Chapter 5: Werecoyotes?

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Unknown POV
Finally night time and I'm at my destination and I'm ready to kill my first victim but first let me get something straight I don't kill for fun I do it because its an instinct.
I see my first victim and walk up to him and of course I flirt with him then I ripped out his heart and crushed on front of him before he took his last breath and then I slit his throat and ran away from the crime scene.

Starlets POV
"okay let me get this straight there's a psychotic person running around and ripping peoples hearts out and slitting their throat? Its only been one person okay Derek just chill if there's another death exactly like that then we'll look into it okay?!" Derek sometimes can be really paranoid sometimes and or gets annoying after a while "fine but I know that this is more than a crime of passion okay and you know I'm right!!" Derek said that so calm yet so angrily it actually frightens me a little! "Derek you say that about pretty much any murder we have here and your always wrong so what makes you think your right this time? " Derek just stared ate for a while and then he left and slammed the door jeez sometimes that guy can be a real pain in the ass!!

Rhydians POV
Its been a while since I seen Starlet and I kinda miss her I mean I know I can't like her but I think I do I think I'll go see her after school because she's not at school today which sucks because I needed to talk to her about the alpha and the murder that happened last night!

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