Falling In Love With A Vampire

By CassieSalvatore

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Cassie Mitchell is a 17 year old girl who, ever since she was a little girl, was obsessed with vampires, espe... More

Chapter 1 The Meeting
Chapter 2 He Asked Me To The Ball
Chapter 3 The Weird Dream
Chapter 4 The Masquerade Ball Part 1
Chapter 5 The Masquerade Ball Part 2
Chapter 6 The Masquerade Ball Part 3
Chapter 7 Damon Tries To Get A Confession
Chapter 8 Damon's Reaction
Chapter 9 Do You Love Me?
Chapter 10 The Complicated Friend
Chapter 11 The Special Visitor
Chapter 12 The Big Problem
Chapter 13 Kidnapped
Chapter 15 The Plan
Chapter 16 The Choice's We Make While Protecting The One's We Love

Chapter 14 Tortured

156 1 0
By CassieSalvatore

Chapter 14


Previously on "Falling In Love With A Vampire"

Two Hours Later

"Cassie?" I hear a voice call my name and I start to return to consiousness.

"Cassie?" A different voice calls. "Cassie wake up" I shake my head and open my eyes to find Cara, Caroline, and Bonnie standing over me. As I sit up, pain fills my neck and I gasp and rub at it. When I look around I see Elena trying to talk to Stefan and him ignoring her because he has a phone to his ear. Before I can ask what happened, I remember. I look around for Damon but don't see him there.

"Where's Damon?" I stand up quickly, looking around frantically as if he will suddenly appear.

"Cassie, that's what I was trying to tell you" Cara says. I turn to her.

"Where is he?" I nearly shout at her.

"Niklaus took him" Cara says. '

Damon's POV

I slowly wake up and as I do, pain fills every muscle in my body. I groan and wince, but even that small movement brings pain. I hear a voice speak.

"Ah. You're finally awake. Good. I was starting to get bored" I try to open my eyes to see who the voice belongs to, but I am too weak. I feel something slowly dripping from my forehead and I go to wipe it away with my hand, but find I cannot move my hands. And it's not because I am weak. I manage the strength to open my eyes, but my vision is blurry and all I see are random shapes. Slowly, as my vision clears, the shapes turn into things like a chair, and a few windows. When my vision clears completely, I see someone is sitting in one of the chairs that is pushed against the wall, but I can't tell who it is.

When I muster up enough strength to raise my head and look around, I see that I am in a dungeon...or at least, that is what it looks like. There are chains attached to the walls, and even a chair with spikes in it. There is a table a little ways away from me that hold several jars like the one's Cassie has in her basement. I also see several jagged-bladed knives, a small lamp and a plant I instantly recognize as vervain. When I look up, I see why I can't move my hands and it's because they are chained to the ceiling, which is the only thing keeping me up. But when I look closer, I see that the chains have spikes on them, and they are digging into my wrists, which is why my wrists hurt so much.

"Do you like it? I thought it was...creative" I follow the voice back to the person in the chair, expecting to see Katherine, but who I see surprises me.

"Klaus? What's going on?" My voice is hoarse and that is when I realize that my throat hurts so bad because I am very thirsty. Klaus stands up and walks over to me. When he gets close enough, the lamp on the table illuminates him and I see he is smirking. With effort, I glare at him, but it's more like a pout.

"Don't pout Damon. It's too sexy" Klaus says and when he does, I raise my eyebrows.

"What?" I say, suddenly confused and more than a little creeped-out. Klaus reaches a hand out and starts to trace my lips with his finger, a weird look in his blue eyes. I snap at his finger, catching it and drawing blood. Suddenly, my head snaps to the right, my left cheek stinging. I gasp.

"I would suggest you don't do that again Damon" Klaus says before stepping away from me and walking over to the table. He picks up one of the knifes and opens up one of the jars. As soon as he does, the scent of what's in it fills my nostrils and I cough; liquid vervain. He dips the knife in the jar, all the way to the hilt, then pulls it back out and walks back over to me. He drags the blade down my chest and I cry out in pain. That is when I realize I'm still naked except my boxers. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I think as he does it again, making me almost scream as blood slides down my chest.

