A Tale Of 2 Sparks

By TransformersRules

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Matrix (Max) Crystal Kaon, discovered the Autobots after her friends did. She had a feeling they were hiding... More

Chapter 1: New Car
Chapter 2: Captured
Chapter 3: Reuniting With Comrades
Chapter 4: Confession
Chapter 5: Team Prime Meets The New Allies
Chapter 6: Hanging out with Maggie
Chapter 7: The truth and Sick
Chapter 8: A Day With Sire
Chapter 9: The Talk With Primus
Chapter 10: Upgrade
Chapter 11: Surprises
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Gone
Chapter 14: Mission: Get The Matrix
Chapter 15: Returning Home
Chapter 17: Night Out
Chapter 18: Trouble
Chapter 19: Going Against Megatron
Chapter 20: NightScar ~ Last Chapter!
A/N ~ Extremely Important

Chapter 16: Surprised

326 14 1
By TransformersRules

I woke up and smiled. I had found the Matrix of Leadership and I now command the bots next to Optimus. Carrier would be so proud of me if she were here right now. I walked out of my room and into the main room. I figured everyone was awake now that it's nine in the morning. I was halfway to the main silo when I ran into Optimus.

"Good Morning, Max.", Optimus greeted.

"Good Morning, Optimus.", I replied.

We walked into the main room and it was chaos. Bots were running around everywhere. I couldn't believe the amount of chaos that was happening in front of me. If we stepped foot in the main room, we'd be pancakes in a matter of seconds. I looked over at Optimus and it looked like he couldn't take the chaos either. I decided to do something about it.

"Quiet!", I yelled, making everyone cover their auto receptors/ears.

That was a BIG mistake to do. I had gotten everyone's attention and now Optimus and I were surrounded by bots. We couldn't even move! I looked over at Optimus with an apologetic look in my optics, he only smiled.

'Its good to be back.', Optimus said through our Prime bond, I nodded in agreement.
It has been an hour since we got here and everyone has finally calmed down. Sire was slightly mad when I handed him all of his missing weapons. Wheeljack however, was really mad and kept complaining at how he was going to get his helm banged in for taking the weapons when it wasn't even him.

Optimus was right though, sire was glad that I was back in one piece..... If he only knew where I went and how I got there. I smiled to myself. Optimus and I had a lot of fun on the adventure to the tombs. We went racing, had some fun in the oil, and he even let his emotions run wild when he was around me.

"Hello? Anybody in there?", Miko pounded on my helm.

I came back to reality and blankly stared at her.

"What is it that you need, Miko?", I asked in a calm manner.

Optimus had been teaching me to keep my emotions in check and it was working perfectly....... sort of. I still have a difficult time keeping my emotions in instead of letting them loose. Optimus must have noticed my irritation.

"Matrix.", I looked up at him and he gestured me to follow him.

I followed him to his berthroom so we could talk in private.

"Are you having some difficulty, Max?", Optimus asked and placed a servo on my back.

"A little. It's difficult to keep my emotions in check around Miko. She tends to get on my nerves.... A lot.", I explained and he cracked a small smile.

"I understand. The thing that helps me is to think of your loved ones. They usually help you get through anything.", Optimus suggested.

"Who do you think of?", I asked and froze after realizing what I had said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I usually think of Elita. She was the love of my life before she died right in front of me.", a single tear escaped his optics.

"O-Optimus, your crying.", I moved in front of him and wiped the single tear away.

I pulled him up and hugged him. I could tell that he really needed it. I mentally kicked myself for even asking such a question like that. He was suffering from the loss of Elita and I didn't even think about it until after the question came out. He never talked to anyone about her because it hurt him too much. I brought those feelings back, its my fault he's crying.

"Don't feel guilty, Max. It isn't your fault. Honestly, I was thinking about her all day today and its good to finally get my emotions out.", Optimus whispered, the tears still coming.

I nodded.

Ratchet POV

It has been about thirty minutes since Optimus left with Matrix. Ultra Magnus was beginning to worry, Optimus is usually done talking to someone in at least ten minutes or so.

