My Prisoner // LokixReader

By Ms_SkyeClark

372K 13.7K 7.6K

You're Clint's and Natasha's daughter. You work for SHIELD as well, but they don't let you do any of the dan... More

Authers Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

18K 655 752
By Ms_SkyeClark

On the trip back home, you sat down next to Loki.  He smiled down at you, but you didn't notice.  You where wrapped up in thought about how proud your parents would be.

You didnt get more than an hour or so of sleep the night before because you where busy tracking Loki and getting excited about everything, so it wasn't long before you found it hard to keep your eyes open.

Without really noticing, you unconsciously started leaning on Loki, slowly drifting to sleep. Your head rested agesnt his shoulder and you took in his sent. It was calming to you, he smelled like leather and books. 

Before you knew it, you where sound asleep. Loki looked down at your worry free, sleeping face fondly. He didn't know how or why, but he started to feel something for you. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.  It was strange. 

He had been completely free and could've easily gotten away and never came back, yet he didn't. He wanted you to be happy, which was a feeling he wasn't used to. It was like you rattled every selfish bone in his body.  He didn't quite know what to think, so he went with instinct.

When you finally got back to SHIELD, Loki gently shook you awake and whispered in your ear, "We're here. Time to turn in your prize." 

You smiled at him, squinting your eyes and playfully punching his shoulder. You got up and unlached his chains, taking him by the shoulder and escorting him out.

He still had a limp, which was now being half faked.  The small cut on his lip had already started to heal. Damn! Gods heal fast! You thought to yourself.

You took him into one of the little interrogation rooms near the prison and chained him to the table. "Be back soon.  Urm...sit tight?" You said questioningly. He smirk/smiled and nodded at the door, to which you happily skipped out of.

You went to the meeting room where you where meeting Fury and your parents, who insisted on being there.

As you opened the door, your dad jumped up and walked over to you, wrapping you up in his arms and saying, "Well done Kid."   You smiled beamingly at him and even Natasha couldn't keep the happy emotion off her face.

"Well done Agent Barton. Did he talk to you on the way here?" Fury asked you.  You shook your head. "No Sir, he didn't talk." 

"Okay, well since i don't have anything else for you right now, I'm going to set you back up on gaurd duty for now.  I'll have one of my Agents question him on how he got out in the first place and we'll have it fixed. You have the rest of the day off. Well done Agent."

You smiled brightly and nodded, leaving the room and walking off to your chambers for a nap and some food. Food first.

When you finished eating you dropped into your bed like a bag of bricks, falling alseep as soon as your head hit the pillows.

When you woke up it was 9 o'clock at night and you shugged out of your bed and decided you would take a little walk and talk to your prisoner.  You wanted to tell him how your little interview with Fury went!

As you walked the empty halls and coridors you ran into no one. You wondered where your mom and dad where right about now. It was possible they went to bed. 

When you reached the prison the gaurds let you pass and you came into the familiar room, glowing with joy. He turned around to face the unknown new comer. When he saw it was you his face lite up slightly.

"I was hoping you would come see me. How did it go?" He asked you eagerly.

"Well he had nothing else for me to do right now, so luckily he put me back on gaurd duty for now untill there is a mission for me. Thank you Loki. You have no idea how much this means to me." You told him.

He smiled brightly at you and then your beaming face turned confused. "So, did you get out?" You asked him curiously.
He grinned mischievously and said, "When you left, the new idiot who replaced you left the magic barrier Thor put up off. I phased through the glass. It was simple." He explained.

You gaped.  " got out because of a stupid mistake some rookie made?" You asked him, shocked. He nodded smugly.  "Wow. And here i was thinking you found a weakness in the cell or something." You said, taking a seat on the stairs and laughing lightly. 

"Why'd you come back?" You asked, sobering.  "I'm honestly not sure, my darling." He told you, taking a seat on the floor in front of the stairs in front of you.

"But i dont understand. You could have gotton away and never came back and maybe even given another shot at taking over the world. Why didn't you?  You sacrificed what very well might have been your only chance at escape for me.  Why?" You asked him, creasing your eyebrows.

"Well when you put it that way...." he started, looking at the floor in thought. "I'm really not sure why i did any of this. It made you happy, did it not?" He asked, his piercing emreld green eyes moving to look up at you.

"Well, yes it did.  No offense, but you're not exactly not noted for doing nice things for other people. And you are indeed noted for having a distaste for morrals, which if i may remind you, is the race to which i belong." 

He looked at you with a omg for realz? Look all over his face. "You ask a lot of questions." He stated obviously. You sealed your lips stubbornly and nodded.

He sighed. "Okay then.  Like i have said, i don't know why i did those things.  Yes, i could have had my way and did what would serve me best but it seemed to making you happy was more important. No, don't ask why, I'm not sure. It just was. I dont understand whats happening to me, but i went with my instincts. So here we are darling." He finished. 

You felt your heart start to swell and you where afraid it would burst in your chest. That was unexpected and extremely sweet and very unlike Loki.

"I..I wish i could hug you right now."  You said, gapping at him, feeling yourself fall into the endless black hole from which you knew you would never be able to crawl out that was love. It made your legs grow weak.

"Well maybe you can." He responded. All of a sudden he turned glowing green and phased right through the clear glass cell.

"Looks like someone forgot to turn the barrier back on." He said, stepping over to you and wraping you up in his arms.

You didn't even care that he was loose at the moment. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face in his chest, breathing in his sent and cherishing the comforting, safe feeling of his arms around you.

You where lost in the moment untill someone burst through the door.


It was Clint.


Ohhhhhhh busted!!! Jeez you guys need to be more careful!  Kidding. Sorta. I hope you guys liked this chapter! Next one will be out soon. :) thanks for reading, and votes and comments are deeply appreciated.

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