
By Panda-chan31

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"The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place". Guess that makes sense, seeing as I was reborn int... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

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By Panda-chan31

Disclaimer: I do not Own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. I only own my OCs, this fic is purely for entertainment.

Chapter 5

Two weeks later I was still on a high from the success of the party. The performance that had been taped was still referenced to and clips were still shown on various media sources, and there had been a surprising number of people who were rallying and petitioning for both Hojo and I to release albums. Although in interviews I had made it clear that this was not something that would happen, there were still those who hoped for it. Royalty hadn't answered our call, but then again I hadn't expected them to. Their slander campaign was dead in the water, and all they could do now was sit like fish in a barrel while I finalized my plans to take them out. Phases One and Two had already been put into effect, and I'd gotten help from a trusted computer expert to track and monitor the necessary files on our company's computer network. All I needed was for the mole to find them, give them to one of the Watanabe brothers and then I could move onto the final phase. Things were going well, and I was feeling on top of the world as I sat on a lounge chair in the garden, basking in the late autumn warmth. Uncle Sota and Hojo had gone on a quick trip to go over some figures with the American branch, and with Yumi's video being released tomorrow there was little for me to do. I had every intention of relaxing and taking a breather until the next big project.

That is, until my phone rang. The minute I heard it chime I had a sickening sense of dread, but I picked it up and saw Mokuba's picture flashing on the screen and smiled. Maybe it was just my imagination getting the best of me, and I shook off my negative feelings before I accepted the call. "Hey Mokuba, what's up?" I asked casually, leaning back in the chair again.

"Reila, you should come over to Kaiba Corp. right away if you're not busy. Seto is dueling in his new custom built arena and I think he'd really like it if you came to see. Seto went all out in designing it, and the virtual projections it makes are amazing!" I froze for a moment, completely dumbfounded. I mean I knew that the plot was coming, but if this was the duel I was thinking it was, then that means we'd run headfirst into the plot line and the true story had begun.

We'd passed the point of no return.

Collecting my thoughts I smiled before I spoke, so that my voice wasn't so grave. "I'd love to see your brother dueling Mokuba; I'll head over right away." Hanging up the phone I made my way quickly to the front door, paging Shuichi as I went. Glancing down at my clothes I debated for two seconds about changing into something a little more professional but decided against it. Since I'd been home I'd been wearing jeans and a large cream sweater, but a few tugs and tucks made it look like it was dressier than it really was. Sliding on a pair of shoes and grabbing my purse I stepped outside, Shuichi already there to take me to Kaiba Corp.

On the way I did my best to remain calm; but if this was the duel with Solomon Moto and Yugi, then today was a bad day for the Kaiba brothers. Although Seto hadn't been unnecessarily harsh with me, I'd seen the darkness that hardened him and hid the boy that I'd once known. And in the past two weeks it had only grown worse as the five remaining executives from Gozaburo's regime made it clear they were unhappy with their situations, so much so that Seto suspected them of plotting against him. Although he'd never said anything to me about it, Mokuba had voiced his fears to me and I'm perceptive enough to pick up on the subtle notes of tension that Seto carries. Part of his behavior could be explained away as residual effects from the psychological abuse Gozaburo Kaiba had inflicted on him yes, but it was ultimately Seto himself who had allowed the darkness to settle and fester. But really, could anyone blame him? Seto had been through hell with that man as his step-father and had only his little brother to help him. Some people wouldn't understand his not relying more on Mokuba, but I think I do; when you're the elder sibling you're held to a higher standard and socially it's unacceptable for an older sibling to place such a heavy burden on their younger sibling. The older one is supposed to be the rock, the guiding light, the one with all the answers; this was especially true for Seto, since their parents had passed on. He was truly the head of the family and expected to be strong enough to take whatever the world threw at him. With no one to turn to, no one to help and guide him he had done what he thought was right, and Gozaburo's teachings had skewed his perception of right and wrong.

But if this was truly the day he was to face Yugi for the first time, then by this time tomorrow he would be free of that darkness. The spirit of the ancient pharaoh that dwelled within the Millennium Puzzle would banish the darkness out of Seto's heart, but it would leave Seto weakened and vulnerable. Having lived for so long with only this one mindset it would be a difficult journey for him to regain his confidence and return to who he was meant to be. And this one duel would ultimately create a domino effect that would drag Mokuba, Seto, and the rest into one ancient power struggle after another. Which led me to the question that continued to plague me; could it be stopped with my intervention? And if it could be, should it be?

Sighing I stepped out of the car once we arrived, feeling a headache forming from my serious thoughts. Once I was out of the car I really took in my surroundings and saw an ambulance with two kids from Domino City High stepping in. I watched it go with a heavy heart; in that ambulance was Solomon Moto, and although I knew he would eventually be alright it still hurt to know that Seto was the one who placed him in this state. I turned away and made my way into the building, spotting Mokuba right away and felt my stomach flip at how brightly he was smiling. I love Mokuba's smile, but seeing it right after seeing an elderly man being rushed to the hospital... It made me want to cry for Mokuba's lack of understanding and lack of guidance. Seto was a brilliant business man and duelist, but he'd failed to teach his brother proper morals, although it pained me to say it.