"This is going to be fun, don't you think Damon?" Klaus says, smirking. Lord help me I think.

*Break In Time*

Meanwhile, At The Boardinghouse

Cassie's POV

I stare at Cara, more than a little pissed off. She had just told me that Niklaus Mikaelson had taken Damon.

"He what?" I say. Cara sighs.

"I was trying to warn you but Damon wouldn't listen" Cara says. I growl at her.

"Don't give me that excuse! You knew! You knew this entire time! And you never told me!" I shouted at Cara, making everyone else stare at me surprised. Cara shakes her head.

"No! I didn't know the entire time! I swear!" Cara says in defense, her hands up.

"When did you find out?" I ask her quickly, venom in my words.

"I found out after you left the Grill. He came up to me and told me what he was going to do" Cara says.  I stare at her, trying to figure out if she is lying or not. She isn't.

"Where would he take him?" I ask her. She stares at me.

"You're not thinking of going after him, are you?" she asks me.

"Where would he take him?" I ask again, ignoring her question.

"Cassie, don't-" I cut her off, getting right in her face, my eyes glowing blue.

"Where would he take him!" I shout. Cara jumps back, surprised.

"T-to his house...the one just out of town..." Cara says, her voice wavering from fear. I turn around and head for my bedroom door. "But Cassie, I wouldn't go there if I were you"

"It's a good thing you aren't me then" I call over my shoulder as I walk out.

*Break In Time*

I pull up into the driveway of the very large mansion I assume is Niklaus' home. I park in front of the mansion, shutting off my car and getting out, just barely holding back my wolf when I catch Damon's scent. I watch as three men and a woman walk out of the mansion and walk over to me.

"I'm here to see Niklaus Mikaelson" I say to them. One of them men walks up to me. He has short light brown, almost blonde hair and cold blue eyes.

"Klaus isn't here right now, so it's best if you leave" he says to me, his tone threatening.

"And if I don't leave?" I ask, acting almost innocently.

"If you don't leave, then we will force you to leave. Either that, or kill you" the woman says. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes says. When she says the last part, she grins. I smile at all of them.

"Oh really? Just try and see what happens" I say, my smile turning into a grin of my own. One of them three men rushes towards me. He has black hair and piercing green eyes. All I have to do is reach my hand out and my hand is in his chest, holding his heart. I rip it out just as the woman runs at me, growling.

I do the same to her, dropping her heart on the ground. A man with blonde hair and green eyes runs at me but I tackle him and snap his neck, twisting until I rip his head off. I growl and look at the man with light brown hair and blue eyes who is staring at me with fear in his eyes.

"Take me to Klaus, now!" I growl at him. He nods as I stand up and walk towards him. He turns and heads towards the mansion. I follow behind him. He walks into the mansion and heads for the stairs. I continue to follow him as I pull out a handkerchief and start wiping the blood off my hands.

We walk to a room with the door wide open. I see Klaus standing in the room, arguing with a man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He seems older than Klaus and I can tell he is a Original Vampire just by my senses. When the hybrid knocks on the door, both Klaus' head and the Original Vampire's head snap toward us, their arguing stopping when they see me.

"Ah Cassie. Nice to see you again. Have you met-" Klaus starts but I cut him off.

"I want him back and I want him back now. No negotiations, no deals, and no wasting my time" I say this while still cleaning my hands of the blood from ripping out the three hybrids hearts. I start wiping off the small spots of blood on my face as I look Klaus in the eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about love" Klaus says, smiling at me.

"Look, I just said no wasting my time. Now your going to pay the price for it" I say before turning to the light brown haired hybrid and shoving my hand into his chest, making him gasp in pain. "Give me back Damon or I'm going to rip every heart our of every hybrid in this house and every head off every hybrid within 500 miles of this house"

"Go ahead. I can always make more" Klaus says with a smirk. A grin lights up my face as I rip the hybrids heart out and let it fall to the floor.

