Meant To Be?

By Sophia893

94K 1.5K 175

Having been missing for almost a decade, Lilianna Fray doesn't realise her significance to the shadow world... More

One Door Closes...
...Another Door Opens!
We're Off To Find The Warlock...
Who Am I?
Conflict Between Past & Present
Simon Saved
Back In Action
This Is Who I Am...
Return Of Thou Memories?
The Fiery Short-ish Lady That Scares Everyone!
I Can't Believe You Lied To Me!
Facing The Dragon
The Beginning Of The Split
Familial Relations Just Got Clearer
Make It Be(lie)vable...
Escape From The Life I Thought Was Mine
Intruders Always Bring Bad News
My Princess Dreams Came True!
Sisters No More!
The Arrest of Isabelle Lightwood
The Switch In Perspective
The Best Take Downs Ever...
I Can't Believe We're Looking For Another Warlock!
Marital Surprises

Our Horrifying Ending...

3.2K 52 26
By Sophia893

A/N: This is the last chapter. I'm sad to say that this is the end.

I hope you guys enjoy...


...drew back his arm and punched Magnus right in the face. Magnus fell back on to the floor and Maryse threw her head back and laughed.

Jace started laughing beside me so I elbowed him to shut up.

Izzy, disappointed at the outcome, ran down the aisle to console her brother, or Magnus. I have no idea.

Feeling full of courage, Simon suddenly shouted "CLARY!" and pulled her towards him. He dipped her and kissed her. Jace finally stopped laughing and threw his sword on to the floor before stomping over to me and kissing me...

What just happened?

The most unexpected figure came running through the entrance.

"Valentine!" Jace yelled once he had released me.

Just kidding. In actual fact, none of that happened. Instead, Alec kissed Magnus!

I went to squeal but Jace covered my mouth. I looked up at him and he just smirked down at me. I grabbed his hand to try and get it off but he just held on tighter. I soon gave up and just watched the scene in front of me.

When they let go of each other, the couple murmured something to each other. What I would give to learn all the deats. I looked down at Maryse to see her heaving. Uh oh. She's mad! I smirked into Jace's hand, At least it's not directed towards me.

Maryse stormed off with Robert soon following after. Izzy walked towards her brother as Jace kept his firm hold on me. "Can you let go of me now?" I asked Jace but since he had my mouth covered, it came out as 'Han noo wet goo ov mi neow?"

Jace just shook his head with a laugh and walked towards Lydia, with me still in his grasp. "Hey." he said to stop her. "What you just did for Alec... I, um..."

"It was the right thing to do." she said nodding. Does she really not see what Jace is doing to me?!

"So what are you gonna do now?" he questioned.

"Head back to Idris." she said with a sigh, "Dive into work. There's no place for me here." Yep. She doesn't realise anything...

"There's always gonna be a place for you here." Jace reassured and I nodded my head in agreement as I smiled against Jace's hand.

She smiled at us before giving us a confused stare. Oh... She finally noticed us. She must have realised how weird we were acting, she's never seen Jace and I when we were close. She looked down the aisle and said, "Give Alec and Magnus my best." before turning back to us with one final smile and said, "I hope you guys get together soon." and she left.

I froze against Jace's hand and my smile faded... She can't have known... Could she?

Clary walked towards Jace and I so I nudged him in the stomach, hoping he would release me but he still wouldn't let up. So I did what I thought was best.

I licked his hand...

I know it's disgusting but he wouldn't let go!

"Eeew! Lissa!" he shouted in amusement.

His smile died off as Clary approached and asked, "Is Lydia gonna be okay?"

"She'll be all right." I replied, after wiping my mouth.

The two of them stared at each other for a while until Clary sighed and looked away. Well this is awkward... Can I leave?

"Look, Clary..." Jace said. Oh no. Another serious talk. I stepped away from Jace's hold, hoping to leave this awkward situation but Jace clung on to me tighter. Why dude? Why do this to me?

"Listen, I just need to say that... you were right. Seeing what Alec just did, I realized I can't shut you out. I just don't know what to do with all this." Jace said with a sigh.

Before Clary could reply or before I could think of another way to escape, Magnus walked up to us and said, "Much as this will shock Alec, my visit tonight wasn't all for him. We need to speak privately."