"Reila! I'm glad you're here. Seto's first duel is finished, and the guy's grandson just challenged him and they're just starting. I know that you don't play Duel Monsters but I'll be able to explain the rules to you. You'll love this arena though, Seto used all state of the art hologram simulators to bring the cards to life! I guess it was too much for that old man to handle and – Reila, what's wrong?"

Mokuba had noticed that I'd quit walking and had fixed him with an incredulous look; did he honestly think so little of the welfare of other people? I might be just as ruthless on business related matters as Seto but this... This was personal. This was a question of human decency, and as much as it pained me to admit it Mokuba was sliding down the same path his brother was currently set on; of having no care for the well being of others outside of his family. We may be corporate giants and there is a dark pleasure in leaving our enemies crippled in a mental and capital way, but to be so blasé about the physical well being of someone older and frailer than yourself... I felt my mouth tug down into a frown and stepped forward to Mokuba, whose eyes shone with confusion at the displeasure on my face.

"Mokuba Kaiba, I'm disappointed in you." The shock and hurt on his face damn near broke my heart, but my resolve remained. Normally I would never interfere in their personal lives to this extent, but obviously Seto alone wasn't a good enough influence on Mokuba; he needed someone to help him see the light, not the dark path his brother was going down. "There is an elderly man on his way to the hospital who could be seriously hurt, and you're acting as though it's no big deal. That man just received a huge shock from something your brother did to him and you're acting as though you could care less. You're a good kid Mokuba, and to see you act so callously... I thought you were better than that."

Mokuba flushed with embarrassment and looked away. "Well the old guy started it, because he has this really rare card that Seto really wanted but wouldn't give it up..."

I arched an eyebrow at his weak defense. "If that's the case then why did the old man come here? He already turned your brother down, what was the point in him being here?" Mokuba fidgeted nervously and I shook my head. Of course I'd already known about Seto forcing Solomon into being here, but Mokuba was making it too easy. I'd seen him spin tales and speak half-truths with no problem in the past, but when it came to his brother and apparently me... He couldn't lie worth a damn. "So your brother had him brought here. Your brother, one of the most intelligent men that I know risked subjecting himself to a media bombshell by coercing a man to come here, duel him for possession of this rare card, and said man is now on his way to the hospital." I shook my head, hugging myself as I felt a chill run down my spine. I'd seen the darkness that sometimes resided in Seto's eyes, but knowing what he was doing was so much different than saying it out loud; saying it out loud made it seem so much worse. "Mokuba, what is your brother doing? These aren't the actions of an honorable man, they're the actions of a bully."

Mokuba's eyes narrowed as he immediately defended his brother. "Seto's not a bully! I don't get what's so important that the old guy couldn't part with the card. Whatever sentimental reason he has isn't good enough to withhold something so rare and valuable!"

I stared in shock at the anger I heard in his voice. Turning his eyes to me, I barely kept from flinching at how dark his eyes were; whatever darkness resided in Seto's heart was taking root in Mokuba's as well. Stepping forward I took his face gently into my hands. "Mokuba, do you hear yourself? Sentiment isn't a good enough reason to hold onto something? Mokuba, sentiment and emotional ties are what make us human. And to demean someone's devotion to whomever gave them something precious and being angry at them for wanting to keep it and treasure it is disgraceful. If you truly feel that way, then hand over that locket." I said, nodding to the card shaped locket he wore.

Mokuba's eyes widened. "No! Seto gave this to me and..." He trailed off, seemingly lost in thought before he bowed his head. "Seto gave it to me and it's precious." He finished, although the fire was gone from his voice, and I knew that he was beginning to see my point.

Placing a finger under his chin I tilted his face gently so I could study his eyes. "Yes, it is precious. Not because of what it's worth or how valuable it is, but because to you there's nothing else that can take the place of something that your brother gave you. That's what makes it so precious to you, and anyone who would try to take it from you is scum." I stood up, allowing my words to sink in. "Do you know that I still have the figurines that my father gave me? They're just little trinkets bought while he was away on business trips, and they're not particularly worth anything... But to me they are priceless. Not because of the rarity or worth, but because my father gave them to me and I honor him by keeping them and treasuring them." I looked down the hallway, practically feeling the darkness flowing in waves from where Seto was. "I don't know what's going on with your brother; these actions are so unlike anything I've seen from him. But I do know that as much as I admire and respect him, I don't condone this type of behavior. I'll go with you and watch the duel because I am a friends with you both but I want to make it clear that this thuggery is something I consider beneath both Seto and you."

Mokuba remained silent, thinking over what I had said. His eyes were brighter and clearer than they had been, but they had a disenchanted look to them. A small part of me felt bad for being so blunt, but it was something that he needed to hear. He tried shake himself out of his mood a little and led me down the hallways to Seto's dueling arena, and I gave him time to absorb what I had said. I could see that he was second guessing himself, and although part of me wanted to hold him and shield him from the reality that his brother was doing wrong, the realistic side of me knew that he needed to learn that even if you love someone, you don't have to approve of everything they do. I had complete faith in Mokuba's ability to do so, and it was a necessary lesson that he needed to learn.

