Chapter 7: My names Georgia

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Starlets POV
I was walking home through the woods of course because my house is there and I heard someone approach from behind and because I'm close with Derek I know some skills I grabbed her hand and broke it what she was gonna hurt me I was protecting myself but the thing is I've never seen this girl before and she's definitely not a werewolf but she is from the supernatural world she looked at me with what looked like thirst and happiness but also fear! "who are you? What are? What are you doing here? " I asked her and at first she just stared at me thinking I was just  gonna let her go bit the. She decided to speak "My names Georgia and I'm a bad ass werecoyote and I felt like making my mark on this town! " she said with a smirk plastered on her face but I still have more questions "what exactly do you mean leaving your mark on this town? " this chick is actually annoying me with that  smirk on her face cant she just be serious "by leaving my mark on this town means taking someone people care a lot about! "

Derek's POV
I was kinda following starlet home but
when she was talking to a strange girl I could tell that the girl was gonna do something to Starlet and I couldn't let that happen so I jumped out and hit the girl over the head and of course she got knocked out because I throw a pretty good punch anyways when the girl was on the ground at first Starlet was just quiet but then she just got so furious "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! SHE COULD'VE DIED YOU KNOW THAT!!!!"
Wow she really is an angry girl she needs a chillpill. "be quiet and help me carry her so we can ask her who the hell she is! " she just walked away and didn't come back so then I guess I'll have to do it myself!

Georgia's POV
I woke up with a massive headache what the hell happened last night I was meant to kill that girl that was in the woods but instead I woke up here tied up to freaking chair what the actual fuck?!
The door to the room I was in opened revealing some random guy but I have to admit he's pretty damn hot but he looked really pissed off at me? Why would he be angry with me I don't even know who the hell is?! "hey handsome you wanna tell me why I'm here tied up to a chair?" I said in a flirty tone with a smirk plastered on my face it always worked for the other guys but then again Thanet disnt live long after I flirted with them but this guy doesn't even smile what is wrong with him?! "what are you doing here? Why are you killing people and sucking their blood?" well I guess Lucifer showed up with the same idea I had "okay firstly I'm here to leave my own special mark on this town and also I need to find the alpha!  And I haven't been sucking peoples blood okay I'm not fucking vampire!!" he just stared at me I think he was just processing what I just said but then he decided to speak "why are you looking for the alpha? " "because I need an alpha like him he seems like me and he has answers to my questions! So what's your name handsome? " I asked him in a flirty tone "My names Derek, Derek Hale! " woah the famous Derek hale I never thought I'd live to see the day where I'd get kidnapped by the famous Derek hale!!

Lucifers POV
I was looking for my next victim and yes I know exactly who she is, and she's very close to someone I know and hate!!
I was watching her as she stepped out to go for a walk and then I slowly approached her "hello there, I hope you had a good meal considering its going to be your last!" I laughed and she was about to run away from me but I was to quick "oh sweetie that was the stupidest thing you've done all day! "
With that I hit her over the head and picked her up and took her to my hideout!

Soooo sorry for the long wait!!!

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