Oh, thank god. I don't need to be part of this awkward talk anymore.


We entered what must have been a conference room and Magnus waved his hand, causing his signature blue magic to appear and several items to appear as well on the table.

The five of us walked in a line towards the table, Jace then me, Magnus and then Clary and Alec. Being in our formal wear made us look pretty badass... Not that it mattered at the moment, we were heading on another (hopefully non-life-threatening) mission.

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings. But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White."

We all picked up various items, Jace picked up a dagger and threw it up. I caught it and put it back on the table. He turned to me with a playful glare but I just stuck my tongue out at him and picked up a bookmark.

It felt weird. Important maybe? I shook my head, I hate these weird feelings.

Clary looked up to see the item I was holding.

"Wait, that bookmark. I've seen it before!"

I looked at her and showed it off to everyone else. I was made a princess, only to be a model... Nice.

Clary continued to explain, "In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells, and this was in it. It must have been the Book of the White."

"If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book." Alec said thoughtfully. He had taken off his coat and was only wearing his pristine white shirt and bow tie. He looked dashing. If only he wasn't gay... I shook myself again, Haha, what the hell am I thinking these days?

Jace went to reach for the bookmark and shrugged saying, "Okay."

But Magnus snatched it away saying, "Warlock tracking is stronger."

I interjected, "Parabatai tracking is just as strong..." I gave him a wink before saying, "But go ahead..."

Magnus closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He opened his eyes with a startled look before turning to all of us.

"Well, there's good news and bad news." he started, "The good news is I know the owner. The bad?" he paused and winced before saying, "It's Camille."

 "Camille?" I asked incredulously. Why, out of everyone, did it have to be her?

"Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort." he said with a snort.

"Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me." Clary said with a sigh. Well, you never know. You punched me and here we are... Though if I had a choice, I would be back in Magnus' apartment, in my PJ's, eating ice cream watching Gossip Girl again.

"She won't have a choice. Trust me." Jace said as he looked at Clary intensely.

He then walked out of the room as we all looked on after him.

The butterflies were murdered again...

I sighed deeply before shaking my head and clearing my thoughts.

Jace is just your best friend. Stop thinking about him. He belongs with Clary... Though the fact that they're siblings makes it a bit awkward now... Maybe... No. Just no.

"I just gotta go to my room and change..." I said distractedly.

I didn't pay attention as they nodded in agreement, I just left instantly.

I was half-way to my old room when I heard a shout.


I spun around, expecting an attack.

I relaxed as I caught sight of Clary but tensed up as she approached me.

"Clarissa. What can I do for you-" I started to ask but she cut me off.

She jumped at me and hugged me. 

You see, it would have been okay if she hadn't of tackled me whilst I was wearing HEELS!!!

It's the reason why we both ended up on the floor.

"Ow... Clary why did you do that?" I asked with a groan.

She helped me up as she spoke, "I'm sorry..." I went to cut her off but she carried on talking, "I'm sorry stealing the cup. I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm sorry for being such a bad sister. I'm sorry for picking Jace over you. I'm sorry for not thinking of you. I'm sorry for everything..."

"Woah. Woah." I said as she panted for breath, "Clary. Let me get a look at you..." I scanned her to see if she looked okay. "Look. I'm just as sorry for renouncing you as my sister. I'm sorry for not thinking about your side of the story. I feel just as bad as you do... I'm sorry for being a bad little sister."

We took one look at each other before hugging each other once more.

The next few moments was a blur of gobbled, "I love you" "I missed you." and "I'm sorry...".

We caught up with one another quickly before realising we had a mission to do so we split off to get changed. 


I was walking towards my old bedroom when the whole world went dark.

I can't believe someone knocked me unconscious again!


I woke up groggily to feel that I was being carried.

Have I been kidnapped again? FFS!!!

"I believe you have something that belongs to me." Valentine?

"As we agreed..." I felt the man speaking shift me in his arms "...old friend."

"Oh. You've done well, Starkweather." Hodge? What did he do?

"You have brought me the mortal cup and it's guardian." Oh no... "And for that, you have earned your freedom."