We entered the arena just as Yugi was summoning his Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress, and I almost turned and bolted. That hologram was too real, too intense; if I could barely stand it, it was no wonder Solomon had taken it so hard. I could see the heat haze coming off the creature's skin, particularly around the mouth, could see the tiny shifts in its wings to keep it aloft; it was like looking at a real monster, and it was terrifying. What terrified me even more was the thought of what the truly frightening monsters would look like, since Guardian of the Fortress wasn't really that scary looking. Now something like Exodia, or even Obelisk the Tormentor... I swallowed thickly, wondering if I could ever come to terms with the thought of virtual projections being nightmare fuel.

Thanks Seto, I guess I don't need sleep anytime soon.

Setting my fear aside, I did have to admit that the sheer scope and depth of such a project. Seto must have devoted a lot of time and energy into the project, and it showed from the amount of detail. The logistics of getting such realism down for every card in existence was mind boggling, and drove home again the fact that Seto was a genius and should not be taken lightly. Taking a small step forward, I felt Mokuba take my hand tightly, and from the corner of my eye I saw a small grin on his face from my reaction. I scowled at him, which only caused him to laugh before turning my attention to Seto. I barely kept the gasp from escaping my lips; I'd never seen him look so... So...


Because that's really the only word I could think of to describe the way he looked. He looked ruthless, heartless, and completely without remorse as he stared down the dragon across the field. His Hitotsu-Me Giant was impressive and imposing, but when Yugi called out the attack the light produced from the fireball sent caused me to duck my head, and Mokuba ran out to the edge of the field, obviously worried as his brother watched his life points go down. I was a little slower to join Mokuba, still eyeing Yugi's dragon warily. I recognized Joey Wheeler from across the playing field cheering Yugi on but ignored him, and looking up I locked eyes with Seto, who allowed the briefest moment of confusion to cross his face at my being here. But then the hardness returned to his eyes and he went back to the duel, ignoring both me and Mokuba as he fully concentrated on the game.

And he just had to summon a clown. I scowled at the monster, hugging my arms close to my chest. Clowns are creepy little shits and I'm not the biggest fan of them.

Mokuba kept talking to me throughout the match, telling me the rules and what was happening. I gave him half of my attention, and the other half was spent in trying to figure out what exactly would happen once the duel was done. I knew that the pharaoh would banish the darkness in Seto's heart to the Shadow Realm, but the time frame between this duel and the start of Duelist Kingdom wasn't exactly clear. How long would Seto wait before leaving to clear his thoughts, therefore leaving Mokuba in the lion's den that Seto himself had created at Kaiba Corp.? And could I really save Mokuba from what was to come? Maybe if I talked to Seto before he left, convinced him to leave Mokuba with me and my uncle-

My thoughts broke off as Seto summoned his first Blue Eyes White Dragon. If Yugi's dragon had been impressive... No, compared to this monster Yugi's dragon was nothing. Although the sheer size and the powerful aura given off were more intense than any of the previous monsters summoned, I found myself leaning forward in amazement. Its piercing roar seemed to crash over me, and I flinched at the volume but couldn't take my eyes off the creature. My eyes traced the shape of its wings and claws, both admiring and fearing them. The silvery white color of its body shone brilliantly, and the piercing blue eyes had the same gleam that Seto's held whenever he was working. The similarities between the two were uncanny, and I vaguely remembered that Seto, or more specifically his soul had a deep connection with this card but I couldn't remember what it was.

Glancing up at Seto I saw him gauging my reaction to his monster as it attacked Yugi's, and I thought I saw a smug smile on his face. I kept my face neutral, but his smugness was not helping my mood. I was already upset that I hadn't done more to try and get rid of the darkness in Seto's heart myself, and having seen the seeds of that darkness attempting to take root in Mokuba tonight, plus struggling to understand that this person I called my friend was capable of putting an elderly man in the hospital over a freaking trading card... It was almost too much for me to handle. My conscience was already weighing heavily on me and the weight of everything bearing down on my shoulders felt like the weight of the world. My hands tightened on the railing I was holding until my knuckles were white when I returned my attention to the field as Seto summoned his second and third Blue Eyes.

I took a deep breath, trying to expel the heavy thoughts from my head but it was like the very air was charged with something I couldn't explain. Breathing was difficult, and the more cards that were payed the harder it was for me to breathe. Although I was doing a pretty good job of covering it up, I knew that this was not a normal reaction to a duel; I felt light headed and ready to pass out, but managed to keep myself upright and conscious while Yugi summoned Exodia, The Forbidden One. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling the intensity of the monster's aura and almost losing my battle to stay conscious as Yugi ordered Exodia to attack. Seto's cry of disbelief was barely audible over the sounds of the attack, and only when the virtual simulators had powered down was I able to breathe freely again.

