let me get my clutch, then I am ready to go." I told her as I walked over to my dresser and picked my clutch. I walked out to the living room where my phone dinged. I looked down at it and noticed a message from my aunt. I rolled my eyes as I saw it. I wanted to ignore her, but there was no way I could do that to family. Because something could really be wrong.

'Come home, gram is cleaning out your room and wants to know what you want and don't want.' The minute I read the message I immediately tensed up. My blood started to boil. Not only was it my birthday and they had forgotten, now they are taking away my bedroom at the house, what else could go wrong? I mean there is literally like at least ten other rooms. Why would they want to take mine away?

'I will be right there.' I texted her back. I could feel my blood boiling as I did so, I couldn't believe them.

"Are you okay?" Kristyn asked as she walked over to where I was. I nodded my head at her words.

"Yeah I am okay, just a little pissed off. We need to stop by my families home before we go out."

"Oh why?" She questioned me as we walked out of my house. I locked the door behind me.

"Because they decided to get rid of my stuff from my old bedroom there and want me to come tell them what I want, and don't want." I explained to her. We both got into my car and buckled up.

"Cheer up girly, after we get your things sorted out we are going to get our dance on." She said to me. I smiled at her words.

"Your right, it is still my birthday, and I deserve to be happy on my birthday." I said to her as I turned on the radio. 'So what ' by Pink came on and we both started to jam out.


Before I knew it both Kristyn and I were walking up to my families home. I didn't even bother with knocking, I just walked right on in. But when I did it looked like no one was home at all. I started to walk around the house calling their names.

"Aunt Lisa, Gram, are you guys here?" I heard no answer. "Hello I am here to look threw my stuff, is anyone here?" I yelled again. I could feel my blood boiling again, why in the world would my aunt tell me to come here to pick my stuff up if she wasn't going to be here.

"Oh forget this I am not going to waste more time, let's go." I said to Kristyn as I made my way to the door.

"Wait." She put her hand out to stop me. "I think I hear someone outside. We should at least go check." I sighed at her words. Because at this point I could careless about my stuff. "Come on it can't hurt to look." I rolled my eyes at her words but turned around and made my way to the back of the house anyway.

I slid open the door to the back porch and when I did so light came on, and I heard "SUPRIESE!!!!"

I looked around to see all my friends and family gathered around, and coming over to where I was. I smiled as I saw this, I watched as Ben ran over to where I was and engulfed me into his arms. I quickly hugged him back as he twirled me around. I couldn't help but squeal some as he did so. He set me down and smiled at me.

"Happy Birthday Baby." He said to me causing me to smile.

"Thank you." Before I could say anything else I felt myself being engulfed in a hug by two people. I looked to the side to see my gram and aunt both hugging me.

They stepped back so they could look at me. " Happy Birthday hun." My aunt said to me.

"I can't believe you are already eighteen." My grandmother said to me. I smiled at both of them. Next was Penelope and Tabby. I hugged them both a smiled as I looked at them. I stepped back so I was looking at everyone.

"Thank you guys, I can't believe you did this for me." I said to them with a smile.

"Of course we did this for you. Why in the world would be not throw you a party." Tabby said to me.

"I don't know I was worried that you all forgot about my birthday." I said to them as I looked at the ground.

"Yeah well to be fare we didn't know that it was your birthday because you never mentioned it to us." Penelope said to me with a stern face. I frowned at her words.

"I know technically I couldn't really be upset because I didn't tell any of you. It's just that nothing good ever comes around my birthday time. It has always been a horrible day for me. I guess I really didn't want to celebrate my birthday, I just wanted to be with the people I loved." I explained to them. They nodded their heads at my words.

"Well we're going to make this the best birthday that you have ever had." Greg said to me causing me to smile.

"Well I have to say it is already the best birthday I have had. I can't believe you guys threw me a surprise birthday party. When did you even find the time to plan it, how did you plan it if your didn't know about my birthday?" I questioned them.

"Well you see that is where your boyfriend comes into play. He is the one who told us about your birthday being this weekend, and he is the one who originally planned a surprise party, he just recruited us to help him." Tabby said to me. I turned to looked at Ben and smiled.

"Yeah he also planned the day for you. For some reason he knew that you would go to get your nails done, how I have no idea. But anyway he planned for Kristyn to be there and take you out. He did everything really. He was the mastermind behind it all.

You planned all of this for me?" I questioned him as I walked over to where he was.

"Of course I planned all of this for you, I wanted you to have an amazing birthday." At his words I found myself moving over to where he was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He quickly kissed me back, and wrapped his arms around my midsection. The kiss was amazing, and I so wanted to continue kissing him, but not in front of my family and friends.

