Chapter 7

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After we've eaten, Gray and I are back in my bed making out. Gray rolls his hips forward and grinds into me. "Unnngh..." I groan into his mouth.

My phone starts blaring in that special ring tone reserved for the Master. Gray breaks our kiss and grunts, displeased. "I should probably answer that. He rarely ever calls, so it must be important." I grumble as I reach for my cell. "Hello?"

"(Y/n)! Good morning. If you aren't busy, I need you and Gray to come into the guild." My heart stops for a second. How does he know I'm with Gray? Oh, God! Does Gramps know somehow? "Since the rest of Team Natsu is out of town, you two are needed as soon as possible. Can you go to Gray's house and fetch him before coming to the guild? His phone is dead."

Phew! "Yes, Master. I'll see you soon." I hang up. "Master needs us. He didn't give me details, but we have to get there as soon as we can."

"Why didn't he call me?"

"Your phone's dead. I think you have a couple changes of clothes here 'cause of your stripping habit. We should leave soon."

"I guess I'll have to give you a rain check on eating you out." Gray pouts.

"I can live with that," I lean forward and mean to only kiss him briefly. 5 minutes later we're panting and struggling to pull apart. "Okay, we seriously have to leave."

"Fiiine." Gray's tone is disappointed.

The second we set foot in the guild, we hear "GRAY-SAMA~!" There's a streak of blue and then Gray's laying on the floor with Juvia sprawled out over him, her arms around his neck.

"Hi, Juvia." Gray says politely, trying to hide his slight irritation. I can't help but laugh at him.

"Juvia is back from her mission with Gajeel-sama. Did you miss Juvia after two whole weeks of her being away?"

"Let me up, I gotta talk to the Master." He dodges her question.

Juvia pouts as she rolls off of him and helps him up. "Hello, love rival." Juvia says with a little ice in her tone.

"Juvia, I'm not your —"

"Stay away from Gray-sama!"

"But we're on the same —"

"Stay. AWAY!" She yells.

"Juvia, please calm down." The Master says as he walks up to the three of us.

"Sorry Master Makarov." Juvia takes a deep breath and turns to me. "Juvia is sorry she got carried away. Juvia still considers you her friend even if you are trying to steal her beloved."

I shake my head and smile a little. "We're cool, Juvia. I'm glad you've returned safely." As much as she yells at me about Gray, I still love her. She's a pretty awesome chick when she doesn't think I'm trying to make Gray my boyfriend.

Makarov clears his throat and the three of us give him our attention. "Gray, (y/n), thank you for coming on short notice. The reason I've called you here is there are five dragon-like monsters called tryverns terrorizing a town about two days away. They're related to wyverns." We both nod, waiting for him to continue. "Normally, requests are chosen by the wizards. These clients called and asked specifically for Team Natsu. But seeing as Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Wendy and Happy haven't returned yet, you two will go..."

"Alone?" Gray interrupts, shock in his voice.

"No, you're teaming up with Lyon from Lamia Scale, and Sting and Rogue from Sabertooth."

"Can Juvia go too? Juvia wants to help Gray-sama!"

"I'm sorry, Juvia. The last time you went on a dangerous mission with Gray, you were too distracted. You got seriously injured and Lisanna was also severely hurt saving you. It's best if you sit this one out, my dear."

(A lemon book) Gray x Reader x Sting x Natsu Dragon Slayer Mating Season!Where stories live. Discover now