The Camera Girl *O2L Fanficti...

By ablondezbrunette

412K 6.7K 1.6K

Kaitlynn is Kian Lawleys 15 year old sister. Ever since Kian had started SuperKian13 the deal was Kian drove... More

New wheels
Ask and You Shall Recieve...
Stuffed up
Cool Nerds
Siamese fightin fuish
Some sweet dream.
The frosting on top.
Awkward Pt.1
I Could Marry You
Amaze Balls
If This Were Any Longer I'd Be A Dead & Gone
Freedom of Speech
That'd be Rad
Exotic Dancers
Untitled part

Awkward Pt.2

17.1K 403 90
By ablondezbrunette

The day went by as slow as it possibly could, but it was AMAZING! The amount of support my brother and the rest were getting was utterly breathtaking, i was overwhelmed at first! Kian had to explain who I was just so people didn't get the wrong idea, a couple fans were still quite rude. I have no idea why but I kept getting dirty looks. The majority were great people! Most even wanted me to be in picture with them, okay wow. I sound like such a loser for being excited about this but I am currently super hyper and I've been sitting around all day besides getting up for pictures. Kian told me to behave and stay calm so he wouldn't get frazzled, even though I barely saw him. Now Sam and I are waiting for Connor, Jc, Trevor and Ricardo to get snacks and for Kian, Andrea and Ricky to finish the laundry. I didn't pack many clothes really and have been changing like three times a day(because I spill shit on everything)so I'm just wearing shorts with a sports bra.

"Will you calm down?" Sam put his hand on my shaking knee. "I can't!! I'm hyper! like super hyper" I pretty much screamed. He laughed "Why don't you go down to the gym or something, I'm sure that Ricky or Jc will go with you." I raised my eyebrows "That Sammy boy is a great idea- why don't you wanna come with me, You just need to throw a shirt on!". Sam leaned back on the chair setting his hat over his face "Screw that I'm having nap, plus I don't need to work out. Now you on the other hand....." Sam trailed off. I threw a pillow at him, it hit him in the stomach. Sam keeled over laughing hard "You weakling" I said smirking. Sam grabbed onto my legs and pulling me down to the floor. I yelped and began squirming to flee his tight grip, our laughter filled the room as we began to wrestle.

Sam stood up dragging me closer to him and pulling me over his shoulder then slamming onto the bed. I bounced on the bed pulling at the covers to keep from Sam, I managed to pull apart the bed in seconds. He grabbed my wrists gluing them to the bed, I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly trying  to get him to go down while violently shaking what I could of my arms. Sam started hacking up a loogie "noooo!" I squealed genuinely worried he was going to hock a loogie on me. He let out a laugh weakening his body. I rolled over so that I could be on top of him, there was a loud thump as our bodies rammed into the wall. I bent over groaning, not until now did I notice how active we were being. My hair was damp from the little sweat I had on me, Sams breathing was heavy.

It's hard rolling around in heavy blankets! Sam groaned loudly, my side aching from hitting the wall. "Ow, that hurts more than I ever thought it would" I said putting a hand on each side of his head. "Ugh... Should we leave?" Andrea said taking another couple steps through the door. Connor, Trevor and Ricardo following closely. Our heads shot up, I rolled off of him onto the bed. Sam got up pulling on a shirt "Nope" his voice muffled by the shirt. I rolled my eyes "Where are Kian and Jc?" I said breathing heavily. "They're getting a couple movies" Trevor said with a sigh and flopped onto the second bed. "I'm way to hyper for movies." I said frowning.

Trevor turned onto his belly looking at the rest "Yeah, I want to do something. Kaitlynn and I haven't really gotten to do anything fun." he stated playing with the tips of his hair. "They've got a point" Ricardo chimed in, I look to him and smile sweetly. I don't know why, I just do. Just then Kian and Jc walk in with a bag full of movies "Complimentary" Kian said chuckling slightly. Jc looks to me smiling widely, "You should probably put on some clothes before someone gets a boner" Andrea teased. "What are you saying Andrea?" I sassily reply putting a hand on my hip and flipping my hair back meanwhile sticking my bum out and popping my chest. "She's saying you look hot." Jc beamed laughing. Kian brought his arm up giving him a swift slap in the back of the head. I turn away blushing and begin looking through my clothes for an over top. 

I choose a slim muscle tank quite similiar to Rickys and pull it over my head. " Kaitlynn and Trevor want to do something other than watching movies." Connor recited dramatically throwing his hands in the air "One person has an opinion, then another tags along and it's total anarchy I tell you!". I giggle shaking my head at him as shook his head. "Well it's already pretty late, we've all had a busy day." Kian began scratching the back of his neck "We'll do something tomorrow after the events, there aren't to many. I promise you guys" He says setting down the back. I pursed my lips looking from Ricardo to Kian then release them into a smile "Okay" I reply sweetly.

 On the inside I was dying to just go do something outrageous, but I followed Kians instructions and sat down on the opposite bed curling up beside Ricardo with my body facing him. I pulled the covers up as Ricky put in the movie and dimmed the lights. Ricardo sat leaning against the board with his arms crossed on top of the blankets. The T.V. screen illuminating his face. As the movie began I slowly began to drift away, slowly feeling myself being pulled away from reality with every blink i took.



A/N: Okay so not updating in forever is totally innexcusable and all I can say about it is sorry! But omg can I just say that you guys are amazing! Have you see the amount of likes and reads I have. I am totally amazed!!!! I love you guys more than i think you know and I am going to try and be on the ball from now on and not update every four months :P                                                                        Oh and also I've had a bunch of you kik me asking for my Twitter and Instagram etc. So here they are, I will be erasing them off of here in a day or two so get it while you can haha(im always giving out my kik)!

Twitter: @Alyssa_Druck      

IG: @Ayyyye_its_aly      

Snapchat: alyssaann5    

Kik: Uhlyssa2000

-Alyssa Xxx. 

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