"Thank you. It's been a long time since I've been able to breathe fresh air. To see the outside world with my own eyes."

"Well, take it all in. The world is about to change."

I was yanked out of Hodge's arms.

"Wake up sweetheart. A new day is dawning..." Valentine, I think, shook me, forcing me out of my 'sleep'.

I opened my eyes to see that I was on a boat. I struggled in Valentine's arms and he put me on the floor. I didn't try to fight him, there are too many people here. I'd just be captured immediately.

"Oh good. You have common sense." he said with a smirk before dragging me over to a giant container of... blood?

He handed me the cup and indicated towards the blood. I gave him a confused look. He can't be asking me to use the cup can he?

"If you want your friends to be safe, you will use the cup."

I shook my head and jerked away from him.

If I do this then he'll make an army! But if I don't do this, he'll kill them.

There's only one thing I can do...

I sighed and grabbed the cup from his grip. It's still the fake cup... I can't use it properly if it's not real. There's no chance of his wretched army. I glanced back at him, only to find him glaring at me. If I don't do this, he'll head straight for the others and will find out that there's a fake cup. Despite how much I'm gonna hate myself for doing this, I'll have to switch the cups.

I walked towards the blood, wishing the cups to switch from fake to real. My eyes briefly turned gold, proving my success. They've been switched...

The cup glowed white in my hands as soon as it touched my skin. I dipped it into the tub of blood and said, "Ut in duobus filiis, et non movere. Si vis vivere atque iterum." which meant 'As the descendant of two, I activate you. Let the power live once more.'

The blood slowly transformed from its deep red colour to a gold before transforming into an eery white-yellow glow. Valentine pushed me towards the man at the front of the line as he said, "Let the Cup purify this blood. Only the worthy shall survive." Then I hope you don't survive. I thought glaring at the speaking man.

"I'm ready." The man said.

"Then drink." he urged. The man drank it and began to retch as he collapsed onto the floor. Oh my- What happened? Did I do something wrong?

"Is he dead?" Hodge asked.

"I hope not, otherwise I'm killing princess over here." As Valentine said that, the man got up, "No." Valentine gave the man a seraph blade and it glowed, "He's a Shadowhunter."

Valentine drew the circle rune on the man's neck. "Raziel's blood runs through your veins. You're now the first in a new order of Shadowhunters. I have given you great power... but I expect something in return. Jonathan and Clarissa... find them." Valentine ordered before the newly turned shadowhunter walked away.

"What do you need Jace and Clary for?" I instantly asked.

"We already have the Cup." Hodge said.

"'We?'" Valentine asked.

"Yes." Hodge hesitantly replied.

"I promised you your freedom, Starkweather. Nothing else." Valentine said tautly.

"Have I not proven my loyalty to you?" Hodge desperately pleaded.

"You've only proven your willingness to betray it. Do you really think that I would allow a traitor into my ranks?"

"I brought you the Cup."

"You've served your purpose. Now you're free to go." he dismissed.

"Free? You promised me protection. The Clave will never stop hunting me and you know that."

"Well, now that I have the Cup, the Clave's days are numbered. I'm a man of my word. The Clave will no longer bother you. And you will no longer bother me. Now, I suggest you enjoy your freedom before I change my mind." Valentine said as he turned away, pulling me along with him. 


Valentine didn't make me use the cup again so I quickly swapped them again. I was taken to a cell where I was left in silence and alone.

I didn't even have guards. Just myself.

I was alone.

At that thought, I started weeping.

How did everything end up like this?

A few hours ago, all I was worrying about was whether I'd stumble at the wedding or about the arranged marriage I had. It looks like I'm not even going to reach my eighteenth birthday at this rate.

I don't know how much time passed but after a while, I felt myself drift off into a fitful sleep. 


"Then you know how slow your death will be if you don't answer my questions." I heard someone say. There was heavy breathing before someone asked, "Where's Valentine and Lissa?"

"Jace?" I asked out loud.

My parabatai spun around and whispered, "Lissa?"

I nodded in confusion before I rushed into his arms.

"Jace. I'm here..." I cooed into his ear.

"But how?"

"I was sleeping in my cell when I must have astral projected myself here."