"This can't be! My brother never loses..." Mokuba said, staring at the board above the stadium that showed clearly how Seto had lost.

Glancing down at Mokuba, I started to explain that some things were meant to be but stopped as we both turned to Seto, who had fallen to his knees while staring blankly ahead of him. I glanced across the field to the one I knew was the pharaoh from the Millennium Puzzle, who was slowly lowering his hand. It was done; the darkness in Seto's heart had been sent to the Shadow Realm. I let out a small sigh of relief; partly because I knew that it would help him in the long run, and partly because a small part of me had worried that my being here would cause things to work out differently and therefore do more harm than good. Turning to Mokuba who was still gaping in disbelief I nudged him. "Let's get your brother home, Mokuba. This... It looks like losing the match really shook him up." I decided not to tell Mokuba the truth or anything even close to it. That sort of talk was best left for a later date.

As we turned to leave the arena, I glanced to where Yugi/Pharaoh was standing and gave him a small, grateful smile. He was clearly confused by the gesture, but gave me a small smile in return and nodded in acknowledgment. Before Mokuba or Joey could question what was going on, I hurried out and followed Mokuba up the stairs to where Seto was just emerging from the stadium, a lost and unfocused look on his face.

He had lost.

Not only had he lost, he'd lost to a complete nobody, someone without standing in the world of duel monsters. An upstart had taken his title of undefeated World Champion away from him, and had done so in a way that he would have never thought possible; he'd summoned Exodia, The Forbidden One.

He didn't know where he found the strength to step out of the arena and into the hallway; his body didn't feel right, like something had been ripped out of him. He felt raw and exposed, there was too much light around him and he just wanted to sit quietly somewhere cool and dark and regroup his thoughts, plan a way to take back his title, and deal with the burden of defeat in his own way. It was bad enough to be defeated, but there had been witnesses including his own brother. Not to mention Reila, who had been blatantly impressed by everything he'd accomplished so far. How could he face either of them now, now that he was no longer at the top?

Hearing footsteps he looked up and found himself face to face with Reila, and almost flinched from what he saw in her onyx gaze; he'd been expecting loathing and disgust. Those things he could manage and handle. But the quiet concern and worry wasn't something he felt he could handle right now, not when his thoughts were so scattered and his head felt foggy. He'd rather see the admiration and respect that he was used to seeing in her eyes, like when she'd seen his house or when she'd been gazing at the product of his tireless work on his holograms and the detail that had gone into it. As a genius herself Reila could recognize the effort that he'd put into it, and that esteem that she normally viewed him with was missing now. And it was because he lost.

Reila studied him carefully before turning to Mokuba, whose face was a mask of concern. Although Seto still saw the admiration and love in his little brother's eyes, it was overshadowed by the concern and seeing his brother so worried almost caused him physical pain. He never wanted his brother to worry about him, not when he was the rock that Mokuba relied on so much. He was all that stood between his brother and the world, and he'd be dead before he allowed anything to happen to Mokuba. Turning his gaze to Reila, Mokuba nodded to her quiet remark and left, disappearing around a corner and leaving him with Reila who approached him slowly.

"Seto..." She started to say, but couldn't seem to finish her thought as she reached up and tugged on a curl. It was a nervous habit of hers and seeing her nervous around him gave him pause; after all, why would she be nervous? He couldn't understand why she was acting the way she was, and part of him wanted to be angry but he couldn't seem to muster the energy. He stared at her blankly before she sighed and held out her hand.

"Come on Seto, we need to get you home. Get a good night's sleep and you'll feel better."

He blinked slowly, wondering how in the hell sleep was going to help him. Granted he did feel drained, but how could he sleep? He needed to start planning, start scheming to get his title back... Reila gently took his hand and tugged gently, pulling him along. Seto's eyes focused on how easily she held his hand, like when they had been kids and Mokuba had insisted on playing all sorts of games that involved holding hands. It almost looked natural for her hand to be tucked into his, and he never noticed just how small her hands were compared to his. She'd always been petite and small, even now the top of her head barely met his shoulder. But he'd never really noticed because her personality and the way she carried herself made her seem larger, more profound. He'd never really taken the time to study her features before, more concerned with her personality and her thoughts than anything. But focusing on her features seemed to help ease the blow of defeat that throbbed through him like a physical pain.

Her eyes were larger than he'd previously thought, giving her a false impression of innocence. Her hair was rich and thick, curling in an almost wild way that suited her well; it was unpredictable, just like she was. Her figure was a tad on the lush side, not skin and bones like so many women today. He'd almost always seen her in dresses and skirts, but even in faded jeans and an overly large sweater she was pleasing to look at. One shoulder was exposed from the way she wore her sweater, and his eyes traced the graceful curve of her neck, his thoughts coming more and more into focus with every passing minute. When she turned to him and offered him an encouraging smile, he noticed that her lips were full and plump, but the lower one was definitely plumper giving her a pouty appearance. She'd forgone makeup again, but she very rarely wore any and it was something he appreciated about her; she only ever showed her true colors to him and Mokuba, never a mask or façade. She was genuine and it was... Pleasing to have someone who didn't feel the need to put on airs around him.

