The dúnedain ranger (a Lotr F...

By queenofcrete

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Arnwen is a dúnedain ranger. She has been hiding from the darkness in the east. When news following sauron'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

58 2 0
By queenofcrete

Arwen POV

While we waited for Rohan, we sent out men to climb the rocks around the black gate and see what the wild men were doing. It seemed that they were preparing to lead an attack on our camp so we re-located our camp to the other side of the black gate. I hoped that Elfwine and his men will be here soon for we don't have much time left. We placed a small archery range and a field for sword fighting in to keep our men sharp. I decided to calm myself down by practicing my archery.

Elfwine POV

After a good night's sleep, my men and I were about to leave when Faramir and Eowyn came up to us with the girl I saw earlier behind them. "Elfwine, this is our daughter Nethwen." Faramir said as Nethwen bowed respectfully. She had blonde hair like her mother and brown eyes.  I saw her cheeks redden at the sight of me. "It is nice to meet you Nethwen but we must be going. Farewell." I told them as my men and I mounted our horses and left the city of Minas Tirith.

We rode at full speed for hours and hours until we came to the black gate. I spotted a small camp hidden from view and led my men towards it. I knew that this was Aragorn and Arnwen's camp for the tents bore the white tree of Gondor. Once we were in the camp, we dismounted as Aragorn welcomed us. "Welcome, it seems you have answered us. We attack at dawn. There are some tents that you can rest in." Aragorn offered. I looked at my men and gladly accepted as they looked weary from the ride. "Thank you Aragorn." I replied as I led my men to their tents. I entered my tent, dropped my stuff and fell asleep.

Arnwen POV

We gathered both armies the next morning and rode towards the Black gate. When we arrived, the gates started opening and a messenger of the wild men rode up to us on his horse. He wasn't very old, I'd say mid twenties and he didn't look frightening until he stopped and started talking. "Greetings Lords! My master wishes to work with you to conquer all of Middle-earth so men will dominate. Together we can take out the Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits and the Dúnedain of the north. If you decline our offer, take into account that there is my masters army behind the gates ready for battle." he said confidently as I rode to the front of the group. "Dúnedain are men, why would you want to wipe them out?" I'm asked him. "The Dúnedain are a lost cause. With no heir they will be easily defeated." He replied with so much certainty you would think he was the cause of my kingdom's downfall. It unsheathed Aradhael. "Aradhael, the sword of the heir of Arnor. I am Arnwen, daughter of Arveleg the first." I protested. "What, The sword must be a fake. You're bluffing. No one will ever reclaim Arnor." he said in disbelief. I saw one moment of uncertainty and shame in his eyes. He must have been born into the wild men's clan. But that look vanished. "She is right. That is Aradhael." Ardir replied as he nudged his horse forward. Without another word the messenger rode back to the black gate to rally his troops. "Prepare for battle!" I ordered as we formed our ranks and advanced.

We charged on the black gate and collided with the army on the other side. I noticed that there was a bunch of packs of men instead of being a whole. I nocked an arrow and fired at one of the chieftains. The arrow nearly hit his heart as he fell. I decapitated three men with Aradhael and fired another arrow at another. I initially wanted to try to ally with them and I felt bad for them. I turned Shadowfax around and shot an arrow into a guard protecting Barad-Dûr. I killed the other guards as I'm dismounted Shadowfax and entered Barad-Dûr.

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