I fell in love with my kidnap...

By tca0024

108K 2.5K 499

I went to reach for my phone out of my purse but James snatched it of me, "you won't be needing that," he tol... More

First and last night out
My new home
You're a what?!
Trust issues
All too soon
The bite
Pure blood
James' parents
Our new job
Another new job
Life or death situation
Not the greatest job
The search
Drink driving
He's gone
Story time
A visit from the Devil
A visit back home
The castle
The plan
The plan in action
Back to reality
I fell in love with my kidnapper
The 'a' word
One call
The reuinon
Thank you & new book

Rich men

3.4K 89 2
By tca0024

    "Bennett, you should really slow down with your drinking," I told him as I brought him his forth beer in the half hour he had been here.

  He laughed, "I'm a grown man Lily, I can control my drinking," he told me with a cheesy smile.

   I rolled my eyes, "Carl, tell him! I don't want him humiliating himself," I pleaded with him.

  Carl shrugged, "sorry, he never listens to me," he said with an apologetic smile. I rolled my eyes and walked off. The truth was I didn't want him humiliating me.

   I looked over to a table of three fat men, they were dressed in fancy black suits. They looked very rich. That meant they were going to be very stuck up. I tugged my skirt down before making my way over to take there order.

  I smiled at them, "Hi! I'm Lily, I'll be your waitress for today. Are you ready to order?" I asked them in my over enthusiastic voice.

  One of the men with stubble on his chin smiled, "You must be the prettiest waitress here!" He exclaimed.

   I smiled again, "thank you very much!" I said even though I was beyond caring for complements.

  He gestured for me to go closer to him and I hesitantly did. He smirked, "I will pay you £3,000 for your body," he offered. Ew, gross. Not to mention I'm married but I guess he didn't think taut, I didn't even have a ring.

   I backed up, "no! My body isn't for sale," I told him. He wasn't very attractive either and he smelt of booze. Gross I thought to myself.

   He smiled at me, "oh, come on! I know you want the money," he said. Yeah I needed the money but I wasn't that desperate. I don't think I ever will be.

  I furrowed my eyebrows at him, "no I don't want your money. Do you need to order or not?" I asked impatiently. He was starting to piss me off now. Stupid, stuck up rich man.

  He ignored my question and pulled me onto his lap, "well I want you. I get what ever I want," he whispered in my ear. The smell of alcohol made me gag.

  He started rubbing his hand on my thigh and I began to get scared but nobody else seemed to notice what was happening. I looked over to James but he was busy taking someone's order. I let out a squeak of surprise when I felt the mans hand go up my skirt.

  I tried to get up but his grip tightened, "get off me," I warned him.

  He laughed, "what are you going to do? Nobody's noticing and even if they have they don't care," he told me.

  I screamed as loud as I could, "get off me! Someone get him off me!" I screamed. In a flash there was a group of people surrounding us and the fat man instantly pushed me away. I turned to see James throw his fist into his face. Fat man let out a grunt and his nose began bleeding.

  James raised his fist to hit him again but I grabbed him, "James, your strength," I whispered to him. If he punched him again this man could get seriously injured and although he deserved it, I didn't want James going to prison for assault.

   "But he touched you," James said to me. Our discussion was cut short by a loud shout. Everyone's head snapped round to see the manager staring at us, red with anger.

  He turned to the man that had touched me, "you and your friends, get out! Jamie and Lola, get to my office now!" He shouted louder than I had ever heard anyone shout before.

   James scowled, "it's James and Lily," he said before heading toward the office, me dogging behind him this time.

   When we got to the office James turned to me, "what was he doing?" He asked me, "I only heard you screaming and some guy told me the fat one done something to you," he told me.

   I shuffled my feet, "h-he touched me," I mumbled to him. It was silent so I looked up to see James reaction. His expression went from shocked, to angry and then to worried.

   He pulled me into a bear hug, "are you alright? That bastard, I should've killed him! Oh Lily, you should've let me kill him," he told me. I nuzzled my head into his neck and felt a salty tear fall down my cheek.


  I pulled away from James to see the jerky manager staring at us.

  James smiled, "hey there, Paddy!" He said. Was he purposely trying to get fired?

   Our boss scowled, "your fired and you have a week off, you still get your payment though," he us.

   James stepped forward, "what? Why am I fired?" He sounded like he was trying to stay calm otherwise he would probably punch him in his face.

    Our boss rolled his eyes, "because you punch a customer, stupid," he told him.

   James scowled, "Hey! He touched her!" He shouted.

   "That doesn't mean you have to punch him, if I wasn't her boss I would touch her to," he said sending a wink my way. A lump formed in my throat, it was disgusting how the men were in here.

  James clenched his fists, "well if I'm already fired you won't mind if I do this," he said with a smirk before tipping the desk over sending papers, staplers and a computer across the room.

  My boss gasped, "what the hell are you doing?" He shouted.

  James smirked again, "this," he said before punching him in the face, "that's what you get for saying that about my wife. Come on Lily," he pulled me out of the room and I let him drag me to the car, I was too shocked to even speak.

  As soon as we began driving down the road I began laughing, "did you see the look on his face!" I said still laughing.

    James smiled, "that was funny. Well not the part about weird men touching you and your boss saying that about you, but when I punched him and messed up his room," he said thoughtfully.

  I nodded, "he was really scary," I said quietly. He made me feel so small and helpless.

  James rubbed my thigh and I jerked it away from him. He pulled his hand away.

  "Sorry, it's just that that's what he did," I told him looking down. It made my stomach twist.

   James nodded understandingly, "it's fine, don't worry about it," he said as we pulled into his driveway. I climbed out of the car and James and I entered the house.

I dropped my bag in the living room and turned to James, "can I get a shower?" I asked him. My body felt horrible and dirty, like I had rolled around in mud.

  He nodded, "it's your house too now, do whatever you want," he told me with a kind smile. His smiled warmed my heart.

I smiled and walked to bathroom, closing the door behind me. I peeled off my clothes and turned on the shower. I got in an washed my body and hair then got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I opened the bathroom door expecting to see James sprawled out on the bed but he wasn't there. I walked to the closet and got out a vest top and shorts and put them on. I could hear James voice from the kitchen so I decided to go to him. He ended a call as I entered the room.

   "Who was that?" I asked him.

  He smiled, "just a friend," he said.

   "What friend?"

  He sighed, "I'm allowed to have friends, Lily."

   I nodded, "I know, I was just wondering," I told him.

  He smiled, "if you really need to know it was Justin from the restaurant," he told me.

   I nodded again, "oh okay, what time is it?" I asked.

  He looked down at his phone, "it's only six," he said. It felt so much later. Suddenly I had a great idea.

  I smiled at him, "want to watch some more vampire diaries?" I asked him batting my eyelashes cutely.

   He groaned, "no, be normal and watch towie or something," he told me.

    My eyes lit up in excitement, "you watch towie?" I asked him, my voice went really high when I asked this.

   He laughed, "obviously, I thought Joey was great in it," he told me.

   I sighed, "he's so fit, I was gutted when he left," I said to James.

   He flexed his muscles, "well I'm hotter than him," he said with a wink.

  I laughed flopping myself down on the couch, "not quite, James."

    "Yes I am!"

     "Hush," I pressed my lips to him to shut him up. When I pulled away he smiled but didn't say anything. Thankfully he didn't talk throughout the show.

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