Chapter 12

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Arnwen POV

We rose and quickly assembled for a quick breakfast. After we ate, we thanked the innkeeper and mounted our horses, which Aragorn had ordered the stable boys to bring them to the inn. We mounted and I nudged Shadowfax to walk. I looked up and noticed the sky was still dark and the sun was only a sliver on the horizon. Once we were out of Osgiliath, we urged our horses into a gallop. We galloped across the plain until the sun was at it's highest peak. At that point we dismounted and ate some lembas bread. I had to admit that I did miss having lembas while I was in Minas Tirith. I guess being in a city with other people who tries to impress you by having banquets makes you enjoy the simple things in life. I took a bite of my lembas bread and put the rest away. "Why did you only take one bite my Lady?" I turned and saw Elfwine standing behind me. "One small bite is enough to fill a man's stomach. It also helps you endure long journeys. That is why we carry lembas everywhere." I responded. "Oh. This is my second slice." Elfwine replied and looked like he was regretting his decision. "Don't worry, a young hobbit once had four and Hobbits are small folk." I told him as I walked towards Shadowfax and put my remaining slice in my saddlebags. "Are we ready to continue Aragorn?" I asked. "Yes. Come let us ride. We ride towards Edoras where the closest encampment of wild men are." Aragorn yelled to all of his men. We mounted and urged our horses to canter until nightfall.

Malgoben POV

I led my company through the misty mountains until we came to Rivendell. Elrond was glad to see us but worried about Lady Arnwen. I assured him she knows what she is doing and that she has Aragorn and Legolas to look after her. He showed us to his guest rooms since it was still dark and let us rest until daylight. I unpacked my things and fell asleep on the soft mattress, grateful for reaching Rivendell before the sun rose.

I woke up to one of Elrond's messengers knocking on my door. I opened the door and the messenger said to meet Elrond in his garden alone. I thanked him and quickly dressed. I grabbed my sword and walked to Elrond's garden.


I arrived in Elrond's garden and walked up towards where he was standing. "You asked for me Lord?" I stated. "Yes. Why are you here instead of helping Arnwen?" He questioned. "My Lady Arnwen said to find more of our race and to start rebuilding her home Fornost. Do you know anyone who is a dúnedain other than Aragorn, my company and Arnwen?" I asked him. "There was a company of dúnedain rangers that passed here not to long ago looking for Arnwen. Also Faramir is considered a lesser dúnedain because one of his ancestors is of elvish blood. But other than that there has been no one else who are dúnedain that I know of." He replied. "Do you know where that company of dúnedain went?" I asked. "Their leader's alias is Callon but his real name is Ardir and he is Arnwen's childhood friend. He should be headed to Edoras because I told him that is where Arnwen went. If you find him make sure that he knows you're a friend of Arnwen for he may not know you." he said. "Thank you my Lord. My company should leave now if we are to catch up with him." I told him. "Very well, if you do not find him in Edoras look to Minas Tirith." he advised me. "Farewell." I said as I bowed and left to find my company.

Arnwen POV

The next morning we made it into Rohan. We rode across the plains at an alarming speed. By mid-afternoon Aragorn guessed that we are less than a days ride to Edoras. At that point we stopped to rest. Aragorn pulled out the map and laid it across a rock. He pulled out a small rock from his pocket and set it down on the map so the wind won't blow it away. "We are here. Edoras is here, and the camp of wild men is here." he said as he pointed to the three locations. I looked at the map and saw that we were close to Edoras, but the camp is on the other side of Edoras which means we will have to ride through Edoras. "Well then I guess we will spend the night in Edoras." I told them and rallied Aragorn's men to leave.

We rode at full gallop because if we went any slower, we would not make it to Edoras until daybreak. As always, Aragorn, Elfwine, Legolas and I were at the front. "I see Edoras!" Elfwine shouted. We quickened the pace slightly until we reached the gate. The guard recognized Elfwine and opened the gates to let his new king in. I knew once we were inside the gate that we arrived in Edoras.

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