"Is she alright?!", Ultra Magnus practically yelled.

I didn't understand what he was so worried about until I heard silent crying. The room had fell silent, the children had ceased their gaming. Ultra Magnus was pacing now and it was getting on my nerves. I understood tough. Before I met up with Optimus, I had a sparkling. He was only 8 human months old, I remember like it was just yesterday.


I was running from the raging war. My Sparkmate, FlareDusk was next to me with our sparkling in her arms. His name was SilverBolt. He was one of a kind and I knew that when he grew older. He'd meet someone just as special and fragile as himself. Jazz was running behind us, shooting any Decepticon that got within 5 meters from us.

I heard someone transform and stopped, my pedes skidded across the metal ground. I looked in front of me and there stood Megatron. He had an evil smirk on his faceplate. I hated it. Optimus' sparkling had already gotten off the planet safely, Elita did it herself. She had sacrificed her life for her sparkling and I will do the same for mine.

I stood in front of FlareDusk protectively.

"Oh dear doctor, I'm not going to take her.", Megatron said, the smirk was replaced with a sickening grin.

"Don't you dare touch OR hurt my family.", I scowled.

'Ratchet, I'm scared.', Flare's voice came through our bond.

'Its okay, Sweetspark. I wont let him hurt you two.', I responded.

"Oh, I have much more planned for them. Decepticons!", Megatron said.

I was taken from my place in front of my mate and son. Jazz was struggling against one of the Decepticons' hold. Jazz cared for Flare as much as I did. The two were like siblings. I helplessly watched Megatron approach my mate.


Megatron smirked and brought out his blade. I gasped and let out a shaky breath. Jazz was crying, as was I. The blade was brought down and it sliced both my mate and my sparkling. I screamed and thrashed around in the Decepticons' hold. They soon let me and Jazz go. I ran over to my mate.

"We....love.....you.....both.", she choked out and they took their last breath.


"Ratchet!", a voice yelled and I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jazz in front of me, "Are you back?"

"Not funny.", I snapped and grabbed my wrench, the kids who were laughing shut up immediately.

"RUN! HE'S GOT A WRENCH!", Jazz yelled jokingly, I frowned, "It was her again, wasn't it?"

I nodded. Jazz has known about my flashbacks since they started. Every time I seen it, it pained me. Jazz pushed me forward towards my room. When we arrived, we both walked in and sat down on my berth.

"I'm sorry, Ratchet. I know it was hard. It was and still is hard for me.", Jazz started.

"You don't know the half of it. She was my mate and he was my son. I watched them both die, Jazz. In front of me! And I didn't do a single fragging thing about it!", I yelled and slammed my fist onto my desk.

"Guess what, Ratchet? She was my sister and he was my nephew, as humans put it.", Jazz said and I stared at him in shock.

"Jazz, if I would have known-", he cut me off.

"Don't worry about it. I've learned to forget the bad things in life and focus on the good things. Sure I lost my twin sister and my nephew, but I had some amazing times with them and I wont forget a single moment.", Jazz said and stood up.

I nodded as I stood up. He hugged me, which I am NOT fond of, and I hugged him back. I guess I just needed the extra help to get over it.

Matrix POV

Optimus had finally calmed down and I looked at my inner clock. We had been in here for an hour and a half. I decided to head back to my room to take a shower. I patted Optimus' back and left. Thankfully my room was near his, so no one would see what a mess that I am. I heard Ratchet yelling an I groaned. His room was right next to mine.

I pounded on the wall and the yelling subsided. I smiled triumphantly and went in the shower. By the time I was done, an alarm went off and I growled.

"For Primus' sake! Why does this always happen when I am armor-less?!", I yelled out in frustration and put my armor on.

When I was done, I ran to the main room as I was clipping the last of my armor together. When I got there, Optimus had started stating who was going and who was staying.

"Alright, I need Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Smokescreen to come with me. Wheeljack, you are going to go scout out an Energon mine. Jazz and Matrix, you two are staying here to be the back up.", Optimus explained.