Glancing up he saw that Reila had led him to the side entrance, where Mokuba and her driver were waiting outside. "I thought you'd prefer the side entrance tonight; less people to bother you." She explained quietly, her voice soothing his wounded pride a little. He knew that he couldn't be seen by other people right now; he had an image to maintain and he could see his reflection in the windows that they'd passed, the lost confused look on his face. He briefly wondered how Reila could be so perceptive, but she knew as well as he did what images meant in the world they inhabited. Still holding his hand she led him to the car, where her driver stood waiting stoically. Reila let Mokuba get in first before she gestured for Seto to enter the car, but he paused and gave her driver a sideways glance; how could he trust this man to keep his silence and not broadcast to the world that Kaiba Corp. was weakened?

"Seto." Reila's quiet voice drew his attention and he turned his head to look at her. Placing her hand on his arm she gently tugged towards the open car door. "I trust Shuichi with my life. He won't do anything to cause you, Mokuba, or your company harm." Glancing again at her driver, he noticed that the man had never once moved while Reila spoke, except for the slight softening around his eyes and mouth; Reila's praise meant a lot to him. Making the difficult decision to trust Reila, he slowly entered the car, Mokuba on one side of him and Reila sliding into the seat on Seto's other side. Both held one of his hands in theirs, giving him their own form of comfort and support but not saying anything aloud. The drive to the Kaiba house was silent, except for the light strains of classical music coming from the speakers, which Seto was sure was normal since Reila hated complete silence.

With Seto lost in his own thoughts the drive to the house seemed to take no time at all. When they arrived Reila spoke quietly again with Mokuba, and the lack of consulting with himself began to irritate him. Mokuba exited the car quickly and before Seto could open his mouth Reila turned to him. "Normally I would bring all my questions to you, but I want to take as much off your shoulders as I can tonight. You don't need to worry about your reputation or image tonight; you need to rest and clear your mind. Mokuba's a smart kid, and he can handle this little bit to help you. I know you both trust your staff, but the less people know how out of sorts you are right now the better." Seto couldn't argue with her logic, and the fight died out of him quickly. Merely nodding he followed Reila out of the car and followed her into the house, her hand tucked into his once again.

Seto was honestly scaring me by this point. Yes I'd gotten used to reading his expressions (what little there was to read that is) but I'd never seen him so... Lost. So unresponsive. When he looked like he was going to snap at me in the car I found that I was happy about it and wanted him to snap at me. It would at least be something, a step in the right direction. But the fire had died out almost as swiftly as it came into his eyes and I kept my disappointment hidden. Mokuba had been beyond helpful, getting the staff out of sight and letting me have no prying eyes while I led Seto to his bedroom. Stepping inside I didn't give myself time to admire the area; being in a guy's bedroom was already nerve wracking, let alone that it was the bedroom of Seto Kaiba. This was another reason why I wanted the staff out of the way and not poking around; rumors can spread in an instant, and the last thing either of us needed was rumors of me and Seto being romantically involved.

Getting Seto to sit on the edge of his bed, I turned to Mokuba. "I'm going down to the kitchen to get your brother some tea. Seto, I want you to get changed into pajamas and get into bed; Mokuba, take his phone and laptop and put them away for the night. Work can wait until he can think with a clear head." Mokuba nodded and set to work gathering everything and I went back downstairs to the kitchens, beginning my hunt for everything needed for tea.

"Excuse me, miss?" I about jumped out of my skin at the voice suddenly coming from my right and turned my head quickly, wincing as my neck gave a loud crack in response to the sudden movement. The woman beside me was a plump woman who looked to be in her fifties, with her graying hair tied back neatly into a bun and a kind look in her brown eyes. "I apologize, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Mr. Kaiba's chef, Mrs. Fujikawa. Is there anything I can do to be of help?"

"I was just looking for the tea things." I explained, unsure of how far I could trust the woman. I didn't doubt that Seto would scrutinize a potential employee's background and character as thoroughly as I do, but there was still the factor of the unknown as I'd never met the woman. Mrs. Fujikawa nodded and directed me to sit, bustling around the kitchen and beginning to pull out everything needed. "Do you by chance have anything with chamomile in it?" I asked, studying the way she worked. She was efficient and quick, and gave me a charming grin as she pulled open a cabinet, revealing a large assortment of teas.

"You're young Ms. Sarota, correct? Mokuba speaks very highly of you." Mrs. Fujikawa said, arranging the tea tray while waiting for the water to boil. "I don't mean to pry, but will Mr. Kaiba be alright? Some of us are very worried about him."

"Seto will be fine." I said quietly, knowing that eventually he would be. "He's just having an off day. Nothing to be concerned about."

"Very good ma'am." Was the only reply I got, and watching her expression closely I had to commend Seto on his choice of staff. If they were all as competent as this lady, he had an outstanding staff. "I will just say this: It's good to see Mr. Kaiba and Mr. Mokuba with someone who cares about them, and not their standing or business. For that, this old lady is grateful. Those two have been through enough and seeing them actually enjoy someone's company is refreshing."

