A Rare Chance (Drake Fan-fict...

By Thesixmami

168K 4K 457

Twenty year old, Avery Fields gets a rare chance to meet the famous rapper Drake. Unlike most girls, who are... More

Dear Diary
Please Bear With Me


5.7K 147 12
By Thesixmami

Technically my hours of work are the common nine to five, but I always stay over time, not wanting to leave until all my tasks for that day are completed. The clock on my desk read 7:21p.m.

"Okay, Avery, I think it's time to head home", I said to myself.

I checked my email to see if Aubrey had replied one last time, but he didn't. I tidied my desk and logged off my computer. I grabbed my purse, double checking that I had my keys and cellphone before turning off the lights and locking the door to my office behind me. The floor was empty and dimly lit, which was the norm since I was always the last person to leave on my office floor. The building had excellent security so I never felt uneasy about being here alone. Also, I am always strapped and armed, in the event I need to protect myself. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the 'down' button. The doors opened a short moment later and I walked through and pressed the 'ground floor' button.

When the elevator opened, I stepped onto the marble floored lobby. My heels made a clicking sound with every step that I took over to the receptionist's desk.

"Good evening, ma'am," the receptionist, whose name I didn't know, greeted me and I cringed at her calling me 'ma'am'. I hated the idea of people calling me 'Miss Fields', I most definitely don't want to be referred to as 'maam'. "How was your day?", she continued.

I took the register and looked for my name to sign out. "Busy, very busy", I replied. I glanced at the large digital clock on the wall, it read 7:33 p.m. "Good evening." I told her and turned to exit the building with my heels continuing to click on the floor. I pushed through the revolving door and stepped outside into the warm Miami air.

"Would you like me to escort you to your car?", one of the security guards offered.

"Please do, Hemsworth." I replied. The security officers had a tendency to refer to themselves by surname and I used that tendency when speaking amongst them.

We walked to the well lit parking garage. "How's your nephew doing? Nina doesn't bring him around as often anymore."

I laughed, "He's quite the handful, as most boys are at that age."

"Well you tell him that his Uncle Hemmy misses him."

"Uncle Hemmy?", I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

He chuckled. "Yea, Nina told him to call me that and well the rest is history." We arrived to my car. I took out my keypad and unlocked the door. "Well here you are.", he said while opening the door for me.

"Thank you." I got in the car, placed my handbag in the passenger seat and started the engine.

"Drive safely.", Hemsworth urged me before shutting the door.

I connected my cell phone to the aux cord before starting my 'driving' playlist and reversing out of the parking space. I honked my horn at Hemsworth saying 'goodbye' and proceeded to drive to the main road.

I had been on the road for about eight minutes, belting out the lyrics to Sorry by Justin Bieber when the song stopped playing and was replaced by my cell phone's ring tone.

"Hello?", I said answering the phone, not bothering to look down at the Caller ID so I do not take me eyes off the road.

"As if I could ever forget about you", an all too familiar, deep voice replied.

"Aubrey?", I asked kind of taken off guard.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"No but I wasn't quite expecting you either."

"Hmm. I see. So what're you up to?"

"Not much. Just on the way home from work", I informed him.

"Wait. You're driving?"

"Yea. You're on speaker, though, so no big deal."

"Speaker or not. I'm still a distraction to you. How long until you reach home?" he questioned.

"Umm. About twenty-five minutes."

"Well, I'll call you back in forty minutes when you're home."

"You can't be serious."

"I'm deadass serious", and with that he hung up and Sorry resumed playing right where it was cut off.

When I finally arrived home I parked my car in the driveway. I grabbed my keys, handbag and cellphone and hopped out. I walked up to the front door and opened it, it is rarely locked in the day time. I walked inside and I immediately smelt lasagna.

"I'm home," I called out as I slipped out of my platform heels.

"We're in the kitchen", Allisha replied to me.

I placed my keys on one of the hooks that were on the entryway wall. Then, I rested my pair of heels at the bottom of the staircase so I'd remember to carry them up to my room later because I was too lazy to carry them up there right now.

I walked toward the kitchen, being careful not to slip in my stockings on the smooth, wooden floorboards.

Allisha and Vido were at the kitchen island, seated in two of the four chairs. I rested my handbag on the counter across from us and went to the sink to wash my hands. I looked over at Mara, our private chef, to ensure that she was fixing me a plate. I sat in the chair closest to Allie as Mara placed my plate in front of me.

"DJ's coming back tonight. So we need access to the warehouse.", Vido said.

"Okay. what time?", I asked.

"Probably a little after midnight. But Imma let you know when I'm heading out."

I nodded while putting a forkful of lasagna in my mouth.

"I'll ride with you, Tweety", Allie piped up.

"You ain't going nowhere", Vido said.

"Why the fuck not?", she questioned.

And here we go. I decided to tone out the brewing argument that was about to go on between my siblings and focus on finishing my dinner. My two older brothers, DJ (short for Darren Jordan) and Vido (short for David) ran our most profitable business, arms trafficking. They try very hard to keep my sister and I away from that aspect of their life. However, seeing that they stored the bulk of their inventory within the warehouse that belonged to Fieldwork, I sometimes have to get involved. Tonight was one of those nights. My phone started ringing and immediately picked it up, knowing it was Aubrey.

"You stay true to your word", I said greeting him and then taking a bite of food.

He laughed, "Of course I do. I take it you're home by now."

"Mhmm. I am", I managed to get out with a mouth full of food.

"Sounds like your mouth is stuffed," he noted. "Having dinner?"

I swallowed. "Yea, with my sister and brother."

"Is that your twin sister who I didn't get to meet at the concert?"

"Wow. You have good memory. But, yes Aubrey, she's the one."

"Wait! Aubrey? Is that Drake you're talking to?", Allisha exclaimed beside me, while gripping my arm.

Aubrey must of heard me because he burst into laughter and said, "Hey twin."

I pried Allie's hand from my arm and told her what he said.

"Put him on speaker!", she shouted, gripping my arm again.

"This isn't gonna work", I said.

"What isn't gonna work?" Allisha and Aubrey both said in unison.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the table, holding my cell phone to my ear in my left hand and grabbing my plate with my right hand. "Aubrey, give me a sec." I walked over to the sliding door that led to the backyard and pushed it open with my foot. After walking outside, I slid it close with the same foot and walked over to the patio table and sat in one of the chairs and rested my plate on the table.

"That's better", I said.

"What'd you do?", he asked.

"Just made it possible for us to have a conversation free from interruptions."

Author's Note: Please Vote and comment :)

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