"Nuh uh. Wheeljack isn't going alone. He needs a babysitter.", I said and Wheeljack growled at me, "I'm going with him."

"Very well. Oh, and Matrix.", I turned to him, "We have to talk to the team about the new addition when we all get back."

"Alright.", I said.

Optimus smiled at me and his group left through the bridge. I turned to Wheeljack.

"Are we going or not?", I crossed my arms and Wheeljack rolled his optics.

He turned to the exit and started walking, I followed. We ended up at his ship and we both crawled in. I was a bit too big to fit (think of when Optimus was in the ship) and I was a little squished. I'd much prefer my sire's ship.

"So, what was Optimus talking about when he said 'new addition'?", Wheeljack asked.

"You will find out when we return.", I stated, he huffed.

-time skip-

We landed near a mine that seemed to be surrounded by cons. I spotted Megatron and growled. He had killed Elita and I will kill him. Even though Elita wasn't my real carrier, I still cared about her a lot. I caught the cons' attention and they turned to us. Wheeljack and I began battle.

-another time skip because I'm bad at describing a fight-

We were loosing and fast. I nodded at Wheeljack and we made our escape. Megatron hadn't recognized me by my name, but he did recognize my paint job. We got into the ship and flew back. When we landed on the roof of the base, I immediately got out. The ship was way too cramped for me.

"You know about a year and a half ago when you got into my ship, you had no problem with space. Why do you all of a sudden not fit in my ship?", Wheeljack noted and I growled.

"All will be explained when we get inside.", I said as calmly as I could.

Optimus was right, thinking about loved ones really does work. We walked into base and I was glad to see that sire was alright. I ran over to him and hugged him. He gasped when he seen me leaking Energon.

"You need to get fixed.", he stated and pushed me to the med bay, "Your leaking Energon."

"Sire!", I said calmly, though deep down I was frustrated and Optimus could tell over the bond, "Its a minor scratch. I'm not going to pass out. Besides, Optimus and I have explanations!"

"Explanations can wait. Ratchet.", Ratchet nodded and followed sire.

'I hate it when he's like this.', I said over the Prime bond, Optimus only sent amusement back.

When Ratchet was done, I went to the main room and stood behind Optimus.

"Autobots, as you know we have another member on our team. You all have seen her and she has been with us for almost two years. This Autobot is one of the best we have on the team. Without her, we would all more than likely fall apart. Autobots, I'd like you to meet the one and only Matrix Crystal Prime.", I walked out from behind Optimus and sire looked at me in amazement and disbelief.

"Prove it.", Smokescreen said and everyone glared daggers at him.

I nodded and opened my chassis so they could see the Matrix of Leadership. They were all surprised and I closed my chassis again.

"B- How?", Jazz asked and I smiled.

"Remember when Optimus and I left for a year and all of a sudden showed up?", I asked.

"How could we not? We thought you both offlined! We couldn't see your signals anywhere.", Ratchet exclaimed.

"Well, the reason you couldn't see our signals is because we weren't exactly on Earth.", they all stared in utter disbelief, "We were on Cybertron."

"How did you get on Cybertron?", Bee asked through his beeps.

"We took Megatron's spacebridge.", I explained.

"Why were you gone for an entire year though? We all missed you and the base was too quiet.", Jack asked.

"We had traveled from....Iacon, I believe, and went to the tomb of the Primes in order to get the Matrix, which took six months. We're just glad to be back.", I explained and Optimus nodded in agreement.

"Earlier, when Optimus and you got back, you had looked at him and nodded when he didn't say anything. Are you two together?", Miko asked, making Jazz a bit jealous.

"No. Its called the bond of the Primes. It allows us to communicate and talk about situations without anyone knowing. The bond also cant be blocked.", I explained and they nodded, Jazz was a little more happier about something.
I AM SO SORRY! The updates haven't gone as fast as I wanted it to and that is because of school. In June this story MIGHT be updated more often. This story is also sadly coming to an end, but there will be a sequel. If you haven't read any of my other stories, please read them.



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