Chapter 6: The Nightmare Begins Here

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Unknown POV
"mmm the taste of the metallic blood that you have in your ugly body tastes better than you look! " the girl that I'm drinking from me looks so pale maybe I should give her just a little break "please let me go home" the girl said in sobs its actually funny that she thinks she's going to live! "oh honey your not going home and your not gonna live to see tomorrow!"
Starlets POV
I was running through the woods when I heard someone approach I turned around and saw the big red eyes that belong to only the one beast I could think of
I started to sprint but the alpha caught up to me and pulled my feet so I was face to face with him but I saw something in his eye's like he wanted to tell me something but he didn't know how to but then his eyes changed with the look of hunger and thirst for me,  I started screaming loud and then the alpha bit down on my arm then made his way up and slashed my throat"
"ahhhhh!" Derek burst through the door with a panicked look on his face and came rushing towards me "what's wrong? What happened?"he asked me and I just layed there in shock of my nightmare and I've never had a nightmare before so I don't know why I would be having them now?! "I had a nightmare it was about the alpha" I said with a slight uneasy tone Derek just looked at me slightly confused he finally decided to say something "what happened in the dream? " that's an odd question but I guess I could tell him " I was running through the woods I heard someone approaching so I turned around and saw his big red eyes and I ran away but he caught me and pulled my feet then when I was in front of him he bit my arm and then slashed my throat but before he did that he had hunger and thirst for me and werewolves don't get thirsty for human blood do they?" I said very quickly "well no they don't get thirsty for blood but they do thirst for killing someone but that's only if they don't know how to control it but hey it was just a dream so it doesn't  mean anything! Do you want me to stay in here while you sleep? " woah I wasn't expecting any of that but I guess I would feel safer if I had someone with me " um yea that would be good thanks Derek " Derek sat down and I drifted off to sleep again but I felt like someone was watching me and no not Derek someone else that I don't know but I think I'm just being the paranoid one now!

Rhydians POV
I was so happy when I got to school because I seen starlet in the first time for weeks, she's the only person ice been thinking about for so long and ugh I just want to be with her so bad!!

Derek's POV
I've been really worried about Starlet she keeps on having the same nightmare every single night and its really gettinge worried and I don't know what to do maybe she van see the future? But all I know is she isn't the same and she really needs help from someone but I don't know who!
"I already told you why I need your help can't you just come and help me? "
I was on the phone to a therapist for Starlet but I doubt that she'll help but who knows?! "I'm sorry but I can't Derek and you know why!  Please don't call me again! "
"Ugh Fuck!!!!" I don't understand why she just can't help me put I mean she doesn't have to talk to me!!!

Sorry for the long wait for another chapter I've been trying to work out what to write for it so I promise I'll try and be quicker and please give me your opinions of the book but of you hate well then haters gonna hate!!

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