(A lemon book) Gray x Reader...

By Kisame200

362K 3.1K 3.2K

Okay guys I didn't write this but I just had to share it, don't kill me! This was originally written by Karyu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Gray)
Chapter 18 (Sting)
Chapter 19 (Gray)
Chapter 20 (Sting)

Chapter 6

20.3K 186 186
By Kisame200

I hang out with Gray for an hour and a half after breakfast. We talk, laugh, make out, listen to music. It's noon before I look at the clock again. "I guess I should head home and shower."

"You can shower here... We can shower together." Gray suggests, a smile pulling at his lips.

"As lovely as that sounds, I don't have clean clothes here."

"You do. From last year when you crashed here after a mission. You showered, changed and left in the morning." Gray explains. "It was really tempting to jump in the shower with you, but I figured you'd kick my ass." He laughs at the thought.

"You washed my clothes? I honestly didn't even know you could do laundry." I tease.

"Hey, I can take care of myself." Gray retorts with a pout. A second later it's replaced by that seductive grin I've come to love. "I can take care of you too... So what do ya say, wanna shower with me?" He walks over and gropes my breast, causing me to bite my lip.

I swallow thickly, "...Sure."

He leads me to the bathroom, stripping his clothes off on the way. Once he gets there, he turns on the shower, the temperature lukewarm.

"Still got your clothes on, huh? Why don't I help you with that?" Gray closes the distance between us and grabs the hem of my shirt. He slowly lifts it over my head and tosses it on the floor. He starts laying kisses to my jawline. He grabs my tits and chuckles a bit. "Your boobs are bruised. I didn't know I grabbed 'em that hard." He kisses them, tracing the lines he made with his tongue.

"Mmm, I didn't mind..."

He grabs my breasts again and slowly gets on his knees, planting wet kisses down my chest and abdomen. He doesn't release his hold on my mounds, he instead undoes the button of my shorts with his teeth.

"Hah!" I gasp when he pinches my nipples lightly. He looks up at me and grins before using his tongue to wiggle some fabric around so he can use his teeth to grab my zipper. He lets his fingertips run lightly down my stomach, leaving my nipples hard and more sensitive than they were a few minutes ago.

Gray uses his rough, beautiful hands to hold the slowly separating waistline of my shorts taut. He then uses his mouth to pull my zipper down. Taking a deep breath, he lets my scent invade his senses.

"God, you smell good when you're turned on!" He exclaims. "I don't know if I'm ever gonna get over it." I'm biting my lip hard, my breathing is ragged. All I can do is stare at what the man before me is doing.

Gray runs his hands up the insides of my legs. The pressure is hard at first, but ends very lightly when he gets to my inner thighs. I'm shuddering and breathing heavier.

He grabs the hem of the bottom of my shorts and slowly pulls them down. Once they're off, he licks up my thigh right to my core. "Ahhh!" I cry as his hot tongue slips between my lips. He stops and smiles, looking up at me.

"You're sexy from every angle... Wanna get in the shower now?"

"O-okay..." I climb in without further encouragement. Once I'm in, I hear a drawer open and close.

Gray gets in a second later, condom in hand. "I put these all over the house," he answers the unspoken question in my mind. "Just in case we start getting a little hot and bothered somewhere other than my room."

He tears the foil open and slides it on. "Bend over and put your hands on the wall, my little Ice Princess."

I immediately do as told and am rewarded with firm smack on my ass. "Mmm..." I mewl out in pleasure.

"You like it a little rough, don't you?" Gray asks, slipping a finger into my pussy and slowly pumping it in and out.

"Yes. Fuck yes!" I encourage.

"Want me to pound that pretty pussy of yours, baby?" He asks, smacking my ass again.

"Oh God, yes Gray." I plead.

"Hold yourself as steady as you can." He warns, pulling his finger out of me. I just nod, wanting him in me already.

Gray positions his cock at my entrance and slams it in, getting a strong grip on my hips. "Ohh!" I groan. He feels amazing. He pulls back slowly before thrusting forward again roughly. He builds a quick and steady pace. Compliments and swear words and grunts escaping his lips constantly.

He reaches around my hips with one hand and uses 2 of his long fingers to play with my clit. "Gray!" I moan.

"(Y/n)!~" He huffs in return.

His length pounds into me over and over. His skilled fingers rub me vigorously. I'm so sensitive I think I'm almost done.

Gray takes his other hand off my hip and grabs a handful of my long hair. He yanks on it, eliciting my loudest moan today.

"You're. So. Fucking. Tight." He grunts, his dick pulsating inside me.


The fingers Gray has on my clit begin rubbing in different directions and holy fuck, the sensation almost causes me to lose balance.

"Gray..." I cry loudly as my legs begin to shake, "I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Do it," He groans, "I fucking love it when you cum for me!"

