How to love a werewolf

By TashMurphy4eva

819 6 3

Rhydian is new in town and has no ideawhat is really happening in town.Until he gets attacked bby what sseem... More

Chapter1: Who are you?
Chapter 2: The Denial
Chapter 3: The Emotional Breakdown
Chapter 4: Your trainer is Derek
Chapter 5: Werecoyotes?
Chapter 6: The Nightmare Begins Here
Chapter 7: My names Georgia
Chapter 8 Help!!!
Chapter 9 The Rescue Mission
Chapter 10 Say Goodbye Forever
Chapter 11 The Alphas Back!
Chapter 12 Your Uncles What?!
Chapter 13 The Plan
Chapter 14 Your Death Is Coming!

Chapter 15 Your Death Has Arrived!

7 1 1
By TashMurphy4eva

Rhydians POV
I'm so relieved that Stars okay I was really worried about her, I got so scared when she just fell to the ground with Peter standing over her! "Hey what are you thinking about? " Stars voice brings me back to reality "Nothing I'm just glad your okay!"she doesn't look convinced but she doesn't push anymore "Well I'm glad um okay as well and I'm glad your here with me as well! " everything she says sounds so sweet even when she's angry her voice is still smooth and sweet! "Would you like something to eat? I could cook something for you?!" I ask her and she looks up at me with a big smile and says "Pancakes!!!" "Wares your manners?" I ask in a sarcastic tone "Please Rhydian, make me some pancakes for your amazing girlfriend!" well I can't argue with her being an amazing girlfriend "Fine!" I say and walk down stairs and before I even get to the last step Star runs pass me and gets everything out and then sits down! "Wow Rhyd your a werewolf and I beat you down the stairs and got everything out before you got off the stairs! " I couldn't help but smoke when she called me Rhyd "In my defense I was just taking my time I didn't realize or was a race, I bet I could make your pancakes faster then you! " she looks at me and then realizes that I just challenged her and she says "We'll see about that, you may be a werewolf but that doesn't mean I can't make pancakes faster then you! " and before I could say anything she's beside me cracking eggs into a glass with milk.
"how did you beat me? I'm a werewolf and your human how could you beat me?" I pout, how can a human beat a werewolf? How can be possible? "Its okay Rhyd its just you don't know how to cook pancakes... Or anything else but you'll get there.....One day! " she laughs a little bit after that and then stops and makes her way over to me, when she's close enough to me she stands on her tip toes and kisses me "what was that for? " I ask wondering why she kissed me, I'm not complaining though it I like it when we kiss but I'm just curious as to why she kissed me?! "Im just glad that your my boyfriend and I really wanted to kiss you! " she says looking at the ground, I could tell she's blushing "Your cute when you blush Star, you don't have to look down when you say something sweet to me!" she looks up and is surprised that I knew she wars blushing "How did you know I was blushing?" she asks with curiosity showing in her eyes "because you always look down when you blush so its not really hard to tell but you are cute when you blush so please don't hide your face when you do? " "fine I won't!"

Night Time
Derek's POV
"Are you ready? " I ask Georgia I wish she didn't want to do this but she is very stubborn "Derek you've asked me that a million times my answer isn't going to change okay I'm coming with you to kill your psychotic uncle so please stop asking please!" I makeu way over the her and hold her hands and say "I know I've asked you orbit I just don't want you to get hurt because if anything happened to yo-" she cut me off "I know you don't want to lose me Derek but I font want to lose you either!" and then she kissed me.

Unknown POV
I can't believe I survived through everything that happened even when I lost to important parts of my body but I survived! "how did I survive everything I went through? " I ask the guy that rescued me "Honestly I don't know but someone must've wanted you to stay alive I don't he is who would want you to stay alive but I guess somebody cares about you! " who is this guy? He barely knows me and thinks that nobody would want me alive honestly I'm a little insulted that he thinks no one cares but I have to admit in my whom life I've never really had a friend it was just enemies "Ouch!" I say to the guy that helped me "by the way who are you? " I ask him with curiousty because I have never met him so he could be working for someone or maybe he's just really nice and saw a building being burnt down and decided to see if anyone was in there I don't know "My names Merlin, Merlin DunBroch!" really his last name is Dunbroch out of all the names in the world his parents choose Drake? "Nice To meet you Drake!"

Rhydians POV
We were walking to a burnt down house where we're meeting Peter so then Derek can kill him and we'll be free from Peter. "Hey are you alright? I know that you didn't want this plan to happen but its better off that Peter dies! " Stars been worried about me lately but Im more worried about her its just I have a feeling that Peters not gonna be the only one to die tonight I just hope I'm wrong! "Im fine Star you don't have to worry about me okay and I'm fine with the plan!!"

The fight has Started
"YOU SHOULD'VE DIED WHEN THE REST OF MY FAMILY DID!" Derek punched Peter right in the face and the picked him up and threw him right at Stars feet, Peter looked up at Star with a smirk plastered on his face and the. He jumps up and grabs Star "IF YOU DARE TO COME NEAR ME I WILL PUT A KNIFE STRAIGHT THROUGH HER PRETTY LITTLE HEART AND SHE WILL DIE!" before I could think I was running towards Peter but I wasn't quick enough as soon as I was close enough Peter just said "I warned you that I would kill her so now I'm going to fulfill my promise to you! " and then before I know it he got a knife out and stabbed her in the heart and Star fell out of his arms and I caught her "Star I'm so sorry I shouldn't have come towards him like that....I'm so so sorry" she just looks up at me and I know she's running out of time but she still manages a smile "Rhyd its.... Okay I'm dying..... In you arms... I couldn't be more happier..... I love you Rhydian and I will.... Always love you.....I'm dying in my first....And last lovers arms....I love you" she took her last breath and closed her eyes forever "No no no no, Star please come back , please wake up" that was my realization that Star was dead and I couldn't save her "no" and the. I just cried for hours and didn't let her go even when I heard Peter die I didn't stop holding her I just stayed with her hoping that she was just mucking around but I knew she wasn't she wasn't going to wake up ever again because Peter Killed her and for that I will never forget!

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