Chapter 16

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Arnwen POV

I ascended the stairs until I came across a dark bedroom. I lit a candle and saw a hooded figure knelt on the bed. He turned when he saw the light and asked "So this is where I find my end." "Who are you?" I asked the man. He removed his helmet and replied "Vadry, new King of the Easterlings and elected leader of the 'Wild men' you call us. Although I don't think that matters now." He looked only twenty but looks can be very deceiving, especially when talking to an Elf. "Well, what are you waiting for? If you're going to kill me, than get it over with." He told me. I grabbed him and ran to the balcony over top of the battlefield. "See all of this death? Surrender your men and you and your men will be spared." I offered him. "You can join us in Arnor or perish." "Why would you want us to join you? Better to die sooner than later I would think." He asked. "What is your choice?" I questioned as I unsheathed my sword. "He ran back into the bedroom and up to the top of the tower. He then fell off the edge to his death.  "Well that was quick."  I muttered as I headed back down the tower.

"Ah, there you are. I was worried." Aragorn said as I emerged from Barad-Dûr. "How many are dead?" I asked him. "Most of the wild men surrendered. We however have many that are wounded and quite a few losses. But there would have been more casualties if your friends weren't here." he told me as Malgoben and his company walked out from a nearby tent. "My Lady Arnwen, It's so good to see you." Malgoben said. "How did you find us?" I asked. "We visited Rohan on our way to find Ardir and decided to help you." he explained. "We are all the Dúnedain left. We checked with Lord Elrond." "Ardir, take the prisoners inside, but do not harm them." I ordered as Ardir left right away. "My Lady, why did you say to not harm the wild men?" Malgoben asked. "Because we need them alive." I replied as I walked to my relocated tent.


We arrived at the white city the next day, much to everyone's excitement. "Welcome back my Lords and Lady." Faramir greeted. We dismounted and walked inside.
I nearly gasped as I saw a dining room all set up with many guests around it. "Arnwen, you've returned!" I heard someone said. I looked in the direction and saw Aerlinniel walking towards me. "It is good to see you again Aerlinniel." I replied as I followed her to my seat.

After we ate Ardir and I came up with a solution to our Dúnedain population problem. We would create Dúnedain again by mixing or breeding if you will the elves and mortal men. That way they would be able to live for a very long time, even longer than before. "I see you came up with a solution then." Aragorn stated as we told him the plan. "We should make our way to Arnor soon so we can oversee the progress." I told him. "If you rebuild Weathertop first then you can camp along the watchtower until you rebuild Barrow Downs back into Tyrn Gorthad. Then you can keep rebuilding north until your home Fornost is rebuilt." Aragorn suggested. "That could work. I would like to change the capital from Fornost to Annúminas to increase our population and to be closer to a water source." I replied. "Very well it's your kingdom but I will be visiting once in a while to meet with Sam, Merry and Pippin in the Shire." Aragorn agreed as he walked away to where Faramir was standing. "Should we start over or should we resume our relationship?" Ardir asked. "One second" I responded as I walked to Elfwine and explained. "I knew you had a crush on me for a long time now, but that will not work out as I am already with someone." I then walked towards Ardir and laid a hand on his shoulder. "So? Have you made up your mind?" he asked. "Yes I have." I said as I walked away from him and on to Shadowfax. "Come on, Arnor is not going to repair itself!" I laughed as he frowned at me. He mounted onto his horse and after we said goodbye, we left Minas Tirith and rode into the north.

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