"Cell? That bastard is keeping you in a cell..." he said angrily.

"Shhhh. Shhhh. It's okay sweetie. I'm gonna be okay. I'll be okay as long as you are safe. You can't go down this path Jace. No matter what happens, promise me you won't stray from your destiny."

"Destiny? What destiny? That man raised me to kill. That's my destiny."

"You are meant for so much more Jace..."

I felt myself being tugged back so I kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm being pulled back Jace. I am gonna miss you."

"Please don't go!" he said desperately.

"I trust you Jace. You'll save me. I know you will." I said with a confident smile before I faded away. 


I woke up the next morning to water being thrown on to my face.

"Get up wench. Valentine requires your presence."

I steeled myself and closed off my vulnerable side. They may have me but they won't break me. I just need to be strong. For Jace. For me.

I didn't let them push me or drag me. Instead, I walked with my head held high and chin up. I acted as if this was all beneath me. They can't touch me. They need me.

"Ahhhh. There's the little princess. Let's go..." Valentine said before he pushing me through a portal with him following right behind me.

I stumbled out of the portal to see Clary, Simon and Izzy.

I was tempted to run to them but that was thwarted as Valentine grabbed my arm, dragging me towards him and placing his seraph blade on my neck.

"Clarissa." Valentine greeted Clary.

My eyes started to water at the situation I was in. I held back my tears as I stared at my pseudo siblings across from me. Where's Alec? I hope he's not hurt.

"So good to see you again." he asked as he stepped forward with me. "Where's your brother?"

"You think I'd tell you?" she asked.

Valentine pushed me to the ground but kept his sword pointed at me. "You won't have to."

"Stay away from her!" Simon valiantly yelled as he ran towards Valentine.

All Valentine did was push him to the floor, causing Izzy to shout, "Simon!" and use her whip to stop Valentine's sword arm from lowering to the defenceless vampire. She gasped, terrified as he yanked his arm back, causing her to collapse on the floor alongside Simon and I.

He went to stab Simon again but Jace came running in screaming, "STOP!"

"Jace..." I whispered in relief as he vowed, "This time you're not getting away."

The shadowhunters that came through the portal with us, picked Izzy and Simon off the floor and held seraph blades to their necks. Valentine left me on the floor with his sword pointing at my heart.

"Finally ready to kill your own father?" he asked sarcastically.

"You abandoned me." Jace said gruffly.

"I was protecting you. You weren't ready then, but you've grown. You've become the warrior I've trained you to be."

"You trained me well." my parabatai grudgingly agreed.

"And yet, I still have so much to teach you. I brought you here for a reason. Look, fight me, and watch your friends die." he said as Alec and Magnus were forced into the room with swords at their necks. Oh thank the angel. At least they're alive.

"See, you are strong, but they make you weak." he said to Jace and took a step towards him.

"Let us go. You can have the book. We won't be able to stop you without it. But we get Lily back." Valentine turned back around to look at Clary.

"Ah, Clarissa." he sighed happily before stepping towards her. Can't you just stay still? You're making me dizzy! At least leave me sane when you plan to kill me. "So like your mother. Willing to do anything for those that you love. I'm touched, but... the book was never part of my plan. I want you to wake up your mother. I know that you'll both join me eventually. It's fated."

Valentine turned back around to face Jace. "You ready?"

Jace looked at everyone around him, all the people he cared for, in danger. He put down his seraph blade. "If I go with you... promise me you won't hurt them. And that you would let Lissa go..."

"You have my word on the first condition. I'm sorry to say I need the little princess for something else..." Valentine said smoothly.

"This is insane." Clary argued as Valentine pulled me from the ground. 

"I'm sorry, Clary." Jace said.

"Jace... what are you doing? You can't be serious!" Clary's eyes began to fill with tears as her voice began to break and she started to stutter, "Valentine is wrong. You're not like him. I'm not. You're not!" 

Jace shook his head and said, "You don't know that, Clary. You don't know that."

"Let them go." Valentine declared and all the rogue shadowhunters released my friends.

"Wait. Lissa. Why aren't you releasing her as well?" Jace asked argrily.

