I fell in love with my kidnap...

By tca0024

107K 2.5K 490

I went to reach for my phone out of my purse but James snatched it of me, "you won't be needing that," he tol... More

First and last night out
My new home
You're a what?!
Trust issues
All too soon
The bite
Pure blood
James' parents
Our new job
Rich men
Life or death situation
Not the greatest job
The search
Drink driving
He's gone
Story time
A visit from the Devil
A visit back home
The castle
The plan
The plan in action
Back to reality
I fell in love with my kidnapper
The 'a' word
One call
The reuinon
Thank you & new book

Another new job

3.3K 77 7
By tca0024


I smiled to the bird talking to me, "what's your name birdy?"

"Lily, wake up"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "that's a weird name," I told the bluebird.

I spluttered as someone threw water over my head. I opened my eyes to see James with a smug look on his face.

"Your dreams sound interesting," he told me laughing.

I scowled, "why did you throw water over me?" I asked as I rolled out of the bed and laid on the soft carpeted floor. Maybe I would just fall asleep here.

James pulled me up, "because you wouldn't wake up, it's ten o'clock," he told me. I groaned, I was tired and he was annoying me.

I pouted and pulled my soaking top over my head, "I hate you," I told him before storming into the bathroom and getting in a shower.

James knocked on the door, "I love you too!" He shouted before laughing and walking away. He really was annoying. I didn't stay in the shower long and when I got out James was still standing in the bedroom.

"What do you want?" I asked him, he was staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

He chucked some clothes at me, "get dressed, we're going out," he told me. Surely I was a missing person, I actually didn't even know where we were right now.



"Where are we?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "Manchester, why?"

I shrugged, "well, am I not a missing person by now?" I asked him. I must be, it had been almost two months now.

He smirked, "yeah. You look different now though, you're paler and you have black hair," he pointed out. After my hair had turned completely black I realised I actually really liked it. I also proved to James that if he ever bothered buying a mirror he would see that we actually did have reflections.

"Oh," I said before getting changed into a plain white jumper and black leggings. I put my white converses on to complete my outfit.

    James looked at me impatiently, "aren't you going to ask where we're going?" He asked me.

    I sighed, "where are we going, James?" I asked him although I didn't really care.

   He smirked, "you'll see!" He said before tugging me to his car. He opened the door for me and I climbed in, I wanted to go back to sleep. He got in a started the engine.

    My stomach growled loudly, "hey! You didn't let me get breakfast," I complained to James.

    He smiled, "shut up."

   "Hey! Don't tell me to shut up, I'm starving!" I shouted at him. I needed to eat something.

    His smile grew bigger, "just shut up, I will feed you soon," he told me. I let out an overdramatic sigh but it just caused James to laugh.

   We pulled up outside a cafe and I smiled to myself. Food, here I come. I jumped out the car and began walking towards the cafe when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

   I spun around to face James, "why are you keeping me away from my food?" I asked worriedly, I needed the food!

   He chuckled, "I'm just telling you why we are here," he told me, he sounded excited, like a kid in a candy shop.

   I looked back at the cafe, "hurry up then," I said impatiently.

   "I got a new job! I get paid well so you won't have to work for too long, just until we get Callie back," he told me excitedly.

   I smiled, "that's great, who's Callie?"

   He laughed, "my little sister. Haven't I mentioned her name before?" He asked me, furrowing his eyebrows.

   "Nope. We should talk about it. Inside. While we eat," I said beginning to walk to the cafe again, my stomach felt like it was going to run away from me to find food.

    He shrugged, "okay sure," he said before taking my hand and walking into the cafe with me. The smell of food made my stomach rumble even louder, I slapped my hand to it and smiled sheepishly at James. He chuckled slightly and shook his head. It wasn't my fault I was so hungry. We got to the counter and a teenage boy smiled at us.

   "Hey! What will you two be having today?" He asked smiling.

   James smiled back at him, "can we have two full English breakfasts and two coffees please," he said. He knew me well, full English breakfasts were the best.

   The teenager typed out order into a cash register, "that will be sixteen pounds please," he said holding out his hand.

   I looked to James, "you should've told me to bring my purse," I told him.

He smiled, "I don't want you to pay, I'm treating you!" He said happily whilst handing over a twenty pound note. We got our change and walked over to a table by the window. The cafe was still quite empty except for a group of girls and an elderly couple.

    "So what's your job?" I asked James to start a conversation. That and I was curious.