So I moved away from him some and smiled up at him. "Thanks for all of this, your amazing." He smiled at my words and turned to look at everyone else.

"Well I honestly couldn't have done it with out everyone." He admitted to me.

"Well thank you all, this is amazing."

"You haven't seen anything yet, lets get this party started." Penelope said as she pulled me away from Ben and further into the party. I smiled as I looked around at everyone, this was definitely going to be a fun night.


Every birthday that I have ever had has sucked. I can't remember having a birthday when I even smiled. But this birthday was definitely different. This was the birthday that I have always wanted. I had more fun then I have ever had before. And enjoyed myself more then I ever thought was possible. The only down thing that happened was it started to rain hard and we had to move the party inside. But even then we made the best out of the situation and had an amazing time. I don't think I will ever had a birthday as good as this one.

I was just letting the last person out of the house. I was walking back to where my close family and friends were when I felt hands on my eyes. I let out a loud scream as I felt this.

"Damn Danielle calm down it's just me." I heard Luke say from behind me.

"Luke you scared the crap out of me, what are you doing?" I questioned him as I tried to move but he kept me still.

"No wait I have a surprise for you. Just kept walking okay?"

"Okay." I kept trying to walk with him behind me. It took a while but I finally I felt him remove his hands from my eyes. I opened and saw the most adorable puppy I have ever seen. "Omg who does this adorable little thing belong to?" I questioned as I walked over to where the puppy was. The puppy immediately walked over to where I was and started to rub itself against me. I fell in love instantly, and started to coo over it.

"It's yours I got it for you for your birthday." I spun around to look at him at his words.

"Omg are you serious? Luke this is such an amazing gift thank you." I said to him as I ran over to where he was and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Luke, it's the perfect gift." He squeezed me tighter at my words.

I pulled back and realized how close him and I were. All these old memories came flooding back me to. Like how amazing it felt to be in Luke's arms in the first place. How warm his body felt against mine, and how it seemed like we fit together perfectly. I moved back some and looked at Luke. How close we were was clouding my judgment, everything in me was telling me to lean forward and kiss him. I had to shack my head some and move back more away from him.

"Ummm thanks so much for the puppy Luke, she is adorable." I said to him as I stepped back more and walked over to where the puppy was.

"Yeah well you have always said that you loved puppies and that you wanted one. And since you haven't gotten yourself one yet, I thought that a puppy would be an amazing gift." He told me as he rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled at his words, and leaned down to pick up the puppy. She immediately snugged into me and rubbed herself against me. I smiled as she did this.

"She is perfect, again thank you so much." I said to him as I turned to look at him. He smiled at my words.

"No problem."

"I think that we should probably get back to everyone." He nodded his head at my words.

"Yeah your right." He followed me out of the room. And back to where everyone was.

"Oh my god I have been waiting for him to give you that all damn day." Tabby said as she walked over to where I was with the puppy.

"You knew about this?" I asked her.

"Yeah Penelope and I went with him to pick her out." Tabby said as she petted the little bundle of joy in my arms.

"Well you guys truly did pick out an adorable little puppy, I am already in love with her." I said as I gushed over her.

"I seriously never understood what girls obsession with puppies are." Dan said as he rolled his eyes some.

"Oh don't listen to him." Penelope said as she rolled her eyes at his words and walked over to where I was. "So what are you going to name her?" She questioned me.

"I was thinking about naming her Tinkerbell." I said with a smile.

"Like the fairy?" Ben questioned.

"Yes like the fairy. Because she is cute, small, and lovable just like the real Tinkerbell." I said answering him.

"Awe that is an absolutely adorable name for such an adorable little puppy." Penelope gushed.

"I know right?" I said with a smile.

I walked over to where Ben was and he put his arms out for me to hold Tinkerbell. I handed her over to him and she immediately started to lick his face.

Ben laughed at her actions, and started to pet her. "Dude you truly did pick a cute one." Ben said as he looked over at Luke. Luke nodded his head at Bens words.

I watched as Tabby yawned some and leaned her head on Greg's shoulder. "Baby let's get you to bed, it is really late. And you worked your butt off these past two days." Greg said to her as he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah I am pretty tired." She said to him as she yawned again.

"Well you are carrying around another person with you." I said to her. She nodded her head at my words and walked over to where I was. She engulfed me into a hug.

"Happy birthday love bug. I hope you had a great party." I hugged her tighter and stepped back some to look at her.

"I had an amazing birthday, thanks for helping out with this." She smiled at my words.