That's all I need to hear. My eyes are shut, I'm mewling his name over and over. My insides tighten around him and that coil in my stomach releases. "Ahh, God!" I call out as my orgasm hits its high.

"Hnnn, (y-y-y/n)!" Gray calls as he thrusts into me hard a few more times, his hands shaking and his body tense. I feel the way his dick moves inside of me when he gets off and it makes me smile as I catch my breath. "Mmm... Wow." He mumbles as his movements become slow and lazy.

He lets out a deep breath and pulls out. Still a bit shaky, I stand upright and turn around. A gratified smile spreads over my face which Gray returns before wrapping his arms around me. I snuggle into his neck for a few minutes. I kiss his chest before pulling away. "Shall we get clean?"

"We should." Gray answers, pulling the condom off and leaning out of the shower to toss it in the trash. "Should I wash you?" He asks, waggling his eyebrows.

"Probably not," I laugh. "That would lead to more sex. Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't we get to the guild?"

"I guess you're right." Gray looks a little disappointed.

"We can fuck again later today..." I suggest, pulling him flush against me and making out with him.

"Deal..." He breathes.

After cleaning ourselves and getting out, I start grabbing my things and getting ready to head to Fairy Tail.

"Hey! It's St. Patrick's day. Wanna get drunk instead of going to the guild?"

"We aren't even Irish, Gray." I laugh at him a little.

"Speak for yourself. I'm a quarter Irish. So what do you say? It'll be fun!"

His smile is so charming I can't say no. "Let's do it!"

Luckily, there's green on my shirt so I'm at least a little festive. Gray slides on green boxers because there's no guarantee that he won't lose the rest of his clothes.

Once we're both ready, we head to a bar a few blocks from Gray's house. We sit at a darker table in the corner and order some pints. "Would you like those beers to be green?" The waitress asks flirtatiously, looking Gray up and down while trying to push her boobs closer together.

"Huh?" Gray responds half a minute later. "What was that?" He had been too busy staring at my boobs to hear what she said.

"The beer," she spits out irritably, "do you want it to be green?"

"Oh, sure. Thanks." Her smile returns as she turns around and sashays off.

"She was totally checking you out!" I say, staring at her ass as she makes her way back to the bar. "And she's hot."

"So? I'm here with you. And you're way hotter, (y/n). You have nothing to worry about."

"Sheesh, I'm not worried. You can date girls, Gray. Just be sure to let me know if we have to stop hooking up." I explain. "You should get her number at least. She's into you."

"She isn't my type. I like 'em a little more... curvy." He says, giving my

tit a squeeze.

"Hey!" I swat his hand away. "We aren't alone. What if someone from the guild is here?"

"No one is. I looked around when we walked in." His shirt already missing and the beers haven't even arrived yet.

As if on cue, Cana comes in trailed by Loke. "Allllright!" Cana yells, already buzzed, "who's ready to party?!" The bar cheers. Gray and I clap our hands.

"We should invite them over." I wave at them.

"But I was planning on groping you a little more." Gray whines, half kidding, half serious.

"They'll think it's weird if we..."

"Weird if you guys what?" Loke asks as he strolls over.

"If we just start fighting. Gray here wanted to spar." I lie, jutting a thumb in his direction.

"Don't fight in a bar, idiot!" Loke tells him.

Gray throws me a dirty look. "You're right. Dunno what I was thinking. Sit down, call Cana over. Let's drink!" Gray ends cheerfully.

"That's what I'm here for!" Cana calls out.

"I know Gray's part Irish. But what's your excuse for drinking today, (y/n)? You got any Irish in you?" Loke teases, winking at me.

"I did earlier." I whisper, looking at Gray. He laughs so hard he can't answer Loke when he asks what's so funny.

When he calms down, he whispers in my ear, "That was hilarious. I'm buying you a shot for that."

I spend the night laughing, drinking beer and shooting Irish whiskey. Gray touches me whenever Loke and Cana aren't looking. He'll make sure their attention is elsewhere before he runs his hand over my pussy, fast and hard. Or if he's feeling particularly confident he grabs my nipple firmly and rolls it between his fingers. And he always has that Goddamn smirk on his face.

After a while I start teasing him back. I distract my tablemates (including Gray) and run my hand over his dick a few times, squeezing his tip a little with my fingers. The third time I do it, Gray sputters and his beer sprays out. "What the..?" Loke asks as I howl in laughter.

"Went down the wrong tube." Gray says with a smirk on his face. "I gotta piss. I'll be right back." With that he leaves the table and sways a little on his way to the bathroom.

"So," Loke begins, looking at me, "Is there something going on between you and Gray?"

"C'mon Loke. Not this shit again. You've already asked me this a dozen times."

"It's different this time. I'm not just teasing you, I'm being serious."