"I can always change that Niklaus, considering I know how you make them" I say as I walk out of the room, running my bloody hand along the wall, leaving a trail of blood.

"You won't kill her because of Stefan and I just had that painted!" Klaus says behind me.

"Do you want to bet? And I don't care" I say as I wipe the rest of the blood off my hand and then head for the stairs. Klaus appears in front of me.

"If you kill her I'll kill him" he says. I growl at him, but I feel helpless inside.

"Why are you doing this?!" I shout at him, drawing the attention of a few hybrids, but I don't care.

"Because I like to do it. I enjoy it" Klaus says, smirking, knowing he hit a nerve. I narrow my eyes at him, knowing that is not the real reason, but also knowing it is true.

"What's the real reason you're doing this?" I ask. Klaus takes a step closer to me and I take a step back, my back hitting a wall.

"You" is all he says, smirking at me. I stare at him, getting suddenly uncomfortable.

"Why? What do you want from me?" I ask him, managing to not show how uncomfortable I am. Klaus smirks wider and places both his hands on either side of my face, on the wall, trapping me between him and the wall.

"It's not what I want from you as much as I just want...you" Klaus says. He starts to lean into me, pressing his body against mine, pressing me harder into the wall, completely trapping me. His lips get closer and closer to mine when suddenly, a strong voice filled with authority calls out beside us.

"Let her go, brother" Klaus steps back, turning to the person who interrupted him. When I look, I see the man from the room who has short dark brown hair and brown eyes. Did he just say brother? I think, confused. The man looks at me and nods. "Yes I did" I stare at him dumbfounded.

"Elijah, come now brother. I was just having a little fun" Klaus says, walking over to Elijah, playing it off as if he hadn't just been trying to kiss me.

"I'll walk her to her car. Make sure your hybrids leave her alone from now on. Or you will pay, brother" Elijah says, walking away from Klaus. Klaus glares at him from behind as Elijah grabs my arm, gently, surprising me as he starts leading me down the stairs of the enormous mansion.

When we are outside the mansion, he continues to walk me to my car but I jerk my arm out of his grasp. I turn to him, taking a couple steps back. Elijah turns to look at me, understanding in his brown eyes.

"I won't harm you Cassie" he says. I stare at him like he's crazy.

"Oh really? You expect me to believe that? After you said the word brother? After you basically read my mind? I don't even know you!" I say. Elijah just stands there while I practically scream at him. When I am finally finished he smiles slightly.

"Are you done now? Did you get it all out of your system?" Elijah asks. I cross my arms over my chest and walk around him to my car. He gently grabs my arm, stopping me. "Look, I'm not like Niklaus. He is ruthless...I'm not. I swear" I stare at him, slightly surprised he's trying to convince me. I look him in the eyes.

"Your being serious, aren't you?" I ask. Elijah nods. I sigh. "I'm sorry. I have...trust issues sometimes"

"I understand, especially since you've been having to deal with my brother. But don't worry about Damon. I'll see to it that you get him back. I give you my word" Elijah says. I bite my lip.

"No offense...but how can I be sure?" I ask him.

"My word is my bond Cassie. Of that, I can assure you" Elijah says then motions to my car.

"Alright. I'm putting my trust in you. Don't make me regret it" I say as I get into my car and start it.

"You won't" Elijah says. I then drive back to my house.

*Break In Time*

When I arrive, the only people who are still there are Stefan and Elena. When I get out of the car alone, Stefan looks at me, worried.

"Where's Damon?" Elena asks as if she had ever actually cared about him.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I ask, sarcasm and hatred dripping from my voice. If I wasn't supposed to kill her, she had better get away from me then. Elena looks at me, bewildered by the hatred in my voice.

"Cassie, please. Where is my brother" Stefan asks. My expression softens.

"I couldn't get him. Not right now anyways. But I have a plan. Don't worry. I'll get him back Stefan, and I'll get him back alive...I can't live without him" I say before walking into my house.