"I need your parabatai for several things, one of which is the obvious, I can't use the Mortal Cup without her. The other reasons are for your wellbeing."

"My wellbeing? I would prefer it if she was safe and away from the both of us." Jace spat back.

"No. I need the cup's guardian and you need your parabatai." he smirked at the two of us before saying, "She needs to be with her future husband..."

"Husband?" Jace and I echoed incredulously.

With that revelation, the tears went away instantly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked angrily.

"The marriage contract. Your arranged marriage, Hodge told me you received the news already. At least now you don't have to find your husband-to-be. He's right here. In front of you. Go on... Reunite. Or... You could do it later if you like, a more private place perhaps?" he said coyly.

Jace got angrier at his words.

Alec spoke up from behind us, "How did you know about the contract?"

"I was there when it was written, boy! I signed it after all..." and he started barking out his cruel laugh. "Go on. From childhood friends to parabatai to lost friends and back to best friends. This is just another leap for your relationship... Now, why don't you show my dear daughter that your future is sealed?" He said before throwing me at Jace.

He hastily caught me but I fell limp against his comforting body. I starting crying as the situation caught up with me.

I wanted Jace to love me but now I'm gonna be stuck in a loveless marriage... Why the hell did this have to happen to us. I would take everything back. Even my feelings if it meant that Jace would be happy and be with Clary than to stay in a loveless relationship with me, making the both of us miserable.

"Shhh. It's gonna be okay Lissa. I'm gonna take care of you. I promise." Jace said as he hugged me towards him. I just held on tighter to him. He started stroking my hair as a way to comfort me.

"Give your future bride a kiss Jonathan. Seal the deal, so to speak. Show your darling little sister that you are moving on..." Kiss? Sure, I liked Jace but I don't want my first kiss with him to be like this. I'd rather not break my heart even more. I froze in Jace's arms and he stopped his movements.

He put his hands on either side of my face and forced me to look up.

Is this okay? I shook my head and more tears starting to fall down my face. It's gonna be okay. He silently said before leaning down and placing his lips on mine.

He was warm and comforting. And oddly enough tasted like strawberries...

Why did this kiss have to be better than I expected? Why couldn't I have disliked it? I kissed him back. What? Might as well enjoy it whilst it lasts right? He had one hand in my ruined hair, the undo I had at the wedding had fallen a long time ago and the other hand was at my waist on my dirty dress that I had worn at the wedding. I liked this dress as well.

He doesn't love you... He's only doing this because Valentine told him to... a voice whispered in my head.

At these thoughts, the tears raining down cascaded even harder.

Jace pulled away after a while and placed his forehead on mine. He wiped the tears away and gave me a shaky smile.

"I knew you two would be a good match when I saw the two of you together..." Valentine cheered.

This was so wrong. But why did it feel so right?

Alec and Izzy must have had enough torment because they went to walk towards the two of us. Jace pointed his seraph blade at Izzy and his hand at Alec. I was wrapped around his figure, my hands tightly clenching his jacket.

"Get back, get back. Alec, I mean it." he warned them.

"Jace. Lily..." Clary said brokenly as the circle members left through the portal that Valentine had opened. I felt Valentine walk towards us. He grabbed Jace's sword arm and pulled him towards the portal. Jace removed my hands from his jacket and grabbed my left hand and tugged me away.

It was as if everything was going in slow motion. Jace and I were walking right into the portal with Clary walking behind us saying our name like a mantra. "Jace..." "Lils..."

The last thing I saw before we stepped through was Alec holding Clary back from jumping through the portal after us.


"Join me... and my son...

...And his future bride..." Valentine said with a smirk as he raised the mortal cup above his head. Jace and I stepped forward to stand beside him. I was wrapped up in Jace's arms, quivering in slight fear.

How did everything end up like this?

"Pledge me your loyalty! Together... we can preserve our race and rid the world of the demons who plague it. You are the chosen ones. The new breed of Shadowhunters!"


Surprise guys.

I'm sorry to the Aliec supporters but this was always gonna be a Jace love story.
I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway...

Either way, I'm proud of the fact that I managed to get 6.6K Views and 309 votes and 32 comments. 

Thank you to those that supported me throughout these last few months!!!

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