"You know I would do anything for you. I love you Danielle." She then leaned in and whispered. "And for what it's worth, Ben isn't as bad of a guy as I thought he was." She stepped back and smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

"Thanks Tabs, that means a lot to me. Now get to bed mommy to be." I said to her as I moved her closer to where Greg was. She walked over to where he was and grabbed his hand. He smiled down at her and kissed her lips.

"Goodnight guys, see you in the morning." Greg said to us as he started to lead Tabby up the stairs.

"You should all really stay, the weather out there is really bad, and we have more then enough room for all of you." My aunt explained as she looked at all of us.

"Sounds good to me, I really don't care where I am as long as I have a bed to rest my head on." Penelope said to us.

"Look at you being all doctor Seuss and all. " Dan said as he slid closer to where Penelope was. I watched as she immediately blushed and looked way some. I knew Penelope was shy when it came to Dan, and that was only because she really liked him. Trust me in every other aspect of her life she definitely isn't shy.

"Well tell me if you can understand this rhythm. Your acting like a damn baboon, you better ask me out soon. Because I am one of a kind, a girl like me is hard to find." My mouth literally dropped at her words. I couldn't believe she actually just said that to Dan. I mean damn talk about letting a guy know you like him.

I turned to look at Dan and he had the same shocked expression on his face, but he also had a smirk on his face as well. I knew he liked what she had said. Before he could respond to her words she winked at him and started her way up the stairs.

"Goodnight guys." She called back.

"Goodnight." we all said in unison.

I turned to look at Dan who was still standing there looking dumbfounded as he watched Penelope walk up the stairs. I walked over to him and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Damn Danielle what in the world was that for?" He questioned me as he rubbed the back of his head some.

"That was for you being such a dummy. She just told you to ask her out and your just standing here drooling. Get your butt up there and get that girl, before someone else sweeps her off her feet."

He nodded his head at my words. "Your right, I am going to finally make my move." He explained to me as he rubbed his hands together. "Goodnight everyone."

Again everyone did a perfect goodnight at the same time. I turned to look at my aunt and gram. I walked over to them and engulfed them into a group hug.

"Thanks for letting them have the surprise party here, you guys are amazing. " I said to them as I kissed them both on their cheeks and stepped back to look at them.

"Are you kidding me we where more then happy to help with your surprise party." My aunt said to me.

"But we are really upset that we didn't know about your birthday, we should have known when it was, or you should have told us." My gram explained to me. You could see the sadness all over her face.

"I'm sorry you guys, my birthday just hasn't ever been the greatest. It usually is the worst day of the year for me." I admitted to them. They smiled sadly at me.

"Well it is now going to be the best day of the year for you." My aunt said. I nodded my head at her words.

"Well I am going to be headed to bed." I said to them. I started to turn around when my gram stopped me. I turned to look at her to see she had a smile on her face.

"For what it's worth hun, I think Ben is an outstanding young man. He is definitely a good match for you."My ram said to me causing my to nod her head in agreement and for my eyes to water some.

To me now that I have such an amazing family and friends, what they think of the decisions I make is very important to me. I knew everyone loved Luke, and that they really thought him and I were going to be together forever. They loved the idea of Luke and I. So to known that everyone was on board with Ben and I being together really made me happy. It was probably the best gift I have received today.

I found myself engulfing my aunt and gram again and kissing them both on the cheek. I stepped back and mouthed thank you to them. They nodded their heads at my words.

I turned around and walked over to where Ben was. He smiled as I did so and held out his hand that wasn't holding Tinkerbell to me. I grabbed it and smiled at him, I then found myself yawning.

"Come on Birthday Girl it is time for you to get to bed." Ben said to me as he started to lead me up the stairs. I waved to everyone who was left down stairs and followed him up. "Which way leads to your room?" He asked me.

I pulled on his hand and started to lead him over to where my bedroom was. I opened the door and walked in, when we were half way into my room I left go of Ben's hand and walked over to my dresser. I started to take off my earrings, and necklace. I noticed that Ben was really quite, I turned to look at him and noticed he was holding up a picture. I walked over to where he was and looked at the picture he was looking at. It was of I and Luke on our first date, I remember my gram and aunt making such a fuss over it, and snapping pictures left and right. I couldn't help but smile some at the memory, but the smile quickly faded when I looked at Ben and noticed how upset he was.

"Ben." He turned to look at me at my words.

"You guys look good here, good together." He said as he turned to look at the picture again.

"We did look good together, because we were good together then. But that was then and this is now." I said to him as I took the picture from him. "Just like he was my past and you are my future." I explained to him.

"I know, I know it's just sometimes I feel like I am just a fill in you know?"

"What do you mean by a fill in?" I asked him as I stepped in front of him.