I thought over her words a little as I waited for the tea to finish, thinking over my situation versus their own. Seto had been forced to grow up quickly, and had spent most of his life shielding Mokuba from the worst of every situation they'd been involved in. I'd had the option to grow up a little slower, but my advanced mental age made it impossible for me to enjoy idleness like that. While I had my cousin, uncle, and staff who loved and supported me, Seto and Mokuba had each other only. It was far lonelier than I had originally thought, and my admiration for Seto's strength increased the more I thought about it. Yes, he had taken a blow tonight but he would overcome it... Eventually.

The real problem was in the very near future Seto would go through an identity crisis. Without the darkness that he was so used to relying on within him, he would be lost and unsure of himself. He would leave his company and Mokuba vulnerable since he didn't know how to deal with this new development. I doubted there was much I could do to help Seto, but I might be able to help Mokuba. If I could keep him out of Pegasus's clutches, then I could keep them both safe and their souls wouldn't be taken by that cartoon loving megalomaniac. I couldn't remember any concrete reason why the brothers needed to be there, and from what I remembered the story line could progress just fine without their direct involvement in the Duelist Kingdom arc.

Once the tea was done Mrs. Fujikawa helped me arrange everything onto a tray. "One more thing ma'am; don't be worried about any malicious rumors starting. I'll be sure to squash any jabbering jaws right away. I can see you're here only to help and I would hate to your reputation tarnished for helping your friends." Thanking her warmly I took the tray carefully up the stairs, knocking gently on Seto's bedroom door before entering. Mokuba had placed his briefcase away from the bed and Seto had changed into pajamas, sitting on the bed and gazing out the window. Mokuba had changed too and sat watching his brother, worried but doing his best not to show it. Placing the tray on the bedside table I turned to them both, smiling at the scene. If it wasn't for Seto being so out of it, this would be heartwarming to see. "Mokuba, are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. I just wanted to say goodnight to you and Seto before I went to bed." Nodding in understanding I kissed his forehead and wished him a good night before turning to make a cup of tea for Seto, giving them some privacy to say what they wished. Once Mokuba was on his way to bed, I dimmed Seto's bedroom lights and placed a cup of chamomile tea in Seto's hand. "I know you're not normally a tea drinker, but please just drink one cup for me. It will help you relax so you can get back to work in the morning."

Seto glanced from the cup in his hands to Reila's calm face and felt his anger spike again. "Stop treating me like an invalid. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." He said, resolutely placing the cup back on the tray and turning away from her.

He heard the slow intake of breath from the girl beside him and glanced her way, seeing her close her eyes and take a minute to gather her thoughts before she opened them, and he almost flinched from the determination he saw in them. "Seto, I've never once thought you incapable of taking care of yourself. I'm only here trying to help you and get you to realize that you're not alone in this. That's what friends do; they help each other as much as they can and support one another."

"Since when have we been friends? If not for Mokuba you and I wouldn't speak at all. What game are you playing Reila? What do you hope to gain from being around me?" Seto spoke the words before he even knew what he was saying. He was hurting, his pride had taken a severe beating and she had been there to witness his fall from glory. Why couldn't she just say that he was weak and needed to do better? Why wasn't she pushing him, hounding him to do better? He'd always been pushed to the limits of everything he'd done and she was acting like it was alright to not be the best. Why couldn't she understand?

Reila's eyes narrowed. "If that's how you really feel then fine; I'll leave. But know this, Mr. Kaiba; I walk out that door and that's it. I'll never speak ill of you, but I won't offer my friendship anymore either." He saw the way her hands curled loosely into fists and he briefly wondered if she would hit him, even though he'd never known her to be a violent person. A small part of him wanted her anger, her ire. It was easier to deal with than her soothing words and calming presence.

"If you were really a friend, you would get out of here and leave me be. Why can't you get it; I lost, to a complete nobody. I've built my company and reputation around being the top ranked duelist in the world, second only to the game's creator. Once words of this gets out my reputation, my company, it will all be under attack and the sharks will come barreling at me once they catch even a hint of weakness. Everything I've worked for is in the balance and you're acting like it's nothing!"

Reila was quiet for a moment before she shook her head slowly. "You think I don't know all this Seto? You honestly think that I'm not intelligent enough to put the pieces together?" Seto stared into her eyes, seeing the proverbial fire spark in them. "I understand completely what this loss means. What I'm trying to show you is that to me, this loss doesn't make you weaker. All I want is for you to be at the top of your game tomorrow when you go into work and show them that you're still a genius who can overcome anything." Seto ground his teeth in frustration, but before he could say anything more Reila sat down beside him and placed a finger to his lips briefly, silencing him. "Seto, I'm not Gozaburo; I'm not going to put you down for not being the best. Remember, I know very little about Duel Monsters, and from what I saw you were beaten by a stroke of luck, nothing more. Your monsters were impressive and your strategy was sound to my eyes. Mokuba explained that it's almost impossible to summon the creature like that kid did. So yes, you lost, but not because you're weak; it was a fluke. Right now, and tomorrow, and the day after you'll still be a duelist of the highest caliber and the top of the gaming industry. Your brother still adores you and practically worships the ground you walk on. One loss won't change how either Mokuba or I feel about you, and if you're looking for someone to give you a verbal smack-down you're looking to the wrong people because we're not here just because you're the best; we're here because we care about you."