  He smiled sheepishly, "well, just helping out a friend with business," he told me.

   "What kind of business?" I asked him, his answer was quite vague. Maybe that was the phone call he had last night with Justin. But Justin worked at the restaurant with me.

   James fiddled with his fingers, "just normal business, nothing big," he told me with a small smile. His answers were making me anxious.

    "James? Are you lying to me?" I asked him.

    James opened his mouth to reply but a ginger girl came over with two plates. She smiled and put them in front of us before telling us she would be back with our drinks.

   James half smiled at me and grabbed the salt. He poured some onto his before doing the same to mine.

   "Thanks," I mumbled. Was his job legal? The way he was answer my questions really put me on edge. No, James wasn't stupid, he wouldn't do anything to put us in harms way.

   He shoved some bacon in his mouth and smiled at me, "it's really good!" He said with a mouthful of food.

   I wrinkled my nose up in disgust, "James! That's disgusting, don't eat with your mouth full!" I scolded him. With his parents being so posh I would have at least thought they would have taught him how to eat properly.

   He swallowed, "my parents did teach me how to eat properly! I was only talking to you," he told me.

   I groaned, "please stop reading my thoughts," I told him. It was really irritating, he could read my thoughts whenever and not let me know. I could be thinking something horrible and he would be able to use it against me. I doubt he would do that though, he likes to act all though but really he's a big softy.

   He smiled, "I can't help it, it becomes natural the longer you're vampire," he told me.

   My eyes widened, "James! Shut up, someone might hear you!" I told him looking around at the people in the cafe with us. Fortunately, they hadn't seemed to hear.

   He shrugged, "sorry, mum," he said grinning. He acted like a kid, I actually could be his mum.

   I smiled back, "that's alright son!" I said beginning to laugh. The same ginger came back with our drinks and I thanked her.

   James took a sip of his coffee, "hey, Lily?"


  "Why did the food come out before the drinks? Surely the drinks would be made faster?" He asked me. He looked so cute when he was confused, I had to fight back the urge to kiss him.

    I ended up just shrugging, "I don't know, maybe the machine wasn't working properly," I suggested taking a sip of my own drink.

    He shrugged too and shoved a whole sausage in his mouth.

   I stared at him in disbelieve, "you are so gross," I said quietly.

   He smiled, "but you love me!" He chirped happily.

   "Yes, I do love you. You animal," I said before putting half a sausage into my own mouth. We carried on eating in silence until I looked up to James.

   He smirked at me, "open your mouth," he said holding a black pudding on the end of his fork.

   I shook my head, "no way! I'm not a baby and black puddings are gross! They look like really burnt burgers," I told him.

   He frowned, "well they don't taste like really burnt burgers, just open your mouth," he said with the cutest puppy dog face I have ever seen in my whole life.

   Frowning slightly, I gave in and opened my mouth. James shoved the fork in too far and I choked on the black pudding.

  He removed the fork, "I'm so sorry! I got too carried away," he told me.

  I rubbed my throat, "I'm fine. I'll just remember that you're dangerous with forks," I said laughing a little.

  He smiled sheepishly, "yeah..."

   Suddenly, the door burst open, "James! Lily!" Bennett cried as he stumbled towards us. I could smell alcohol on his breath.

  I gagged, "God Bennett, it's a bit early for a drink," I said trying to bare the smell of the booze.

   He shrugged, "it's never too early to have fun!" He shouted.

   James grabbed his shoulders, "Ben, your drunk already! Are you alright?" He asked him sitting him in a chair beside us.

   Bennett nodded, "get off, I'm fine!" He smiled. He definitely wasn't fine, he was paralytic drunk and it was only half past eleven.

    I turned to James, "we should get him home," I said quietly. He needed to sober up.

   James nodded his agreement, "we'll take him back to ours, he can sober up there," he told me before standing up and leading Bennett out the door.

  Back to ours, James had referred to his house as ours. I smiled, it was our house. It was our home. The thought of it made me go warm and fuzzy but I realised I was standing in the cafe like an idiot.

  I scurried to the door, "thanks!" I shouted over my shoulder before jogging to the car and climbing in. Bennett was already asleep in the back seats and James was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

   He began driving, "I'm worried about him, Lily," he told me sadly.

   I nodded, "yeah, I am too," I said quietly giving Bennett another glance over my shoulder. He really needed to control his drinking before it got out of hand.

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