"I just feel like I am the only person that stands between you and Luke being together. Like a notch in you belt until you and Luke can be back together again." He explained to me. I put the picture down and took Tinkerbell out of his hands and placed her on my bed. I walked over to Ben and placed both of my hands on each side of his face.

"Ben listen to me when I say that you are not just a fill in. I had both you and Luke and I chose you, I chose you because I love you Ben. I love you and you make me happy. I don't know what the future holds but I know that right now I love you and I want to be with you. Not Luke or anyone else, just you."

Ben didn't say anything, instead he leaned down and kissed me deeply. I immediately responded and started to kiss him back. He pushed me back against the wall, and lifted me up. My legs found themselves crossed over his hips, making Ben groan. I moved my hands so they were under his shirt and I was toughing his abs. I could hear him groan as I did so and move back some so I could get a better touch. But because of how close we were and how tight the shirt was it wasn't really working out. So he removed his lips from mine and moved back.

I gave him a questionable look, but he just smiled back at me. He pulled his shirt up and off of his body. I couldn't help but gaze at how beautiful his body was. He had a body of a god.

"See something you like?" He asked with a smirk. Instead of responding to him, I just reached out and grabbed him bringing his lips down to mine. He smiled as I did so, and eagerly started to kiss me back. Our tongues battled for dominance and in the end, Ben won. I could feel myself loosing my breath, so I moved back to catch it. Ben moved back and started to lift my shirt off of my body. I lifted my arms so he could do so. But suddenly I felt self conscious, the only guy to ever see me without my shirt on was Luke, and that was a long time ago.

Ben must have sensed my discomfort because he pulled back some to look at me.

"Danielle you don't have to feel uncomfortable with me, I love every part of you." He said to me. I smiled at his words and started to kiss him again. I found myself being moved and realized that Ben was moving us over to the bed. I felt my body hit the bed and Ben move over me. Ben started to kiss his way from my lips to my neck, then down to my breast. I moaned as he began to suck on my breast, and moved myself against him. He started to make his way back up to my lips when my door was knocked open.

"Hey man I brought you some clothes for the night." Dan said from the door.

"Dude this is not the time." Ben said as he covered my body with his.

"Damn guys I'm sorry I am just going to leave the clothes over here on the dresser." Dan said as he walked over to my dresser and set the clothes down. He then walked back over to the door, and closed it behind him.

"Talk about someone killing the mood." I said as soon as Dan left the room. Ben chuckled at my words.

"Nothing could kill the mood when I am with you." I smiled at his words he leaned down to kiss me again when my door reopened. I watched as Ben groaned, and I couldn't help but smile at how frustrated he was.

"Dude I forgot to tell you that I asked Penelope out and she said yes, isn't that great guys?" He questioned us with a smile. Ben yet again started to move his body over mine so Dan couldn't see anything.

"Dan man I am really happy for you, and would love to talk about it another time. Because this definitely isn't the time." Ben explained to him.

"Shit man I am sorry, get back to what you guys were doing." He said as he exited the room.

I watched as Ben shock his head. and moved back some." This probably isn't the best place for us to be doing anything sexual. I mean for one this is your grandmother and aunts house. For two there is way to many people in this house that could come in at any moment. And for three when we finally do make love, I want us to take our time and not be rushed."

I found myself sighing at his words. "Your right, let's get ready for bed." I said to him. He nodded his head and started to move off of me. I stood up and started to grab some clothes from the closet that I left here. I was about to walk into my bathroom to change but I realized that I had no reason to leave the room to change. So I started to change right there in the room. I took my pants off and bent over to pick up my clothes, and put them in my basket. I heard a groan as I did so. I turned around to see Ben standing there in only his boxers starring at me.

"See something you like?" I mocked him, using the words he said earlier to me. He smirked at me and shock his head and started to change. We both changed and got back into my bed. He snuggled up so he was behind me in a spooning position. "Ben thanks again for today, this has honestly been the best birthday of my life." I said to him as I turned to look at him some. He turned me around so I was facing him completely.

"Danielle I am happy that you had a great day. I would do anything for you because I love you"

"I love you too." I said to him as I kissed him quickly then snuggled into his chest. I honestly couldn't be any happier at the moment. It seemed like everything in my life was finally in place. Except for the fact that I couldn't deny that deep down I knew that I still had some feelings for Luke, feelings that I don't ever think I will get rid of.


I know, I know it has been forever since I have updated, please don't hate me. For one my computer kinda shit the bed for a little while. Then I wrote this chapter and I didn't save. The I rewrote the chapter and edited only for the editing not to save. So finally I have got this chapter done and ready to go! It's more of a filler chapter, but I hope you like it.

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