Love is unbelievable (A Justi...

By HondaDevil1997

33.7K 562 30

Joyce Braun, the 17 year old daughter goes on tour with her dad, Scooter Braun, who manages Justin Bieber. Sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Authors Note
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (Last Chapter)

Chapter 14

964 17 0
By HondaDevil1997

Yeah Im sorry for the late update. I was very busy with school. I hope you like it!


~A few weeks later~

Joyce' POV

I am getting ready for getting on stage. I have already had a few concerts done, so I know how it works. I am going on stage. Everybody is screaming my name. 'Are you ready?!' I shouted happily. they shouted 'Yes' back. I started with a cover from Justin, but then I made my own song of Boyfriend. I called it Girlfriend. I was happy that dad gave me a chance to let see that Im a natural talent. I walked further on the stage, and saw Justin coming on stage. The crowd was going crazy. We sang together boyfriend. It was amazing. Our voices were perfect together. Then he quickly ran off again. I finished the song, and sang a cover from Daughtry, Open Up Your Eyes. The crowd was silent when I sang. Everybody loved it. Then I shouted:'Are you ready for Justin?!' They screamed back. 'I love you!' I shouted and walked back stage. Justin came to me and pulled me into a hug. 'You were amazing.' he said. I hugged back, and looked at him, blushing.'Thankyou.' I said. Then he let me go, and I heared that he has to go on stage. 'Good luck!' I said to him. 'Thanks.' he said and runned on stage. I walked to my changing room, and went on Twitter. There I found pictures of Michael, making out with a other girl. He just dumped me! I felt the tears falling down my face. I canged myself and ran crying to the bus. Im so broken. He just cheats on me! I loved him so much. Why he is doing this to me. I locked my door and sobbed. I cant believe it! He just make out with a other girl! Then he calls me. I picked up crying. 'Joyce, I know you saw the picture. She kissed me, I didnt kiss her! I love you Joyce.' he said. 'Yeah I saw it! You just cheat on me! I loved you, and you clearly didnt love me. We are over!' I said crying. I cut the call and deleted everything what we were in. I throw my phone on the bed. I began even to cry more. He didnt love me at all! He just used me!

Justins POV

I ran on stage and begun the concert. The frontprogram, with Joyce in it, was amazing. They loved her. That is what I love about my beliebers. They are so caring for eachother and people who are around me. I began with All Around The World. Then I began with Boyfriend, and I know that they love it, because I am going to dance shirtless. I put my shirt off and threw it in the crowd. They began to scream and a girl catched it. 'Omg I got Justins shirt!!!!' I heared her scream. I chuckled, and began One Less Lonely Girl. I wanted Joyce to be it, but she wasnt here. Where she is? I picked a other girl from the crowd.I sang and danced One Less Lonely Girl for her. I gave her the OLLG flowers and crown. She was so happy that she was OLLG. I hugged her at the end, and my dancers took the girl off stage. I was thinking about where Joyce is. She was in a minute gone. I hope that she is okay, and not hurt. I did One Love as last song. Everybody sang with me. 'I love you!' I shouted, and walked offstage. I saw Scooter coming. 'Where is Joyce?' I asked him. 'I dont know. Look in the bus, to see if she is there.' he said. I nodded. I ran quickly to my changing room, and changed myself, in a black baggy pants, a tanktop, my black supra's, my golden chain and a snapback. I walked to the bus and I heared sobbing. I walked to Joyce her room, and found her crying. 'Oh Joyce, come here.' I said worried. She walked into my arms and gugged me tight. She cried into my chest. 'He cheated on me Justin. My own boyfriend cheated on me.' she cried. I sat down on the bed with her, and cuddled with her. She needed me. That bastard cheated on her. 'Shhhht It is going to be alright.' I said softly. I began to sing Be Alright softly. She was so vulnerable. She was really broken. I stroke her tears away with my thumb and cupped her cheek. I looked her in her eyes. She was broken, you could see that clearly. I hugged her again. She really needed protection.

Joyce' POV

I ran inmediatly into Justins arms when he came in. He hugged me back. His hug felt protective, and caring. I felt safe. When he cupped my cheek, I looked at him. He was so handsome. 'What happened Joyce?' he asked softly. 'I was changing in my changing room. After that I went on Twitter, and I sae that picture. I ran crying to the bus. Then he called. He said that he didnt kiss her. I said that we were over and cut the call.' I said sobbing. I began crying again, and Justin took me again in his arms. 'Shhh Joyce. Im here, dont worry.' he said. He stroked the tears away again with his thumb and he cuppeb my cheek again. 'Joyce, he doesnt deserve you. If he treats you like this, he isnt worth it.' he said softly. He became closer, and he bent over. Then he kissed me on the lips. I kissed back inmediatly. My lips were melted on his. They were moving in sync. He deepens the kiss, by pulling his arms around my waist. It felt amazing! I felt the sparks. He pulled away slowly and looked me in the eyes. 'Joyce, I like you, so much. Do you want to be my girlfriend?' he asked. I looked at him. 'Yes I want to be your girlfriend Justin.' I said happily. He kissed me again, and we started to make out. He caressed my neck, and pulled then away. 'I love you.' he said. 'I love you too.' I said and gently.pecked his lips.

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