Seto could only stare once she was done. Had he subconsciously been seeking someone to berate him like his step-father had? Thinking it over it made sense; he'd grown so used to being pushed and pushed to be the best, and every failure in the past had been met with harsh punishment. It was all he had known once he'd gotten Gozaburo to adopt him and Mokuba. He'd dismissed Reila as not understanding this because she'd had a cheerful, supportive upbringing but he could see in her onyx eyes that she did understand. He just hadn't given her the credit she rightfully deserved, had thought her less observant than she was. He'd never told her what Gozaburo was like, but she was perceptive enough to pick up on things without a full explanation. Looking away he felt her place the cup back into his hand. This time Seto drank it quietly without any resistance, and found that it was soothing and helped him relax.

Once he was finished Reila sat the cup back onto the tray and the two sat quietly, Seto thinking over her words and she lost in her own thoughts. "Reila... Why are you my friend?" Seto finally asked, puzzling over her words.

Reila thought for a moment before she answered. "I think the first time I thought about being a friend to you was the very first day we met, do you remember? You and Mokuba were standing out in front of the orphanage, and although Mokuba was crying you were doing your best to remain strong for him, and I really admired that you could remain calm for his sake. And then when you rushed to your brother's side when Toshiro was being a punk... I'll admit, I was envious you two had each other." Seto blinked in surprise as Reila drew her knees up, wrapping her arms around them. "But more than my envy, I admired your determination and the loyalty you've always shown. I think it's also because you understand what no one else can; you know what it's like to have to prove yourself all the time, to be worthy of everyone's praise. I know how lonely it can be, and how exhausting. I just wanted you to know that you don't always have to prove yourself to me; I know what you're capable of, and I know that you'll come out on top again in no time." He pondered her words for a moment, and found that he understood; she didn't show it, but the push to be the best was on her too. Her uncle might be kinder about it but she was still expected to go above and beyond what was normally acceptable because she was a genius and because she had been raised outside the family business. She understood his situation on a level that not even Mokuba could, and this common ground as well as their affection for Mokuba were what she based their friendship on; he could accept that.

They sat quietly for a moment, listening to the wind rustle the tree leaves outside his window. It seemed to him at least that both of them were showing a vulnerability that they normally kept hidden from view; he'd never shown just how deeply Gozaburo's treatment had influenced him, and Reila only ever showed a courageous, confident front to the world. This was new territory for Seto, allowing someone in without there being any ulterior motives but... He found that he trusted Reila, for the moment. Reaching out a hand, he placed it on Reila's shoulder as she turned to study his face. "I guess we just had our first fight." Reila said, trying to lighten the mood with humor.

Seto gave her a half smile in return and blinked slowly, the events of the day and the tea finally catching up to him. Seeing him starting to drift off Reila stood. "I'll head home now. Just... Just remember that you're not alone Seto. If you need anything, I'll be there to help in any way that I can." She started to take a step to the door but seemed to become lost in thought for a moment. Turning suddenly, she bent down and placed a kiss gently on his cheek, leaving him dumbfounded just as she had the first time she'd done it so many years ago.

"Sleep well, Seto." And with that she turned and practically ran out the door, but Seto could see the slightest hint of a blush on her face as she sped out of his room, leaving him puzzled by her actions yet again. Would he ever be able to truly understand her motives?

"I'm. A. Moron."

I kept repeating that same sentence to myself the entirety of the week following Seto's duel with Yugi. Thinking back on what had transpired in Seto's bedroom, it took all my willpower not to turn beet red. What was I thinking, kissing his cheek like that?! The first time it had been an impulse to satisfy my inner fangirl and it had paid off with me getting to see a surprised look on his face. But this time... I don't know what brought the thought into my head. I suppose I had just wanted to reaffirm that I was his friend, but was it honestly the best way? We haven't spoken since that night, which part of me is grateful for. It's going to be hard enough to look him in the face without giving away that I'm embarrassed by my actions, but on the other hand the longer I go without seeing him the more awkward I'm going to feel when we do finally see each other.

I sighed, almost banging my head on the keys of the piano I was sitting at. I was supposed to be working on a new musical score but my mind for once was not focused like it normally was. The anticipation of waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop was eating away at me, as I knew that it was just a matter of time before the Duelist Kingdom tournament started. Pegasus wasn't going to wait forever, and already news of the stock prices for Kaiba Corp. dropping had spread and it was now common knowledge that Seto had been beaten in a duel. Mokuba and I kept up with brief texts and emails, but Seto had remained silent and I didn't want to pester him. I'd only sent him a one lined message to which he'd never responded; just one line, "We're here because we care."