*Break In Time*

After a little more time, Stefan and Elena leave my house to go back to the Boarding House. I am currently in the bathroom, drying my body off after a shower. I slip on a robe and walk out of my bedroom. I sit down at my dresser with a mirror which is littered with make-up I rarely ever use.

I grab a brush and begin to brush my hair, barely paying attention to what is behind me in the mirror. However, when something moves behind me I gasp, stand up, and turn around. But no one is standing there. I take a deep breath, running my hand through my still wet hair.

"You're losing it Cassie" I mumble to myself. When I turn around though, a little bit of a scream slips from my mouth before I am being pinned to the wall, a man's hand over my mouth. I struggle before I manage to shove him off me and tackle him, pinning him down and growling in his face. When I pin him, the light from my dresser illuminates his face and I find myself staring into Elijah's face. He looks like he is trying not to laugh.

"Elijah? What the hell?! How did you know where I lived?!" I ask. Elijah clears his throat so he can answer without chuckling.

"I followed your scent" he says, staring up at me, his warm brown eyes dancing with amusement as he chuckles.

"What the hell is so funny?!" I ask, confused as to why he's laughing and angry that he seems to be laughing at me.

"Do you realize the position we are in, and where we are at?" Elijah asks me. I am confused until I sit up. I gasp and blush deeply. I am straddling his waist on my bed. Apparently when I had tackled him, he fell back onto the bed and I had fell with him, ending with me pinning him to my bed as I straddled his waist, without me ever even realizing it. I roll off him, still blushing as I fix my hair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen" I say as Elijah sits up then stands up. I hadn't expected him to continue to sit.

"I know. That's why I don't blame you. I should have just told you it was me" Elijah says. I frown slightly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Elijah clears his throat, putting his arms behind his back as if he is being arrested.

"I came here to tell you that I have a plan" Elijah says.

"A plan? For what?" I ask.

"A plan to get my brother out of the way for a little while" Elijah says, stepping closer to me. I stare at him, trying to make sure he is serious. When I realize he is I clear his throat, suddenly kind of nervous.

"Okay then. Well, good luck with that. I hope you have fun and I can sincerely say I hope your plan works. However, it's 2:27 AM and I need to get some sleep" I say, climbing under the covers and turning off the lamp, hoping he will just leave. I am sadly mistaken. I feel the bed move as Elijah climbs on top and lays on his side, facing me.

"Cassie, you are a part of my plan" Elijah whispers, knowing I can still hear him.

"What am I supposed to even do? I can't stand up to him. Not while he has Damon, and not while he is an alpha. I'm of no use to you" I say, turning onto my side, my back now to Elijah. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I squeal as Elijah pulls me to him and turns me around so I am laying on my side but facing him.

"You're more useful than you think. This plan is not only going to get rid of my brother, but it will get you Damon back. You do want him back, don't you" Elijah says the last part in an almost taunting voice. I glare at him.

"Of course I want him back!" I say. Elijah smiles and let's me go.

"Then help me, and you'll get him back" Elijah says before getting off my bed. He walks over to the window and opens it. He swings his leg over the windowsill, but before he jumps he turns and looks back at me. "You will get him back Cassie. I gave you my word. My word is my bond. Remember that"

That is the last thing Elijah says to me before he jumps out of the window. I wait five minutes before I get out of my bed and run over to the window, shutting it and locking it before slowly backing away. I shake my head and get back into bed, pulling the covers up and over me. I stare at the ceiling, thinking about everything that has happened in the last day. As I continue to think about it, I slowly drift off to sleep.

DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN! So, what did you think? Please review and tell me. I know this didn't have much of a torture scene but there will hopefully be a better one in the next chapter. Also, I'm afraid I have some bad news. THIS STORY IS ALMOST DONE. I got one other chapter, maybe two and then it will be done. Don't fret if you are totally into this story and don't want it to end. I am going to be making a second one! I'm not sure what it'll be called until the end of this one, but I will be making it. I am sure of it.

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