"Well, no. There isn't anything going on with Gray and I."

"You sure? He's more flirty with you than usual."

"You're one to talk!" I try to steer this conversation another way by making fun of him.

"Fair point." Loke laughs before getting serious again. "He also keeps staring at you with this... Look on his face. I can't really describe it. I've never seen it on him before. He's really touchy feely with you too."

"He's one of my best friends, Loke. That's all."

"He's one of my best friends too. I can tell when he's interested in someone. If there is something going on, just don't hurt him, okay? I don't wanna have to beat you up." He slurs a little.

"I wouldn't ever wanna hurt Gray. Or anyone else from Fairy Tail, for that matter. And let's get real, we both know I can kick your ass."

"True that. Cheers!" He says loudly. Slamming his glass against mine.

"Yeah, cheers!" Gray shouts as he gets back, raising his glass.

"You don't even know what we're cheering to." Loke says, poking fun at Gray.

"Who cares? I'm having fun! Cheers to that, bitches!" He laughs. That's a sure fire sign Gray's wasted. He starts calling everyone bitches.

I can't help but wonder what Loke meant when he said he thinks Gray has a thing for me. What Gray and I have is physical. Albeit, we're close friends who care about each other. He must just be reading too much into it. Oh well. Now is not the time to think about it. Back to drinking!

My memory starts fading in and out, but I remember saying good bye to Loke before he makes his way home. Cana disappeared hours ago with a guy she met last month.

Next thing I know Gray's throwing himself at me in the bar. Kissing me, fondling my tits, sucking on my neck. I'm eagerly responding and I know that's our cue to leave.

"Mmm, 'kay. My place this time? We should leave."My words are coming out funny due to all the alcohol.

"But the condoms are at my house." Gray slurs back.

"I bought some the other night too. We'll be fine." I stand up, a little wobbly on my feet. "C'mon. S'go!" I hold out my hand.

Gray smiles with one eye closed and takes it. "I'm 'onna rock your fuckin' world." He whispers in my ear when he stands up.

The waitress who's so fond of Gray shoots me a death glare as we walk up to the register to pay our tabs. Gray waves his hand when I pull out my wallet. "Nah, I got this baby." He runs his hand up my thigh and smacks my ass, winking at me. The waitress rolls her eyes as she turns around to make his change. "Rooock your world!" Gray mouths at me. I laugh and pull him close, staring at his mouth.

He leans down as the waitress turns back around. His mouth connects with mine and the kiss gets heated very quickly. A minute later I can hear the waitress' foot tapping. Another minute goes by and I forget where we are. "1000 jewel is your change!" She hisses.

Gray pulls back and stares at me for a few more seconds before turning to her. "Did you say something?" I fail to stifle my giggle.


"Oh. Keep it. Have a nice night!" Gray grabs my hand and starts towing me out. I flash a huge smile and wave as we leave the cranky woman behind, looking insulted.

We don't end up having sex when we get back to my house. Instead, we have one more drink and start shootin' the shit.

"Ya know those clothes you left at my house last year?" Gray murmurs, slightly more sober after a few hours of talking.

"What about 'em?"

"I totally used your panties to jerk off with your shirt draped over my head."

I crack up laughing and it's a minute before I can even talk, "Oh my God, Gray, what the fuck?"

"I know! It might sound weird, but the panties were silky and the shirt smelled like you."

"That's kinda hot. And kinda sweet. In the weirdest fucking way."

"I'm just glad you aren't upset."

"Knowing you used to think about me when you touch yourself is a turn on."

"I still do it. But I guess you know that." He chuckles. "On a related note, sorry we can't have sex tonight. I'm still really drunk and it probably wouldn't be that great. I wanna make it as good as possible for you every time."

"Don't apologize. I'm happy doing just this. We're friends above all, remember?"

"You really are the best, (y/n)." Gray says with a yawn.

"Lemme get us some water. And some aspirin." I get up and have to force Gray to drink his glass when I get back.

"I don't need it."

"Yes, you do. You'll thank me tomorrow."

"Wanna bet?"

"Loser gives the winner face." I say climbing into bed, handing him his glass and 2 pills.

"Deal!" He says before chugging his glass. 10 minutes later, we're both sound asleep in each other's arms.

I wake up to Gray looking at my face. "I've only been awake a couple minutes, I swear. So it isn't creepy that I'm staring at you." He explains in a rush.

I smile sleepily. "How do you feel, dork?"

"Like a champ. Thanks for forcing me to drink water." He says chirpily.

"I guess that means I won our bet, huh?" I ask, my tone cocky.

"Ahh, crap. I forgot about that last part. How about I cook us some breakfast first? I'll eat some food and then I'll eat your pussy." He says with a wink as he clambers out of bed.

It's gonna be a good day.

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