Plunking on the keys, I let my mind drift as I mused over the future. I was still trying to come up with a plan to keep Mokuba out of Pegasus's clutches, which was proving more difficult than I had anticipated. I wouldn't need to shield him as long as Seto was still around, but not knowing when he would be leaving made it hard to plan anything. Add onto it the current waiting game I was playing with the mole in our company and I was a high strung wreck. Even my uncle and Hojo had picked up on my nervous behavior, but they couldn't know what was going on. My uncle did his best to soothe my nerves, and Hojo tried his best to keep my spirits up but sitting and waiting wasn't my style. Until I can finally get to work on something their efforts were in vain, and I hated causing them grief.

Leaving the piano behind I walked slowly down the halls, seeking something to distract me. With no major charity functions in the near future, and no new contracts to negotiate I was idle and antsy. Normally I enjoyed my downtime, using it to catch up on reading or work on my music but nothing was holding my interest long enough to really allow me to enjoy it. Although I'd purposely planned for there not to be anything important that required my attention for the next month, I was beginning to regret it. I worked best in a fast paced environment, always busy and juggling thirty things at once; a trait I'd picked up from my uncle. We both lived to be busy, and my multi-tasking skills were second only to my uncle and Seto. That thought brought back the whole bedroom incident and I bit my lip to keep from blushing like crazy again. Seriously, what the hell had I been thinking?!

Taking a deep breath I started to head outside to the gardens when my phone went off, and seeing Mokuba's number I answered quickly. "Hey Mokuba, what's up?"

"Reila, you've got to get here quick. Seto just left and... I don't know what to do. He's been acting weird ever since his duel with that Yugi kid but... I never thought he'd just leave." Hearing the frustration and hurt in Mokuba's voice made my throat tighten. Today was the day that Pegasus was meeting with those five idiots that Seto had kept around from Gozaburo's administration, for whatever reason. I personally would have gotten rid of them ages ago, but it was Seto's choice on who sat on the board of his company. Still, it didn't make sense to allow them to continue working there; it was like inviting foxes to burrow in a chicken coop.

Thankfully, times like this can throw my mind into action better than anything. "Mokuba, are you sure that your brother is really leaving? No, I believe you... Listen, your brother has a lot of enemies out there and I don't feel right leaving you alone. Why don't you come stay here with us until your brother gets back? Then you won't be alone and I'll feel better knowing you're somewhere safe."

Mokuba thought it over for a moment before agreeing, to which I gave a small sigh of relief. "Good. Where are you? Alright, I'll come pick you up at the company building. Just don't go anywhere without me, alright? See you in a few Mokuba." Hanging up the phone I called Shuichi right away, who was in front of the house in less than five minutes. I briefly thought about changing out of the skirt and heels I was wearing but decided against it; Shuichi would help if anything went down. Jumping into the car I looked out the window impatiently as Shuichi drove towards Kaiba Corp. Part of me wanted to tell him to step on it, but I couldn't rightfully ask him to break the speed limit without a valid reason. Shuichi was a good man and I would hate to drag him into the middle of everything.

Although I wasn't sure what my presence there would do or what taking Mokuba out of Pegasus's reach could lead to, I wasn't about to let Pegasus toy with my friends without a fight. Pegasus might be powerful, but if I could shield Mokuba behind the weight of my family's influence then I wasn't going to hesitate to do it. My hands clenched into fists as my resolve strengthened even more. Seto was grown and could defend himself of that I was sure, but Mokuba was too young to be left out in the open. Yes, he was brilliant and practically a genius like his brother, but his child's body and lack of real life experience conspired against him and made him more vulnerable than he was willing to admit.

When I arrived at Kaiba Corp. I told Shuichi to wait outside while I went and got Mokuba; but the minute I stepped into the lobby I felt that something was wrong and hesitated before going any further. It was practically deserted, the receptionists had left and the place was eerily quiet. I'd only been to Seto's company building once to witness the duel that started everything, but even then there hadn't been such a sinister aura in the air. Glancing around I almost turned back to bring Shuichi in with me when I heard a commotion from the hallway leading to the rear exit. Remembering that today was the day Pegasus would take Mokuba, I didn't hesitate as I bolted down the hallway, seeing Kemo, a man I recognized as working for Pegasus and two other men walking to the doors. Mokuba was struggling valiantly in Kemo's arms, but the man was just too large for Mokuba to be able to escape his grasp.

"Mokuba!" I ran after them without thinking, and although Mokuba called out for me to run I didn't listen; I could feel the adrenaline shooting through my veins, taste the bitter taste of it on my tongue and couldn't have stopped even if I wanted to. One of the creeps grabbed me, and while I struggled the three of them had a brief conversation that I didn't hear over the sounds of my struggle against the one holding me. Mokuba screamed my name just as a potent smelling cloth was placed over both my face and I saw one placed on Mokuba's face as well before my vision blurred and I lost the fight to stay conscious. The last thought I had was that I really should have brought Shuichi in with me into the building after all.

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