Chapter 3

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Arnwen (Cúen) POV

     I dreamed of when my city was destroyed. I heard the city's bell tower raise the alarm of an attack. I quickly grabbed knives, money and my cloak. I found a rope and tied one end to my waist and the other to the edge of my balcony railing. I repelled myself down into the city streets and ran. I could hear men shouting as I saw them die at the hands of a witch-king's army. I knew it. The witch king of angmar is here. One of the Orcs tries to stop me in my path so I pulled my knives out of my pocket and cut him down. I ran for the archery range and grabbed my bow from the rack. I pulled out some arrows from the floor quiver and loosed one in a Trolls face. The Troll stumbled and fell. I kept running until I passed the city limits. I jogged to a nearby clearing and sat down on a rock not realizing an Orc was behind me. He attacked me and if I hadn't defended myself, I would've died right then. I woke up in cold sweat. "It was just a dream" I told myself. I looked into the night sky and gradually fell asleep once more.

     The next morning I told my company to pack their things. I led them out to the stables to get there horses when Legolas walked over. My fellow rangers bowed to him as he approached. I stayed standing. My company must know he was the prince of Mirkwood. "I wish to come with you A - Cúen." He said, just managing to not blow my cover. "Why do you want to come Legolas?" I asked. "I was going to head to Gondor to see my friend Aragorn and I heard you are headed there. Oh and you can tell your men to straighten." He replied. My Company did what he asked. "Well I guess you could join us my Lord but you have to have your own horse. We leave in five minutes If that's alright." Malgoben told him. "Five minutes will suffice, thank you." he said before running off to get his stuff. I turned to look at my company staring at me. "What? Tack up your horses so we can leave." I ordered. They went into the stables and found their horses. I heard a voice behind me that offered "I have two horses, I give you shadowfax." I turned around and saw Legolas carrying two horses. "I thought he was Gandalf's horse?" I asked him. "Gandalf intrusted him to me when he sailed for Valinor. I think Aragorn will be quite suprised to see you on Shadowfax." he replied. "Thank you Legolas." I said. I walked to Shadowfax and pet his soft white mane. I saw that Legolas already tacked him up and was ready to leave. My company seemed shocked that Shadowfax was with me. "Mount up. We leave." I ordered them. We mounted and set off for Gondor where I now knew that Aragorn was there as the king.

     We rode until nightfall, despite the complaints of Loborneth. We would make for the gap of Rohan and head to Gondor from there. At least Isenguard is no longer run by Saurman. Yes, I know who Saurman is. I like to read whenever I have the chance to. We stayed up pretty much all night figuring out watch schedules. Legolas wanted to keep watch every night but we refused. Even elves sometimes have to sleep. After we decided, no one was up to sleeping since it was close to dawn. So Legolas told us of his adventures during the war of the ring. We sat on logs near where we set our tents. When he was finished, he made the mistake of saying "I'm surprised. I told Arnwen this story a bunch of times and she still is not sick of hearing it." "Who is Arnwen? Wasn't she the last heir of Tyrn Gorthad? Oh." Gurthwen realized and everyone kneeled in front of me. "Legolas. I told you not to use my real name!" I cried. "Wait. Your real name isn't Cúen?" Cúnir questioned. I thought I might as well tell them. "My real name is Arnwen. I fled my ruined city and used Cúen as an alias so you wouldn't know my identity. I did not want to draw attention to myself out in the wild. When I found you guys, Malgoben knew that I was Arnwen, but I made him keep it a secret. Same with Legolas and Elrond. I have been afraid to take back my city because of the forces of angmar there. I need to find my brother Aragorn to warn him of what we saw when we were scouting. You do remember right? We saw the camp of wild men?" I explained. "We do remember that." Malgoben said and added "My Lady." I ignored him. "Wild men are edging towards the now empty Mordor. If they settle there and form a kingdom, we will need help defeating them. I do think we need more men than we needed during the war of the ring. I will reclaim my rightful place if it meant saving middle-earth from destruction." I told them. "That is why I must warn Aragorn." "But Aragorn is not your brother." Legolas said. "Would you prefer me trying to find my father's great great great great great great great great great great grandson (me being older than him)?" I asked them. "I think 'brother' is fine." Legolas replied. "Ah, look. I think it is time to head out. Pack up everything into your saddlebags so we can leave." I commanded my company as we packed up and headed into the long road ahead.


The image is a diagram of the relationship between Aragorn and Arnwen. You is Arnwen and if you follow it further you will come up with her brother's 17 great grandson.

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